Vol: 25 , No. 7 17 February 2011 AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS Did you know a searchable version of this journal is now available online? It's FREE and EASY to SEARCH. Find it at http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/epublish/content/olsEpublications.jsp or using the "Online Journals" link on the IP Australia home page. The Australian Official Journal of Designs is part of the Official Journal issued by the Commissioner of Patents for the purposes of the Patents Act 1990, the Trade Marks Act 1995 and Designs Act 2003. This Page Left Intentionally Blank (ISSN 0819-1808) AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 17 February 2011 Contents General Information & Notices IR means "International Registration" Amendments and Changes Application/IRs Amended and Changes ...................... 2138 Registrations/Protected IRs Amended and Changed ................ 2138 Registrations Linked ............................... 2134 Applications for Extension of Time ...................... 2137 Applications/IRs Accepted for Registration/Protection .......... 1750 Applications/IRs Filed Nos 1405211 to 1407022 ............................. 1727 Applications/IRs Lapsed, Withdrawn and Refused Lapsed ...................................... 2140 Withdrawn..................................... 2141 Refused ...................................... 2141 Assignments,TransmittalsandTransfers.................. 2141 Cancellations of Entries in Register ...................... 2144 Corrigenda...................................... 2146 Notices........................................ 2136 Opposition Proceedings ............................. 2134 Removal/Cessation of Protection for Non-use Proceedings ....... 2144 Renewal of Registration/IR ............................ 2144 Trade Marks Registered/Protected ....................... 2134 Trade Marks Removed from the Register/IRs Expired ........... 2145 This Page Left Intentionally Blank For Information on the following please see our website: www.ipaustralia.gov.au or contact our Customer Service Network on 1300651010 Editorial enquiries Contact information Freedom of Information ACT Professional Standards Board Sales Requests for Information under Section 194 (c) Country Codes Trade Mark and Designs Hearing Sessions INID (Internationally agreed Numbers for the Indentification of Data) ‘INID’ NUMBERS in use on Australian Trade Mark Documents ‘INID’ is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data’ (200) Data Concerning the Application. (210) Serial Number of the application. (220) Data of filing the application. (300) Data relating to Priority under the Paris convention. (500) Various Information. (510) List of goods and/or services. (511) Nice Classification of goods and/or services. (540) Reproduction of the mark. (551) Indication of the effect that the mark is a collective mark or a certification mark. (554) Shape mark. (556) Sound mark. (557) Scent mark. (591) Colour mark. (700) Information Concerning Parties Concerned with the Application/Registration. (730) Name and address of the applicant or owner of the registration. (750) Address for service for correspondence. NOTE: Trade marks marked with an asterisk (*) or an IR number are international applications designating Australia Nil notices for this journal issue. This Page Left Intentionally Blank AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 17 February 2011 Proceedings Under The Trade Marks Act 1995 Applications/IRs Filed Nos 1405211 to 1407022 Representations of the trade marks comprised in the following list of applications/international registrations designating Australia may be inspected at the Trade Marks Office , Canberra and in the Trade Marks Sub-Offices at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart. The date following the class is that on which the application was filed; in the case of convention applications the country of origin and the date claimed are in parentheses. "Silesia" Gerhard Hanke GmbH & Co. KG (DE, 19 1406706 Agilent Technologies, Inc. (US, 9 Aug 2010) Cl. 9. 