THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 57 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1939 NUMBER 18 COMMENCEMENT Watervliet Paid Tribute Wm. Beverly To SPEAKER JUNE 8 Watervliet High School Commencement AT WATERVLIET To Soldier Dead Tuesday Head Chamber Commencement Program Activities Begin BACCALAUREATE SERVICES, SUNDAY, JUNE 4lh ($ Of Commerce Sunday Evening Processional Carol Bujack Usual Parade and Exorcises Were system of passports and custom dut- Invocation Rev. Ellsworth Moran Carried Out at City Cemetery ies, to say nothing of differences of Hymn, "America the Beautiful" Congregation Tuesday Forenoon language, at every state line south New Officers Elected at Wednesday "Adoramus Te,' Paleslrina High School A Cappella Choir of our border. Some of them might Baccalaureate Address Will Be Given Night's Meeting. New President Sermon, "God's Gift" Rev. J. Francis Murphy By Rev. Fr. Murphy. make treaties or agreements with "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," Bach High School Choir their home governments in Europe. Succeeds C. W. McNiei. C. I. MONROE WAS SPEAKER This great country has never Hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" Congregation Wm. Beverly will head the Water- Benediction Rev. Ellsworth Moran fought or been a party to an un- 34 SENIORS TO RECEIVE DIPLOM- just war, and this was more than vliet Chamber of Commerce the coming year and he will be assisted AS THURSDAY. JUNE 8 Perfect weather was in the mnk- true in 1898 when this Nation saw the Cuban Government being op- by Stanley Monroe, who was named CLASS NIGHT PROGRAM. TUESDAY, JUNE 6. 8:15 p. m. InK for Memorial Day which was vice-president at a meeting of the fittingly observed in Watervliet. The pressed by a tryannical European Country and we sent the Battle- Chamber of Commerce at the city March Carol Bujack, '40 Next week is the closing week of program was sporlsored by the Amer- hall Wednesday evening. Other of- Invocation Rev. G. Kreuzenstein ican Legion, of which E. G. Milham ship Maine to Cuban waters to help the school year for the Watervliet the oppressed and protect our own ficers named at the meeting include Salutatory Wanda Scheid schools and it means a busy one, es- h; commander, and many turned out Raymond Moody, treasurer, and Class History Helen Lottridge, Edward Bonkoski to do honor to the soldier dead. The rights. A great many within my pecially for the senior (.'lass of 33 hearing remember the day of Feb- Clair E. Shepard, secretary, both re- Vocal Duet, "The Bells of Memory"—Arlene Krleger, Darlene Sellers members who have successfully com- American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary elected. Class Will - Raymond Camp, Ted Ray and Boy Scouts met at the city hall, r.iary 15, 1898, when our battleship pleted their high school course and Maine was sunk; how within a short The meeting was well represented Instrumental Trio "Musicians Three" will iccenve their diplomas Thurs- where they were joined at 10 o'clock by the business interests of the city Jack Porter, Ray Jones, Robert Curtis by the Watervliet High School Band lime we declared war upon Spain day evening, June H. and the flower of our country en- and plans for Watervliet's annual Giftalory Virginia Varnau, John Salay The Commencement Week ac- of 40 pieces. Leaving the city hall July Fourth celebration and other the lino of march continued up listed in the army and navy to pro- Class Prophecy Darlene Sellers, Robert Brown tivities will begin with the Bacca- secute a just war. We have with us matters were talked over. However, DR. PAUL L. THOMPSON Presentation of Awards Supt. R. R. Shelters laureate services at the auditorium Main street and then to the high the main object of the gathering was school building where grade chil- today a few of the veterans of this Valedictory Bernard Thar Sunday evening. June 4th. The Rev. war and all credit is due to these for the annual election of officers. President of Kalamazoo College Will Benediction Rev. G. Kreuzenstein J. Francis Murphy, pastor of St. Jo- dren and their teachers joined in and, Mr. Beverly succeeds C. W. Mc- headed by two motorcycle officers men. Be Commencement Speaker June 8. seph's Catholic church, will give the Then again in 1914 a Great War Niei, who was chosen president of sermon to the graduates and he has from the sheriff's department, pro- the civic organization when it was ceeded to the City cemetery on East started in Europe and a few months JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION chosen for his topic "God's Gift." later events followed which drew re-organized more than a year ago. The High School A Cappella Choir, St. Joseph street, halting at the Mill Mr. Monroe succeeds Harry Thomp- Wednesday