The Swedish Transport Administration Annual report 2011 Contents CONTENTS Contents Director-General’s report 4 1. Brief facts about the Swedish Transport Administration 6 2. Transport developments 10 Goods transports 11 Passenger transport 12 3. Transport policy goals 14 Accessibility 16 Traffic safety 21 Environment and health 23 4. Activities of the Transport Administration 26 Efficiency work of the Transport Administration 27 Market, economic situation and prices 29 Modern government agency 29 Changes within the profit centres 30 Internal direction and control 30 5. The Transport Administration’s participation in sustainable social development 32 6. Collaboration with other actors 36 Collaboration for more efficient passenger transport 37 Collaboration for more efficient goods transport 37 Cooperation within traffic safety 37 Cooperation within environment and health 41 International work 45 Cooperation within research and innovation 46 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) 47 Collaboration for more efficient emergency management 48 7. Investments 50 Follow-up of the National Plan 51 Stockholm Negotiation 60 Follow-up of regional plans 60 TEN grants for infrastructure investments 62 State co-financing 62 Follow-up of effects for objects opened to traffic in 2006 64 8. Traffic control and maintenance 66 Reliability of the road and railway network 68 State of the infrastructure 70 Measures carried out and results 73 Special investment in capacity-increasing measures for railways 78 9. Productivity development 80 10. Employees 84 11. Other reporting 88 12. Financial report 94 Income and expenditure account 96 Balance sheet 97 Appropriation account including presentation of authorisation 98 Statement of source and application of funds 100 Summary of key figures 101 Notes 102 13. Signing of the annual report 108 14. Auditor’s report for the Swedish Transport Administration 109 15. Board of Directors 110 16. Management group 111 About the annual report: Certain figures are followed by a further figure within brackets. Unless otherwise is stated, this refers to the previous year’s figure. As the annual report includes many money amounts, the abbreviations SEK thousand (thousand kronor), SEK million (million kronor) and SEK billion (billion kronor) are used. Director-General’s report Director-General’s report gender equal, the transport requirements of both men and women need to be taken into account in all planning, design and management of the transport system. The Administration also works to ensure the transport system is usable for per- sons with physical disabilities. Traffic is increasing All forecasts indicate that demand for transport will continue to increase over the next few years. Cities continue to grow, and therefore the need for both passenger and goods transport is increa- sing in a transport system that is already working at high capacity. Passenger and freight traffic on the state-owned road network increased during 2011 compared to 2010. Traffic volume for passenger and freight traffic by rail, measured in train kilometers, has also increased, so that there is now more train traffic on the Swedish railway network than ever befo- re. Air traffic also increased markedly during 2011. The traffic development and the strained situation in the transport system means that the Administration, in a shorter perspective, will not be able on At the end of 2011, the first full operational year of theS wedish many points and routes to maintain the accessibility that citizens and businesses Transport Administration was completed. The year has been chracteri- are demanding. sed by development of the Administration’s mandate and by the major The increased traffic volume means that it is a major challenge to adapt the efficiency improvement work carried on within the Administration. transport system to highly set require- Much effort has also been spent on developing the foundations for ments for reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and other substances affecting measures to increase capacity and punctuality in the railway system, the climate. Carbon dioxide emissions which was reported in part to the Government during the autumn. from traffic have begun to increase again, and our forecasts indicate that the mea- sures taken are not sufficient to break off The starting point for the mandate of the There are many challenges in our this development. Swedish Transport Administration is the work towards the objectives. The strate- The number of fatalities in the railway overriding objective of transport policy gic challenges we have identified are: an system was lower for 2011 than for 2010, to safeguard the provision of transport energy-efficient transport system, well- but there is nothing to indicate a long- that is socio-economically efficient and functioning travel and transport in the term positive trend. Systematic work to sustainable in the long-term to citizens metropolitan areas, efficient transport prevent suicides has begun, and should and businesses throughout the country. chains for the business community, ro- show positive effects already by 2012. The Swedish Transport Administration bust and reliable infrastructure, more va- The number of fatalities in road traffic was formed in order to provide unique lue for the money and for the increased in 2011 compared to 2010. The opportunities for working towards achie- Administration to be a modern govern- most marked increase has been among ving the transport policy objectives. ment agency. The definition of the strate- pedestrians in the state road network. With an intermodal transport perspecti- gic challenges is a part of the operation’s However, in total, the 2011 result for road ve, the Administration is responsible for management by objectives and results, safety on Swedish roads is the second long-term infrastructure planning for and they are a tool for ensuring today’s best since the 1940s, and there are cur- traffic by road, railway, sea and air. We operation leads to the Administration ac- rently no signs that the trend is for the are also responsible for building and ope- hieving its objectives. number of fatalities to increase. rating state-owned roads and railways. In order to make the transport system In order to coordinate and make 4 Director-General’s report concrete the safety work within railway We shall also act in such a way that pro- infrastructure with great accessibility, traffic, we are introducing a way of wor- ductivity and degree of innovation in- we will be planning on the basis of the king similar to that used within road creases in the entire construction four modes of transport and we will be a traffic, with an established structure for industry. In order to do this, we need to modern, customer-orientated and effi- measurement, objective development develop and cultivate our role as custo- cient government agency. and analysis. We are also establishing a mer. We must let the market take greater One of the greatest challenges for the GNC structure (Group for National responsibility, by procuring all-inclusive Transport Administration is that the Coordination) with the ability to handle undertakings and turnkey contracts to a transport system must fulfil today’s re- both specific track traffic issues and is- greater extent that we currently do. quirements for accessibility and fun- sues involving intermodal transport. As a result of certain delays in the effi- ction. Every day, the Administration’s ciency work, we only achieved around employees make great efforts to ensure Good tempo in investment SEK 350 million of the savings target of the transport system functions as well as SEK 550 million during the year. The possible. Focused work means that we projects operational plan for 2012–2014 therefore are now gradually reducing vulnerability The major investment projects have on means that the work in some parts must and can increase the quality of the servi- the whole developed well during 2011. be speeded up in order to achieve the ces we deliver to travellers and Many of the projects are going very well, long-term target. businesses. which means that production is progres- When the Transport Administration was Railway traffic currently has problems sing more quickly than planned. formed, the highest priority was to safe- with recurrent delays in both passenger However, this means that the financial guard the operation of roads and rail- and goods traffic. In order to work on the situation can become very strained, due ways. Time was short, and I chose to long-term development of the railway, we to the appropriations structure we are incorporate the operational management need a good foundation in the form of a working with. and administrative organisations for ro- factual description of the current situa- The financial situation for the invest- ads and railways largely intact into the tion of the Swedish railway network. In ment operation during the planning peri- Transport Administration. Now that the the Government assignment the Capacity od is under great strain in terms of the Transport Administration has become Inquiry, in which we investigate the ro- need for measures. The situation is made established, it is natural to also create a bustness and capacity of the railways, we worse by market prices on road- and rail- more intermodal transport organisation. have developed documentation that pro- way-related goods and services increa- The operational area Traffic has therefo- vides the prerequisites for creating a ra- sing at a faster rate than other prices and re been reorganised into two operational dically better system. the Administration’s appropriation. areas, Traffic Management and Ahead of the final report in April 2012, Maintenance. the assignment of the Capacity Inquiry A more efficient Transport The purpose of the organisational chan- has been widened to analyse efficiency ge is to create new opportunities for coo- and capacity-increasing measures also Administration peration, to increase efficiency and to within road transport, shipping and avia- I consider it entirely necessary to make create opportunities for handling our tion.
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