NILES HERALD-SPECTATOR I M Hoiw. MLOCAL NEWS SINCE 1951. iuiles.suntirncs.corn t WRAPPORTS compaiì ALUICAGO SUN TIMLS.publicatton 4 i Thursday, October 30. 2014 NEXT WEEK Next week's paper will be delivered on Friday to accommodate election coverage. Inside! Celebrating Seniors Kemnetz Center for Active Adults SPECIAL SECTION New senior center opens in former school at Our Lady of Ransom Church I PAGE 14 Nues Herald-Spectator ©2014 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved I VEHICLE LOAN RATES AS LOW AS I .74% W__--ThFST : fl P W -I sz0c-rL09 '-JiS:EI']IH :LS }1o;L)Ivo .h 0969 nwccu1com 847,647.1O3O 9?OOOO isla:LtI:Io 8930 Wukegari Rd. Morton Grove. IL 60053 ooOoO0 6I0D 9STC 6TO- JLO1 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL ONEDAY HOME SALE SAVE. 20%-75% ON FALL'S FRESHEST FINDS! WE'RE STARTING THE DEALS EARLY WITH A PREVIEW DAY! SHOP TODAY AND SATURDAY, 1OAM-1OPM. $1 Save on the season's best bedding and towels, cookware, gadgets, home decor, luggage, TRIPLE furniture, mattresses, rugs & so much more... POINTS (plus, kick off your holiday shopping early!) ..JN- HOME.. J tM)" bI©mingdale's BLOOMINGDALES.COM Sale ends November 12014 RegJOrig. prices reflect offering prices. Savings may not be based on actual sales. Intermediate markdowns may have been taken. Savings off regular, original andalready-reduced prices. Some items may be included in sales already in progress or in future sales. Quantities are limited; not all styles or colors in all stores. Prices, savings and selection may differ on bloomingdalescorn. *TriplePoints valid on Home purchases made on Nioveinber i2014 only, Certain brand exclusions apply. U.S. Bloomingdales stores only. Not valid at Blooniingdale's The Outlet Stores. Points are notearned in Nespresso shops, restaurants in Bloomingdales stores or on store services, cash advances, salestax, or when redeeming Bloomingdale's Gift and Reward Cards. On December 31 of each year, you will forfeit 75% of any remaining points, See bloomingdales.corn/loyallisf for complete details. PLEASE VISIT BLOOMINGDALES.COM OR CALL STORES FOR HOURS. MEDINAN TEMPLE, CHICAGO. 312-324-7500. MEDINAH PARKING VALIDATION AT INTERPARIKING ROWE GARAGE, 50 E. OHIO; JUST 12.00 FORUP TO 3 HOURS REGULAR RATE APPLIES THEREAFTER. OLD ORCHARD CENTER, SKOKIE, 847-675-5200. SORRY, NO FURNITURE AT OLD ORCHARD. NII \ u( 1(L A new kitchen ¡s Love made visibLe. A bathroom that says mirror, mirror on the watt. CALL NOW ÄPCHWA' 888.662.4866 CONSTRUCTION archwayone.com Remodeling to a higher standard. ThURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION ML 4 I I NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR MOMMY ON A SHOESTRING MvHte.MYLoNewsSwcE 1951. Candyland Creative crafty ways to use up Halloween candy TimolhyPktCEO PAGE 34 John 8ls Robectk. El II Mcßermolt VP and General Editor in Chief, VP of Advertising Manager VP of Digital Content 847-682-5907 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING Phil Rodi.rohs News Editor e HveI,Advertising Director 312-321-2259 312-646-9552 [email protected] [email protected] Ryi IìIuon, Managing Editor for Sports Dispby 647-486-9200 312-321-2694 CIassifiet 847-486-9200 [email protected] Ema* [email protected] Legals: [email protected] suntimesrepnnts.com Ohituariet 847-998-3400, option 6, Iu D_ [email protected] pioneerlocal.mycapture.com SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS MAILING ADDRESS Phone 877-855-7722 350 N. 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New sabsceber starts require email address. lffoe sorne reasanyou choose to cancel hold Publrsherhanoless horn and against any liabìluty, loss or enpenso (includingroasanable arnnnneys Ines) arisingfnom any claims resulting from publication by Publisher oftho iralvemsern ads. please note that a reinad processing lee may apply. carìently$6. $1.00 OFF APMISSION WITH THIS CARP T LAKE COUNTRY A FRESH START Antiques4Árt Show imagine your new beginning at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin The Homestead at Morton Grove. October 31st November 2, 2014 This ready-to-move-in rental corn munity 70 DEALERS FROM ACROSSTHE COUNTRY FEATURING for those ages 55+ offers the best in 18°" CENTURYTHROUGH MODERNISM