MOBILE/CUG NUMBERS OF OFFICERS/UNIT IN BELLARY DIST. DPO and Spl unit Officers Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. 258300 #43016 08392 S P Bellary 258400 #43017 9480803001 #43001 (R)266333 (R) #43018 258837 #43019 Addl. S P Bellary 08392 9480803002 #4 3002 (R)268883 (R) #43020 257966 #43030 DSP DCRB 08392 9480803009 #4 1728 (R)270480 (R)#43031 272966 #43032 DSP DAR 08392 9480803006 #4 1725 (R)270485 (R)#43033 PI (W) C/ROOM 08392 258101 #43055 9480800948 #46648 PI DSB 08392 257886 #43053 9480803007 #4 1726 PI DCIB 08392 258313 #43052 9480803008 #4 1727 Control Room 258100 #43054 08392 9480803000 #43000 Bellary 258102 fax #46790 PSI DCRB PSI DSB 9480803014 #44499 PSI F.P.B -- -- -- 9480803012 #44497 Bellary City Sub-Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. Code Line No. 272322 #43021 DSP City 08392 9480803020 #4 1720 ®270419 ®#43022 PI Brucepet 08392 272022 #43056 9480803045 #4 1745 PI Gandhinagar 08392 272192 #43037 9480803046 #4 1746 PI Cowl Bazar 08392 244145 #43039 9480803047 #4 1747 PI Traffic BLR 08392 275722 #43038 9480803048 #4 1748 PSI APMC yard 08392 250033 9480803096 #44493 Traffic 1 BLR 9480803086 #44483 PSI(L&O) G.N.P.S 9480803082 #44479 PSI (C)G/nagar 9480803083 #44480 PSI (L&O) B’pet 9480803081 #44478 PSI( C ) B’Pet 9480803088 #44485 PSI(L&O) CBPS 9480803084 #44481 PSI (C) CBPS 9480803085 #44482 Bellary Rural Sub-Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. 276000 #43023 DSP Rural 08392 9480803021 #41721 ®268808 ®#43024 CPI Rural 08392 276461 #43040 9480803031 #41731 CPI Siruguppa 08396 220333 #43063 9480803032 #41732 CPI Tekkalakote 08396 248044 #43041 9480803033 #41733 CPI Kurugodu 08393 263433 #43088 9480803039 #41739 PSI (L&O) Rural ps 08392 276461 #43040 9480803049 #41749 PSI (C ) Rural PS 08392 276461 #43040 9480803087 #44484 PSI P D Halli PS 08392 265010 #43058 9480803052 #41752 PSI Moka PS 08392 293228 #43059 9480803050 #41750 PSI Kurugodu PS 08393 263433 #43088 9480803051 #41751 PSI Kuduthini PS 08392 210633 #43060 9480803078 #41778 Tekkalakota PS 08396 248013 #43061 9480803055 #41755 PSI Sirigere PS 08396 244426 #43062 9480803056 #41756 PSI Siruguppa PS 08396 220333 #43063 9480803053 #41753 PSI (c) Siruguppa ps 08396 220333 #43063 9480803013 #44498 PSI Hatcholli PS 08396 241613 #43064 9480803054 #41754 Hospet Sub-Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. DSP Hospet 08394 224204 #43025 9480803023 #4 1723 PI Hospet town 08394 224033 #43043 9480803070 #4 1770 PI Traffic Hospet 08394 223833 #43045 9480803074 #4 1774 PI Chitwadgi 08394 228543 #43046 9480803071 #4 1771 PI Hospet Rural 08394 228233 #43068 9480803075 #4 1775 CPI T B Dam 08394 224933 #43090 9480803040 #4 1740 PSI (L/O)Town PS 08394 224033 #43043 9480803089 #44486 Traffic -1 Hospet 08394 223833 #43045 9480803093 #44490 PSI(L/O) Chitwadgi 08394 228543 #43046 9480803090 #44487 PSI(c) Chitwadgi 08394 228543 #43046 9480803091 #44488 PSI (L/O) Extn. PS 08394 230233 #43067 9480803073 #41773 PSI(c) Extn. PS 08394 230333 #43067 9480803092 #44489 PSI (L/O)Rural Hpt. 08394 228233 #43068 9480803094 #44491 PSI (C )Rural Hpt. 08394 228233 #43068 9480803095 #44492 PSI TB Dam PS 08394 259233 #43066 9480803072 #41772 Kudligi Sub-Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. 