Evening, June 7th, 8:15 O'clock Creek bridge to cast flowers upon us into this war. In the past few under the direction of Mrs. Mildred years there has been a great deal of son as vice-president. Watervliet Young the waters in memory of those Processional Watervliet High School Band Shelters, will furnish special selec- discussion as to whether or not we Mr. Beverly will call a meeting tions; the processional will be play- who lost their lives in the later to name comirfittes and other- Invocation Rev. Grant Jordan Navy. At the cemetery graves of should have entered this, and just ed by Miss Carol Bujack, junior, what the outcome would have been wise get started on a busy summer's Saxophone Solo, "Espanita Waltz"—Rosey Donald Milham the soldiers were decorated and the work. People Are Wed and the Rev. Ellsworth Moran, pas- had we not done so. Personally, Address "Our Future" tor of the Free Methodist church, usual ceremonies were carried out. Mr. Harry Lurkins, Berrien County Agricultural Agent Speaker of the day was Chester I. I believe it wa? the only thing our will give the invocation and the Monroe, president of he First Na- nation could have done under the A charming wedding of the spring Vocal Solos Betty Geisler, *38 benediction. circumstances and I believe that season was solemnized Sunday after- "Lullaby from Jocelyn" Godard tional Bank of Watervliet, who told Class Night Tuesday, June 6 something of the origin and history President Wilson was absolutely right Maroon Teams Win noon, May 28, at 4 o'clock, at the "The Star" Rogers of Memorial Day. And for the ben- in declaring war. Had this not been First Congregational church, when Presentation of Honor Awards Supt. Ronald R. Shelters Class Night, always an important done the German Government and I Lorraine Annabelle Porter, daughter ( / efit of those who were not privil- Trumpet Solo, "Italiana"—Clay Smith Pat O'Malley event of Commencement Week, oc- their allies would undoubtedly have " of Mr. and Mrs. Colman Porter, be-1 curs Tuesday evening, June 6, at eged to hear this speech we are Trio of Ball Games Presentation of Diplomas Principal Ralph Smith printing his address. He said: won the war and it is quite possible came the bride of Robert L. Sprague, j 8:15 o'clock. At this lime several that today we should be under a Dic- son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprague. Benediction - Rev. Grant Jordan members of the senior class will lake John A. Logan, Commander in tator rather than this Republican Paw Paw, Lawton Reserves, and St. The Rev. John D. Perrin offic-l part and presentation of awards will Chief of the Grand Army of the form of Government. We have with iated, performing the single ring be given by Supt. R. R. Shelters. Republic in 1868, acting on a sug- Joseph Defeated In Week's Play. ceremony in the presence of two us today a number of men who COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 8 The Rev. G. Kreuzenstein, pastor of gestion, that instead of decorating fought in this war and who only The baseball teams of Watervliet hundred guests. The church was St. Paul's Evangelical church, will the graves of dead soldieni at ir- know the suffering that they went High are nearing the end of a very beautifully decorated with tall bask- Salute to the Colors. give the invocation and the bene- regular intervals, a uniform time through to again save to us our Na- successful season. Three victories ets of spring flowers. Processional, "Triumphal March from Aida" Verdi diction. Miss Wanda Scheid will should be fixed, issued an order set- The bride was attended by Mrs. tion. At this time I want to pay during the past week gave the boys Watervliet High School Band give her salutatory and Bernard ting May 30th., 1868 for "strewing our rospects to all the veterans of a total of sixteen victories and two Donald Baldwin, matron of honor, | Thar the valedictory. The usual with flowers or otherwise decorating the World War and also to commend defeats. Paw Paw invaded Hays and six bridesmaids—Mrs. Herbert' Invocation Rev John Perrin Class History, Class Prophecy, Class the graves of Comrades who died in the American Legion, the Veterans of Field Thursday and lost a 12-7 en- Stedman, Mrs. Fred Rauth and the, Clarinet Solo, "The Blue Bells of Scotland," with Variations— Will and Gifatory and other fea- defense of their country, and whose Foreign Wars, and the Auxiliaries counter. Lawton "B" was defeated Misses loyne Barnhart, Helen Curt- j Paul de Vilke Edward Hawks, '40 tures will make up an interesting bodies now lie in almost every city, of these organizations for the very 18-4 on Monday and the local re- is, Onalee Bronson and Wanda' Address "The Man Ahead" and entertaining program.
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