Jedox Spreadsheet Functions Many functions can be implemented in Jedox Spreadsheets. We have them grouped in this article under the following topics: Jedox Spreadsheet functions (without PALO functions) Special spreadsheet functions ODBC functions Export behavior of functions that do not exist in Excel or that differ from those in Excel All PALO functions are described in the article Jedox/Palo OLAP Functions. Note: Jedox Spreadsheets do not support R1C1 reference style. Only the A1 style is supported. Jedox Spreadsheet Functions (without PALO functions) Almost all Jedox Spreadsheet functions are programmed in the same way as their corresponding Excel counterparts. There are three exceptions: The Jedox CELL() function has a few limitations compared Copyright © Jedox AG to the Excel function of the same name. You can read more about the CELL function in Jedox here. The Jedox function HYPERLINK() has more functionality than the function in Excel with the same name. You can read more about the HYPERLINK function in Jedox here. The Jedox function INFO() returns other information than the function in Excel with the same name. You can read more about the INFO function in Jedox here. Here is a list of all implemented Jedox spreadsheet functions (without PALO functions): 1 ABS ACOS ACOSH ACOT 2 ACOTH ADDRESS AND ARABIC 3 AREAS ASARRAY ASIN ASINH 4 ATAN ATAN2 ATANH AVEDEV 5 AVERAGE AVERAGEA AVERAGEIFS BASE 6 BESSELI BESSELJ BESSELK BESSELY 7 BETA.DIST BETA.INV BETADIST BINOM.DIST 8 BINOM.INV CEILING CELL1) (differences) CHAR 9 CHISQ.DIST.RT CHISQ.INV.RT CHISQ.TEST CHOOSE 10 CLEAN CODE COLUMN COLUMNS 11 COMBIN COMPLEX CONCATENATE CONCATENATE.RANGE 12 CONFIDENCE.NORM CONFIG.GET CORREL COS 13 COSH COT COTH COUNT 14 COUNTA COUNTBLANK COUNTIF COUNTIFS 15 COVARIANCE.P CSC CSCH CURRENTUSER 16 DATE DATEVALUE DAVERAGE DAY 17 DB DCOUNT DCOUNTA DDB 18 DECIMAL DEGREES DELTA DEVSQ 19 DGET DMAX DMIN DPRODUCT Copyright © Jedox AG 20 DSTDEV DSTDEVP DSUM DVAR 21 DVARP EDATE ENCODEURL EOMONTH 22 ERF ERF.PRECISE ERFC ERFC.PRECISE 23 ERROR.MSG ERROR.TYPE EVEN EXACT 24 EXP EXPON.DIST F.DIST.RT F.INV.RT 25 F.TEST FACT FACTDOUBLE FALSE 26 FILTERXML FIND FISHER FISHERINV 27 FIXED FLOOR FORECAST FORMULATEXT 28 FREQUENCY FV GAMMA.DIST GAMMA.INV 29 GAMMALN GCD GEOMEAN GESTEP 30 GROWTH HARMEAN HIDECOLUMN HIDEROW 31 HLOOKUP HOUR HYPERLINK (more functionality!) HYPGEOM.DIST 32 HYPGEOMDIST IF IFERROR IFNA 33 IMABS IMAGINARY IMARCCOS IMARCCOSH 34 IMARCCOT IMARCCOTH IMARCCSC IMARCCSCH 35 IMARCSEC IMARCSECH IMARCSIN IMARCSINH 36 IMARCTAN IMARCTANH IMARGUMENT IMCONJUGATE 37 IMCOS IMCOSH IMCOT IMCOTH 38 IMCSC IMCSCH IMDIV IMEXP 39 IMINV IMLN IMLOG10 IMLOG2 40 IMNEG IMNORM IMPOLAR IMPOWER 41 IMPRODUCT IMREAL IMSEC IMSECH 42 IMSIN IMSINH IMSQRT IMSUB 43 IMSUM IMTAN IMTANH INDEX 44 INDEX INDIRECT INFO (different parameters!) INT 45 INTERCEPT IRR ISBLANK ISERR 46 ISERROR ISEVEN ISFORMULA ISLOGICAL 47 ISNA ISNONTEXT ISNUMBER ISODD 48 ISPMT ISREF ISTEXT KURT 49 LARGE LCM LEFT LEN 50 LINEST LN LOCALIZE LOG 51 LOG10 LOGEST LOGNORM.DIST LOGNORM.INV 52 LOGNORMDIST LOOKUP LOOKUP LOWER 53 MATCH MAX MAXA MAXIFS 54 MDETERM MEDIAN MID MIN Copyright © Jedox AG 55 MINA MINIFS MINUTE MINVERSE 56 MIRR MMULT MOD MODE.SNGL 57 MONTH MROUND MULTINOMIAL MUNIT 58 N NA NEGBINOM.DIST NEGBINOMDIST 59 NETWORKDAYS NOEXPAND NORM.DIST NORM.INV 60 NORM.S.DIST NORM.S.INV NORMDIST NOT 61 NOW NPER NPV ODBCCOUNT 62 