100 Per Copy 11 MITT! NEWS 41st Year — No. 49 Dimmitt, Texas, Thursday, September 19, 1968 12 Pages wo Hurt as Cars Broadside MVO Hart men were injured IRWIN apparently was driving Monday night, one critically, when home after changing water near- their late-model cars crashed by, Toles said. broadside at a dirt-road inter- A passing motorist came upon section three miles south of the the collision scene soon after the Five Point Gin. wreck occurred and reported it INJURED were Robert Gon- to the sheriff's office, then took zales, 40-year-old custom farmer, the Gonzales children home, the and Donnie Irwin, 18, who farms patrolman said. with his father, D. L. Irwin, in Toles is holding the investiga- the Five Point area. tion open, pending the hospital re- Patrolman Glen Toles of Here- lease of both men, and has issued ford, who investigated, said Gon- no citations. zales was driving east in his 1968 THE patrolman estimated dam- Pontiac and Irwin was traveling age at $1,000 on Irwin's Chevelle north in his 1967 Chevelle when and $700 on Gonzales' Pontiac. Gonzales' car crashed braodside Irwin's car had been damaged into Invin's at the intersection. $800 worth in an accident in Dim- The wreck occurred at 8:55 mitt earlier this year, he said. p.m.. Toles said. IRWIN WAS still unconscious DENISE STONE SHOWS HER FIRST-CLASS LICENSE AND DIPLOMA from a head injury when admit- ... To Principal Ike Moore, who gave her "time off" to earn them ted to Plains Memorial Hospital. August Totals: * * * After receiving emergency treat- ment, he was transferred to Meth- Dead, 5 Hurt odist Hospital in Lubbock, where 2 he was admitted in a semi-con- August was a grim month on scious state. His condition was the county's rural highways, Tex- She's a Radio Engineer DONNIE IRWIN'S CHEVELLE DEMOLISHED IN CRASH MONDAY NIGHT listed as critical at that time. as Highway Patrol figures reveal. Driver now "progressing satisfactorily" in Lubbock However, Irwin's physician said THE COUNTY had Its first two Wednesday morning that the Hart fatalities of the year, five were 41 e --aertirnitgif youth had regained consciousness injured and property damage to- Now --And She's Only 15 and "seems to be progressing taled an estimated $9,680 in 13 satisfactorily." There was no skull separate accidents investigated by Next time you want to one-up station in the US. Her license is DENISE now runs her afternoon fracture, he added. highway patrolmen during Aug- an out-of-town friend, just ask the same that's required of all disc jockey show — and the sta- GONZALES received contusions ust. him: "Do you have any 15-year- senior engineers in stations and tion's control room — without of the chest and abdomen when old girl radio engineers in your reworks. any supervision. Her after-school he was thrown against his car's These statistics boosted the town?" duties include taking requests, steering wheel, but is now listed county's totals for 1968 so far to Denise graduated Sept. 4 from 59 accidents, two deaths, 30 per- DIMMITT has one, you see — the E kins Institute of Radio and compiling her own newscasts in satisfactory condition at Plains and she's probably the only girl from the AP wire machine, "read- sons injured and an estimated Electronics in Dallas, where she Memorial Hospital. property damage of $38,395, ac- her age in Texas with a first was the youngest student — and ing the meters" every half hour Gonzales' 14-year-old daughter cording to Sgt. W. E. Wells, Pa- class radio engineer's license. the only girl — in her class. (checking such technical things and 3-year-old son were in the trol supervisor for this area. She's Denise Stone, Dimmitt IT WAS a six-week course, and as the plate current, plate voltage, car with him when the accident High School sophomore who grad- she had to miss her first week of loop current, frequency deviation, occurred but they were not serious- uated from radio-electronics classes here to complete it — etc.), signing off and shutting ly hurt, Patrolman Toles said. school in Dallas Sept. 4 and re- since the course wasn't timed to down the station's power at sun- The investigating officer said ceived her diploma and first class coincide with a high schooler's down. that a milo field on the southwest Anthony to Head license in last Thursday's mail. schedule. Before she left for And as if this weren't enough, corner of the intersection probably DENISE, daughter of Mr. and Dallas, DHS Principal Ike Moore she's a'so serving as a student hindered the drivers' vision, "but Mrs. Loy Stone, is the girl who granted her permission to miss control-room instructor for Dim- not enough that they couldn't see Brown's Campaign conducts the Teen Show on KDHN the first week of high school with- each other's headlights." Radio every weekday from 4 p.m. mitt High