1405979 Aug 2010) Cl. 3, 30. (IR 1063510) Agin3 Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 146 235 529 Cl. 9. 1405308 1 Touch Taxi Systems Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 145 502 1406968 Agridry International Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 143 982 1406035 816 Cl. 39. 398 Cl. 7, 8, 9, 12, 35, 37, 40, 42. 1300Smiles Limited ACN/ARBN 094 508 166 Cl. 35, 1406239 Ahmad Hasan Alzahrani EST see Rodriguez, 44. Arlene 4orward Assets Pty Ltd as trustee for 4orward 1405774 Ahmed, Faisal Cl. 25. (IR 1063900) 1406794 Assets Trust Cl. 35. Ainscough, Jessica Cl. 44. 1404830 5.11, Inc. (US, 29 Oct 2010) Cl. 35. (IR 1063115) 1405407 Air Time Pty Limited ACN/ARBN 136 546 551 Cl. 1406908 A&C Warbrick Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 093 061 280 Cl. 1406258 36. 44. AirAsia Berhad (Divisional of No. 1295392 dated 22 1406408 A&C Warbrick Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 093 061 280 Cl. 1406972 Apr 2009) Cl. 39. 3. Aktiv Holdings Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 142 009 756 Cl. 1406645 A&C Warbrick Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 093 061 280 Cl. 1406973 35, 43. 3. Akzo Nobel Coatings International B.V. (BX, 28 1406698 a+f GmbH (EM, 1 Jul 2010) Cl. 6, 9, 19. (IR 1063508) 1406704 Oct 2010) Cl. 1, 2, 3, 17, 41, 42. (IR 1063477) A.C. Components Pty Ltd Cl. 6, 11, 19. 1406956 Alderdice, Scott Cl. 41. 1405618 A.T.S. Company Pty Ltd Cl. 43. 1405536 ALDI Foods Pty Ltd Cl. 21. 1405584 A.T.S. Franchises Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 101 092 862 1405904 ALDI Foods Pty Ltd Cl. 31. 1406038 Cl. 35, 42. ALDI Foods Pty Ltd Cl. 25. 1405607 Aambianz Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 108 511 511 Cl. 41. 1406053 Aldworth, Jeremy see IBROWSE PTY LTD ABB Schweiz AG (CH, 14 Jun 2010) Cl. 7, 9. (IR 1405401 ACN/ARBN 148 072 520 1063075) Alexandre Flueckiger Cl. 3. (IR 870777) 1405473 Abbott Laboratories Cl. 44. 1405610 Alexiou, Leonidas Cl. 41. 1405924 ABC Tissue Products Pty Limited ACN/ARBN 003 1406221 085 112 Cl. 16. All-Energy Events Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 128 967 519 1405667 Cl. 35, 41. Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited (SG, 3 1405432 Nov 2010) Cl. 36. (IR 1063252) Allan, Dean and Craig, Rebecca and Craig, Julian 1405927 Cl. 41. ACG Wholesale Pty Ltd Cl. 33. 1405750 Allan, Dean and Craig, Rebecca and Craig, Julian 1405928 AcroYoga, Inc. incorporated in the State of 1406107 Cl. 41. California Cl. 41. Allan, Margaret Cl. 35, 41, 44. 1403837 Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (CH, 25 Jun 2010) 1406721 Cl. 5. (IR 1063549) Allbut, Charles Joseph Richard and Allbut, Elyse 1403839 Margaret and Charel Pty Ltd and Manimex Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (CH, 16 Aug 2010) 1406722 Services Pty Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Cl. 5. (IR 1063551) Ltd and Masterquip Pty Ltd Cl. 8. Activision Publishing, Inc. (US, 11 May 2010) Cl. 9, 1406786 Allbut, Charles Joseph Richard and Allbut, Elyse 1406960 41. (IR 1063846) Margaret and Charel Pty Ltd and Masterquip Pty adblue financial systems GmbH Cl. 9, 38, 42. (IR 1406833 Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Ltd and 1054154) Manimex Services Pty Ltd Cl. 7, 8, 9, 35. ADIXEIN