Placement Speeial: Schedule The Cuban Crisis Page 3 Page 6 Published By And For The Students of Jacksonville State College VOLUME THIRTY-NINE Jacksonville, Alabama, April 24, 1961 NUMBER SEVENTEEN Students Don Dogpatch Garb Patterson Awards 76 During - ~ r - Governor's DavJ Ceremonies By TROY DOBBINS Last Friday was ofiicially declared .Oovernofs Day" on the For Sadie Hawlcins' week Fun Jacksonville State campus by President Houston Cole. - By HAL HAYES Gdvernor John Patterson presented annual awards to studelits All of the splendor, merriment and gaiety which is A1 Capp's picturesque Dogpatch, USA, during who had received special honors during the Year at a spew Sadie Hawkins Week will belong to Jacksonville State beginning tonight through Thursday. The climax assembly of students and faculty In the Leone Cole Auditorium and of this week of fun is reached Thursday night with the biggest blow-out "Dogpatch, JSC,"' has seen In reviewed ROW cadets in Paul many moons. Snow Memorial Stadium. Srndle Hqwkins Week festlvitles, under the auspices of the SGA, open ton~ghtin Chatem Inn as Accompanying Gov. Patterson Gamecockland celebrates Date were the following members of Night. Since this season of the his cabinet: Sam Englehardf state highway director; Bob week it also signals the begin- Bradley, legal advist; Maurice ning of Twirp Week. in which Patterson, finance director; the girb t ask the boys for Show ~ednesda~Night At 7 FIOY~safety; Mann,Jasepb director G. lRobertson. of public t' t' the for the night. Remodeling an old adage, "all roads lead to" Leone Cole Audi- executive secretary; Tom Posey, Tonight's activity in chatem torium Wednesday nlght, April 26, for the gigantlc "J" Club Variety alde; Jake Jordan, state budget Inn more or less serve as Night Show, which wlll be featuring some of the finest talent from officer; and Charles Meriwether, the launching pad of the week's here to Fort McClellan. The program, to be emceed by Hal Hayes former director of finance, pow with the Imp0rtExport Baz& calendar All day today mem- and Jackie Cooley, gets under way at 7 o'clock. Washington, D. C. bers oI the SGA and members Talent wimers the 3rd Members of the Legislature Of * Sadie Hawkins Week Amy Talent Show at Colum- accompanying him were: Joe Colamitkep Ray Jordan, chair- bur Ga., will bc the featured Lyre * Greeks Smith, Pat Boyd, Ira Pruitt, Vir- man. wiU be talking about the guests for the night along with weel's activities ' in hopes of ginia Ashworth, Hugh Moses, many names quite familiar with and Judge Charles Mams, for- a lot '' interest the Jacksonville State public. Participate I[n mer speaker of th8 #om. the dudents. Linda Lou Andnws. Sparky and scene is Once Parrish. the Graham Sisters, the againh Chatem. Only on this night studenb will have to be ~e "p~w E.ftnar td mapibcB J.LC:, ce6ds of this night's festivities Page P'W the personal project of Billy Bowen Fund. This fund is (Conttnued on 3) Margaret E-14 Goodwater; fie -6" club and a real favorite the project Of the exclusive ath- Joyce Farley, Jasper; Willi SGA. letlc organization, headed this Jew Gist, Scotbboro; Fed TburMay night the celebra- year William Donald Hedges, New Dining Hall TOBe One Gr, A n Hwq tjm reaches its zenith. I-edl- Roanoke senior, raise enough Roanoke; David &on, Syca- m;Paul G. Johnson, A~nm,. at~Lolowing C~OW, Manyin' money to send Bowen to Bible Of Alabama's Largest: Cole Sam (Basket Hayes) will be on College in Tennessee where he S. C.; Mary Ernestine King, hand join those interested may further his ministerial Depicted below is an archi- tions. Its lobby will yield wall Glenda Simpson, Rainsville; Ed- couples ~n Sam, it has studies. Bowen is a Church of tect's conception of Jacksonville murals of the various campus ward Neura, Brunswick, Ohio; been rumored, will also have Christ minister. State's new dining hall now un- buildings. Betty Jane Pace, Ashland; Ger- his wife along for the night's ~~d to reports, em- der construction. According to The second floor will include ald Patterson, Wpscomb; Mm celebration. tees H~~~~ and cooley have ,President Cole the structure will a 1400-seat conference center Louise Pickens, Eden; Garland Between marriage vows, the a couple of songs fiey rank among the state's largest compared to the 700-seat Leone Smith, Yadkinville, N. C.; Len- 6HW Committee has many themselves will sing and have dining facilities lor colleges and Cole Auditorium. According to ton G. Williams, Glencoe; Tho- things lined up. Little Abner worked up several novelty acts universities. The modem edifice Dr. Cole, future construction mas Young, Crossville; Thoma and Daisy Mae wlll be chosen for the dght. This should add to