HTRS 2011 Fast X-ray timing and spectroscopy at extreme count rates 7-11 February 2011, Champ´ery, Switzerland Abstract Book List of papers I Invited contributions 11 1 The High Time Resolution Spectrometer aboard the International X-ray Observatory Didier Barret . 13 2 Multiwavelength high-time resolution observations Piergiorgio Casella . 14 3 Relativistic jets from Galactic accreting binary systems St´ephaneCorbel . 15 4 M/R constraints from NS Iron line Maria Diaz Trigo . 16 5 What Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts can tell us about Neutron Stars Maurizio Falanga . 17 6 General properties of magnetars and observational developments at high energies Wim Hermsen . 18 7 Fitting a self-consistent physical model to the power spectral density of XTE 1550-564 Adam Ingram . 19 8 Present and Future of Magnetar bursting/outbursting studies GianLuca Israel . 20 3 9 Status of IXO and the ESA Cosmic Visions Pro- gramme David Lumb . 21 10 New results on the X-ray spectra of thermonu- clear bursts Cole Miller . 22 11 Relativistic Disk Reflection in Stellar-Mass Black Holes J. M. Miller . 23 12 M/R constraints from accreting Millisecond Pul- sars and cooling stage of X-ray bursts Juri Poutanen . 24 13 Testing the No-Hair Theorem with Observations of Astrophysical Black Holes Dimitrios Psaltis . 25 14 The Properties of High Frequency QPOs and their Connection to the Physical Properties of Black Holes Ron Remillard . 26 15 Black Hole Spin Measurements via X-ray Contin- uum Spectroscopy James Steiner . 27 16 Lense-Thirring Precession Luigi Stella . 28 17 Timing of XRBs in the HTRS era Phil Uttley . 29 18 X-ray variability of black holes on all mass scales Simon Vaughan . 30 19 Cooling of accretion-heated neutron stars Rudy Wijnands . 31 20 HTRS Performance Simulations 4 J¨ornWilms . 32 II Oral contributions 33 1 Timing black-hole binaries: status and prospects Tomaso Belloni . 35 2 Undetectable, intermittent, and detectable mil- lisecond X-ray oscillations of accreting neutron stars in LMXBs Stratos Boutloukos . 36 3 Epicyclic frequencies and QPOs Michal Bursa . 37 4 Time lags as a constrain on the accretion disc ge- ometry in BHXRBs Pablo Cassatella . 38 5 Can a "propelling" disc stay trapped near co- rotation? Caroline D'Angelo . 39 6 Living in a LOFT Marco Feroci . 40 7 Systematic Uncertainties in the Spectroscopic Mea- surements of Neutron-Star Masses and Radii from Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts Tolga Guver . 41 8 Signatures of superfluid neutron star dynamics Brynmor Haskell . 42 9 Broad iron emission lines in the intermediate state of black-hole transients Beike Hiemstra . 43 5 10 Detectors for fast X-ray spectroscopy, timing and imaging Peter Lechner . 44 11 Spectral and timing features in the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 0614+091 Oliwia Madej . 45 12 Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations as a tool to probe the neutron-star interior and gravitational field Mariano Mendez . 46 13 Fast variability as a tracer of states and state- transitions in black holes Teo Mu~noz-Darias . 47 14 GRAVITAS: General Relativistic Astrophysics Via Timing and Spectroscopy Kirpal Nandra . 48 15 Oscillation-Phase-Resolved Spectroscopy in the IXO Era Joey Neilsen . 49 16 A newly discovered accreting pulsar in Terzan 5 Alessandro Papitto . 50 17 Constraining the mass and moment of inertia of neutron stars from quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries J´er^omeP´etri . 51 18 The pertinence of Jet Emitting Discs in Micro- quasars Pierre-Olivier Petrucci . 52 19 The Advanced X-ray Timing Array (AXTAR) Paul Ray . 53 20 A non-magnetar Soft Gamma Repeater 6 Nanda Rea . 54 21 Theoretical disk spectra and BH spin determina- tion Agata Rozanska . 55 22 Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations and broad iron emission lines as a probe of strong-field gravity Andrea Sanna . 56 23 HIFI - A High Framerate Imager for GRAVITAS Alexander Stefanescu . 57 24 All-Sky Monitoring of Variable Sources with Fermi GBM Colleen Wilson-Hodge . 58 25 The complete sample of type-I X-ray bursts in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53 with RXTE Guo-Bao Zhang . 59 III Poster contributions 61 1 Preliminary concept of modern X-ray timing mis- sion Vadim Arefiev . 63 2 The 2008 outburst of the new X-ray transient XTE J1719-291 Montserrat Armas Padilla . 64 3 How the fast X-ray timing at extreme count rates will constrain the equation of state of the dense matter from the burst oscillations of the neutron stars Romain Artigue . 65 7 4 kHz QPO studies with IXO - Testing the Moving Hotspots Model Matteo Bachetti . 66 5 Re Analysis of Timing Parameters of OAO 1657- 415 Altan Baykal . 67 6 Time lags in 4U 1608-52 Marcio Guilherme Bronzato de Avellar . 68 7 Flame spreading velocity in Type I X-ray bursts Yuri Cavecchi . 69 8 The COSPIX mission : focusing on the energetic and obscured Universe Philippe Ferrando . 70 9 Phase lags and cyclotron lines in 4U 0115+63 Carlo Ferrigno . 