220326 #43026 DSP Kudligi 08391 9480803022 #4 1722 (R)220362 (R)#43027 CPI Kudligi 08391 220033 #43048 9480803034 #4 1734 CPI Kottur 08391 226444 #43049 9480803035 #4 1735 CPI Sandur 08395 260249 #43087 9480803036 #4 1736 PSI Kudligi PS 08391 220033 #43074 9480803057 #4 1757 PSI Gudekota PS 08391 227833 #43075 9480803058 #4 1758 PSI Kottur PS 08391 226333 #43076 9480803059 #4 1759 PSI Hosahalli PS 08391 229433 #43077 9480803060 #4 1760 PSI Sandur PS 08395 260249 #43087 9480803061 #4 1761 PSI Toranagallu PS 08395 250100 #43071 9480803062 #4 1762 PSI Gadiganur PS 08395 248033 9480803063 #4 1763 PSI M M Halli PS 08395 244030 9480803064 #4 1764 Hampi Sub Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. DSP Hampi 08394 241600 #43029 9480803010 #41729 CPI Kampli 08394 251599 #43047 9480803038 #41738 PI Hampi PS 08394 241530 #43095 9480803079 #41779 PSI Kamalapura PS 08394 241240 #43069 9480803076 #41776 PSI Kampli PS 08394 250333 #43070 9480803077 #41777 PSI (L/O)Hampi PS 08394 241530 #43095 9480803011 #44496 PSI (C ) Hampi PS 08394 241530 #43095 9480803079 #41779 Traffic 1 Hampi 08394 241630 9480803080 #44477 Traffic 2 Hampi 08394 241630 9480803098 #44495 Hadagali Sub-Division Sl Officer/Unit STD Land line Mobile No. CUG No. No. CUG NO. CODE No. DSP Hadagali 08399 240666 #43051 9480803024 #4 1724 CPI Hadagali 08399 240333 # 43028 9480803030 # 4 1730 CPI H B Halli 08397 238333 #43078 9480803037 #4 1737 PSI H B Halli PS 08397 238333 #43078 9480803065 #4 1765 PSI T B Halli PS 08397 249205 9480803066 #4 1766 PSI Hadagali PS 08399 240333 #43028 9480803067 #4 1767 PSI H. Hadagali PS 08399 250213 #43080 9480803068 #4 1768 PSI Ittigi PS 08399 256405 #43081 9480803069 #4 1769 E-MAIL ADDRESS OF BALLARI DISTRICT POLICE Sl.No District Type Unit Email Address 1 Bellary Cir Off Bellary Rural Circle [email protected] 2 Bellary Cir Off Hadagali Circle [email protected] 3 Bellary Cir Off Hagaribommanahalli Circle [email protected] 4 Bellary Cir Off Kampli Circle [email protected] 5 Bellary Cir Off Kottur Circle [email protected] 6 Bellary Cir Off Kudligi Circle [email protected] 7 Bellary Cir Off Kurugod Circle [email protected] 8 Bellary Cir Off Sandur Circle [email protected] 9 Bellary Cir Off Siruguppa Circle [email protected] 10 Bellary Cir Off Tekkalkota Circle [email protected] 11 Bellary Cir Off Tunga Bhadra Dam Circle [email protected] 12 Bellary DAR BELLARY DAR [email protected] 13 Bellary DPO Bellary District [email protected] 14 Bellary PS Dist APMC Yard PS [email protected] 15 Bellary PS Dist Bellary Rural PS [email protected] 16 Bellary PS Dist Bellary Traffic PS [email protected] 17 Bellary PS Dist Brucepet PS [email protected] 18 Bellary PS Dist Chittavadagi PS [email protected] 19 Bellary PS Dist Cowlbazar PS [email protected] 