Divers Will Be Compet- Aug

Divers Will Be Compet- Aug

The Weekend of July 25-26 The Capital Times 5B SCORECARD Quln 3-4 $38.40; $2 Trl $; (3-4-9) Western Done 4, Central Done 1 Mclntosh .61 1) 2 0 0 6 .177 74; Deb Richard, 76-74; Jody An- FOOTBALL Late model Dallas - Schenk Huegel 8, Buck- DOG RACING $108.20 BASEBALL Eastern Jane 17, Southern Dane Suero 16 3 1 0 0 0 .188 schuti, 76-74; Kelly Robblns, 75-75; National Football League Feature - 1, Andv Wendt, Water- eve Inn I 0; Moguls I 11, Wilson's Bar 12TH I Teom_32S8 M915422 55393.247 Mary Murphy, 75-75; Helen Alfreds- NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS- town; 2, Al Schlll Sr., Franklin; 3, III 9; Harmony Bar 17, Sports Pub II Grade C (5/16 ml.) Time 31.88 14-year-olds Runt (428) - Molltor 55, Llstoch 52, son, 71-79. Signed Johnny Rembert, lineback- Doug Herbst, Wousou; 4, John Olson, 8; Jan's Friendly Tavern 14, Knuck- WISCONSIN DELLS 5BlazlnHero 6.80 4.40 3.60 Yount 45, Voughn 44, Seltzer 38, Sur- 151 - a-Annlka Sorenstam, 76- er; Jim Gray, defensive tackle, and GREYHOUND PARK Area Souhern Dane 9, Eastern Dane 3 Stoughton; 5, Jerry Wood, Sun Prai- les 3. 4 Bomber Bully 4.20 3.40 Western Dane 6, Central Dane 0 hoff 34, Hamilton 32, Bichette 29, 75; Kim Salkl, 75-76; Nancy Lopez, Steve Gordon, offensive center. rie. Semi-feature - 1, Bob Fox, New Denver - AMS 17, Cellular One Friday night results 9 C M Wangs 4 40 Stubbs 28, Fletcher 27, Gontner 18, 75-76; Sherrl Turner, 75-76; Shelley COLLEGE RRST City baseball teams have until Friday's results Berlin; 2, Dennis Miller, South Belolt; 16; valley Trust 8, Snapshots I 4; Quln 4-5 $28.60; $2 Trl 5-4-9 6 p.m. Monday to enter the 10m 15-year-olds Nllsson 10, Allanson 6, Mclntosh 6, Hamlln, 74-77; a-Vlckl Goetze, 74-77; SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE- 3, Ron Rogan, Milwaukee. Fast jingles 16, Weber Realty 14. Grade D (5/16 ml.) Time 32.02 $337.40; $1 Trl 4-5-9 $168.70 Suero 4. Lisa Depaulo, 72-79. Named Tim Fltipatrlck assistant 1 Meat Ball 5.20 3.60 2.60 annual Busch Tournament. To Western Dane 9, Eastern Dane 8 qualifier - Conrad Morgan, Dous- Houston - Paddy's Pub 20, Metro Exocta (5-4) $52.40 No Twln-Trl Central Dane 9, Southern Dane 7 Stolen bam (12V) - Llstoch 33, 152 - Danielle Ammoccapane, com miss loner-director of basket- mon, 17.693 seconds. Fast dash - & Ride 4; Towering 8, Mr. Robert's 4 Hope Gordon 7.00 3.80 Winner enter, call Henry Busch at 244- 78-74; Janice Gibson, 77-75; Jennifer ball operations. 