10474 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 45 / Thursday, March 8, 2007 / Proposed Rules * Elevation in feet (NGVD) + Elevation in feet (NAVD) # Depth in feet above Flooding source(s) Location of referenced elevation ground Communities affected Effective Modified James River .......................... Approximately 5550 feet southeast of the intersection None +16 Henrico County (Unincor- of Osborne Landing and Kingsland Road. porated Areas). Approximately 1250 feet Northwest of the intersection None +32 of Stancraft Way and Old Osborne Turnpike. Jordans Branch ..................... Approximately at 2550 feet downstream of Interstate None +160 Henrico County (Unincor- 64. porated Areas). Approximately at 710 feet upstream of the Monument None +208 Avenue. Meredith Branch .................... Approximately at the confluence with Chickahominy None +186 Henrico County (Unincor- River. porated Areas). Approximately 500 feet downstream from Broad None +230 Meadows Road. North Run .............................. Approximately at the confluence with Upham Brook ... +117 +120 Henrico County (Unincor- porated Areas). Approximately 400 feet upstream from the confluence +119 +120 with Upham Brook. Rooty Branch ........................ Approximately 600 feet downstream from Yates Lane None +221 Henrico County (Unincor- porated Areas). Approximately 1800 feet upstream from Nuckols None +233 Road. Tributary A To Gillies Creek Approximately at the confluence with Gillies Creek None +145 Henrico County (Unincor- Tributary 1. Tributary 1. porated Areas). Approximately 1200 feet upstream from Yates Lane .. None +158 Tributary A to Gillies Creek Approximately at the confluence with Tributary A to None +150 Henrico County (Unincor- Tributary 1. Gillies Creek Tributary 1. porated Areas). Tributary ................................ Approximately 750 feet south from Nine Mile Road .... None +160 * National Geodetic Vertical Datum. # Depth in feet above ground. + North American Vertical Datum. ADDRESSES Henrico County (Unincorporated Areas) Maps are available for inspection at Henrico West End Government Center, 4301 E. Parham Rd., Richmond, VA 23228. Send comments to Mr. Robert Thompson, Director of Public Works, P.O. Box 27032, Richmond, VA 23273. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. proposed Base (1% annual chance) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The 83.100, ‘‘Flood Insurance.’’) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed Federal Emergency Management Agency Dated: February 28, 2007. BFEs modifications for the communities (FEMA) proposes to make David I. Maurstad, listed below. The BFEs are the basis for determinations of BFEs and modified Director, Mitigation Division, Federal the floodplain management measures BFEs for each community listed below, Emergency Management Agency, Department that the community is required either to in accordance with section 110 of the of Homeland Security. adopt or to show evidence of being Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, [FR Doc. E7–4154 Filed 3–7–07; 8:45 am] already in effect in order to qualify or 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a). BILLING CODE 9110–12–P remain qualified for participation in the These proposed BFEs and modified National Flood Insurance Program BFEs, together with the floodplain (NFIP). management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND DATES: The comment period is ninety They should not be construed to mean SECURITY (90) days following the second that the community must change any publication of this proposed rule in a Federal Emergency Management existing ordinances that are more newspaper of local circulation in each Agency stringent in their floodplain community. management requirements. The 44 CFR Part 67 ADDRESSES: The proposed BFEs for each community may at any time enact community are available for inspection stricter requirements of its own, or [Docket No. FEMA–D–7694] at the office of the Chief Executive pursuant to policies established by other Officer of each community. The Federal, State or regional entities. These Proposed Flood Elevation respective addresses are listed in the Determinations proposed elevations are used to meet table below. the floodplain management AGENCY: Federal Emergency FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: requirements of the NFIP and are also Management Agency, DHS. William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering used to calculate the appropriate flood ACTION: Proposed rule. Management Section, Mitigation insurance premium rates for new Division, Federal Emergency buildings built after these elevations are SUMMARY: Technical information or Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., made final, and for the contents in these comments are requested on the Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–3151. buildings. VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:51 Mar 07, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\08MRP1.SGM 08MRP1 pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 45 / Thursday, March 8, 2007 / Proposed Rules 10475 National Environmental Policy Act September 30, 1993, Regulatory Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is This proposed rule is categorically Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735. proposed to be amended as follows: excluded from the requirements of 44 Executive Order 13132, Federalism CFR part 10, Environmental PART 67—[AMENDED] Consideration. An environmental This proposed rule involves no impact assessment has not been policies that have federalism 1. The authority citation for part 67 prepared. implications under Executive Order continues to read as follows: 13132. Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Regulatory Flexibility Act Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR, As flood elevation determinations are Reform 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, not within the scope of the Regulatory 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376. Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, a This proposed rule meets the regulatory flexibility analysis is not applicable standards of Executive Order § 67.4 [Amended] 12988. required. 2. The tables published under the Regulatory Classification List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67 authority of § 67.4 are proposed to be This proposed rule is not a significant Administrative practice and amended as follows: regulatory action under the criteria of procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of and recordkeeping requirements. * Elevation in feet (NGVD) + Elevation in feet (NAVD) # Depth in feet above Flooding source(s) Location of referenced elevation ground Communities affected Effective Modified Livingston County, Illinois and Incorporated Areas Vermilion River ...................... Approximately 4H Park Road. ...................................... None +633 Livingston County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately 1,550 feet above 4H Park Road .......... None +633 Vermilion River ...................... Approximately Manlove Street extended ..................... None +641 Livingston County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately 700 feet above Pearl Street extended None +642 Indian Creek .......................... Approximately 2,775 feet above Road 900N ............... None +666 Livingston County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately Third Street extended ........................... None +674 Gooseberry Creek................. Approximately East Livingston Road (Livingston/ None +619 Livingston County (Unin- Grundy Co. Boundary). corporated Areas). Approximately 1,050 feet downstream of Union Pa- None +628 cific Railroad. Gooseberry Creek ................. Approximately Washington Street ................................ None +641 Livingston County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately 150 feet above Fieldman Road (CR– 3100N). # Depth in feet above ground. * National Geodetic Vertical Datum. + National American Vertical Datum. ADDRESSES Livingston County (Unincorporated Areas) Maps are available for inspection at the Livingston County Regional Planning Commission, 110 West Water Street, Suite 3, Pontiac, IL 61764. Send comments to The Honorable William Flott, County Board Chairman, Livingston County Courthouse, 112 W. Madison Street, Pontiac, IL 61764. Randolph County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas Betty McGees Creek ............. At the confluence with Uwharrie River ......................... None +397 Randolph County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately 3.7 miles upstream of Lassiter Mill None +505 Road (State Road 1107). Caraway Creek ..................... At the confluence with Uwharrie River ......................... None +411 Randolph County (Unin- corporated Areas), City of Archdale. Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of Roy Farlow None +715 Road (State Road 1534). Hannahs Creek ..................... At the confluence with Uwharrie River ......................... None +392 Randolph County (Unin- corporated Areas). Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence of None +517 Robbins Branch. Jackson Creek ...................... At the confluence with Uwharrie River ......................... None +418 Randolph County (Unin- corporated Areas). VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:51 Mar 07, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\08MRP1.SGM 08MRP1 pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS 10476 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 45 / Thursday, March 8, 2007 / Proposed Rules * Elevation in feet (NGVD) + Elevation in feet (NAVD) # Depth in feet above Flooding source(s) Location of referenced elevation ground Communities affected Effective Modified Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Jackson Creek None +565 Road (State Road
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