Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Alumnus Colby College Archives 1980 Colby Alumnus Vol. 69, No. 1: Fall 1979 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 69, No. 1: Fall 1979" (1980). Colby Alumnus. 109. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/alumnus/109 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Alumnus by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. LO A New Preside I o(o ( Respectful of the F ' C=J \ The Colby Alumnus (Co (USPS 120-860) lJu b Volume 69, Number 1 Fall 1979 ( I Published quarterly fall, winter, spring, summer by Colby College College editor Mark Shankland Editorial associate Richard Nye Dyer Design and production Donald E. Sanborn, Jr. Martha Freese Shattuck Photography Mark Shankland Letters and inquiries should be sent to the editor, change of address notification to the alumni office Second-class postage paid at Waterville, Maine Postmaster send form 3579 to The Colby Alumnus Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 About This Alumnus Much of this issue is devoted to the inauguration of President Cotter.For those who could not attend, the inaugural program and complete texts of remarks made by the convo­ cation speakers-shown on the back cover-are available by writing to the college editor. After sharing "some points of my own educational philosophy" and reporting on "the state of our college as I perceiue it" in his inaugural address, President Cotter receiues an enthusiastic standing ouation. Leading the applause from the dais are, from left, Andrew Billingsley, president of Morgan State Uniuersity, Derek Bok, president of Harvard Uniuersity, and, to the right of President Cotter, Robert Anthony '38, L.H.D. '63, chairman of the board of trustees. fj3, 1 Vigorously Confident of the Future 1 illiam R. Cotter has been inaugurated as the University and a board member of the African-American W 18th president of Colby. In his address at the in­ Institute. He spoke of President Cotter's "energy, dedi­ augural convocation, he combined a strong reaffirmation cation, intelligence, imagination and compassion," all of of Colby's liberal arts heritage with a bold outline of new which "will be put to good use by you here at Colby directions for the college. College. But if, perchance, you do not have any chal­ The convocation took place September 29. A lenges, any problems or any dissension, any unmet stranger driving by that morning might well have won­ needs, if your faculty is already well satisfied and well dered what all the commotion was about. Shortly before served, your students are all happy and you have all the 10 a.m., the roads and walkways were jammed with money you need, then you may not need Bill Cotter. And people streaming toward Wadsworth Gymnasium. But if that's the case, send him back to us. We'd be delighted had that stranger spent any time on the campus during to have him." the preceding days, he surely would have sensed the The third greeter was Lucille Zukowski '37, professor excitement and anticipation. of mathematics and department chairman, who spok� on The heightened mood was justified. Presidential behalf of the faculty and alumni. She stated, "Colby has inaugurations are significant yet infrequent events, espe­ had in this century only five presidents before you, Presi­ cially at Colby.The last was held in 1960, the one before dent Cotter. Each, a man for his time, has left the indelible that in 1942.This particular Saturday it was President mark of his leadership on this institution.We, the faculty Cotter's turn. and the alumni, are confident that you also will bring to us One hundred and forty-five colleges, universities a new standard of excellence.We pledge our best efforts and learned societies were represented by delegates at in this continuing endeavor which has for so many years the inaugural convocation, which was held indoors engaged men and women of faith and courage in the because of wet weather.They were among approxi­ unending search for truth and the good life." mately 3,000 people on hand as the ceremony began, Representing the students was the president of the when the robed members of the academic procession Student Association. Scot Lehigh '80, who praised the worked their way up the aisle to their seats. Then at the college and its new leader. "The very characteristics last, walking alone, smiling, came President Cotter. He which symbolized the selection of our new president stopped at the front row on the gymnasium floor, where point out the qualities which we, the students, appreciate he embraced his wife, Linda, then climbed the steps to about Colby, " said Lehigh. "Rather than choosing a man the dais. The convocation was underway. who had traveled the more traditional avenues which Preceding the installation was a welcome from Colby's lead to promotion, appointment. and advancement in the 16th president, J. Seelye Bixler, and greetings from four educational world, a man who had served in similar other individuals. President Emeritus Bixler, whose important capacities with other great colleges and uni­ remarks are reproduced in this issue in entirety, called versities, Colby had the courage, the foresight. and the President Cotter "a young man with the courage of an open-mindedness to transcend the expected, to recognize innovator, a sensitive conscience, with concerns that are true leadership abilities, and to select someone new to a intercontinental, and with a feeling for the work of the small liberal arts college .. .. small institution that soon became evident to the faculty "We expect that he shall cultivate open-mindedness, and student members of the search committee, as well as that he shall shun complacency in the pursuit of excel­ to alumni and trustees. He comes to us with Harvard's lence, and that he shall be willing to adopt new, superior, blessing-good to have at any time, but especially when and innovative ideas, regardless of how they square with we face the future and look to Veritas for light on the path educational orthodoxy." ahead." The first of the greetings was offered by Governor Joseph Brennan, representing the people of Maine. "I am proud to be joining with you in the inauguration of a man resident Cotter, a 1958 magna cum laude graduate of I am sure will continue in the tradition of excellence of his P Harvard College, was president of the African-Ameri­ predecessors, " said the governor. "The search for truth can Institute for nine years before assuming office on which this institution has carried on for over 160 years is July 1.The 42-year-old attorney succeeds Robert E. L. certain to continue under the direction of President Strider II, who with Mrs.Strider sent congratulations to Cotter. I would like to wish him many productive years the Cotters in a telegram from Mackinaw City, Mich., here at Colby and I am sure that the contributions to this where the Striders have a summer home. It read, in part, state that Colby has made for so long a period of time "May this new chapter in Colby history bring further lustre will continue for an even longer period to come." to an already bright vision and strengthen the venture of Representing the community of colleges and univer­ faith." sities was Andrew Billingsley, president of Morgan State Following the greetings, Derek Bok, the president of 2 The processional concluded. Faculty Marshal Yvonne Knight gestures for the audience to be seated. Conversing during the recessional are Rabbi A. H. Freedman. left, former rabbi of the Beth Israel Congregation in Bangor. and The Most Reverend Edward Cornelius O'Leary. Bishop of Portland. They shared the benediction. Harvard President Derek Bok, who instructed President Cotter at Harvard Law School, predicted "forceful new leadership" from his former student. President Cotter after the convocation, with the college charter in one hand and the hand of his wife. Linda. in the other. 3 Something for everyone-in Miller Library, a puppet show for the youngsters by Loe/ Kline of China and Susan Kenney. assistant pro­ fessor of English; a concert by the Colby Community Symphony Orchestra and con­ ducted by Music Professor Peter Re; a reception of terwards for the Cotters; the inaugural ball. sponsored by the students. 4 Harvard University and a longtime personal friend of even better. In turn, there are expectations that you and President Cotter, underlined his belief in the importance we have developed together over the past few of a liberal arts education, despite gloomy melodies about months.... " Anthony concluded his list of expectations its relevance. by stating, "Finally, we recognize that the 1980s will bring "If students need help and time and care in deciding problems. some now foreseen, some not.We expect you on a career, a liberal education offers them a chance to to have fun as we work together to solve these problems." make more discriminating choices among the innumer­ As President Cotter affirmed his intention to carry able career opportunities presented to them by allowing out the various expectations, Anthony handed him the them to explore many subjects, examine many interests college charter and declared him "the 18th president of and test their capacities and limitations in many different Colby College."He was greeted with a lengthy standing ways.The students need flexibility to prepare for the ovation. unexpected changes in their lives and careers. A liberal The president's inaugural address (reproduced in education offers the breadth that enables them to adjust entirety beginning on page 6) was a straightforward to all sorts of unanticipated changes in their lives ...
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