Format C-2 (For political party to publish in website, newspapers, TV) Declaration about criminal antecedents of candidates set by the party (As per the judgment dated 25th September, 2018 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in WP(civil) No.536 of 2011 (Public Interest Foundation & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Anr.) Name of the Political Party : TELANGANA RASTRA SAMITHI *Name of Election : TELANGANA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Name of State/ UT : TELANGANA STATE Details about cases of Sl. Name of Name of Pending criminal cases conviction for criminal No. candidate Constituency offences Description Name of court, Section of the Acts Name of of offence(s) Case No. & Concerned & brief Court & & status of the description of date(s) of punishment case(s) offence(s) Order(s) imposed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Balka Suman Chennur (SC) - SSJ Nampally, 147, 148, 324, 504, 379 r/w Nil Nil Case No:4/2013, 149/IPC and 3 ofSC ST 02 Trial. Act. On 17.03.2006 Sri. J.Kalyan Nayak logged complaint that the accused abused him at Arts College on his caste name. His gold chain, wrist watch and Cellphone were missing. 2. Jogu Ramanna Adilabad -07 1) Spl. Judge for 171(H) & 188 IPC. Abusing JFCM 352, 332, 427 Trial & Disposal other candidates during Adilabad. r/w 149 IPC. Cases relating to Genl. Elections 2014 and 15.01.2016. Obstructing MLAs and MPs, disobeying the orders of criminal force Nampally.Hyd. Election Officer. Revision for the public .CC No.114/2013 appeal servant and Trial. No.127/2008 causing filed before property 2) Spl. JFCM, High Court .It. damage by the Rly. Court, 145(b) & 147 of Rly. Act is in pending mob. Secunderabad. 2003. Tresspass in to . Fine imposed CC No.734/2012 railway premises. of Rs.12,000/- Trial. in all heads. 3. Mohammed Bodhan -12 1) Chief 419, 420, 468, 471, 120-b of Addl. 409, 419, 420, Shakil Aamir M.M.Court, IPC & 12 of Passport Act. Sessions 468, 471, 201, Patiyala, New Cheating, Forgery. Judge, 120-b & 34 of Delhi. Patiyala, New IPC r/w 3&4 of FIR No. Delhi. MCOC Act. 168/2007, P.S. FIR No. Cheating, IGI Air Port, New 20/2013, P.S. Forgery, etc Delhi. Spl.Cell, New Delhi. (Discharged) 2) Addl. Chief M. 420, 471 of IPC. Criminal M, Nampally. Cheating, Forgery. Appeal FIR No.1100/2015 No.11/2005,CCS Admitted. & DD, Hyderabad. CRLP No.10372/ 2018, quash petition pending. 4. Hanmanth Shinde Jukkal-13 1) FIR No. 505(2), 188 IPC, 125 Nil Nil 117/2018, P.S. RPAct. Pitlam, Dt. Diobedience of order, 04.11.2018. violation of modal code of conduct. 2) II M.M. for 147 & 145(b) of Rly. Act Railways 2003. Sec’bad.. Trespass into Railway CC No.734/2012, premises and create public transferred to nuisance. Spl.Metropolitan Sessions Judge, Nampally. CC No.23/2018. 3)JFCM, 353, 332, 324, 336, 337, Dharmabad. 323, 504, 506, 109, 34 IPC. OMCA Unlawful assembling, dete a No.27/2013. public servant. 5. Srinivas Reddy Banswada-14 IV Addl. JFCM 147, 341, 353, 290, 188 r/w Nil Nil Parige Court, Warangal. 149 IPC & 7 of Crl. CC No.177/2017 Amendment Act 1932. Trial. Obstruct the Government officials while on duties at Assembly. 6 Eanugu Ravinder Yellareddy-15 FIR 171-E IPC Nil Nil Reddy No:107/2018, assuarance to women dated:04.10.2018, group that the amount may PS be given for construction of Sadasivanagar, Women SHG Buildings in Markal (V) of Sadasivapeta Mandal. 