Scott Says Cagers Are Ready Opening Game Saturday n o liDQ Vol LXXIII Phone 4417 Delaware Ohio Tuesday December 5 1939 Z 563 No 20 Corne Five Winterset Stars Enjoy CantataCarols of All Countries Appears For Unusual Roles of Drama Heard In Singers ConcerDeclT YaAMmn In Winft AC TrA VC CUJUJ-rnmc U fl- 7 First Game set more than any other play Ive ever been in This was the opinion Driver Selects All of Last Years Team Return of both Ruth Klick as Miriatmie Keller Directs Annual Program Keyes as Mio in Max- For Twenly- Game and Earl well Andersons play which is being Revision Board Group Includes 170 Voices Schedule presented by Wesleyan players Dec- 8 9 Willis high ember and in the Runyan Meads Investigation By Sidney Rowland With four days remaining be- school auditorium under the direct- A fore the opening of a 20- game ion of Professor RoMin C Hunter Of Election Policies program of Christmas carols of all nations and the cantata schedule Saturday night against Miss Klick who has appeared in The Mysiery of Bethlehem by Healy Willan will be featured in A to consider revision Cornell college ML Vernon la ipnoductlionis of Skidding Bar commiUtee the annual December concert of the Singers club and the A Capella HoOi of government and election Fritchey Death Take a student 1 at Edwards gym the Ohio Wes- baira choir to be presented in Gray chapel Sunday December 7 at Bury Dfiad believes prcgram to be headed by Richard day and the 730 p m leyan basketball team has com- WinterseP inspires those in it to Runyan was appointed Thursday meeting by two- part concert which is pleted preliminary conditioning do their becjt acting 1 have found night ait student council The scheduled for the last Sunday stu- and is ready to go according the play both beautiful and interest Russell Driver president of the before Christmas vacation will be presented under the direction of dent body fo Coach Jim Scott ing said Miss Klick who attended Professor Rexford Keller of the department of music college in Illinois last of the comiiiitJtee will With all of last years veterans Ermhurst The function One hundred seventy members of year be to investigate the influence df returning and a new coach former the Singers club singing a group Experience politics in spring student office elec- Columbus Grandviev high mentor the Campus Council Plans tions and to make recommendations of familiar Christinas hymns will team has been practising for four Ive wanted to play in Winter- saw as to how such political influence pass through the auditorium of Gray weeks According to Scott the team set ever since I first it several years ago juarl Keyes who can be curbed Amendment chapel to the stage in a candlelight has recovered from presea- sou fum- said has had roles in A Midsummer of the cemmittee are to begin evenings bles and the shooting has been ex- Ruth Klick Members proceseiin the Nights Dream Stage Door Be- George Eyrich Bert KesseJl Eleanor A student body constitutional ceptionally fine for so early in the program yond the Horizon and Our Town Kneen Catherine Smith and Rdb- amendment providing for membership season The series of eight carols is to be Mio is the kind of role I like to of chapel and calendar committee ert Stevens presented by the A Capella choir Lettermen Return play Keyes stated chairmen to student council will tie iii A second cornrnbtee to consider of the Returning lettermen are seniors chapel student adop- alone with the assistance Miss Klick and Keyes who are che control of participation in act- presented in for Bill Rohr and Steve Donchess co- Singers oluh in the final number both juniors at Ohio Wesleyan uni- was appointed Members are tion late this week according to Rus- captains Jim Reiser Tim Kirchwehm ivities The Shepherds Song versity appear with a supporting Eleanora Davis chairman Donna sell Driver president of the student and Homer Forsythe and Juniors Robert Decker baritone and Jen oast of 21 in this Maxwell Ander- Davis Marion Moulton Helen Rub- body Dick Hartman Jack Buttermore and Ann Evans 6oprono will be the son play which received the Draima right Gordon Dale Richard Runyan The proposal passed recently by Ed Baroody Other juniors are featured soloists in the choirs ren- Ralph Critics Circle Award in 1936 ond Robert Stewns student council requires a two- thirds of The Shepherds Song by Monroe Don Grigvby and Liamar foe dition The cast includes Milton Haider This committee has as its purpose vote of the student Ibody before it song Faught a team mamber of two Dickinson an old English folk Robert Holmes Paul Frank Fred possible division of participation in j comes an amendment years ago which will ibe Ithe first of the na who was not in school I Continued on Page 4 Col 3 i activities among more students adoption as last year Th formai nronosal for