7 Circus Bargain „ 3.00 Eastern Dans 29, Central Dane 1 Hamilton 21, Molltor 16, Seltzer 1, Bi- Wood. Heal 1 - Fox. Heat 2 - Mill- 7; Moguls II 8, Wilson's Bar IV 5. Twln-Trl Carryover $15,424.99 6704. Entries also can be made 14-year-olds chette 8, Fletcher 8, Surhoft 7, Stubbs Wyatt, 77-75; Joan Pttcock, 76-76; ARIZONA STATE - Announced er. Heat 3 - Wend!. Recreational coed Quln 1-4 $20.60; $2 Trl 1-4-7 13TH at Bowman Field late Monday 6, Yount 6, Vaughn 5, Gontner 4, Al- Anne Marie Palll, 76-76; Ayoko the resignation of Steve Lay, men's M6.60; II Trl 1-4-7 $43.30 Western Dane 11, Tomoh 0 Sportsman Los Angeles - Alpha Distributors Grade B (5/16 ml.) Time 32.15 afternoon. The tournament starts Eastern Dane 15, Central Dane 8 lanson 3, Jaha 1, Mclntosh 1, Suero 1. Okamoto, 76-76; Julie Hennessy, 76- golf coach. Feature - 1, Dave Phillips, Edo- 8, Schwoeglers Park Towne II 4; SECOND 5NelleQuen 7.80 4.60 5.40 76; Ellle Gibson, 76-76; Mary Beth CLEMSON - Announced the Grade E (5/16 ml.) Time 32.26 Saturday, Aua. 1. WEstern Dane 11, Southern 0 Sacrifice mot (44) - Molltor 8, erton; 2, Leroy Gronerl, Jefferson; 3, Geneva 15, Forty Something 9; 3 Gull's Krlsty 12.60 6.60 Seltzer 8, Surhoff 7, Yount 6, Hamil- Zimmerman, 76-76; Trlsh Johnson, resignation of Len Gordy, men's Norm Nelson, Modlson. Semi-fea- Presto's 18, Sports Pub III 7; Shutle 1 Westfleld Cathy 8.00 3.40 2.60 2 Y Lee Express 10 40 NBC CLASS AA REGIONAL 74-78; Nancy Scranton, 72-80. assistant basketball coach, effec- 4 Sandy's Jena .—. 5.20 3.40 VFW TEENER LEAGUE ton 5, Bichette 2, Fletcher 2, Gantner ture - Roger Lonowth, Modlson. Press 22. Mac Attack 5. Quln 3-5 $80.20; $2 Trl 5-3-2 AtSaukCHv Deerfleld 11, Cambridge 8 2, Jaha 2, Llstoch 2, Vaughn 2, 153 - Angle Rldgeway, 78-75; tive Sept. 15. Fast qualifier - Steve Kensefh, Miami - Crystal Corner 7, 3 Nick N Time 2.60 $2635.40;$! Trl 2-3-5 $1317.70 Today's games Monroe 13, Afton 3 Mclntosh 1. Jodl Logan, 78-75; Kathy Guadognl- FLORIDA - Named Greg Quln 1-4 $12.60; $2 Trl 1-4-3 Janesvllle, :U.673. Heal 1 - Wavne Esquela's 0 (forfeit); Woody & Exocta (5-3) $187.00 10 am - Milwaukee Wolf Clean- Monroe lO.Aftonl Error* (63) - LlJtach 15, Fletcher no, 78-75; a-Sarah Lebrun Ingram, Me Gar I tv associate athletic direc- Whltford, Janesvllle. Heal 2 - Dave Anne's 7, Indian Jo 0 (forfeit); Water $69.00;$! Trl 1-3-4 $34.50 14TH ers vs. Madison Big Ten Pub. 8, Stubbs 8, Seltzer 6, Surhoff 4, Na- 76-77; Karen Noble, 75-78. tor for Internal affairs. THIRD Nauman. Heal 3 - Phillips. Tower Pub 12, Buckeye Inn II 2; Grade C (TBC ml.) Time 39.96 11:30 pm - Green Bay vs. varro 3, Vaughn 3, Allanson 2, Gant- 154 - Kammv Maxfeldt, 79-75; GEORGIA - Promoted John IMCA modified Wonder's PUb I 7, Tully's 6. Grade D (5/16 ml.) Time 32.28 8 When Ifs Windy .... Marshfleld. Midwest League ner 2, Molltor 2, Nllsson 2, Yount 2, Jaquellne Gallagher-Smith, 79-75; Shafer, assistant athletic director, 7 Grand Design 17.80 8.60 4.60 Feature - 1, Bobbv Wllberg, Milwaukee - Funky Rehab