Federal Communications Commission Pt. 97 Frequency operated by state or local govern- Channel no. Channel use range mental entities are presumptively en- (MHz) gaged in public safety priority commu- 170 ................. Reserved ............................... 5850–5855 nications. 172 ................. Service Channel .................... 5855–5865 (d) Non-priority communications. 174 ................. Service Channel .................... 5865–5875 175 ................. Service Channel 2 .................. 5865–5885 DSRCS communications not listed in 176 ................. Service Channel .................... 5875–5885 paragraph (c) of this section are non- 178 ................. Control channel ..................... 5885–5895 priority communications. If a dispute 180 ................. Service Channel .................... 5895–5905 181 ................. Service Channel 2 .................. 5895–5915 arises concerning non-priority DSRCS– 182 ................. Service Channel .................... 5905–5915 OBU communications with Roadside 184 ................. Service Channel .................... 5915–5925 Units (RSUs), the provisions of 2 Channel Nos. 174/176 may be combined to create a twen- §§ 90.377(e) and (f) of this chapter will ty megahertz channel, designated Channel No. 175. Channels 180/182 may be combined to create a twenty-megahertz apply. Disputes concerning non-pri- channel, designated Channel No. 181. ority DSRCS–OBU communications not (b) Except as provided in paragraph associated with RSUs are governed by (c) of this section, non-reserve DSRCS paragraph (b) of this section. channels are available on a shared basis only for use in accordance with PART 97—AMATEUR RADIO the Commission’s Rules. All licensees SERVICE shall cooperate in the selection and use of channels in order to reduce inter- Subpart A—General Provisions ference. This includes monitoring for communications in progress and any Sec. 97.1 Basis and purpose. other measures as may be necessary to 97.3 Definitions. minimize interference. Licensees suf- 97.5 Station license required. fering or causing harmful interference 97.7 Control operation required. within a communications zone are ex- 97.9 Operator license grant. pected to cooperate and resolve this 97.11 Stations aboard ships or aircraft. problem by mutually satisfactory ar- 97.13 Restrictions on station location. rangements. If the licensees are unable 97.15 Station antenna structures. to do so, the Commission may impose 97.17 Application for new license grant. 97.19 Application for a vanity call sign. restrictions including specifying the 97.21 Application for a modified or renewed transmitter power, antenna height and license grant. direction, additional filtering, or area 97.23 Mailing address. or hours of operation of the stations 97.25 License term. concerned. Further the use of any 97.27 FCC modification of station license channel at a given geographical loca- grant. tion may be denied when, in the judg- 97.29 Replacement license grant document. ment of the Commission, its use at Subpart B—Station Operation Standards that location is not in the public inter- est; the use of any channel may be re- 97.101 General standards. stricted as to specified geographical 97.103 Station licensee responsibilities. areas, maximum power, or such other 97.105 Control operator duties. 97.107 Reciprocal operating authority. operating conditions, contained in this 97.109 Station control. part or in the station authorization. 97.111 Authorized transmissions. (c) Safety/public safety priority. The 97.113 Prohibited transmissions. following access priority governs all 97.115 Third party communications. DSRCS operations: 97.117 International communications. (1) Communications involving the 97.119 Station identification. safety of life have access priority over 97.121 Restricted operation. all other DSRCS communications; Subpart C—Special Operations (2) Subject to a Control Channel pri- ority system management strategy (see 97.201 Auxiliary station. ASTM E2213–03 DSRC Standard at 97.203 Beacon station. § DSRCS communications in- 97.205 Repeater station. 97.207 Space station. volving public safety have access pri- 97.209 Earth station. ority over all other DSRC communica- 97.211 Space telecommand station. tions not listed in paragraph (c)(1) of 97.213 Telecommand of an amateur station. this section. On-Board Units (OBUs) 97.215 Telecommand of model craft. 581 VerDate Aug<04>2004 14:00 Dec 13, 2004 Jkt 203197 PO 00000 Frm 00581 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203197T.XXX 203197T § 97.1 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition) 97.217 Telemetry. purpose as expressed in the following 97.219 Message forwarding system. principles: 97.221 Automatically controlled digital sta- (a) Recognition and enhancement of tion. the value of the amateur service to the Subpart D—Technical Standards public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly 97.301 Authorized frequency bands. with respect to providing emergency 97.303 Frequency sharing requirements. communications. 