mini'app'les apple computer user group newsletter VOLUME VI No 7 JULY 1983 CALENDAR CALENDAR CALENDAR CALENDAR CALENDAR WHICH WHEN WHERE WHAT St. Paul Tue July 5 Mahtomedi Fire House John Hansen on spreadsheets Branch - Note 3 7pm-10pm Hallam & Stillwater. and Enhancer II for Videx. Pascal Wed July 6 Minnesota Federal Regular Pascal Special Note 1 7:30pm 9th Ave S Hopkins Interest Group Meeting. Dakota County Tue July 12 St. John Neumann Church General branch meeting. Branch 7pm-10pm 4030 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan Note 7 - Board Meeting Wed July 13 Norwest Bank General club business. Meeting Note 2 7:30 pm S 1st St., Hopkins is open to all members. Business Thu July 14 Minnesota Sch of Bus's Scott Ueland on VersaForra Note 10 7:00pm 11 S 5th, Mpls REGULAR WEDNESDAY UNIVERSITY MINNESOTA Larry Mingus, Xicor Inc., MINI1 APPLES July 20th ST. PAUL will demo OmegaBoard II, Note 2 Prgm-7:00pm Room B45 Bldg 412 an intelligent detached Map inside SIGs-8:00pm+ Near State Fair Ground keyboard for ][,][+ & lie. Minnetonka Wed July 27 Glen Lake Community Ctr Branch 7:30pm Rm E, 14300 Excelsior Blvd Note 8 CP/M Wed July 27 Minnesota Federal The Evolution of ALS Note 5 7:00pm 9th Ave S Hopkins CP/M card and CP/M Plus. Pascal Wed Aug 3 Minnesota Federal Regular Pascal Special Note 1 7:30pm 9th Ave S Hopkins Interest Group Meeting. St. Paul Tue Aug 2 Mahtomedi Fire House Chuck Thiesfeld on Branch - Note 3 7pm-10pm Hallam & Stillwater. Pascal Dakota County Tue Aug 9 St. John Neumann Church Branch 7pm-10pm 4030 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan Note 7 Business Thu Aug 11 Minnesota Sch of Bus's Beginners' Seminar Note 10 7:00pm 11 S. 5th St., Mpls See announcements REGULAR WEDNESDAY SCIENCE MUSEUM Jim Marty, Robot Project MINI'APP'LES August 17th of MINNESOTA (Apple Driven) Note 2 Prgm-7:00pm Place and topic are Map next issue St. Paul Tentative. Investment Thu Aug 18 To be determined To be determined Note 4 7:00pm VisiCalc Tue Aug 23 PBS Note 9 7:00pm 4306 Upton Ave S. Minnetonka Wed Aug 24 Minnetonka High Sch Branch 7pm-10pm Cafeteria, 18301 Hwy 7 Note 8 CP/M Wed Aug 24 Minnesota Federal '65 7:00pm 9th Ave S Hopkins Notes: (See page 2 for telephone numbers.) 1. John Schoeppner 4. Eric Holterman 7. Bob Pfaff 10. Subir Chatterjee 2. Chuck Thiesfeld 5. W. Scott Ueland 8. Martin Thames 11. Bill DeCoursey 3. Pete Halden 6. Dan Buchler 9. Mike Carlson 12. Jane Chatterjee mini'app'les — J u l y 1 9 8 3 * MINI>AFP'LES The Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc. P.O. Box 796 Hopkins, MN 55343 o MINI'APP'LES OFFICERS INFORMATION President Chase Allen 432-6245 T h i s i s t h e N e w s l e t t e r o f 15718 Hayes Trail, Mini'app'les, the Minnesota Apple Apple Valley, MN 55124 Computer Users' Group, Inc., a Past President Ron Androff 452-5230 non-profit club. Articles may be 1725 Crest Ridge Lane, reproduced in other User Groups' Eagan, MN 55122 publications except where speci Vice President Chuck Thiesfeld 831-0009 fically copyrighted by author. 8416 Xerxes Avenue S., Questions Bloomington, MN 55431 Please direct questions to appropriate board member or officer Treasurer John L. Hansen 890-3769 officer. Technical questions should 38 Birnamwood Drive. be directed to the Technical Burnsville, MN 55337 Coordinator. Secretary Hugh Kurtzman 544-7303 Membership 11622 Live Oak Dr., Applications for membership should Minnetonka, MN 55343 be directed to the Membership BOARD MEMBERS Co-ordinator: Ann Bell 544-4505 8325 39th Avenue N. Beginners' Consultant S.K.Johnson 869-3447 Blank Disk Bulk New Hope, Peter Gilles 475-3916 Minnesota, 55427 Purchases Co'tor $12 buys membership for one year. Board members Ken Slingsby 507/263-3715 As of Sept 1st, 1st year membership at large Steve George 935-5775 will be $17 (includes $5 Jo Hornung 922-7665 administration fee). Members DOM Editor Al Peterman 721-:3295 receive a subscription to this Education Co'tor A r t h u r E n g l i s h 8 2 4 -4131 newsletter and all club benefits. Membership Co'tor Ann Bell 544-4505 Parliamentarian L a r r y L a r s o n 7 8 8 - 