7. Goverdhan Nizamabad 1)IInd JFCM 188 IPC Bajireddy Rural-18 Nizamabad Disobedience to order duly FIR No:181/2014, promulgated by public P.S.: Nizamabad servant and created Rural nuisance. 2)IInd JFCM 323,506 IPC Nizamabad Alleged Causing hurt during FIR No:70/2016, the inaugural function of P.S.: Nizamabad DWCRA Bhavan on Rural 27.02.2016 3)IInd JFCM 188 IPC Nizamabad Campaigned without FIR No:69 /2014, permission on 26.4.2014 at P.S.: Nizamabad Kaisaram Village. Rural 8. Kalvakuntla Vidya Korutla -20 1) JFC, Korutla. 120(b), 182, 211, 153 r/w Nil Nil Sagar Rao CC No.962/2014 34 of IPC & 125 of RP Act Transferred to PCR 1951. Court, Karimnagar, Provocation with intent to No. cause Rioting. (with the 45/2018.Again permissionof officers suo transferred to moto case was registered Session Judge, as Cri No;145/2014) Nampally. Under Trial. 2)Cr.No.97/2009 at 418, 419, 420 r/w 409 of Police Station, IPC. Cheating. Korutla. Transferred to Keesara P.S. No notices were served. 9. Somarapu Ramagundam JFCM, Rly. Court, 143, 188, 506, 109 r/w 149 Nil Nil Satyanarayana -23 Kazipet. of IPC. Sec. 7 of Crl. Cr.No.126/2011, Amendment Act, 147, 151 P.S. Railways Act 1989. Ramagundam. Unlawful assembling, damage to Rly.property. 10. Putta Madhukar Manthani- 24 PJM of 1st Class 143, 294-b, 352, 341, 322, Nil Nil Court, Manthani. 353, 506 r/w 149 of IPC & Trial(FIR No:37/10) Sec. 7 of Crl. Law PS.Manthani Amendment Act. Un lawful assemblig, deter a public servant. 11. Dasari Manohar Peddapalle-25 Rly.Court, Kazipet. 143, 188, of IPC. Sec. 7 of Nil Nil Reddy CC No.353/14. Crl. Law Amendment Act 1932. Sec. 145, 147, 151 Railways Act 1989.Unlawful assembling, damage, trespass into railway premises. 12. Gangula Karimnagar 1)Addl. JMFC, 188 IPC. Nil Nil Kamalakar -26 Karimnagar. Disobedience to order Cri. No.415/2018 promulgated by public P.S. Karimnagar. servant. 2)Addl. JMFC, 341, 188 IPC. Karimnagar. Wrongful restraint and Cri. No.384/2018 disobedience to order P.S. Karimnagar promulgated by public servant. 3)Spl. Metropolitan 188, 505(1)(c), 506 IPC Sessions Judge, Threatening, Nampally. disobedience to order Cri. No.429/2018 promulgated by public P.S. Karimnagar. servant,making statement inciting public to commit offence against public tranquility. 4)Spl. Metropolitan 145(b) & 147 of Railways Sessions Judge, Act 2003. Nampally. Rioting, assaulting to deter CC No.734/2012 to public servant from Trial. discharging his duties. 5)JMFC, 448, 427, 435, 323, 503 Dharmabad, r/w Sec.34 IPC. Maharashtra State. Committing nuisance or Transferred to act of indecency and JMFC Karimnagar. allegedly trespassing and CC No.24/2014 refusing to desist from Trial. trespass without lawful authority. 6)Spl. Metropolitan Sessions Judge, 353, 324, 332, 336, 337, Nampally. 323, 504, 506, 109 r/w OMCA No.27/2013 Sec.34 IPC. on the file of JMFC Obstructing the public the Dharmabad. public servant from . discharging his duties, assaulting, causing insult and criminal intimidation with common intention. 