II, 1 Takeoff Gayle 4.00 3.80 3 pm - Madison Avenue Bar vs. SECOND HALF Bichette 1, Bonn 1, Elored 1, Gantner Janet Anderson, 79-75; Susie Red- to associate athletic director for Stoughton; 2, Rich Loch, Hales Cor- How's Sluggers Inn 10; Ivy Inn 11, 6 JJS Pony Express 4.40 3.60 3 ZZ'S Salty Dog 4 20 Milwaukee Orioles. NORTHERN DIVISION 1, Robinson 1, Suero 1, Wegman 1. man, 78-76; o-Trocy Hanson, 78-76; business and event management, 3 GGb King Larry 5.80 ners; 3, Dennv Ansel, Dubuqu*. Fast Land Sharks 7; Mod Hitters 5, He- Quln 1-8 $29.40; $2 Trl 8-1-3 7:30 pm - Janesvllle vs. La W L Pet GB Michelle Wooding, 78-76; Colleen and Freddy Jones, ticket manager, qualifier - Wllberg, : 14.573. Heal 1 oent St. Retreat I 4; Tony Frank's I Quln 6-7 $36.80; $2 Trl 7-6-3 $287.20; $1 Trl 1-3-8 $143.60 Crosse. Belolt IB 10 .643 .... PITCHING Walker, 77-77; Marilyn Lovander, to assistant athletic director for $644.60; $1 Trl 3-6-7 $322.30 - Loch. 26, Living Legends 0. Exocta (8-1) J48.60 Superfecta (8- Sunday's games Kane County 15 13 .536 3 Ip h bb so w-l era 76-78; Lisa Klggens, 76-78; Kim Wil- ticket operations. Named Tony Street slock Minneapolis - Sports Pub IV 9, FOURTH 1-3-4) $2069.20 11 a.m. - First semifinal Kenosha 12 16 .429 6 Fetters . 37.2 18 13 26 4-1 0.72 liams, 76-78; Adele Lukken, 75-79; Cushenberry director of athletic fa- Grade C (5/16 ml.) Time 31.74 Feature - I, Mark Bltzen; 2, John Anchor inn 7; Arsenal 15, Bury Attendance 2,041; Handle 1:30 p.m. - Second semifinal Rockford 12 14 .462 5 Elored .. 12.1 14 3 6 1-0 2.19 Pom Allen, 74-80. cilities; Lewis Galney events and Pleuss; 3, Wes Blswell. Heat 1 - Them Foes 13; Village Lanes 15, Sil- 1 Cheyenne Cy .. 4.40 3.00 2.60 6:30 p.m. - Championship South Bend - 13 16 .448 S'/i Austin _ 39.1 29 22 18 2-2 2.52 155 - Laura Davles, 80-75; Beth facilities coordinator; A very 7Bob'SBrlte 4.40 3.20 Tom Woldmon, Modlson. Heat 2 - ver Eagle 9; Avenue Bar 8, Knuckle- Sunday - 1 p.m. Madison 10 17 .370 T/, Henry ~. 42.2 37 17 33 1-1 2.95 Daniel, 80-75; Michelle Dobek, 79- McLean promotions director and Scott Brouohton, Fort Atkinson. heads 7. 6 LC'S Spud 3.JO FIRST - 8. Naked Lunch, 6. WISCONSIN NBC CLASS A zAppleton 10 20 .333 9 Orosco _. 23.0 17 11 25 2-1 3.13 76; a-Caroi Semple Thompson, 78- special protects coordinator, and New Orleans - Regent St. Re- Quln 1-7 $15.40; $2 Trl 1-7-6 Corbln Cooper, 7. JC's Brass Urn. TOURNAMENT Wegman 160.2 158 34 74 8-7 3.25 77; Maggie Will, 77-78; Kate Golden, Charley Whlttemore administrative treat II 7, Big Ten Pub 0 (forfeit); $69.00;$! Trl 1-6-7 $34.50 SECOND - 4. kelso's Comfort, At Sauk City SOUTHERN DIVISION Navarro 147.0 130 41 48 10-6 3.61 76-79; Linda Hunt, 75-80.

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