20 Bellary PS Dist Gadiganur PS [email protected] 21 Bellary PS Dist Gandhinagar PS [email protected] 22 Bellary PS Dist Gudekote PS [email protected] 23 Bellary PS Dist Hadagali PS [email protected] 24 Bellary PS Dist Hagaribommanahalli PS [email protected] 25 Bellary PS Dist Hampi Tourism PS [email protected] 26 Bellary PS Dist Hampi Traffic PS [email protected] 27 Bellary PS Dist Hatcholli PS [email protected] 28 Bellary PS Dist Hirehadagali PS [email protected] 29 Bellary PS Dist Hosahalli PS [email protected] 30 Bellary PS Dist Hospet Extention PS [email protected] 31 Bellary PS Dist Hospet Rural PS [email protected] 32 Bellary PS Dist Hospet Town PS [email protected] 33 Bellary PS Dist Hospet Traffic PS [email protected] 34 Bellary PS Dist Itagi PS [email protected] 35 Bellary PS Dist Kamalapur PS [email protected] 36 Bellary PS Dist Kampli PS [email protected] 37 Bellary PS Dist Kottur PS [email protected] 38 Bellary PS Dist Kudligi PS [email protected] 39 Bellary PS Dist Kuduthini PS [email protected] 40 Bellary PS Dist Kurugod PS [email protected] 41 Bellary PS Dist Marriyammanahalli PS [email protected] 42 Bellary PS Dist Moka PS [email protected] 43 Bellary PS Dist P.D. Halli PS [email protected] 44 Bellary PS Dist Sandur PS [email protected] 45 Bellary PS Dist Sirigeri PS [email protected] 46 Bellary PS Dist Siruguppa PS [email protected] 47 Bellary PS Dist T.B. Dam PS [email protected] 48 Bellary PS Dist T.B. Halli PS [email protected] 49 Bellary PS Dist Tekkalkota PS [email protected] 50 Bellary PS Dist Thoranagal PS [email protected] 51 Bellary SDPO Bellary City Sub-Division [email protected] 52 Bellary SDPO Bellary Rural Sub-Division [email protected] 53 Bellary SDPO Hadagali Sub-Division [email protected] 54 Bellary SDPO Hampi Sub-Division [email protected] 55 Bellary SDPO Hospet Sub-Division [email protected] 56 Bellary SDPO Kudligi Sub-Division [email protected] 57 Bellary DPO SP, BALLARI [email protected] BELLARY DISTRICT SUB-DVN, CIRCLES, PS AND OUT POSTS Sl No Name Sub-Dvn Circle Police Station Out Post 1)Brucepet 2) Gandhinagar Upgraded PS 1 Bellary City 3) Cowl Bazar 1)Contonment 4) Bellary Traffic -- 5) APMC Yard 6)Bellary Rural 1)Bellary Rural 7) PD Halli 8) Moka 9) Kurugodu 2)Kurugodu 2 Bellary Rural 10)Kuduthini 11) T.Kota 3) T.Kota 12) Sirigere 13)Siruguppa 4)Siruguppa 14)Hatcholli Name Sl No Sub-Dvn. Circle Police Station Out Post 15) Hospet Town Upgraded PS 16) Hospet Rural 17) Hospet Traffic 3 Hospet 18) Chitwadigi 19) TB Dam 5) TB Dam 20) Hospet Extn 6) Hampi 21)Hampi 22) Hampi Traffic 4 Hampi 23) Kampli 7) Kampli 24) Kamalapur Name Sl No Sub-Dvn. Circle Police Station Out Post 25) Kudligi 8) Kudligi 26) Gudekota 2)Choranur 27) Kottur 3) Ujjani 9) Kottur 28) Hosahalli 5 Kudligi 29) Sandur 4) Deogiri 30) Toranagal 10) Sandur 31) MM Halli 32) Gadiganur 33) Hadagali 11)Hadagali 34) Hirehadagali 5) Holalu 6 Hadagali 35) Ittigi 36) HB Halli 12) HB Halli 37) TB Halli 6) Hampasagar .
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