February 22, 2017 Dear Governors, With 2016 finishing as the ho;est year on record and extreme weather happening all around us we need to do much more to tackle the climate crisis. We must quickly shiF away from dirty fuels like coal, oil and gas and towards 100 percent renewable energy. The Northeastern and Mid-AtlanMc states are leading the country by parMcipaMng in the best regional clean air and climate protecMon program known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas IniMaMve (RGGI). Our nine states have joined together in this regional system that has helped slash global warming polluMon from power plants in half and invested $2.5 billion in clean energy over the last decade. As you review this successful program we ask you to double its strength, cuVng polluMon in half again by 2030. By limiMng carbon polluMon from power plants, requiring emi;ers to buy permits to pollute and invesMng the revenues in energy efficiency and renewable energy, RGGI has helped parMcipaMng states to meet our environmental and energy challenges and protected public health while curbing dependence on dirty fuels and saving consumers money. The program has already achieved cleaner air, prevented 600 premature deaths, 9,000 asthma a;acks, and 43,000 lost work days – health benefits worth more than $5.7 billion. It has also realized $3 billion in economic benefits while creaMng more than 30,000 job years. Doubling RGGI's strength through 2030 would help reduce our energy bills across the nine state region by more than $25 billion through 2030, while creaMng almost 60,000 new jobs per year, on average. At the same Mme, we must lead the way in ensuring that communiMes on the frontlines of the impacts of polluMon and climate change have a say in how RGGI is implemented and how funds are distributed to ensure broad and equal opportuniMes to benefit. The undersigned organizaMons, elected officials, businesses, health professionals and academics urge Governors to double the strength of the Regional Greenhouse Gas IniMaMve to cut polluMon in half again by 2030, address exisMng loopholes that could undermine the effecMveness of the program in achieving its emission reducMon targets, and lead the country toward a clean energy future. Together we can deliver clean air and a safe, healthy climate for us all. Sincerely, Na#onal Acadia Center Catskill Ci/zens for Safe Energy Conserva/on Law Founda/on Earth Ac/on, Inc. EcoEquity Environment America Interfaith Power & Light Labor Network for Sustainability League of Conserva/on Voters Na/onal Wildlife Federa/on Natural Resources Defense Council Pace Energy and Climate Center Physicians for Social Responsibility Pipe Line Awareness Network for the Northeast Sierra Club Snowriders Interna/onal Toxics Ac/on Center Vermont Energy Investment Corpora/on Connec&cut ARTFARM Connec&cut Ci&zen Ac&on Group Connec&cut Clean Water Ac&on Connec&cut Land Conserva&on Council Jose Perez, BSN, RN and Secretary/Treasurer, CT Health Care Associates, AFSCME, AFL-CIO CT League of Conserva&on Voters Environment Connec&cut New Haven Climate Movement The Watershed Partnership, Inc. Toxics Ac&on Center, Connec&cut Abigail Correia, MPH, RN, Yale and Boston Medical Center Delaware Amanda Waters, RN, Chris&ana Care Health System Dr. Barry Boyd, Chris&ana Care Health System Dr. Habib Asmaro, Chris&ana Care Health System Iisha HackeT, RN, Chris&ana Care Health System J'nelle Carbnel, RN, Chris&ana Care Health System Jen Wallenberg, Radiologist Technician, Chris&ana Care Health System Joe Sciulara, Physician Assistant, Chris&ana Care Health System Mindo Watson, Pathological Assistant, Chris&ana Care Health System Neil Wimmer, Physician, Chris&ana Care Health System Ralph Benson Jr., PPCT, Chris&ana Care Health System Robin Hocking, CPT Pharmacy Technician, Chris&ana Care Health System Community Housing and Empowerment Connec&ons Inc. John A. Kowalko Jr., State Representa&ve, Delaware House of Representa&ves Delaware Interfaith Power & Light Delaware Nature Society Delaware Sierra Club Margaret Rose Henry, Delaware State Senate Majority Leader, Delaware State Senate Freed Neil, City Councilman, Dover Sarah B. Bucic, MSN, RN University of Delaware Students for the Environment Dr. Helga Huntley, University of Delaware John A. Madsen, Associate Professor of Geology, University of Delaware Maine Assured Solar Energy Aus&n Street Brewery Jon Hinck, Member, CAT Ethan K. Strimling, Mayor, City of Portland Jill C Duson, At-Large City Councilor, City of Portland Jus&n Costa, City Councilor, City of Portland Roland Michaud, Mayor , City of Saco Combined Energy Technics LLC Earthbound Trading Eco-story, LLC and Storrey Property Management, LLC Enertec Hea&ng & Cooling Environment Maine Evergreen Home Performance, LLC Find Clothing Exchange, LLC Found Adam Frederick, Goggin Energy Ann Goggin, Goggin Energy Calen Perkins, Goggin Energy Greg Dorsey, Goggin Energy Paula E. Junkin, Goggin Energy Green Steps GreenSun, LLC Integrated Energy