maintenance-free living - including SPECIAL PROGRAM scheduled transportatIon, social REGIONAL ARTIN THE MIDWEST activities, private patios and terraces, .. SAT. NOV. 1FROM9AM- lOAM. indoor parking and so much more. Theinfluence of Artists & Schools of Art on Regionalism. Presentedby Graeme Reid, Museum of Wisconsin Art. I.securjty, Admission: $5 donation to the MOWA VStT US FOR A TOUR When:Fri. 5 - 9pm . Sat. i O - 5 . Sun i i -4 Where: OLYMPIA RESORT & SPA CALL TODAY to schedule a free, noobligation i 350 Royal Mile Rd. Oconomowoc WI tour at 847-581-1800. You'll find us at the corner (-94 Exit 282, one mile north on Hwy 67 Call for Special Show Rates: 800-558-9573 of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues. Food:Catered Food, Desserts, & Gourmet Coffees Pdmission:Adults: $8°° . Children (1 5 & Under FREE) 6400 Linco'n Avenue, Morton Grove Tickets are valid for all 3 days of the show 847-581 -1800 THE FOR MORE SHOW INFORMATION CALL: Antiques Center at Wales . 262.968.4913 www.homesteadatmortongrove.com AT MORTON GROVE an Cuneo Corromarrity 323 E. Summit Ave. Wales, WI 53183 www.antiquescenteratwales.com Nil. A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 I 5 GET TICED ÍtIIfl 111111911 iIIIIIilhlÍÍúI Reach oca cudences b cdversing n our paoer. For more informction, contact us at: 847-486-9200 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL 6 I I Emanuel campaign gets over $125K from United, American employees FRAN SPIELMAN, ROSALIND Emanuel campaign spokesman loophole that had been reaping ROSSI AND ART GOLAB Steve Mayberry said the airline airlines $17 million a year. Sun-Times Media I @FSpielman executives' contributions conform "If [any contribution] was to with "the spirit and letter" of state influence a decision I made, in the Rahm Emanuel law as well as with an Emanuel budget book that's in front of you has gotten more than executive order barring contribu- is $17 million they rely on and I Mayor$125,000 in campaign tions from companies doing busi- shut," Emanuel said. "I closed it in contributions from 51 employees ness with the city the very period of time they sup- of United Airlines and American "No mayor has been as restric- ported me." Airlines in recent months as he tive of the types of contributions David Melton, executive direc- prepares to make pivotal deci- he will allow to ensure there is tor of the Illinois Campaign for sions affecting O'Hare Airport's no conflict of interest," Mayberry Political Reform, said the contri- two largest carriers. said. butions still "merit an inquiry" The number of United and At a meeting Wednesday with by the city's inspector general on American contributors to the Chicago Sun-Times editorial whether they constitute "an end Emanuel has soared fivefold since board, Emanuel said, "Everything run around the prohibition on ac- his first mayoral race, a Chicago we do is not only consistent with cepting contributions from compa- Sun-Times analysis of campaign the law but consistent with the nies that do business with the city" records found. spirit" of the law. as well as corporate contribution The huge jump comes as the Still, one campaign reformer caps. An American Airlinesjet at O'Hare International Airport. winner of the February 2015 may- said the contributions warrant a Melton said he was particularly oral election is set to face a thicket city inspector general's probe into concerned about $53,000 total in. of issues that affect O'Hare's two whether they constitute an "end contributions from 10 top execu- major carriers. Among them: run" around the mayor's executive tives at American - including "Ifihe mayor wanted to do the proper thing, he the renegotiation of lease agree- order. the president, CEO, CFO and ments; growing demands for relief And the mayor of Norridge, CIO - that were deposited by would give the money back." from new O'Hare jet noise; and where some residents fear the Emanuel campaign on March rising complaints about additional planned O'Hare runways will 28. All 10 were for the maximum Norridge Mayor James Chmura O'Hare runway expansion plannedbring more jet noise, contends the individual amount of $5,300; and to debut in 2020.
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