ODBCDATA ODBCERROR ODBCEXEC ODBCINIT 63 ODD OFFSET OR PEARSON 64 PERCENTILE.INC PERCENTRANK.INC PERMUT PI 65 PMT POISSON.DIST POWER PROB 66 PRODUCT PRODUCTIFS PROPER PV 67 QUARTILE.INC QUOTIENT RADIANS RAND 68 RANDBETWEEN RANK.EQ RATE REGRESSION 69 REPLACE REPT RIGHT ROMAN 70 ROUND ROUNDDOWN ROUNDUP ROW 71 ROWS RSQ SEARCH SEC 72 SECH SECOND SERIESSUM SHEETNAME 73 SHOWPICT SIGN SIN SINH 74 SKEW SLN SLOPE SMALL 75 SQRT SQRTPI STANDARDIZE STDEV.P 76 STDEV.S STDEVA STDEVIFS STDEVPA 77 STDEVPIFS STEYX SUBSTITUTE SUBTOTAL 78 SUM SUMIF SUMIFS SUMPRODUCT 79 SUMSQ SUMX2MY2 SUMX2PY2 SUMXMY2 80 SYD T T.DIST.2T T.DIST.RT 81 T.INV.2T T.TEST TAN TANH 82 TDIST TEXT TIME TIMEVALUE 83 TODAY TRANSPOSE TREND TRIM 84 TRIMMEAN TRUE TRUNC TYPE 85 UNFORMATTED UPPER USERGROUPS USERLOCALE 86 VALUE VAR.P VAR.S VARA 87 VARIFS VARPA VARPIFS VLOOKUP 88 WEBSERVICE WEEKDAY WEEKNUM WEIBULL.DIST 89 XOR YEAR Z.TEST Copyright © Jedox AG 1) The Jedox spreadsheet function CELL(info_type,reference) has following differences to the corresponding Excel function: All info_types: as reference a XLSX file accepts also a range of cells, a WSS file accepts only one cell. All info_types: in a XLSX file the parameter “info_type” can also be written in big letters. A WSS file accepts this parameter only in small letters. The parameter „info_type“ is not yet translated: In all locations you must use the English names of this parameter: address, col, color, contents, filename, format, parentheses, prefix, protect, row, type and width. Info_type “filename” returns in a XLSX file path+filename, in a WSS file is only filename returned. 2. Special Spreadsheet Functions In addition to the Jedox/PALO functions in category Jedox (implemented in Jedox Web and in Jedox Excel Add-in), Jedox spreadsheets (only in Jedox Web) have specially programmed functions for applications and for database access: Copyright © Jedox AG 2.1 Function Category: Lookup & Reference ASARRAY() Takes a series of (unspecified number of) arguments and returns their values as an array. Can be used to make functions like Microchart or SUMIF work when they reference cells in DynaRanges. HIDECOLUMN(cellreference) Hides column if cellreference is TRUE. Cellreference is TRUE, if ABS(cellreference)>0. Please use a cellreference or a function which returns dynamically TRUE / FALSE. Hardcoded arguments like HIDECOLUMN(TRUE) resp. HIDECOLUMN(FALSE) don’t work dynamically! HIDEROW(cellreference) Hides row if cellreference is TRUE. Cellreference is TRUE, if ABS(cellreference)>0. Please use a cellreference or a function which returns dynamically TRUE / FALSE. Hardcoded arguments like HIDEROW(TRUE) resp. HIDEROW(FALSE) don’t work dynamically! Note: Due to the cell design in Jedox Web, cell borders for which adjacent columns or rows are hidden with a HIDE function are not displayed on the left or on the top. NOEXPAND(reference) Copyright © Jedox AG Prevents cloning of cell reference passed as argument when a DynaRange is activated, and returns the value of the passed reference. SHOWPICT(url,name,title) Displays an image within a cell. The image is fetched from a URL and shown in the cell in which the formula is used. You can also prefix the image path with @ to reference an image in the Report Designer; for example, =SHOWPICT("@//Default/Public Files/icons/settings.png") 2.2 Function Category: Information CONFIG.GET(“Key”) Returns the value