Date of Embarkation Year Ship Name Departure From Arrival At Date of Arrival Ship's Commander Notes Ports of Call Departure Numbers 1838 ABEONA HOBART 5/03/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 15/03/1838 Henry Hawson 30 passengers None 1843 ADELAIDE HOBART 2/02/1843 PORT ADELAIDE 14/02/1843 Henry Briner Hurburgh 24 passengers None 87 passengers Following advice from Col. Light, moved on to Gravesend (28-30/6) ; Deal (30/6-2/7) ; 1836 AFRICAINE LONDON 28/06/1836 NEPEAN BAY 2/11/1836 John Finlay Duff 136 - 171 Holdfast Bay on Simon's Bay (21-24/9) 8/11/1836, where passengers landed. 1839 ALICE BROOKS LIVERPOOL 22/05/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 23/09/1839 David Scott None 1839 ANNA ROBERTSON LONDON 27/05/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 20/09/1839 Augustus Munro 2737 - 2758 111 passengers Gravesend (27/5) 1840 APPOLLINE LONDON 14/06/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 12/10/1840 William Deane 4709 - 4717 28 passengers Teneriffe 1843 ARAB LONDON 1/10/1842 PORT ADELAIDE 23/01/1843 Joseph Dalgarno 24 passengers the Downs (3/10) 1839 ARIADNE GREENOCK 11/04/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 13/08/1839 George McLeod 2500 - 2546 120 passengers None 1839 ASIA LONDON 6/03/1839 HOLDFAST BAY 16/07/1839 Bejamin Freeman 2303 - 2389 245 passengers Plymouth 1843 AUGUSTUS LONDON PORT ADELAIDE 31/12/1843 John Hart None 1840 BABOO LIVERPOOL 21/11/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 10/03/1840 James Forrester 3880 - 3952 199 passengers None 1839 BARDASTER LONDON 5/10/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 22/01/1839 John Virtue None 1840 BIRMAN GREENOCK 24/08/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 7/12/1840 John Cleland 5016 - 5098 218 passengers Cork (25/8) Gravesend (4/9) ; St Jago ; Cape Town 1840 BRANKEN MOOR LONDON 29/09/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 4/02/1840 David Smith 3423 - 3434 73 passengers (16/12) Christopher William 1840 BRIGHTMAN LONDON 15/08/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 12/12/1840 4957 - 5015 169 emigrants Plymouth (30/8) Nockells 54 passengers, 447 Portsmouth (11/12) ; Start Point 1839 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LONDON 5/12/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 21/03/1839 William Moore 1903 - 2070 emigrants (13/12) Portsmouth (13/7) ; St Helens (23/7- 1836 BUFFALO, H.M.S. PORTSMOUTH 13/07/1836 HOLDFAST BAY 28/12/1838 John Hindmarsh 172 - 241 173 passengers 3/8) ; Rio (4-12/10) ; Spalding Cove (24/12) 1840 CALEB ANGAS LONDON 9/04/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 9/08/1840 Hugh Poole None Gravesend (15/12) ; Deal (5/1) ; 1838 CANTON LONDON 15/12/1837 PORT ADELAIDE 2/05/1838 John Mordaunt 907 - 949 143 passengers Hodlfast Bay (29-30/4) Gravesend (28-30/6) ; Plymouth (17/7) 1839 CAROLINE LONDON 1/06/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 16/12/1839 John Williams 2996 - 3022 80 passengers ; Table Bay (13-19/10) 1839 CATHARINA HAMBURG 15/09/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 25/01/1839 Peter Schacht None 1838 CATHERINE JAMIESON LEITH 1/06/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 1/12/1838 William Hutchinson 1312 - 1315 None 1840 CHARLES KERR LONDON 1/03/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 17/06/1840 Harford Arnold 4225 - 4294 463 to216 passengers Gravesend (6/3) 1841 CHRISTINA LONDON PORT ADELAIDE 25/07/1841 Thomas Glegge Birkett None Date of Embarkation Year Ship Name Departure From Arrival At Date of Arrival Ship's Commander Notes Ports of Call Departure Numbers Ronald William Passengers and 75 1839 CITY OF ADELAIDE LONDON 30/01/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 19/07/1839 2134 - 2157 None Donaldson emigrants. 