97.305 Authorized emission types. 97.307 Emission standards (b) Continuation and extension of the 97.309 RTTY and data emission codes. amateur’s proven ability to contribute 97.311 SS emission types. to the advancement of the radio art. 97.313 Transmitter power standards. (c) Encouragement and improvement 97.315 Certification of external RF power of the amateur service through rules amplifiers. which provide for advancing skills in 97.317 Standards for certification of exter- both the communication and technical nal RF power amplifiers. phases of the art. Subpart E—Providing Emergency (d) Expansion of the existing res- Communications ervoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians, and 97.401 Operation during a disaster. electronics experts. 97.403 Safety of life and protection of prop- (e) Continuation and extension of the erty. amateur’s unique ability to enhance 97.405 Station in distress. 97.407 Radio amateur civil emergency serv- international goodwill. ice. § 97.3 Definitions. Subpart F—Qualifying Examination Systems (a) The definitions of terms used in 97.501 Qualifying for an amateur operator part 97 are: license. (1) Amateur operator. A person named 97.503 Element standards. in an amateur operator/primary license 97.505 Element credit. station grant on the ULS consolidated 97.507 Preparing an examination. licensee database to be the control op- 97.509 Administering VE requirements. erator of an amateur station. 97.511 Examinee conduct. 97.513 VE session manager requirements. (2) Amateur radio services. The ama- 97.515–97.517 [Reserved] teur service, the amateur-satellite 97.519 Coordinating examination sessions. service and the radio amateur civil 97.521 VEC qualifications. emergency service. 97.523 Question pools. (4) Amateur service. A 97.525 Accrediting VEs. radiocommunication service for the 97.527 Reimbursement for expenses. purpose of self-training, intercommuni- APPENDIX 1 TO PART 97—PLACES WHERE THE cation and technical investigations AMATEUR SERVICE IS REGULATED BY THE carried out by amateurs, that is, duly FCC authorized persons interested in radio APPENDIX 2 TO PART 97—VEC REGIONS technique solely with a personal aim AUTHORITY: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; and without pecuniary interest. 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. (5) Amateur station. A station in an 1064–1068, 1081–1105, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 151–155, 301–609, unless otherwise noted. amateur radio service consisting of the apparatus necessary for carrying on SOURCE: 54 FR 25857, June 20, 1989, unless radiocommunications. otherwise noted. (6) Automatic control. The use of de- EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to vices and procedures for control of a part 97 appear at 63 FR 54077, Oct. 8, 1998. station when it is transmitting so that compliance with the FCC Rules is Subpart A—General Provisions achieved without the control operator being present at a control point. § 97.1 Basis and purpose. (7) Auxiliary station. An amateur sta- The rules and regulations in this part tion, other than in a message for- are designed to provide an amateur warding system, that is transmitting radio service having a fundamental communications point-to-point within 582 VerDate Aug<04>2004 14:00 Dec 13, 2004 Jkt 203197 PO 00000 Frm 00582 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203197T.XXX 203197T Federal Communications Commission § 97.3 a system of cooperating amateur sta- tion T/R 61–01 (Nice 1985, revised in tions. Paris 1992 and by correspondence Au- (8) Bandwidth. The width of a fre- gust 1992). quency band outside of which the mean (13) Control operator. An amateur op- power of the transmitted signal is at- erator designated by the licensee of a tenuated at least 26 dB below the mean station to be responsible for the trans- power of the transmitted signal within missions from that station to assure the band. compliance with the FCC Rules. (9) Beacon. An amateur station trans- (14) Control point. The location at mitting communications for the pur- which the control operator function is poses of observation of propagation and performed. reception or other related experi- (15) CSCE. Certificate of successful mental activities. completion of an examination. (10) Broadcasting. Transmissions in- (16) Earth station. An amateur station tended for reception by the general located on, or within 50 km of, the public, either direct or relayed. Earth’s surface intended for commu- (11) Call sign system. The method used nications with space stations or with to select
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