of the specified key from the entries of Jedox Web Administration/Settings, e.g. =CONFIG.GET("studio.files.default_storage_path"). CURRENTUSER() Returns the current user. ERROR.MSG(cellreference) This function returns a detailed error message for OLAP functions or macro functions when pointed to a cell containing such a function. Examples: Entry in A1: =PALO.DATAC("localhost/Demo","xx","All Products","Europe","Year","All Years","All Copyright © Jedox AG Versions","Units") Entry in A2: =ERROR.MSG(A1) Returned message: Libpalo ng : Cube not found: Couldn’t resolve cube name “xx” in database “Demo”. SHEETNAME() Returns the name of the worksheet on which the formula is used. USERGROUPS() Returns the groups of the current user. USERLOCALE() Returns the language setting of the current user. 2.3 Function Category: Text CONCATENATE.RANGE(cellrange,string_delimiter) Concatenates entries of cellrangrange, separated with string_delimiter (optional). LOCALIZE(“Text”) Returns the translation of “Text” in the language which is used in Jedox Web if there exists the translation in localization tool. UNFORMATTED(text) Copyright © Jedox AG Returns the value that represents a particular formated string. 2.4 Function Category: Engineering There are several functions for complex numbers: IMARCCOS, IMARCCOSH, IMARCCOT, IMARCCOTH, IMARCCSC, IMARCCSCH, IMARCSEC, IMARCSECH, IMARCSIN, IMARCSINH, IMARCTAN, IMARCTANH, IMINV, IMNEG, IMNORM, IMPOLAR, IMTANH. 3. ODBC Functions With ODBC functions you can read databases that have an ODBC interface. Before you can import data from an ODBC database, you must register the database source name(DSN). In addition, the computer on which Jedox Web is installed must have an installation of the “Data Connectivity Components” from Microsoft (in a search engine you can find these components under the given name to download). For Linux installations, no additional components are needed. You can create ODBC connections (using Windows System DSNs) in Connection Manager. As an example, Jedox Setup installs the ODBC connection Copyright © Jedox AG “DWH_Biker”. Under Tools – ODBC query you can access a SQL query editor with preview for the ODBC function ODBCEXEC. Only those ODBC connections that are established as such in Administration/Connections can be edited. You can use ODBC results directly as source for ComboBoxes, or display results comfortably in Dynaranges. Function Category: Database ODBCINIT(dsn,username,password) Initializes a connection to a database using an existing system DSN(Database Source Name) Note: Using empty strings for user and password will set them as default to the DSN defined user and password (where appropriate). ODBCEXEC(odbcinit,sql_querytext) Executes a SQL query through a previously initialized ODBC connection. Define the SQL statement using the syntax of the database accordingly. One or more ODBCEXEC functions can use the same ODBC connection in parallel. odbcinit Cell of the ODBCINIT() function sql_querytext SQL query ODBCDATA(odbcexec,row_number,column_index) Copyright © Jedox AG The function returns the result of an executed SQL query. The first parameter is the cell address that contains the ODBCEXEC function. The result of ODBCEXEC is organized as an array of rows and columns. Use row_number “1” and column_index “1” to display the first value.
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