Welcome MSU'S Freshmen photo by Kenh House by Franklin John Piper Exponent Editor f-rom the stairs of the bus convoys stepped tomorrow's lresh­ men. With them came the snow and then the rain. From across the state they traveled with great expectations of a future graduation from Montana State UniYersity. Amongst . them you will find tomorrow·~ engineers. anists, teachers. archi­ tects. managers. and leaders. Behind them they will leave their families. Before them they will find the future. High School \\'eek is underway on the MSU campus and the which best suit them. Three girls from Wilsall reOected the points made by Glass tnd event has auracted young people from all over Montana. The Three students from Glendive were encouraged about what Masta. student" are ~xploring the education possiblitit'S that Montana they had been exposed to so far in their experience. The experience these young people are having this week at State ha." to offer. Displays from nearly all campus colleges and " It helps, definitely."said Brian Glass. "it makes it easier to find MSU could be the deciding factor shaping the future of these some orgam1a1ions are set up in the SUB ballrooms through the out what they\·e got here." students and the un iversity as av.hole. end of this \\.eek The computer Science program is a favorite of Glass. We welcome the students of Montana to MSU and hope your The students in auendance are high school seniors v. ho are Joel Masta is interested in the Chemical Engineeri ng curricu­ experience here is a positive and educational one, and we look deepl) imoh·ed in the ~earch for the educational opponunities lum here at MSU. forward tO seeing you next Fall. 2 Friday. April 28. 1989 EXPONENT Peterson/Pepper capture ASMSU seats President Kent Peterson photo oy Keim House Jice President Mark Pepper Kern \\lilson 142 ll1e 1989 ASMSU elections are over. and the unofficial result~ haYe been ON CAMPUS tabulated. re,ealing a commanding win by the team of Kent Peterson and Mark Tom Debree 149 Pepper That team S\\Cpt the elections by a win of 600 to 245. Steve Knutson 149 Ill Kent l'!!ter?on, ~ Jun i?r i~ St.austics fn?m Standford. Montana. will occup~ Brian McCollom 105 the Prt::!)1dent s chair beg1~mng 1~1 approx1mately two ''~ck . He plans a strong ~~l£°~ney lobb~ .ngc:ffor1 a1 th.c spec 1al session of the Montana Lcg1slaturl' in June. as well <t:t close co nt act with the Board of Regents and increased communicauon Bryce Beecher 86 between ASMSU and its committees. · Mike \Veinheimer 74 M<1rk Pepper. ASMSl< Vice President-elect. is a native of Columbia Falls. MEDIA BOARD Montana and "·an E_nglish Lit. major_ He will also be a Senior" the Fall. Allison Grant J"2 Along w11h his dut1e!I. Pepper plans to de\'elop a Photo. ervices Committee Shelle; Flanigan 40 and a Student Round I able. L\ nneue Kav Sch\·e­ 343 Among other Senate election \\'mners are: Donalee Darnell - 291 AT LARGE VOTES BOOKSTORE BOARD: STl"DENTS Sara Hougen 506 Dan Fr~llier 392 Bren Linnev.eber 331 Lvnnette Emborg m OFF CAMPUS BOOKSTORE BOARD: FACl' LTY Anthony Curley 223 John Amend 613 Damon Songer 164 BOOKSTORE AMENDMENT o.wid Stock 160 Yes 371 EXPONENT Friday, April 28, 1989 3 Washington's economy is largely employee. has worked hard to make McReviceA based on 'ts apples. These crybabies our fund raisers successful by provid­ FAMOUS LAST WORDS started teliing the public tha1 the apple ing resources that no doubt reach into growers were dousing their fruit with the thousands of dollars at the dispo­ FROM FRIENDS TO FRIENDS. Farce alar. h turns out that there was sal of the fund raising groups. For scarcely a trace of the chemical in this I would like to thank Lerkhinds. Dear Editor, those apples. I hear that the apple It is support like theirs that make the Can I please point out to the Stu· growers plan tO sue the Natural fund raisers for wonhy causes possi­ "Are you OK w drive?" dents of MSU v.ho just don't get it Resources Defense Council. Person­ ble and Bozeman a better community that Phil McRevice (fill my crevice) is ally, I hope that organization is bled to live in. "Whats afew beers?" actually one of the .. weirdos" he is dry. Perhaps the organization will pretending 10 criticize. and is actually then learn that it can't spread panic Mike Di Fronzo cnticizing the judgemental future when it want 10, and denying the Chi­ Vice President yuppies he is pretending to be? leans and the