71 10 Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients and other wind- fed accretors - testing with the Corbet diagram Sergei Grebenev . 72 11 Aperiodic X-ray variability studies of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 Maithili Kalamkar . 73 12 Pulse profile variations in GX 1+4 Peter Kretschmar . 74 13 Dipping and Absorption in the stellar wind in GX 301-2 Ingo Kreykenbohm . 75 14 Pulse-phase spectroscopy as a tool for the study of X-ray pulsars Alexander Lutovinov . 76 15 On the nature of low frequency quasi periodic os- cillations: a variability study of the BHC GX 339-4 8 Sara Motta . 77 16 X-ray bursts and burst oscillations from the slowly spinning X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 Sara Motta . 78 17 Spectroscopy of the Pulsar-like White Dwarf AE Aquarii from Chandra and Swift-XRT Data Bosco Oruru . 79 18 On the time evolution of the lower kHz QPO in 4U 1608-52 St´ephanePaltani . 80 19 A filter wheel for the HTRS St´ephanePaltani . 81 20 Central Engines of GRBs Tsvi Piran . 82 21 INTEGRAL and the unified model of AGN Claudio Ricci . 83 22 Type I and type II X-ray bursts of the Rapid Burster as seen by Swift Gloria Sala . 84 23 A Catalogue of X-ray bursters detected by JEM- X on board INTEGRAL Celia Sanchez-Fernandez . 85 24 Simulations of the performance of the HTRS on IXO Christian Schmid . 86 25 Measuring strong magnetic fields of neutron stars with the next-generation of X-ray instruments Gabriele Sch¨onherr . 87 26 Investigating the disc-jet coupling in accreting com- pact objects by studying the \radio quiet" sources Paolo Soleri . 88 9 27 XTE J1752-223: A broad band X-ray spectral in- vestigation combined with timing studies Holger Stiele . 89 28 X-ray bursting neutron star atmosphere models Valery Suleimanov . 90 29 Magnetized neutron star atmospheres: beyond the cold plasma approximation Valery Suleimanov . 91 30 Extreme-value analysis of the X-ray emission of Cygnus X-1 Maria S¨uveges . 92 31 Synchrotron self-Compton model for optical/X- ray correlation in black hole X-ray binaries Alexandra Veledina . 93 32 Fast variability of gamma-ray emission from su- permassive black hole binary OJ 287 Ievgen Vovk . 94 33 The Digital Data Processing Unit for the HTRS on board IXO Henning Wende . 95 34 LATE POSTER: Are the two peaks of the Cathedral QPO real har- monics? J´er^omeRodriguez . 96 10 I Invited contributions 11 1 The High Time Resolution Spectrometer aboard the International X-ray Observatory Didier Barret Ravera, Laurent; Bodin, Pierre; Amoros, Carine; Boutelier, Martin; Glorian, Jean-Michel; Godet, Olivier; Orttner, Guillaume; Lacombe, Karine; Pons, Roger; Rambaud, Damien; Ramon, Pascale; Ramchoun, Souad; Biffi, Jean- Marc; Belasic, Marielle; Cl´edassou,Rodolphe; Faye, Delphine; Pouilloux, Benjamin; Motch, Christian; Michel, Laurent; Lechner, Peter H.; Niculae, Adrian; Strueder, Lothar W.; Distratis, Giuseppe; Kendziorra, Eckhard; Santangelo, Andr´ea;Tenzer, Christoph; Wende, Henning; Wilms, Joern; Kreykenbohm, Ingo; Schmid, Christian; Paltani, St´ephane;Cadoux, Franck; Fiorini, Carlo; Bombelli, Luca; M´endez,Mariano; Mereghetti, Sandro CESR/IRAP, Toulouse The High Time Resolution Spectrometer (HTRS) is one of the six focal plane instruments of the International X-ray Observatory (IXO). The HTRS is the only instrument matching the top level mission requirement of handling a one Crab X-ray source with an efficiency greater than 10%. It will provide IXO with the capability of observing the brightest X-ray sources of the sky, with sub-millisecond time resolution, low deadtime, low pile-up (less than 2% at 1 Crab), and CCD type energy resolution (goal of 150 eV FWHM at 6 keV). The HTRS is a non-imaging instrument, based on a monolithic array of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) with 31 cells in a circular envelope and a X-ray sensitive volume of 4.5 cm2 x 450 µm. As part of the assessment study carried out by ESA on IXO, the HTRS was studied by a consortium led by CNES and CESR. In this paper, we will describe the expected per- formance of the HTRS, as assessed through Monte Carlo simulations. We will illustrate the instrument capabilities. 13 2 Multiwavelength high-time resolution observa- tions Piergiorgio Casella School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK The study of X-ray variability in X-ray binaries has represented - and still is - one of the most powerful tools to study the accretion flow in the vicin- ity of compact objects. The advent of new instrumentation during the last decade has made possible to extend high time resolution astronomy to op- tical and infrared wavelengths. This has opened new exciting windows, as the novel technique of echo-tomography, which allows us to map the binary geometry, and the study of the fast-variable emission from relativistic jets, which provides unprecedented insights on the geometry and the Physics of the jets themselves.
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