Systems, PLLC Ireland's Crystals and CraZs Maine Conserva&on Voters Maine Green Energy Audit Inc. Stephanie Gagne, Preven&on Coordina&on, Maine Health Danielle Schim, RN, Maine Medical Center Jodi Anne Lerman, Sv. Specialist, Leadership Development, Maine Medical Center Julianne Ciraloo, Manager, Maine Medical Center Margo L Kellat, RN, Maine Medical Center Maine Public Health Associa&on Maine Solar Engineering Maine Solar Solu&ons, LLC Seth Berry, State Representa&ve and CommiTee Chair Joint Standing CommiTee on Energy, U&li&es and Technology, Maine State Legislature Bob Duchesne, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Walter Kumiega , State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Ryan Tipping, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Catherine Breen, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Rebecca MilleT State Senator, Maine State Legislature Andrew McLean, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Heather Sanborn, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature James R Handy, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Michael Devin, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Pinny Beebe-Center, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Ryan M. Fecteau, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature ScoT Hamann, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Dale Denno, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Erik. C. Jorgensen, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Roger J. Fuller, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Lois Galgay ReckiT, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Thomas R. W. Longstaff, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Stanley Paige Zeigler, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Janice Cooper, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Mike Sylvester, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Brian Hubbell, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature CharloTe M Warren, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Eloise Vitelli, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Mar&n Grohman, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Dave Miramant, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Shenna Bellows, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Deane Rykerson, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Michelle Dunphy, State Representa&ve, Maine State Legislature Nate Libby, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Benjamin Chipman, State Senator, Maine State Legislature Mainely Art Mexicali Blues Michael Thorne Kelly, Inc. MoodyLorus Vinyl + Vintage OTo's Paupers Chapel Physicians for Social Responsibility Maine Chapter Pine Street Massage Brian Ellis Batson, District 3 Representa&ve, Portland City Council Project Management & Energy Solu&ons, LLC. RESTORE: The North Woods ReVision Energy Scratch Baking Company Sierra Club Maine David A. Rowland, member, Some Brewing CO LLC Something's Fishy Kelsey Konik, Nurse, outhern Maine Health Care Karen Rasmussen, Clinical Gene&cs, Spectrum Medical Group Stones and Stuff STP Home Performance Solu&ons Strange Maine Strong Brewing Co Ten Ten Pié Bakery Thornton Tomasea Tight House Toxics Ac&on Center, Maine Union Street Bakery and Cafe Shop Yes Books Maryland 4935 Bar and Kitchen Advanced Green Home Solu&ons Sharon Green Middleton, Councilwoman, Bal&more City Council Bethesda Curry Kitchen Hermes Reyes-Caballero, Research Associate, Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins Brothers Sew + Vac Caddie's On Cordell Chesapeake Climate Ac&on Network Crea&ve Par&es Environment Maryland Katya Tsaioun, PhD, Director of Evidence-based Toxicology Collabora&on at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Fireman's NY Pizzeria Geste Foods & Wines Cynthia Kicklighter, Associate Professor of Biology, Goucher College Hank Ratrie, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology, Goucher College Green Genera&on Solu&ons, LLC Guardado's Restaurant Hanaro Hardwood Ar&sans Heckman's Deli April Amberman, Biology professor, Hood College George LiTleton, Associate Professor of Physiology, Howard University Lucas Mota, Student, Howard University College of Medecine Swa& Goel, MD, Howard University College of Medicine Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) Virginia M Weaver, MD, MPH, Associate Professor John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Juan Pablo Gomez, Social Worker, Johns Hopkins Robert S. Lawrence, MD, MACP, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Health & Engineering, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Thomas Sussan, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Jay Werne, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Ana Rule, Assistant Scien&st, Johns Hopkins University Aus&n RiTer, Research Assistant, Johns Hopkins University Nora Pisanic,
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