1841 CITY OF ADELAIDE LONDON 1/03/1841 PORT ADELAIDE 5/09/1841 Alfred Foster 3 passengers Plymouth 1840 CITY OF LONDON LONDON 10/11/1839 PORT Adelaide 19/03/1840 Joshua Antram 3827 - 3831 22 passengers The Downs (12/11) 1839 CLEVELAND LONDON 1/07/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 18/12/1839 William Marley 3103 - 3178 189 passengers The Downs (25/7) ; Plymouth (8/8) 156 passengers. Chartered by the Deal (5-9/9) ; Cape (18/11-1/12) ; 1837 COROMANDEL LONDON 1/09/1836 HOLDFAST BAY 17/01/1837 William Chesser 288 - 347 Colonization Nepean Bay (12/1) Commissioners. 1840 COURIER LONDON 31/03/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 18/08/1840 Hugh Fleming Roche The Downs (4/4) 84 passengers. Chartered by the Colonization Gravesend (20-24/3) ; the Downs (24/3- 1836 CYGNET LONDON 20/03/1836 NEPEAN BAY 11/09/1836 John Rolls 44 - 84 Commissioners. 2/4) ; Portland Roads (5-6/4) ; Rio Carried part of the (21/6-5/7) survey team and other laborers. 1837 CYGNET HOBART 13/04/1837 NEPEAN BAY 1/07/1837 John Rolls Encounter Bay (20-26/6) 1840 DAUNTLESS GREENOCK 17/02/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 10/07/1840 William Miller 4111 - 4140 85 passengers None 1839 D'AUVERGNE LONDON 5/11/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 21/03/1839 Philip Le Huquet 1800 - 1840 170 passengers None 1843 DAVIDSONS LIVERPOOL 2/01/1843 PORT ADELAIDE 22/05/1843 Alexander Cairncross 7 passengers None 1839 DELHI LIVERPOOL 18/08/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 20/12/1839 Samuel Herbert 3368 - 3422 167 passengers None 1840 DIADEM LONDON 1/07/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 16/11/1840 Robert Harland 4836 - 4891 150 emigrants Plymouth (31/7) 1839 DORSET LIVERPOOL 26/08/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 26/01/1839 John Bishop 1479 - 1480 10 passengers Cape 1845 DORSET SYDNEY 18/04/1845 PORT ADELAIDE 28/04/1845 David Walsh None DUCHESS OF 1839 LONDON 5/08/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 17/12/1839 Frederick Geare 3180 - 3256A 262 passengers None NORTHUMBERLAND Portsmouth (12/4) ; St Jago : Kangaroo 1838 DUKE OF ROXBURGHE LONDON 2/04/1838 HOLDFAST BAY 27/07/1838 James Thomson 1120 - 1152 84 passengers Island (24-26/7) 38 passengers. Owned The Downs (27-28/2) ; Isle of Wight (1- 1836 DUKE OF YORK LONDON 26/02/1836 NEPEAN BAY 27/07/1836 Robert Clarke Morgan 19 - 43 by South Australian 8/3) ; St Helen's (10-19/3) ; Torbay Company. (24/3-10/4) 1839 DUMFRIES LONDON 20/06/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 13/10/1839 Richard Thompson None 1840 EAMONT CALCUTTA 15/01/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 9/04/1840 Nelson Burstall 1 passenger None 1838 EDEN LONDON 26/02/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 24/06/1838 William Detmar Cook 965 - 1057 522 to228 passengers St Jago (26-29/3) 1840 ELIZA LONDON 27/12/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 14/05/1840 John Mann 4029 - 4087 159 passengers None 1838 EMERALD ISLE CALCUTTA 1/03/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 23/07/1838 Thomas Driver Mauritius Date of Embarkation Year Ship Name Departure From Arrival At Date of Arrival Ship's Commander Notes Ports of Call Departure Numbers 22 passengers. 1836 EMMA LONDON 21/04/1836 KINGSCOTE 5/10/1836 John Nelson 107 - 119 Chartered by South Cape (8/7-7/8) Australian Company. 