Thd WdBthdr ATcrage Dally Net Preaa Run roiraeaat af C. B> Woalfcaa For th« Week Ende< .0 Mu«h IS, INS fUr. eoM toolght, to# 8k-88t vortabto elsadtoiaaa 14,110 high la 48a Member of the Audit BoroMi of drculstloo Manche§ter-“ A City of Village Charm ' - - ' - - - ----- ' -- PRICE SEVEN CENTi MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1966 (ClkootfMd Advertlotair oa Paso 18) VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 139 (TWENTY PAGES) Both Parties Support Aid Air Strike Smashes For Schools HARTFORD (AP) — Leaders of both parties pledged support today for increased state aid to towns for education, including Cong Arms Deppt funds earmarked for special programs to assist children from low-income families. They Remember House Speaker J. Tyler Pat* W O tT M Raid Hits terson, R-Old Lyme, noted in ROME, Ides of March his testimony before the legis­ (AP) — A few nostalgic ^ ^ V f i T N A M lature's Education Committee hearts in modern Rome re- that the Republican Party plat­ fnembered Julius Caesar on Spot Close form endorses the principle of this 16th of March 2,009 special aid lor disadvantaged years after he was stabbed MAHOr children. to death. “ It is time for something like As a drippy dawn broke £ To Hanoi this," Patterson said. bleakly over the pale mar­ The GOP, he .said, intends "to ble ghosts of the ruined SAIGON, South Viet the very best of our ability" to Roman forum, a few of the f f m ) Qvt 4 tiAtNAN Nam (A P )'— More than 100 fulfill its platform pledge. faithful slipped up quietly ^ j Patterson said the Republi­ U.S. A ir Force and Navy ' V to place little floral offer­ cans also favor boosting the ings at the life - sized planes smashed a North state grants to the towns for bronze statute. Vietnamese ammunition de­ general aid to education. It happens every year on pot only 100 miles south The Democratic administra­ this day. The donors are of Hanoi today. Officials tion's spokesman at the hear­ anonymous. Some skeptics ing, Sen. Fred J. Doocy, D-Wap- suggest darkly that the city m t t said it may have been the ping, president pro tenipore of put them there to keep a most punishing raid on the Senate, said the two pro­ tourist-attraction' tfadition. North Viet Nam to date. n grams "will strongly reinforce iie? Col Hal I. Price, director of the state’s commitment to a operation.s for the 2nd Air Divi­ public education system of the MAIMI sion, identified the target ae first quality, offering truly equal NYC Censors Phu Qui. He said 30 building* opportunities to all Connecticut for storage of ordnance, includ­ children." _ soumx ing weapons and ammunition, Although they are subject to Lose Appeal were hit. change, bills filed by both the v m MAM One U.S. Navy propeller-driv­ Republicans and the adminis­ en aircraft reportedly crashed Pastor and Mrs, Prokopy Honored tration would provide *10 mil­ In Top Court (AP Photofax) short of a carrier as it was rw- Mrs. Arthur R. Doring kisses her father, the Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, pastor of lion for programs lor disad­ 1 turning after the strike. P ric* vantaged children. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Map locates Phu Qui where the depot was smashed. .said it was not learned whether Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, as Mrs. Prokopy smilingly approves. The TTie money would be divided Prokopys were honored yesterday at Zion Church for their 40th wedding an­ Supreme Court ruled today that the plane cra.shed because of among the towns on the basts a New York tribunal erred In battle damage. He added It wax niversary. Story on page 13. (Herald photo by Pinto.) of two yardsticks; upholding State officials who the only known loss of raid and —^The number of families in a refused to license the showing of damage suffered from gpxmnd community with incomes of lees University President a Danish movie unless two as­ fire was light. than *4,000 would be compared serted obscene scenes were Price said preliminai^ ro- with the number in the state as eliminated. fforts from pilots said tliera a whole to determine the local ■nie Supreme Ctourt wrote no were numerous secondary ex­ percentaige. Wins Diseipline Fight Marchers in Selma opinion in its action, which ap­ plosions during what he termed —H ie number of children in plied to a film called, "A Stran­ an excellent strike. He said a community who are reclpieYits ger Knocks.” The court, how­ when ftill reports are in, tha of the state’s principal public ever, cited a March 1 decision BERKELEY, Calif. (A P )—Clark Kerr was still presi­ Phu Qui ammxmition depot welfare program. Aid to De­ in a Maryland movie censorship dent of the 