Preliminary Geologic Map available from: STATE OF CALIFORNIA- ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, GOVERNOR http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/rgm/preliminary_geologic_maps.htm CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE RESOURCES AGENCY- MIKE CHRISMAN, SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES JOHN G. PARRISH, Ph.D., STATE GEOLOGIST DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION- BRIDGETT LUTHER, DIRECTOR 122°37'30" 122°30' GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE KENWOOD 7.5' QUADRANGLE 38°30' Qls 15 38°30' Qls Tss ? Qls Tsvt Qls Tsv m? Qls SONOMA AND NAPA COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA: A DIGITAL DATABASE Tsv m? Qf adf Tsv r KJfm Qls Tsv m Tsv r sp Qls Qls Qls sp KJfs Qhc Qls Qls Tsv m Qf VERSION 1.0 Qls Qls Qls Qls KJfs Qls adf Qls KJfm By Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls adf Qls 1 1 1 2 2 KJfm Tsvm 20 Tgd 35 Qf Qls Marc P. Delattre , David L. Wagner , Chris T. Higgins , Robert C. Witter , and Janet M. Sowers Tsv t Qls Qls Qhc Qls KJfm Tsv m Qls Tsv m Qls Qf Qf 15 fgc Tsv t 12 Qls Digital Database Tgd KJfs fgc Qls Qls KJfm Qls Tgd Qls By: Qls Qls Qls Qls 1 1 KJfm Qls Qls Carlos I. Gutierrez and Karen Toman-Sager Tsv t fgc Qls fgw fgs Qls 2007 Tsvm fgc Qls Qls Qls fgc adf Qls fgw sp fgs Qls Qls Qls sp Tsv t Tsv t KJfs 1. California Geological Survey Qls Qls fgw Qls Qls KJfm Qls 2. William Lettis & Associates, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA Qls KJfs KJfm Qls Qls Qls fgs fgc fgc Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls Qls KJfm fgc Qls Qls DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Qls sp fgs? Tsvft Qls Qls Qls Qls 35 KJfm Qls Artificial fill (Holocene, historic) – May be engineered and/or non-engineered. Tsv tb af af adf 50 KJfm Qls Qhc Tsv ft Qls? KJfs Qhb Qhf Qha Qht Holocene Tsv t Qls Qls Qls adf Artificial dam fill (Holocene, historic) – Earth dams, rock-fill dams, and embankments constructed to Qf Qt Qa 60 Qls impound water. Qls KJfm fgs Qls QUATERNARY Tsv m Modern stream channel deposits (Holocene <150 years) – Fluvial deposits within active, natural stream 40 Qls Qhc Tsv m Qls channels. Consists of loose alluvial sand, gravel, and silt. 75 25 Tsv t Qg Qpf Qoa Pleistocene Tsv m 55 Qls Qls Qls Tsvm Qls Qhb Basin deposits (Holocene) – Sediment accumulated in topographic basins from slow-moving or standing QTu 30 Tsvm 12 water. Consists of horizontally stratified sand, silt, and clay; may be interbedded with lobes of QTu Qf Tsv t 40 coarser alluvial deposits. QTge 30 sp Tsv m 33 Qls Qhc Qls Alluvial fan deposits (Holocene) – Sediment deposited by streams emanating from canyons onto alluvial Tgd Tsv t KJfm sp Qhf QTu 55 Tsvtb sp valley floors. Consists of poorly to moderately sorted sand, silt, gravel, and occasionally clay. ? Qt Tpt Pliocene Tsrs KJfs Tsvm Qls Alluvium, undivided (Holocene) – Alluvium deposited in fan, terrace, or basin environments Qha Qha Ttn Tsmb Qls which could not be readily separated for mapping. Typically consists of poorly to moderately sorted Tss Ts Tsvft Tsvwt Tsvr Tsvtd Tsvtb Tsrs Tsrb Tsvdt Tsms Tsts Tsvri Tsra KJfm Qls sand, silt, and gravel that form smooth geomorphic surfaces with little to no dissection. CENOZOIC Qls fgs 30 Qls Qls Qls 40 Qht Stream terrace deposits (Holocene) – Moderately well-sorted and bedded sand, gravel, silt, and clay ? Tsab Tsbb Tsvm Tsvm Tsvt Qha Qa deposited along creeks. QTu Tsvm Qls Tsvtb Qls 60 45 KJfs Qf Alluvial fan deposits (latest Pleistocene to Holocene) – Moderately to poorly sorted deposits of sand, adf TERTIARY 45 Tsv m sp Qls sp gravel, silt, and clay mapped on gently sloping, fan-shaped, relatively undissected alluvial surfaces. 70 Tsram Tsrf 35 Qls Tsv m Tsts ? Qls Stream terrace deposits (latest Pleistocene to Holocene) – Moderately to well-sorted and bedded sand, 55 KJfm Qt Qls gravel, silt, and minor clay mapped on relatively flat, undissected terraces where absolute age is 30 Tsv t Qls uncertain. Miocene Qf adf Qls QTge? Qa Alluvium, undivided (latest Pleistocene to Holocene) – Sand, gravel, silt and clay mapped sp fgs fgc Tsv wt 80 CRETACEOUS Qls Qls in small valleys where separate fan, basin, terrace, and active stream channel units could not be fgc fgw Qls Tsv ft sp KJgv sp KJfm KJfs MESOZOIC 29 60 sp delineated at the scale of mapping. Tsvr fgs QTu adf sp fgs fgc fgw JURASSIC Qoa 50 Qls 36 32 Qls Qg Fluvial gravels (Pleistocene) – Boulder gravel composed of predominantly Sonoma Volcanics, although Tsrs 80 80 clasts of Franciscan debris do occur. Unit has distinctive reddish soil. adf Qa Qha 25 Qha Qhc 20 KJfm KJfm Alluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene) – Sand, gravel, silt, and clay derived predominantly from Sonoma QTge Qls Qpf adf Tsv m Volcanics. Mapped on gently sloping surfaces where