June 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6697 Jazz and their old-fashioned work NBA basketball team. He enabled the lated smoking area in the Senate Wing of the ethic. Often facing younger and more Jazz to stay in Salt Lake City. He has Capitol and each of the Senate Office Build- athletic teams, the Jazz have relied on displayed great leadership and commit- ings, as designated by the Architect of the their trademark discipline and team- ment to the team and the community Capitol with the approval of the Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration. work to overwhelm their opponents. throughout his many years of owning Senators, Chairmen of Committees in con- However, it is not just the Jazz’s tri- this team. sultation with the Ranking Member, the umphs on the basketball court that are Team President Frank Layden has Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at spectacular—such as winning over 76 always encouraged, motivated, and Arms, the Architect of the Capitol, the Chap- percent of this season’s games and commanded respect from the players lain, and heads of support organizations as- compiling an 11–3 mark through the and the community. His enthusiasm signed space in the Senate Wing of the Cap- Western Conference playoffs, punc- creates community spirit and strength- itol or the Senate Office Buildings may each tuated by a 4-game sweep of the formi- ens conviction in our team. establish smoking policies for all office space assigned to them.’’ dable Los Angeles Lakers. The exam- And Scott Layden’s savvy, and su- WENDELL H. FORD, ples they set for our youth off the perb sense of what makes a champion Ranking Member. court are just as noteworthy. Many of has continued to propel the Jazz to JOHN WARNER, the players give of their time, talents greater heights. He has always con- Chairman. and money to better our community. ducted the business of the Jazz with f They have been unafraid to display to professionalism, and is one of the most the world that you can be a superstar highly-respected front office people in MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT and a good citizen, friend, and father. the league. Messages from the President of the Our team is made up of high caliber in- To the players, I offer my congratu- United States were communicated to dividuals. They have worked hard, be- lations on an exceptional season. Each the Senate by Mr. Williams, one of his lieved in each other, and have dis- of these fine individuals—Karl, John, secretaries. played tremendous poise and dignity Jeff, Byron, Greg, Antoine, Shandon, EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED throughout a challenging season. Howard, Chris, Adam, Greg, and As in executive session the Presiding Once again this year, Utahns were Jacque—contributed greatly to the Officer laid before the Senate messages privileged to watch the timeless duo of success of this team. On behalf of Jazz from the President of the United John Stockton and Karl Marlone work fans everywhere, I thank you all for States submitting one treaty and sun- their magic. taking us on yet another memorable dry nominations which were referred to By flawlessly executing there signa- journey to the NBA Finals. Let’s do it the appropriate committees. ture pick-and-roll time and time again, gain next year. (The nominations received today are these two basketball legends led the Mr. President, I am proud of the Jazz printed at the end of the Senate pro- Jazz to a 62-win season that classified and the unique spirit of unity that they ceedings.) as the best record in the NBA this sea- have brought to the state of Utah. Win f son and included 2 wins and no losses in or lose, they act with professionalism match-up with the Bulls. In fact, if you and class both on and off the court. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES take into account every game in which They are champions in every sense of The following reports of committees the Jazz and the Bulls faced one an- the word. were submitted: other this year, each team won four. f By Mr. CHAFEE, from the Committee on So, the way I see it, the Bulls win in Environment and Public Works, without Game 6 achieved a draw in the Jazz- CHANGES TO THE RULES FOR amendment: Bulls rivalry for the entire ’97–’98. REGULATION OF THE SENATE S. 1677. A bill to reauthorize the North I do want to congratulate the Chi- WING OF THE UNITED STATES American Wetlands Conservation Act and cago Bulls on another fine season and a CAPITOL the Partnerships for Wildlife Act (Rept. No. tremendous victory in the Finals. My Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask 105–218). By Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on hat is off to Michael Jordan and the unanimous consent to have printed in the Judiciary, with an amendment: Bulls for a spectacular playoff perform- the RECORD a committee motion of the H.R. 1211. A bill for the relief of Global Ex- ance. Michael Jordan’s skills and su- Committee on Rules and Administra- ploration and Development Corporation, perb performances will be applauded tion relating to changes to the Rules Kerr-McGee Corporation, and Kerr-McGee for many years to come. No one can for Regulation of the Senate Wing of Chemical Corporation. dispute that this team is comprised of the United States Capitol. By Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on very talented players who have excited There being no objection, the mate- the Judiciary, without amendment and with and entertained basketball fans around rial was ordered to be printed in the a preamble: S. Res. 176. A resolution proclaiming the RECORD, as follows: the world for most of this decade. week of October 18 through October 24, 1998, Years from now, as I look back at UNITED STATES SENATE, as ‘‘National Character Counts Week.’’ this Jazz team, I will fondly remember COMMITTEE ON RULES AND f this remarkable season and the joy ADMINISTRATION, they brought to all their fans. It has Washington, DC, June 18, 1998. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF been my pleasure to attend many COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE games at the Delta Center and to join COMMITTEE MOTION The following executive reports of in the cheering and excitement. It has THE COMMITTEE HEREBY adopts the fol- committees were submitted: been my honor to represent the state lowing changes to the Rules for Regulation By Mr. HELMS, from the Committee on with the classiest team in the NBA. of the Senate Wing of the United States Cap- Foreign Relations: The Utah Jazz would not have been itol. Treaty Doc. 104–17 Convention For the Pro- able to achieve such success without 1. In recognition of the fact that these tection of Plants (Exec. Rept. 105–15). the contributions and talents of some rules are also applicable to the Senate Office Buildings, the name of these rules is changed TEXT OF COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED very key people. I commend head coach to read: ‘‘Rules for Regulation of the Senate RESOLUTION OF ADVICE AND CONSENT Jerry Sloan and his staff for the gritty, Wing of the United States Capitol and Sen- Resolved, (two-thirds of the Senators present hard-nosed approach that they have ate Office Buildings.’’ concurring therein), That the Senate advise given to the team. Coach Sloan never 2. In recognition of the fact that Rule X ad- and consent to the ratification of The Inter- gave excuses when things went awry dresses the barber shop and bathrooms and is national Convention for the Protection of and always expected his players to give outdated and no longer needed, the text of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, their best efforts, every minute of Rule X is revoked. as revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, on October 23, 1978, and on March 19, 1991, and every game. He has the complete re- 3. The following is adopted and substituted for the text of Rule X: signed by the United States on October 25, spect of all of his players—the greatest ‘‘Smoking is prohibited in all public places 1991 (Treaty Doc. 104–17), subject to the res- accolade a coach can receive. and unassigned space within the Senate ervation of subsection (a), the declarations Jazz Owner Larry Miller knew what Wing of the Capitol and the Senate Office of subsection (b), and the proviso of sub- it would mean for Utah to have its own Buildings, with the exception of one venti- section (c). VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:18 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S19JN8.REC S19JN8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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