will accomodate 700 students at will progress qMte rapidly now Dennis, East Tallassee; Bobbie from the people in the audience; the merriment . one time compared to 400 for as inclement weather will no Glassco, Boaz. Ed Graven, the girl wlth the cutest dress In all it will be a night of fun Hamrnond Hall. It will have a longer impair work. The struc- Prince George, Va.; Gwendolyn will be honored, the ugliest and And you a]] capacity of 1400 to 1500 per turf?, One of the most modern Williams. Lyerly, Ga. Man on the Jacksonville campus have a indtation to meal. The dining portion will buildings on campus, should be Certificate of Achievement- will be named and the person come and help the Bowen Fund occupy the entire first floor and ready for occupancy around- the Billy R. Anderson. Vinemont; (Continued on Page 3) grow. will include four separate sec- beginning of September. (CmtinlBGd On paga WJ rrom 1nis ... by This 1- urd mewhot tihg line awaiting entry into Hammond Holl will be alleviated the lM@--ity structure under con&& dq&t& om.8 Page Two The Cdlegian Monday, April 24,1961 COLLEGIAN EDITORIALS- 11 GOVERNMENT ROUNDUP' 111 I,,STAN GHAPMAN - - - '11 Bowen Fund Is Worthwhile JFK Puts Quietus On Castro! The "J" Club of Jacksonville State has shown true purpose in Dictator Fidel C=astro seems. were very prevalent. These pea- also fallen a sacrifice and been to be near the end of his rope. ple are sincerely grakful for the victi-ms of their own folly. the program promoting the'~i1lyBowen Fund. Receipts will be - -- - -- -- --- turned over tq Bowen, popular graduating senior, to apply to his Even though the invasion was our assistance at refugee cehters not a complete success, many and also our moral support dur- tuition at a Tennessee seminary where he will prepare for the things were achieved and Castro ing their fight to liberate.C,uba. ministry. The Colfegian commends the "J" Club for its endeavors to is now in the same predicament A speech by Patrick Henry this end. We encourage other dubs and fraternities to aid in this Fugencio Batista was several sums up the present situation in n a fund raising campaign Collections can be given at the "J" Club years ago. A leader cannot feel Cuba very well. "I am not well Variety Show this Wednesday night. secure in office without public versed in history, but I will sub- I Again. we offer our support to this project, one truly worth- support. mit to YQUr recollertion wheth- President Kennedy made it er liberty has been destroyed while. very cleat in most often by the licentiousness his carefully of the people or by the tyranny prepared state- of rulers. I imagine, Sir, yorr will find the balance on the side The Injustice. In Israel ... ment that we of tyranny. Happy will you be There has begun in Israel something of a passion play in the could no longer if you miss the fate of those afford to ignore nations who omitting to resist weof a trial that the world must watch with shad, and anguish Cuba. He said their oppressors, or -negligently and with some compassion. It brings to earthlings, already hurt that our p!- suffering their liberty to be with iZs memory, the most horrid tale in recorded history of mans' mary interest IS wrested from them, have groan- inhumanity to man. Whether there Is any utility in this remtnder- the security of ed under intelerable despotism! this reopepug of wounds not yet completely healed- is subject to the United Most of the human race are . grave concern. But sentimental, as man is prone to be, people States and when that is threat- now in this deplorable condi- .... can not help: qeriencing sympathy with the same impulses that ened, appropriate action will be tion. And those nations who While they acqbd those taken. I am sure the Prime have gone in search of gran- visionary blessings, they lost Rave driven @e government af Israel to undertake this dresentation Minister from Cuba knew ex- deur, power, and splendor have their freedom." of prosecutibtl. actly what he meant. I d It Is a niistake and indeed a misfortune in our opinion to The President. in reference to confuse Uye l?.i&mvur trial with the processes of law and justice the Soviet Union, said thdt 'he Letters TO The Editor for it has kittle to do with either. It has a coktroom appearance didn't want to hear lectures on I 1 intervention from those whose GAMECOCK WANTS self no longer. blood is still on the streets of PROGRESS REPOBT Budapest (Hungary). We in night school have been Dear Editar: I virtually ignored by the -1- a There was a big rally of 10,000 It has come to my attention legian, the so-called student Cubans in Miami last week.
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