Pleistocene age is indicated by greater adf sp sp 65 Qls Tsv t 37 adf QTge? Qls KJgv dissection. Includes some deposits with reworked tuff and obsidian pebbles, lithologically similar Pumiceous ash-flow and minor air-fall tuff – Locally welded or partially welded. Also includes some water- Qha 35 KJgv Tsvt References: KJgv Qls to Glen Ellen Formation, but with morphological expression suggestive of more localized alluvial lain tuff and agglomerate. Tephra collected from a quarry northwest of Los Alamos Road correlates with Qls sp Tsrb Qls fan origins. the Lawlor Tuff with an age of 4.83 Ma (McLaughlin and others, in press). South of Annadel State Park, Cardwell, G.T., 1958, Geology and groundwater in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Valley areas, Sonoma County, California: U.S. 40 sp 25 50 tephra from near top of unit north of Bennett Valley Road correlates with the tuff of Mark West Springs Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1427. Qhc 35 KJgv KJgv 45 Qls Landslide deposits (Pleistocene to historic) – Includes deep-seated rock slides, earth flows, and 80 Qls indicating ages between 4.83 and 5.02 Ma (McLaughlin and others, in press). In the same vicinity near 25 75 Clahan, K.B., Wagner, D.L., Bezore, S.P., Sowers, J.M., and Witter, R.C., 2005, Geologic map of the Rutherford 7.5’ quadrangle, KJgv debris flow deposits. Arrows indicate direction of movement; queried where existence is questionable. Bennett Valley Road, K-Ar dating of tuff lower in the unit yielded an approximate age of 5.66 ± 0.33 Ma Sonoma and Napa counties, California: A digital database: California Geological Survey Preliminary Geologic Map website, 30 Tsvft Tsra QTge? 50 75 Qls Qls (Mankinen, 1972). http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/rgm/preliminary_geologic_maps.htm Qf Qa Qoa Older alluvial deposits, undivided (early to late Pleistocene) – Moderately to deeply dissected alluvial Tsvtb Qa fan, stream terrace, or basin deposits. Topography often consists of gently rolling hills with little or none Tsbb 60 60 Mafic lava flows and intrusions of Sugarloaf Ridge (age uncertain) – Basaltic andesite and basalt erupted 55 Qf Qls Tsms Fox, Jr., K.F., Sims, J.D., Bartow, J.A., and Helley, E.J., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of Eastern Sonoma County and Western 40 21 Qa Qf of the original planar alluvial surface preserved. Qls from vents along Sugarloaf Ridge. Includes interbeds of red- and brown-stained tuff, scoriaceous breccia, Napa County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-483, 4 Sheets, Scale 1:62,500. 25 Qoa Qf Qls Tsms 50 KJgv 24 Tsvtb 30 Qls Qls Glen Ellen Formation (Pliocene to Pleistocene) – Light-brown to yellowish-brown, interstratified gravel, and volcanic bombs. Tsvt Tsbb 10 Qls QTge 75 35 45 Tsra Fox, Jr., K.F., Fleck, R.J., Curtis, G.H., and Meyer, C.E., 1985, Potssium-Argon and fission-track ages of the Sonoma Volcanics Qf Qa Tsvri 40 sand, silt, and reworked tuff. Sediments are mostly derived from Sonoma Volcanics, though pebbles 42 Tsms in an area north of San Pablo Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1753, scale 20 of Franciscan rock are common. Obsidian pebbles are characteristic of this unit. Tephra from the Lithic tuff breccia – Yellowish-gray to white, massive or crudely graded ash-flow tuff and tuff breccia, with Tsrs Tsms? 33 30 Tsts 1:250,000. 30 60 Tsra Glen Ellen Formation range from 3.2 Ma to slightly older than 2.5 Ma (Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, written some interbeds of well-bedded water-lain tuff and agglomerate with obsidian pebbles. Lithics are Qhb 35 Tsrb QTge Tsvm Tsts Tsms Tsvm communications, 2003-2006). Qls Qls 60 predominantly flow-banded rhyolite. Lower portion of unit includes blocks of banded rhyolite exceeding 70 Graymer, R.W., Brabb, E.E., Jones, D.L., Barnes, J., Nicholson, R.S., and Stamski, R.E., 2007, Geologic map and map 20 several meters in diameter and vitrophere to 1 meter. Also includes thin interbeds/displaced blocks(?) of 60 Tsms 40 Unnamed fluvial deposits (Pliocene to Pleistocene) – Cobbly gravels interstratified with sand, silt, and database of Eastern Sonoma and Western Napa counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map Tsts Tsts QTu 25 30 andesitic flow rock locally. Commonly weathers to form knobby outcrops and pinnacles. SIM-2956. Tsvtd 30 minor clay. Previously mapped as Glen Ellen Formation (Weaver, 1949; Cardwell, 1958; Huffman and Tsvri Tsra Qhf adf Tsvt? 30 25 Armstrong, 1980) and/or Huichica Formation (Fox and others, 1973; Fox and others, 1985). Includes Qf 42 Rhyolite of Adobe Canyon – Glassy, gray to white rhyolite lava flows with well-developed, folded and Higgins, C.T., 1983, Geology of Annadel State Park, Sonoma County: California Geology, v.
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