Richard Nixon Presidential Library Contested Materials Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 18 2Campaign Other Document Quotation from Duffy's "An American Melodrama." 1 pg. 18 2Campaign Other Document Quotation from John Kenneth Galbraith's book. 1 pg. 18 2Campaign Other Document Quotation from a speech given by Lindsey. 1 pg. 18 2Campaign Other Document Quotations from Muskie and Philip Hart. 1 pg. Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Page 1 of 5 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 18 2 10/22/1970White House Staff Memo From Colson to Higby RE: "Hold." 1 pg. 18 2Campaign Other Document Proposed attack strategies for use against Huber Humphrey. 2 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper attempting to portray Albert Gore as a radical. 5 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper outlining Edmund Muskie's radical views. 3 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document List of arguments to be used against New Jersey Senate candidate Harrison Williams. 4 pgs. Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Page 2 of 5 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 18 2Campaign Other Document Paper attempting to portray Texan Lloyd Bensten as an extremist Senate candidate. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper portraying Joseph Montoya of New Mexico as a radical. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political attack strategy tarring Joseph Tydings as an extremist. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments to be used against Lawton Chiles of Florida in the 1970 Senate campaign. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments against Gale McGee as Wyoming's senator. 3 pgs. Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments against Vance Hartke as Indiana senator. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper attempting to establish Vermont Senate candidate Philip Hoff as an extremist. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments against the election of Adlai Stevenson as senator from Illinois. 4 pgs. 18 2 Campaign Photograph Document attempting to smear Frank Moss of Utah as an extremist. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper outlining Edmund Muskie's radical views. 4 pgs. Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Page 4 of 5 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments against the election of Quentin Burdick as Senator from North Dakota. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Short document portraying Richard Kneip as an extremist candidate. 3 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Document proclaiming Ohio Senate candidate Howard Metzenbaum as an extremist. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Arguments against the election of supposedly radical candidate Joseph Duffey as senator from Connecticut. 4 pgs. 18 2Campaign Other Document Political paper arguing against the election of John Tunney as senator from California. 4 pgs. Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Page 5 of 5 DUFFY Am American Melodrama - page 396. "I guess you could call me the sort of a revisionist Marxist, but certainly I have very little sympathy with the Maoists. (Note: Duffy and the authors are bitching about the use of the quote - when the V.P. hung it on Duffy on the last tour) JOHN KENNETH GALBRIATH -- Harper1s - (book) "(Socialism) describes what is needed ••• the Democratic party must henceforth use the word l Isocialism • LINDSEY (Rule of Law Speech - Association of the New York City Bar, reprinted CR June 10, 1970) liThe signs of a legal structure that mocks its own ideals are everywhere for every American. You cannot expect the people to respect the law if you tell them, almost proudly, that its final arbiters should be mediocre. Black militant and white radical - the poor and the politically unorthodix ­ in varying degree and for different reasons - all have lost faith in the system - they perceive the law as partisan or insensitive or vicious. And they are at least partially right. They are angry and they should be •.. "Faith in the system declines - and rightly so - when the Administration exults in its ~prosecution mindedness'. "Faith in the system declines and rightly so, in the aftermath of the tawdry judicial parody enacted in the trial of the Chicago Seven - a trial that was fundamentally an examination into political beliefs. "After that dubious exercise, a disaster for all concerned, it is harder to believe that the system is open, fair­ minded, and humane." MUSKIE "Student dissent has not been a disease of the body politic. It has instead been the welcome sign of health. " (Boston Glove, June 8, 1970) Philip Hart "Certainly it is risky for society to tolerate the concept of civil disobedience •..but my faith in the flexibility of the American Democratic system just will not allow me to get terribly 'uptight' abou t the propsect of massive disobedience." USN&WR Dec. 22, 1969 Hart "History will continue to note circumstances when it is not immoral to be illegal" And that "if one or several citizens truly feel their consciences so offended ••• that they are willing to accept punishment, rather than obey it (the law) , that I find it difficult to condemn it in advance. 