10728 DOMs Publications Co'tor Daniel B.Buchler 890 5051 The 3 most recent DOMs (Disk of the Publicity Co'tor A. Michael Young 884 2841 Month) are available at meetings for Software Coordinator Chuck Boody 5290 $5/disk or any DOM may be ordered by Spcl Int. - Business Subir Chatterjee 330-7347 mail for $7.50/disk. Contact Spcl Int. - Communic'n Jay Warrior 626- 6026 Terrv Schoeppner, Spcl Int. - Education Jane Chatterjee 888- 9447 Box 241, Inver Grove Heights Spcl Int. - FORTH Mark Abbott 854- 8304 MN, 55075 (455-8613) Spcl Int. - Geneology Bill Decoursey 574- 9062 Members may have DOMs copied to Spcl Int. - Invest'ht Eric Holterman 454- 5628 their own media. Contact the Vice Spcl Int. - Medical Stewart Haight 644- 1838 President. Spcl Int. - Pascal John Schoeppner 455- 8613 Dealers Spcl Int. - Visicalc Mike Carlson 929- 4120 Mini'app'les does not endorse any Spcl Int. - CP/M Scott Ueland 623- 3749 specific dealers but does promote Technical Coordinator Dave Laden 489- 8321 distribution of information which Branch Co-ordinators: may help club members to identify Dakota County Bob Pfaff 452-2541 the best buys and service. Con Minnetonka Martin Thames 934-3517 sequently, the club does participate St.Paul Pete Halden 770-6624 i n b u l k p u r c h a s e s o f m e d i a , softwaretware, hardware and publications NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION STAFF on behalf of its members. Director & NL Editor Daniel B.Buchler 890-5051 Newsletter Contributions 13516 Grand Avenue S. Please send contributions directly Burnsville, MN 55337 to the Newsletter Editor. Hard copy Assistant NL Editor Jo Hornung 922-7665 binary or text files are preferred, Contributing Editors Arsen Darnay 933-0399 but any form will be gratefully Rita Wetzel 474-5725 accepted. Deadline for publication Composition Joan Kistner is the 1st Wednesday of the month preceding the month in which the Advertising layout Eric Holterman 454-5628 item might be included. An article Mailing Coordinator Hugh Kurtzman will be printed when space permits Steve George if. in the opinion of the Newsletter Editor, it constitutes suitable material for publication. Circulation this issue: 2000 Advertising Direct Advertising inquiries to oui:*> co-ordinator Eric Holterman at: PO Box 21-425 Eagan, MN. 55121 612-454-5628 -2- A ^ m i n i ' a p p ' l e s July 1983 IN THIS ISSUE ADVERTISERS . i n n o u n c e m e n t s 5 A x m a n S u r p l u s 3 4 Bulk Purchases Bit 3 8 EPS Remore Keyboard and 9 City Desk Computer Warehouse..16 Printer Buffer C o m p u t e r K i n g 4 B u s i n e s s B e g i n n e r s 1 1 C o n r o y A s s o c i a t e s 2 5 Case of the Blown Disk (Pascal) D a y t o n ' s R e p a i r 1 4 b y J i m W r e n h o l t 2 4 D i s k c o v e r 2 7 Cheap Tricks Hagen Office Equipment 23 b y M a r k H u l l 3 0 H o u s e o f F o r m s 3 5 Classified 34 International Apple Corps 31 Comment on Error Traps National Home Computer b y N i c k F o t h e r i n g h a m 3 2 Game Exchange 13 Daisy Wheeling Mircoworld 29 H a p p y A n n i v e r s a r y 1 2 O n y x C o m p u t e r 1 0 , 2 1 by Arsen Darnay Personal Business Systems 6 Did you Know? You Can Count On It 3 b y J . S c h o e p p n e r & C . B o o d y 3 2 r - * Y u k o n C o m p u t e r P r o d u c t s B C D O M s # 2 4 a n d # 2 5 j Tips b y A l a n P e t e r m a n 4 / b y A I P e t e r m a n 2 6 D o w J o n e s A n a l y z e r - a r e v i e w , Map of Meeting Place 30 b y A m o s R o o s 2 3 Minutes - May Board Meeting i t s e e m s t o m e . ' b y H u g h K u r t z m a n 7 b y B a r r y D . B a y e r 2 2 I Puzzle Answers? S c r e e n P h o t o s j b y D a n B u c h l e r 3 3 b y D i c k M a r c h i a f a v a 1 5 Using Disk Drive Commands S t o r i n g D a t e s I in Machine Language b y D a v e N o r d v a l l 1 8 by Stephen Killough 20 Time-Share Pencil f Where Did My Other Basic Go? b y J a c k T u r n e r 2 6 b y C h u c k T h o m k a 2 8 you The Brown Disc provides consistently Count high parametric quality and increased durability to roeet every user requirement.
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