't ..1' Give Now To Help Maintain the War Memorial Ronu oj .. X.l'eb.Val ews Center VOLUME J 3-NO., 31. \ HEADLINES Residents Backing Absent Voters Urged to Get, As CompiJ"tI II, lb. ICommunity Club's Ballots Now- Gross. Poinl. News Primary Will Decide Whether Thursday, July 24 There Will Be AI/.Pointe ANTI-AMERICANISM mounts Big .New Addition BllttJe for Governor throughout Iran as Red mobs hold mass demonstrations, shout- ing, "Throw the Americans OLlt." Committee Established to Insure That Construction on A final effort to turn out a . .. ' Much-N~eded BuildiM9 Will Be. Started record vote at next Tuesday's STEEL STRIKE ENDS following primary: ,election 'is being Truman order that the two top With Two Weeks \ , spokesmen for the industry and made by all the Pointe mu- its labor, Benjamin Fairless and Hopes and dreams crystallized into realization Monday nicipalities with the warning Phil Murray. reach immediate evening as a group of civic-minded people rallied and or- that Saturday, August 2, is settlement in face-to-face confer- ganized .to meet the growing needs of children and adults the last day on which absen- ~nce at the White' House. in the Grosse Pointe Woods area. tee ballots .may be obtained. • • • Under the banner of the Grosse~:-------------- Clerks of all five Pointes will UN BOMBERS in force over Pointe Woods Community Club El S · remain in their offices until .z North Korea in follow-up to yes- and the sponsorship of Edward m praYlng o'clock Saturday, afternoon to terday"'s raid on Communist port Schultz of the Schultz Construc- take applications for absentee and power installations. tion Co., a temporary committee B. R h d ballots. That will be the final . .. .. was established to 'meet. the dead- flng US e deadline, as established by state Friday, July 25 line of "construction of the five law. DEMOCRATIC 'National Con- room addition to begin within By Poz-ntes Very Heavy Demand "ention voted to stay in session two weeks" and "playground . There has been an unusu~lly for showdown on seating of three equipment to be moved to a new heavy demand for absentee bal- Southern delegations. In last- location on the playground with- H Ch k F rth lots this year. The Farms an. minute surge toward party unity in the week." ope to ec u er nounced last week that it had a1:' convention votes to let Virginia, Tells of Great Growth Spread of Disease After ready issued more' than' 200 and Louisiana and South Carolina Mervyn Gaskin, former presi- 59 Are Fou.nd Infected the pace continued this week: On delegations stay. dent of the Board of Directors, Tuesday it was announced no to- .. informed the greup that "attend- The elm spraying program tal had been kept and the office ance in organized groups at the . staff was so busy issuing ballots S T EVE N SON DRAFT for tO Democratic presidential. candi- Community Club has jumped has moved l!1 gear m the Iit had rio time to count them. - dacy booms as dramatic demon- from 1,276 in 1950 to over 9,000 different Pointe municipali- Norbert Neff, City clerk, an. stration follows his' nomination. for the year to date." He con- ties in' an effort to check fur- nounced on Monday that he ex- >;< .. • tinued by pointing out that ther spread of the Dutch Elm pected th~ 300th absentee ballot "funds from the Torch Fund have ld b d th b f th WHITE HOUSE announced been doubled'in the past year and diseas.e that Cfained a big toe- wou e Issue ere e ore e that President Truman has com- h ld I t .b close of the day.' The same un- a half to over $14,000 for 1952. 0 as sprmg. usual demand is true with the muted the death sentence of Os- The full time' staff will double The recently completed survey, other Pointes. car Collazo, who had taken part this year." conducted by experts from the in attempt on the president's Mr. Gaskin puinted out that the Michigan Department of Agricul. Many Vacationers life in Nov~ember of 1950, to life high quality of service performed ture as a follow-up to the com- This is partially caused of imprisonment. -Picture by Fred Runnells Just 24 hours old when thirs picture was taken, this lit tIe fellow was found in a field at the end of Ke-rcheval ave- by tb.e Community Club is indi- 'munity-wide spraying in the course, by the setting up of the • • • cated in the fact that the Com- spring, designated 59 of the near- date for the primaries to August J"ue ~unday night. He is believed to have been tos~ed from a car in a paper bag, found near him when his cries at- munity Club is used by Wayne ly 29.000 elms throughout ,the 5, when many will be