1I USNER, Dec. 22, 1969 HART ••.Every student has a clear-cut Constituonal right to be a member of the SCS without fear that such membership will result in loss of his student deferment." Congo Record 11/21/66 T HE WHITE, H OUSE WASHINGTON October 22, 1970 To: Larry Higby From: CharlesW. Colson u • • • we're going to'get better u~iversities out of this. Eubert Hunphrey Minneauolis Trib~~e, Anril 20, 1969 ~ ~ pix of rioters) . Bette~ ~~iversities? Hubert Bays he believes better Ot:t .of stude:J.·c 'J::-otests !! ...unless nd::linistrators jr:..s'~ col1:;:]83 0efore the most militant and violent :-:a ~tio:: of co:::.tir.ues careless statements that (,:.'}::;cur.:.ge vio2.el:.c8" C:.'! Larch 10, 1970, Hamphrey tola. a 1I'.lild1y cl1c~:?ing ~:':'O:l? JI stucents II in TusccYl. that uni veI'si ty administrator's , 1.;.. n, \.. • 1·;:J As & resu ~ 01 t~:S ~ln~ of encouragement, radical militants have c~usea a gha~t1y a~o~~t of carnage. Since Sepember, 1969, they :::aV3 lea 1,803 cerr;;.'!strations, a~a. i1ave been re;sponsib1e for injuries' to ~73 persc~s ir..cluaing SOl police 6fficers. Nine persons have :dlla:'.. D2.!'{lage to'~als 12~ milliC:1 G.o11ars. They have lighted 253 firBS,lI p:'z.:1teCl 17 bonos, a·ttackeo. ROTC buildings 286 times, and stag8d 3~6 sit-ins. ~olice have been forced to make 7,561 arrests. Others, li~~e tte bo:-~~ers of the Un:" versity of Wis .sin Research Cen',er.;.. b ullc::.ng.,~. ; are fugitives from justice. " ,...,.., . :...uoerL: careless tal~ c~uses ~iolence. , . u;:.,~.j) /""1 I ve got enough spark left in me to'!::. .:..;:.:;:;! a mighty 1"-' ! goo d rev 0 ,. t - - 71181 66 I J' ~ j i i)) ~ ~ , Adult apathetics are far worse than student militants-­ "\ l;/11/70 .....~ Jr P-L __--- ._=-:" t_:~_,;, ...~~"_'-'. _.-'__~.:..:". 'V~ ... ____ -::~.: __ .... ~ "._." ,f ~ •• , ... ,-.'--~.v"·-·-.,,.'·t'·~-J'~:l Hubert Humphrey talks law and \ o:~ar:7 ~ut has he really learne~? '-. ,,~~,-.:~ ' .. t ~ '''''''V'''.''';'; . f'!..... In 1968 Ht!bert Hum;:>hrey said: 117.here is a higher authority ( , ;han 1eg~1 'authority, and I think a man's conscience is i ir.c.'2ad t:".at higher authority.1I ,But Minnesc~ans temember that the Wisconsin bombers, the Stanford burners, the Columbia and Santa Barbara rioters ,,11 rasponc2d to a call of ilconscience.1I 1970 Hubart Humphrey said, "I donlt believe the federal gov2rn~~n~ h(.s the risht to prevent interstate traffic of damonstrators for various causes. 1I But M~nnesot~ns knew that Jerry Ruben, Tom Hayden, the ~eathermen and Black Panthers are always where the riots are--in advancG. ~:s£ !-:~:;er';:; :-Iur.lphrey said IITha National Guard is no answer to the prob12~s of this country.1I B~t Minnes~tans have seen the National Guard fight in d~fense of cur nat~on, halt riots when all else failed, fight fires, End perforD heroic rescue missions. Hubert HUDphrey accepts money fr08 George McGovern's 1970 C2 ;';] Pa i 9 :" F:... ;': c' • t~ ceo' .:: r n s c: y S ,I C r i es for 1awan d 0 r Ge r .. cart y '- .1 :: L: ;; c:.;;; ~ ton 2 0 .; r :.. cism. II . ~ r::..tbe/'~c.HL::n;J:ij·~y \'J~l1 ·.:a:~e o:ders 'iI: the Senate from the Democratic ~ E:.ss.st.::.:.t .2ader. Ted KE;:;nedJ'f. Kennedy has compared the \. IIv101e:r.;::2u' of ;Jolice and ;':ationai Guardsm2n with the killing \ 0 f "<' e f"n s e ; e s s Vj 2 t n"m" seci vi1 iansat My Lai. " \, Hube:"t Hump:1rey supports Ra:nsey Clar:<. Clark is the Lyndon ." Johnsc;'l a-:;tol"ney general who boasts, "Il m like (Black Panther) Bobby Se:le in ma~y ways. Maybe not in as many ways as I " shou:c :'2. 11 --- .. _. ,- -- ----..--... ........._... ,.---_. ,...~~·~.IJ~ ; ~ --~{,..,y i...,A"T!)~VT<:7C:: I\_t',.,;. -' i """ HU3ERT HUMPHREY, MINNESOTA DO~S NOT. 0 + ~- •• " • Who Owns A1 be rt Gore? Albert Gore has accepted well over $150;000.00 in outside campaign money,--mostly from carpetbagger extremist groups. For example, radical George McGovern's 1970 campaign fund alone gave $60,000. The obstructionist National Committee for An Effective Congress put in $20,000. The peace-at-any-price Council for A Llvable World supports Albert Gore because it says, "as Chairman of the Disarma­ ment Subcommittee, he occupies a vital position of power in the Senate which he has used again, and again to challenge the military hegemony." These radical outfits with high-sounding names are campaigning to elect some 15 "chosen" Senators, buying their votes for extremist programs.
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