School's radio speech cut losing any grade credits. class — a class in which she's Wes Anthony of Dimmitt will to sundown sign-off. the youngest member. head the "Dick Brown for Con- The 'bright-eyed, bright-voiced Denise got her start in radio gress" campaign in Castro Coun- last summer, when she talked eamoweeligibie tie work in the She had to get special permiss- PTA Pie Supper ty. control loom of any radio or TV former KDHN Manager Bedford ion to take the DHS course, since Fot met into letting her pick out The announcement came from she's not a junior and hasn't yet Carl King, county Demo chair- the records for the afternoon Teen had Speech I. Bob Farrer teaches Show. Slated Tuesday man, after local Democrats held the classroom phase of the course, a panning session for Brown • Jaycees Need Even before Forrest left to be- and at the station Denise teaches The Dimmitt PTA will stage its Thesday morning. DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT $700 ON ROBERT GONZALES' PONTIAC come farm and ranch editor for her upperclass classmates "the annual Get-Acquainted Pie Sup- JAMES WELCH of Bethel will . After crash at dirt-road intersection south of Five Point KFDA-TV in Amarillo, Denise was board." per in the South Elementary be the co-chairman of the cam- School Clothes running the Teen Show herself School cafeteria Tuesday night at under the supervision of Chief En- RECEIVING her engineer's li- paign, and Brown's committee cense "represents for her a means 7:30. If your children have outgrown gineet- Gene Fennimore. workers will include King, Ray Joe County Farm Bureau Votes: to an end, I think," her father "EVERYONE looks forward to Riley of Sunnyside and S. L. Gar- last year's school clothes, don't "She developed rapidly," says says. "She enjoys the radio work, this evening each year so that throw them away — other young- Fenimore, who is now the station rison of Faster. and it could take her anywhere." we may a I get acquainted bet- Brown, a Hartley farmer and sters here need them. manager. ter," said Mrs. Jasper Proffitt, DIMMITT'S Jaycees are round For instance, to a transatlantic businessman, is opposing Repub- 'Let's Reason Together PTA president. "We have quite lican Congressman Bob Price in ing up used clothes for needy steamship cruise. a few new teachers and new fami- school children, and will conduct "I'm thinking of going down in the November general election. lies in our community, and we "This is my first experience as a city-wide pick-up service Mon- New Residents February to get my radar en- want to make them feel wel- day evening. dorsement and my telegraph en- a campaign chairman for a candi- come." date," Anthony said, "but I know And Bargain for Price' If you have any used school dorsement," Denise says. "If I Parents are to bring pies (one could do that, it could lead to Dick Brown, what kind of man he clothes — especially outer gar- Can Vote, If... per couple) and teachers are to is, and I know he'll make a fine "Let's settle for half a loaf in personnel in Washington to work stance), with a higher loan price ments — that arc still good for anything. I'd like to get a job bring their appetites. corgressrnan." Washington when we have to; let's for programs which may be only to influence a higher cash mar- boys and girls 6 through 15, call Saturday noon is the deadline with a steamship line next sum- These not in the PTA now may for new Texas residents to apply ANTHONY is past president of compromise with other farm or- partially in line with our resolu- ket, and either lower or abolish the Jaycees and they'll pick up mer, in fact. The license and the join Tuesday right if they wish. ganizations on farm program pro- tions, whenever they realize we payments." the clothes at your home from 7 for their ballots for the November endorsements wcu'd qualify me Dues are $1 per year. the Chamber of Commerce, a di- general election. rector and former county chair- posals; and let's set up our own cannot obtain programs fully in —"WE RECOMMEND that the to 10 p.m. Monday. for the basic communications THE PTA'S first newsletter of bargaining committees to get line." Farm Bureau select committees The Jaycees to call are Bob COUNTY CLERK Zonell Maples work on a steamship." the new school year will be sent man cf the Grain Sorghum Pro- ducers Association, was Dim- higher prices for our commodi- —"WE FAVOR authorizing our on the local, state and national Bingham at the Family Mart, 647- said a constitutional amendment Se don't be surprised if the to all school families via their ties," Castro County Farm Bureau leaders to have conferences with ark-reed in 1966 now makes it mitt's "Man of the Year" in 1965, levels for the purpose of bargain- 3128, from 8 a.m.
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