tional Christmas carols rather than having domination by presented iby council reads as follows Among sophomore candidates are O Magnum Mysterium a six- a relative small number In Section IV Article 1 pertaining to Ed Hughes Bob Heisler Russ Hoff teenth century motet by the Span- YM membership on the student council Bob Immel Jack McKinney Abe Organizes ish composer Vittoria will be the strike out the words the social chair- songs A Leonard and Ralph Peckinpaugh second of the Yuletide Radio Series man of the university and substitute Motet is an early form of the fugue Six team members have not been To Aid Needy the chairmen of the calendar chapel the selection O Magnum Myster- ettending regular practices due to and social committees of the student ium is written entirely In the La- football practice and reported yes- Willi the dual purpose of organi- Lists Debate body tin terday for the first time resulting zing a Chrisumas party for kiddies Two from the closing football game at at the Delaware childrens home and Two Ohio Wesleyan students will French Carols f Luvaas arrangement of Hark University of Dayton stadium Sat- providing necessary articles for the debate over station WOSU Colum- Phi Mu Alpha Now O Shepherds a French carol urday needy in South Delaware freshmen Earl Keyes bus on Saturday December 9 at 530 will follow the Spanish motet and The full team of eighteen men members of the Y M C A or- p m as the third of a series of five ganized a donation drive for Adds Frartce will again be represented by will be carried until after the sec- the broadcasts by the radio 6peech class- Members cause in the recreation room of Continued on Page 4 Col 5 ond game with Berea college at Wesleyan Alumnus es Sbuyvesant halt last Saturday Twelve students were initiated into which time it will be cut probably The question will be Resolved that The group especially urges all Is Phi Mu Alpha national music honor- to ten or twelve according to Coach WarCprrespondent German- American bund be students and faculty mennbens of the WSGA Schedules Scott abolished in the United States Ac- ary Sunday night at Sanborn hall Ohio Wesleyan to give old books Starting time for this opening game Lynn Heinzerling an Ohio Wesley- cording to Assistant Professor Stuart Initiates were Edward Benfield clothes magazines games and alth- Danes j Mistletoe radio work sever Bruce Cunningham William Danford has been set earlier than regular lctic equipment an alumnus of the class of 29 is now Postle director of al students are preparing for this de j Miles Eveland Fred Genther James time 730 p m so that those who at- Next Sunday freshmen Y mem- covering the developments of the pres- who bate as yet the final selection Kuntz John Mallernee Warren Chuck Miller and his orchestra tend will be able to see the Saturday bers will convene at the Stuyvesant ent European war in Helinski but been made Dick Meachem Mathews Don Patterson Jack played at the Thanksgiving tea dance night performance by Wesleyan reCreation rooms at to dSscuss Finland for the Associated Press Sev- has not 230 Schwab Len will play again et the annual mistletoe players of Maxwell Wln- has been chosen as the announcer for Swedburg and Herbert Andersons further developments of their drive eral of his recent articles have been dance will be held in the terset this weeks program j Zent tea which at Willis high school audi- and to elect a planning commission published on the first page of the Tues- I armory from 330 to 530 p m torium for Y This series of radio presentations is Previous to initiation ceremonies freshmen activities Cleveland Plain Dealer day December 19 Rebecca Upton W designed to give publicity to Ohio the pledges gave their pedge ehow S G A social chairman announced Wesleyan university through the the j last Thursday at Sanborn hall Direct- today use of cross- section dramas of camp ed by Igor Waselieff the program in OldSulphur Spring ASong Victory We Lynch of Sing us iife eluded a trumpet solo y t red lien Eleanor Kneen and Gretchen ther a flute solo by Herb Zent and are in charge of programs for the Band Arranges Warings Wesleyan Fight Song vocal solos Iby William Danford and dance Dr KoiakWill Lead Miles Eveland Women who are planning decora- Instrumental arrangements are now at the University of Michigan They Warren Mathews and Igor Wase- tions are Ruth Wiley Dorothea Heck- being made by Prof New OWU Victory Song Paul Stevens were hired to play for the overflow YMYW Discussions lieff played a piano duet and Jack man Margaret McMorris Margaret director of the band for the new Moffett Margaret Augsburger Nina Ohio Wesleyan rah crowd at the dance and stole the Schwab and John Mallernee played a Ohio Wesleyan Grindlay Fight Song written en- piccolo
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