65,000-student University of California to­ probably can be referred to la pendent Children, would be com­ case. In the Maryland case, the day after an apparent victory in a showdown with the pest tense. Blocked by Sheriff pared with the tiotaj ADC case­ court said that state’s law did The depot is located 1(X) mile* Board of Regents over student discipline. load. not provide for a quick judicial south of Hanoi, 180 miles north By either standard. It is ex­ The regents appeared stilK' review of asserted obscenity of of the border and 38 miles from pected the bulk of the money films. divided on how swiftly and i 4 following Thom- the frontier of Laos. Price said C P T M A A la fAP) __ <*>troopers blocked the opposlte<feanyone. Don't get your hopes would go to the state's big^eM strongly unconfirming students _ displaying or or.L<n(lA, Aia. t A r; > 1~ un."up." Baker Baker said said to tothe the crowd. crowd. The Motion Picture Division son’s lead — displaying or the strike was valuable front a end of the street cities with their large concen­ should be disciplined. Sheriff James G. Clark took "W e love you. Sheriff Clark," of the New York State Educa­ speaking four-letter words on military standpoint because tha Only county deputies and trations of low-income families. Kerr, 83, a former labpr nego­ to u ted a demonstrator. tion Department had denied a the Berkeley campus. depots were in a strategic posi­ command of a city street state troopers were on the scene tiator who knows the art of "No, we don’t,” came the In the field of genered aid to license to Trans-Lux Distribut tion along the Ho Chi Minh sup­ today and blocked about when the march began. dickering, and acting Chancel­ The president and the acting Within 18 minutes the city's voice of another. the towns for education, the ad­ ing Oorp., owner of U.S. distri chancellor agreed the students ply trail. 600 marchers seeking to ministration la proposing that lor Martin jdeyerson withdrew public safety director, Wilson A long line of Negroes formed bution' rights for the Danish must be di-sclpUned. Price said the 30 buildings hit the existing grants to the towns their threat of resignations Sat­ hold a courthouse memorial Baker, and a force of city at the courthouse to take voter movie. 'Trans-Lux appealed to There was pressure from ranged up to 136 feet long suid 38 ha In c re o j^ hy *18 per pupil, urday aJter a 5)4-hour, closed- service fo r a slain clergy­ policemen arrived. The city offi­ tests in the second registration door emergency session with some regents for swift action. feet wide. day this month. .^ a total cost o< the increase (See Page Eight) man. .. cers . took up positions in the regmts. Students and a faculty Inves- The targot area was aprea4t~ street. The county officers left. has Jtaso. figim d .at. *3^mUHon. - - ■ - - - - -- ^ tigfating committee of the Aca­ over a square mile and tha F ira abreast, the ranks Thus, the total the Dempsey The educators, however, left ••We don’t'rlntend to arrest (See Page Tea) demic Senate wanted the slower buildings were widely dis­ administration wants for th* two the door open. Their announce­ of whjte ministers, priests "due process” procedure fol­ persed. The ammunition depot . categories at assistance is *30 ment said they had decided to and nuns, followed by Ne­ Ex-Thug Hit continue “ per^ng further dis­ lowed. was ringed with considerable million. flak. Price said, but an element gro students and other Doocy said tiie across - the - cussions with the Board of R e­ Such earlier demands had of surprise was apparently on white and N egro civil board increase in the regular gents.” resulted in last fall’s demon­ By Five Shots ttie side of American raiders. rights leaders, marched Congress to Hear per-pupll grants is "clearly war­ Presumably these "further strations. There had been sitins, discussions" will climax the massive rallies, the arrests of Price said the attacking force from two churches in a Ne­ ranted by the critical and grow­ ing needs of every Connecticut In Bay State regular March 26-26 regents’ 773 demonstrators and the de­ — which came from Southeast gro housing area. community.” meeting. parture of Dr. Edward W. Asian bases — used rockets, They headed for the oourt- President on Vote A delegation of more than 70 It was a barefoot youth carry­ Strong. Meyerson’s predeceswr, 20mm cannons and bombs. Tha SOMERVILLE, Mass. (A P ) houae and a memorial aervice New Haven residents, who came ing a placard wtth a shocking an advocate of strong discipline, aerial strike force was made up — An ex-c<M»vict was shot and for the James J.
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