out of 8aturday', July 26 tracted attention. Shown with him in Cottage Hospital Monday afternoon, is MISS HILDEGARDE RIETHMEIER, University as a training center to Pointe as diseased trees. town on their vacations. The pri- PROTESTING Communist "ut. atternoan' superintendent at .the hospital. Miss Carolyn 'W icks, superintendent, reported on Tp.esday' that the infant prepare graduate students for the Infected Trees Removed maries are generally riot held un- tel' hyprocrisy," the United Na- is doing, well and taking nourishment despite 'a skull"ftac ture. tions delegation today broke off 1- profession of Sociai Group Work. A'long with the spraying, the .t~l September when most vaca- Korean truce talks until Au- With such' facts in hand, the infected elms arc being rem.oved. bans are ''over. gust 3. committee unanimously agreed to Municipal authorities have urged T~e it;I:e~se )?terest in .t~s * • • go forth with the project of the that private property owners take year s e1ectlons has been respon- CIO PRESIDENT Philip Mur- Lake Shore Fish Rod e(),TiIrie upProoiices"'Baby 'Fo~nd addition to the present building, the nec'!Ssary steps to insure their sible for producing record regis- ray expected to order 600,000 and on the spot pledged ,financial elms against possible infection by tration lists in all of the Poj.ntes. steel workers back to work to- Tree Spells Few Fish, But I~aft of Kids Abandoned in and material help. Planning to the Elm Bark ,Beetle~ The loss of When the deadline for registra- day, ending longest and most contact other builders and supply a tree and its subsequent re~ tions was reached. some 37,000 costly steel strike. in U. S. his- dealers in the community for moval, order~d by law. entails voters .had qualified. tory. Sudden Death Testify to Wonderful Time Farms Field similar assistance, the effort thus an average expenditure of nearly Full Details Published • • • became a businessmen's project $200. Tuesday's primaries will pro- "YOUNG HOTHEADS" of the Phinou's Shaw Killed While 139 Youngsters Turn Out for Practice Se~sion at Farms Pier., dedicated to the welfare of the Would Put Cost On Tax BI,B duce candidates for governor and Democratic pary. Governor Wil- New-born Infant Recovering community. The committee went Spok~~men of the Grosse ~Ol~te I lieutenant governor, the U. S. liams and Senator Moody, in last RetlUning From Work at 'Consum~ Enormou~ Quantities of Pop C H ' I on record that "this should be a Propert., Owners AssocIatlOL Senate and House of Representa- attempt to stop Governor Stev- St. Clair Shores'Cafe and Hot Dogs in ottage ospita Des- community enterprise and any have ~uggested ~hat they n:ay i tives, State Legislators and State enson's nomination last night ----- pite Fractured Skull' contribution will be gratefully re. press for. a, spraymg next. sprmg Senator, and a host of county plotted to have Senator Ke. By Fred Runnells . ceived." of both cIty-owned and prr'lately- offices. All election details are fauver throw his support to Phinous R. Shaw, aged 3~, One hundred anu Llliny-nl11e youngsters ranging in ages A baby boy about three . Supervision of construction owned elms under .one program, published in legal advertisements of the Savarine Hotel, 13115 from 4 to 17, appeared as if by magic at the crack of dawn will be undertaken by Mr. the expense of WhIC~ would be by all the POintes, being carried senator Douglas of Illinois. h hours old was found 'aban- Schultz with the assistance of p~aced on the tax bIll, or pro- in this issue of the NEWS. .. East Jefferson, died of in- at t Ie Grosse Pointe Farms municipal pier last Saturday, doned in a field at the end of other builders in the communit.y. vIded, f~r through a budget' ap. Polls 0 e 13 H Sunday, July 21 juries suffered in an auto ac- July 26, to vie for honors and prlzes i~ the second annual Kercheval avenue about 200 Max Luce, architect of th1e pro- propnatlOn. The polls ~lr be op:~r~rom 7 IKE CONFIDENT he will de- cident on Lake Shore. road Fishing Rod~o Tl;tneu? '{.. \. , yards north of Provencal last posed addition, will finish detail ----- ,a.m. until 8 p.m. It should be feat Stevenson for the presidency. Actuall~ onlY nme fIsh were I CIty s entnes and Steve Barnes Sunday evening. Di~covered planning. Frank Broedell, R., H. Slip 0f F00t I noted that the City of Grosse Declares Stevenson saddled with near Vermer shortly after he i taken durmg the hour and a half of the City caught the only rock I by Mer '11 W lIs J of 3922 Courteville, C.
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