1838 EMMA HOBART 26/03/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 13/04/1838 John Nelson None 1838 EMMA EUGENIA SYDNEY 7/04/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 2/05/1838 Giles Wade None 1840 EMU PORT LINCOLN two companies of the 1841 EUDORA HOBART 8/10/1841 PORT ADELAIDE 15/10/1841 Stephen Addison 96th Regiment under None Capt. Butler 1839 FAIRFIELD LIVERPOOL 14/11/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 30/04/1839 Robert Abbott 1740 - 1768 115 passengers Cape (1/3) 1840 FAIRFIELD LONDON 1/07/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 14/12/1840 James Lee 4780 - 4833 Plymouth (30/7) ; Table Bay (-/10) passengers and 266 1840 FAIRLIE LONDON 4/04/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 7/07/1840 Edward Garrett 4373 - 4473 The Downs (6/4) emigrants Wrecked on Coorong 1838 FANNY HOBART 9/06/1838 COORONG 22/06/1838 James McKenzie Gill None coast 1842 FORTITUDE LONDON 9/12/1841 PORT ADELAIDE 6/04/1842 John Westray Bowman 24 passengers Plymouth 1841 FOX LAUNCESTON 25/08/1841 PORT ADELAIDE 5/09/1841 Leonard Lowe None 1843 FRANCIS SPAIGHT LONDON 24/07/1843 PORT ADELAIDE 24/11/1843 Thomas Winn 100 passengers Torbay (3/8) 1839 GANGES LONDON 17/02/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 23/06/1839 Malcolm McDonald 2176 - 2192 67 passengers None 1838 GEM PORT PHILLIP PORT ADELAIDE 10/12/1838 Owen Morgan None GEORGE 3 passengers and 181 1844 HAMBURG 23/05/1844 PORT ADELAIDE 12/09/1844 Matthew Probst Bremen (27-29/5) WASHINGTON German emigrants 1839 GEORGIANA DUNDEE 10/03/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 28/08/1839 George Stephenson 2392 - 2404 70 passengers Leith (14/3) Henry Thomas 1838 GLENALVON LONDON 13/08/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 28/12/1838 None Marshall 1839 GLENSWILLY GREENOCK 23/05/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 18/09/1839 Dugald McNeil 2719 - 2736 41 passengers None Gravesend (11/5) ; Torquay (18/5) ; 1837 HARTLEY LONDON 1/05/1837 PORT ADELAIDE 20/10/1837 Thomas Fewson 483 - 507 87 passengers Cape (5-30/8) ; Kangaroo Island (15- 19/10) HEERJEEBHOY 1845 BREMEN 1/05/1845 PORT ADELAIDE 18/09/1845 Eugen Laun 262 German emigrants None RUSTOMJEE PATEL 1840 HELEN THOMPSON GREENOCK 8/08/1840 PORT ADELAIDE 12/12/1840 James Wilson 4892 - 4899 None John William Burgess 1845 HENRY LAUNCESTON 27/06/1845 PORT ADELAIDE 18/07/1845 52 passengers Circular Head Tregurtha 1838 HENRY PORCHER LONDON 12/02/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 1/07/1838 John Hart (2) 1058 - 1119 141 passengers None 3 passengers, 290 1839 HOOGHLY LONDON 19/02/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 17/06/1839 George Bayly 2212 - 2289 None emigrants Date of Embarkation Year Ship Name Departure From Arrival At Date of Arrival Ship's Commander Notes Ports of Call Departure Numbers 1843 IMAUM OF MUSCAT LONDON 11/07/1843 PORT ADELAIDE 9/11/1843 James Isaac Riches None 1840 INDIA GREENOCK 5/10/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 23/02/1840 Hugh Campbell 3505 - 3516 94 passengers Cork (29/10) ; Porto Prio 1839 INDUS DUNDEE 13/09/1838 PORT ADELAIDE 16/01/1839 William Clark 1578 - 1587 22 passengers None 1840 INDUS LEITH 9/10/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 25/02/1840 John McFarlane 3498 - 3504 22 passengers Porto Prio Spithead (30/8-3/9) ; Launceston (4/1- 1837 ISABELLA LONDON 1/08/1836 HOLDFAST BAY 11/02/1837 John Hart (1) 348 1/2) ; Rapid Bay (11/2) 6 passengers and 119 1845 ISABELLA WATSON LONDON 9/12/1844 PORT ADELAIDE 4/04/1845 John Henderson Plymouth (21/12) emigrants 1840 JAVA LONDON 14/10/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 6/02/1840 Alexander Duthie 3517 - 3679 464 passengers Plymouth (28-29/10) 1840 JOHN LONDON 12/09/1839 PORT ADELAIDE 5/02/1840 Alexander Smith 3435 - 3494 178 passengers The Downs (20/9) ; Cape 90 passengers.
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