ELECTION RESULTS NEW SECTION FEATURE Underground The full story Student Radio music, dance pages 1 2 Network and clubs And Then There Were Four... Imperial College was unlikely that the students have fraud was part of any finally elected a kind of organised cam- president and paign, but rather "more deputy president likely by accident than (clubs and soci- by design". The defeat- eties). At the fourth ed candidate, Mark time of asking, Baker, also said that he Andrew Heeps was was satisfied that the returned as presi- result was reached dent and Charlie fairly. Joynt DP(CS^) Several people Tuesday evening. have privately voiced The results were concerns over the dominated by a medical block vote. cross-campus med- Whilst it was elsewhere ical block vote. noted that the South Andrew Heeps, a Kensington/medical third year medic divide was disappoint- from the Charing ing, the conclusion on Cross site of ICSM, who to vote for polled 57% of the appears to have been overall vote, in com- reached by a split deci- parison to the South Charlie |oynt, the new Deputy President {CSS} back to sion in an unofficial Kensington based back with Andy Heeps, now the President of ICU. St. Mary's executive candidate Mark Inset: Rob Clark (DP F&S) and Jeremy Thomson (Felix committee meeting. Baker (Computing Editor) elected last March. Main photo: Froggy continues on page 2 UG4), who man- aged only 37.6% of the overall vote, block vote. He expressed sadness despite managing almost 70% of over the South Kensington turnout, the more populated but seemingly only 744 out of nearly well over THIS WEEK'S more apathetic South Kensington 7,000 students. Charlie Joynt's only campus. recorded comment of the evening NEWS In the election for DP (C&S), an was: "DP (C85)? What's that?" unchallenged Charlie Joynt was There were isolated cases of ELECTIONS FINALLY OVER swept in by a massive 85% over electoral impropriety in the Success at last! Full story and vot- new election, with solid support Presidential election, with at least ing figures. pages ' & 2 from all sites. six of the votes Andy Heeps proxied from NOVELTY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT was "shocked" the clinical Norris McWhirter bashed by at his 300 CXWMS stu- barrier. majority, and dents seemingly page 3 was "very duplicated at pleased at the the ballot box. RAG MAG SLAGGED medical sup- The returning ICU Rag have finally overstepped port at South officer, the out- the mark with this year's Kensington". He going President publication. also praised Eric Eric Allsop was page 3 Allsop for hav- however "satis- ing done such a fied that, having LONDON CHURCH OF CHRIST "fantastic job" checked They're after you. over the last Ballot boxes at South Kensington through all the page 2 year, especially were not doing a roaring trade. proxied votes, it with the elec- Photo: Froggy could have had AND REALLY NOT MUCH ELSE tions. Mark no effect on the We're desperately seeking news Baker dryly commented that the final outcome." He added that the writers. If you're interested, students had "voted to maintain people concerned would have to please come to the news meet- the status quo - a fat Tory presi- explain themselves to the Union ings, lpm Tuesdays or 12.30pm dent", before more seriously con- disciplinary committee. Rob Clarke, Fridays in the Felix Office. gratulating Andy on getting the ICU DP (F&S) commented that it U. 3 £- 3 o' M M Ul n ?! O Ul O ft 0i Ul o s- 0 rig o O O O 1 rt 2J 1 2 < 3 3" § o o C ft1 o (?« CL rt- - rt ST I i *i. a ft OJ - rt- ft o o rt Chem Eng 0i a. K 7* 3 3" ft o- e 0. 