LIMITED ACN/ARBN 137 778 879 (GB, 12 1405550 Allbut, Charles Joseph Richard and Allbut, Elyse 1406962 Oct 2010) Cl. 9, 38, 42. Margaret and Charel Pty Ltd and Masterquip Pty ADVANCED COMFORT PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 141 1406081 Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Ltd and 795 995 Cl. 10, 20, 24. Manimex Services Pty Ltd Cl. 7, 8, 9, 35. ADVANCED COMFORT PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 141 1406556 Allbut, Elyse Margaret see Allbut, Charles Joseph 795 995 Cl. 10, 20. Richard and Charel Pty Ltd and Manimex Services Pty Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Ltd and ADVANCED COMFORT PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 141 1406555 Masterquip Pty Ltd 795 995 Cl. 10, 20. Allbut, Elyse Margaret see Allbut, Charles Joseph ADVANCED COMFORT PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 141 1406083 Richard and Charel Pty Ltd and Masterquip Pty 795 995 Cl. 10, 20. Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Ltd and ADVANCED COMFORT PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 141 1406082 Manimex Services Pty Ltd 795 995 Cl. 10, 20. Aerial7 Industries, Inc. Cl. 9. (IR 1063629) 1406740 AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited Cl. 5. 1405955 - 1727 - AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 17 February 2011 Allbut, Elyse Margaret see Allbut, Charles Joseph Apparition Marketing Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 117 756 1404817 Richard and Charel Pty Ltd and Masterquip Pty 055 Cl. 25. Ltd and Jaymont Investments Pty Ltd and Apple Inc. A company organised and existing 1405614 Manimex Services Pty Ltd under the laws of California (JM, 27 Jul 2010) Cl. 9, Allen, Lily (EM, 26 Mar 2010) Cl. 3, 4, 9, 14, 16, 18, 1406788 35, 38, 41, 42, 45. 20, 25, 35, 45. (IR 1063872) Applied Education Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 114 033 895 1406290 Allergan, Inc Cl. 10. 1405981 Cl. 41. Almazan Caballero, Carlos Cl. 35. (IR 1063198) 1405421 Applied Education Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 114 033 895 1406291 Alsco Limited Cl. 25. 1405587 Cl. 41. Alsco Limited Cl. 25. 1405588 Aptus International Services Cl. 42. 1405260 AlterCities International Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 148 1407011 ARC INTERNATIONAL A French Corporation Cl. 1405244 914 765 Cl. 42. 21. AlterCities International Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 148 1407012 Arena Entertainment Pty Ltd NSW ACN/ARBN 109 1406635 914 765 Cl. 42. 243 629 Cl. 9, 25, 41. Alticor Inc. a Michigan Corporation Cl. 36. 1405960 ARES TRADING S.A. Cl. 5. (IR 1063692) 1406753 Aluminium Industries of Australia Pty. Limited 1406117 Ares Trading S.A. (CH, 17 Jun 2010) Cl. 16, 41, 44. 1406754 ACN/ARBN 072 558 500 Cl. 6. (IR 1063693) Aluminium Professionals Cl. 6. 1406074 Arista Networks, Inc. Cl. 9, 42. 1406588 Amalgadent Dental Supplies (Aust) Pty Ltd 1402814 Arkon Resources, Inc. Cl. 9. 1405959 ACN/ARBN 004 647 714 Cl. 8, 10. Arlin see Weeks, Christopher and Weeks, Ruth Amalgadent Dental Supplies (Aust) Pty Ltd 1402819 and Weeks, Timothy and Weeks, Jennifer ACN/ARBN 004 647 714 Cl. 8. Armour Dillo Pty Ltd Cl. 25. 1406594 Amalgadent Dental Supplies (Aust) Pty Ltd 1402822 Arnall, Robert Cl. 42. 1405594 ACN/ARBN 004 647 714 Cl. 5. ARNOLDO MONDADORI EDITORE SPA (IT, 6 Aug 1405456 American Blossom Corporation Cl. 10. (IR 1405374 2010) Cl. 16, 35, 41. (IR 1063350) 1062926) Arora, Sunil Cl. 35, 45. 1403659 American Express Marketing & Development 1405612 Asia Pacific Training Institute Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 1405918 Corp.
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