7)Spl.Metropolitan 148, 452, 427, 353, 506 Sessions Judge, r/w 149 of IPC Sec.3 of Nampally. PDPP Act. Transferred to Rioting, house trespass Addl. JMFC, causing damage, Karimnagar obstructing public servant CC No.6/2013 from discharging his New CC duties, criminal intimidation No.996/2013. and causing damage to Trial. public property. 13 Kalvakuntla Sircilla-29 1)Cr.No:42/2013, 143,188,506 r/w 109,149 IInd Sec. 147 of Taraka Rama PS:Railway Police IPC, 7 of CLA Act Metropolitan Railways Act Rao Mancherial 147,151,174 IR Act Magistrate for 1989 Unlawful assembling, Railways All 8 Accused disobedience of order Secunderabad are released lawfully promulagated by Orders, under Sec. 3 public servant, trespass dt:23.11.2016 of PO ACT into Railway property in 1958 after due CCNo:852/2012 admonition 2)Cr.No:41/2013, 143,188,506 r/w 109,149 PS:Railway Police IPC, 7 of CLA Act Mancherial 147,151,IR Act Unlawful assembling, disobedience of order lawfully promulagated by public servant, trespass into Railway property 3)Cr.No:40/2013, 143,188,506 r/w 109,149 PS:Railway Police IPC, 7 of CLA Act 147 Mancherial &151 IR Act Unlawful assembling, disobedience of order lawfully promulagated by public servant, trespass into Railway property 4)Cr.No:250/2012, 143 r/w 109 149 IPC, PS:Railway Police 147,145 IR ACT Mancherial Unlawful assembling trespass into Railway property 5)Cr.No:247/2012, 147,447,109 r/w 149 IPC PS:Railway Police 147,174(a) IR ACT Mancherial Unlawful assembling trespass into Railway property 6)Cr.No:149/2012, 117,143,147,188 r/w 149 PS:Railway Police IPC, 145, 147,150,174 of Nizamabad IR Act Unlawful assembling, disobedience of order lawfully promulagated by public servant, trespass into Railway property 7)Cr.No:105/2012, 151 of IR ACT 3 of PDPP PS:Railway Police ACT Vikarabad Damage of Railway property, damage of public property 8)Cr.No:233/2011, 109,120(b),IPC, PS:Railway Police 147,150(b) of IR ACT 4 of Warangal PDPP ACT Abetment of offence and trespass into Railway property 9)Cr.No:127/2011, 143,188,506,109 r/w 149 PS: Ramagundam IPC 7 of CLA ACT, 147 151 IR ACT Unlawful assembling, Disobedience of order lawfully promulgated by public servant, trespass into Railway property 10)Cr.No:126/2011, 143,188,506,109 r/w 149 PS:Ramagundam IPC 7 of CLA ACT, 147 151 IR ACT Unlawful assembling, Disobedience of order lawfully promulgated by public servant, tresspass into Railway property 144,341,447,188,109 r/w 11)Cr.No:93/2011, 149 IPC 150 IR ACT 7 of PS:Vikarabad CLA ACT Criminal trespass, disobedience of lawfully promulgated by a public servant, attempt to wreck a train 12)Cr.No:92/2011, 147,341,447,188,109 r/w PS:Vikarabad 149, IPC 150 IR ACT Unlawful assembling criminal trespass, disobedience of lawfully promulgated by a public servant, attempt to wreck a train 13)Cr.No:91/2011, 147,341,188, 109 PS:Vikarabad r/w149, IPC 150 IR ACT Unlawful assembling criminal trespass, disobedience of lawfully promulgated by a public servant, attempt to wreck a train 14)Cr.No:69/2011, 109,143,147,188 IPC PS:Bellampally II- Unlawful assembling Town disobedience of lawfully promulgated by a public servant 15)Cr.No:45/2011, 143,188,353, 109 r/w 149 PS:Railway Police of IPC 147 IR ACT 1989 Mancherial 7 of CLA ACT Unlawful assembling disobedience of lawfully promulgated by a public servant, to deter a public servant from discharging of duty, trespass into railway property.
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