3? < a = cn 0 <« rt si § 3 3 CL g: ft •o rt rt -< * 8 5 O a o ft gr ft ft •o a> Chem/Biochem 5 S g| 3 -3, rt =; §"5 a _ 3 0 O 3 ? «• n > o, CL rt" 3- 3" n | £ 3 % Civil Eng Jo 01 ft Z3 n a- 3 ft ft rt o rT w 2 g § 1 3- Si ° ft 3 a Ln' Oj 2 £ a 5" I g 1 Elec Eng z o OO a a rt- " 3" Oj o ft o ft -n > ft 0i S O m CL rt n> I C ft. 3 3" Huxley a ft C ft n oT rt — S" "D o. <jS ft r> on 3 3 cn S « JCR ft rt ft 3 3" s I n O o =J, a- $ O ft BJ 0J 3 tn P o * 3 n s. on 3 JU Cn a i F ft o Mech Eng ' 0i rt- F —. 5' ff rt i n o O 0 ft fD Ui 0i J3 OJ Oi Southside 0 =!. 3 I ft £ C F 3 n 5 3- -a < a 3" o< (/> OQ 0 % I 2 ft = ft —- n ~ „ " 2- 3 1 3 " ft, a -a RSM 0i ft ft. Q "2. 3 ft o ft <D !!i>7r. P 1' ... f» - a p. rt rt w o « it' o 3 c a 0 rt P = f-t- 5" & CL ft a OQ s I S Union total c? 7 o- • 5' cT O O 3 TD ft 3 ft o Non-medical w M * St oT^ a a ft re S 5" 0 01 £. n ^ Charing Cross rt Cn ff o o. «2 Oi o rt 3" Z * 9, C5n 3 c J ? 3 I s 2 OQ Si OQ S! -o rt I i CL ft 2 ft § I St Mary's O r § . a O » O ? 9 5 S, ft |3 O- r=tT t3u 3 ft o ft = 9: < 3 c c a 3 ft rt- ^ s =s O i< a, Hammersmith Medical 5' ft nI 9 O OQ cr C -o rt- cn ° j? Q -< ft > ft 3 ft re 3- o rt rt 3" 3 cn , 01 0i ft ft o Royal Brompton a n 3 § x -, OQ * •2o. B n 3 E5 ; 5-' 05T OQ it ft' oi n ft 1 TJ in ft ft I I; g OQ 3 oi Number of Votes n 3- « ft O _ 3" 2 o g ^ Q ft X 3- O o> ft -r, o o ft s M 01 CL 3 I 3 1/1 o O SI 3 i-t- D o g ? 5 o CL _ ft 0i o o O O o o ,2 u < 0i O-I" Oi n 9) rt rt- O n 5' 0 -a OQ cn O Chem Eng & Srt, » 3" rto rt 3- ft ft x -o ft ft 3 R- z rt? SL 3 3 OQ cn =* ft a $ >0<1 2 Chem/Biochem n 3" < rt o 1 > 3" "* 9 5' rt 3 3- ,3 rt I 9 c CL ft ft w Si < 3" rt ft Civil Eng S" 13 0) OQ 3" rt S ~o ft -i ft &%. sr s. o rt 2. 00 2; ft ft ncn g 0 ft _ ft o TO 3 £. o « OQ 3 Elec Eng ? rt- zftr CD 0. 3 2 E 8 0i m c rt 5 Huxley 1 F 0 Cn 03 CO o' IQI . en I if ft ft 0i D a o 3 ?5 ft JCR rt S ft ^ cn 0 O ff m tr o""rt ^ x On •o "ft | rt < o fD >— II ft n Mech Eng n o |. ? ^ 3 <" ft ? c5r ^< < r" 0 < S ft rt Oi o 01 - 3 K CD H o ft Oi cn Southside ft 2; 2 rt- ft ft 7 3 3" OQ 3 O O ft rt rt RSM 0 _. 3 cn Union (in person) Co' Non-medical 0) Union (proxy) Medical CL Charing Cross St Mary's Hammersmith Royal Brompton 14 November 1997 NEWS News in Brief... PHASERS SET TO RAG MAG STUN BEYOND A JOKE American inventor Jan Eric Herr Rag's annual humourous fund- has developed a weapon with raising magazine, the rag mag, has effects that parallel those of sci-fi this year recieved heavy critisism laser guns. Mr. Herr's weapon from Union officers due to several works on a similar principle to of the jokes contained being unac- JT*7 tasers, hand-held 'defence' ceptably racist or homophobic. weapons that deliver a high volt- Andy Heeps, ICU President, told age shock to the victim. It Felix that it was "exceptionally IMPERIAL COLLEGE SPORTS CENTRE employs 2 lasers to create a 'plas- inappropriate" and the magazine "7 I=»R:IIMCES GARDENS ma channel,' a column of ionised could not be sold unless three of EXT 48964 I air which electricity can flow the jokes were deleted. The matter through. Then an electrical cur- will be discussed at the union iSl ' .' '.. ... ' i rent, is sent through the target. executive committee on Tuesday, Swimming Pool: Gym: This has the effect of painlessly and no copies are allowed to be Monday - 7.00am - 7.30pm 7.00am - lO.OOpm stunning the victim - or worse - sold off campus until then, as it is ' Tuesday 7.00am - 7.30pm Tuesday - 70OAUI 10.00pm possible that legal action could be depending on the setting of the Wed 7.00am - 7.30pm Wed 7.00am - 10.00pm gun. Using lasers also increases taken against Rag. This has also Thursday - 7.00am - 9.00pm Thursday - 7.00am 9.00pm the range of these weapons from prevented Rag from selling them in Friday 7.00am - 6.30pm Friday 7.06am lO.OOpm five to around one hundred their London collection planned for Saturday - 8.00am 6.00pm Saturday - 8.00am - 6.00pm metres.
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