apple growers the right Sigma Chi "Did you have wo much w drink?" Thanks. to make a living in its crusade of Hugh Chardonn do-good ism Relax, America! Great steps are "I'm perfectly fine." already taken to insure the safety of "Deal in How about our food. I've eaten tons of grapes and apples, and I haven't kicked the "Are you in any shape w drive?" bucket ye t! rm sure this applies to Information" them apples! you as well. Then again. the needless panic demonstrates how pampered To the editor: "I've never felt better." I am writing this letter is regards to our society has become. I am moved to respond co Richard an incident in which a bunch of Wojtowicz's .. Disposal is Us" letter pseudo-environmentalists and health Jason Johnson that appeared in the 25 April Expo­ quacks devastated the economy of a nent. Mr Wojtowicz's bilious and ill­ "I think you've had a few wo many." Hispanic country. informed tirade simply misrepresents Do you know what I'm referring Greeks Thank MS U Libraries personnel. collection "You kUidin, I can drive to? You don't have the faintest management, and service policies. In notion? Allow me to fill in the details. short, his was a cheap shot. I would with my eyes closed." The health quacks and pseudo­ Lehrkinds welcome the opportunity to meet environmentalists whom I hold in with Mr. Wojtowicz, or anyone else such deep contempt are known as the Editor, for that matter, to discuss concerns Natural Resources Defense Council. I am writing in recognition of a about the MSU Libraries. I prefer to The country I am referring to is Chile. Bozeman community business that deal in informa t ion, not "You've had wo much w drink, The incident I am writing about is has gone relatively unrecognized but misinformation. panic that was caused when TWO has been instrumental in providing let rne drive." Chilean grapes were discovered tO the resources that make many worthy Bruce Morton have cyanide. Time magazine says causes possible. That area business is Assistant Dean of Libraries "Nobody drives my car but me." the amounl wasn't even enough tO Lerkhinds Distributors. Public Services cause a stomach ache: us the acid in Each year the Greek community grades neutralized it. here at Montana State University I hope the crybaby health quacks engages in various fund raisers for reel satisfied with the knowledge that cam.es such as the United Way. Big thev have thrown a subs1antiaJ BrOLhers and Sisters. the American nuffiber of Chileans out of work_ Cancer Society and many other Something tells me they had to know worthy organirations_ Although the that Chile's second greatest revenue Greek houses who engage in these producer is its fruit orchards. Did fund raisers have with in them per­ thevknow that Chile is the only coun­ sonnel and time to make the fund try "makmg an effort to pay back the raisers happen. we often lack other monev it owes us? vital resources. We then turn to the I would like to talk of another Bozeman area busines community instance in which the same bunch of for support in providing prizes, signs, crybaby health quacks and pseudo­ advice and many other intergal com­ environmemalists made life rough on ponets for a successful fund raiser. another group of fruit growers. This Lerkhinds, more than any other bus­ time I refer to the apple growers in iness in my experience, has always eastern Washington. For those of welcomed the opportunity to do all you who don't bother to stay they can. In particular a man by the informed of what's going on, Eastern name of Dave Ericson, a Lerkhindc- The Exponent: f.dit<lr. Businat Manacer. Ad Layout: PMTOprntor. Frank P1pt1 Sha.,.,, faaru. Paul.a Kt-II)- Jo Schkl(ewy Mtnacin&Editor: Kruu J\e:Lwn Todd Hull Asst.BusintSSMV: KtlbMegcd Debbie Wat Chen Hoem Proof Readm: Kathy Brown UrsulaRxhte:r N"" Editor: AdCoordin11or M1keSpokas And)· Ma.lb)' Jancik Fischer Rhonda Dungan Ten Day Mic:had Vraa A.9'1 . Ne"' Editor: N.rlAdCoordin.tor: MarkHonz Copy Layout: Wtl\Osbornc ..........,, Jenn1fcrWal1on Sportsf.dnor: DcbbJCSulhvan Ma11Wh11mer JdT Webb AdSale!i: Diann Geiger Mtchclk Spartz 0csU)·Ti>nc}' Caren Coffee Arts and fet1htrts: J1mClar!r. LUC) Curtis John K&y M1chclleGrant JoMWa.gnet Tracy Curtis Pboroinphen: ICetth Hou1e Carco.Coffee Ad Layout Mer. JudyHardelty Ed llystad Sha.,.n Pomeroy T1Je bporx:nt is an 1nckpendt"'nL ~uden1-wn11en and m.Jden1-m1111ag«l newsp.11/}l!t 11.hich Wti est11bluhed Januar) J. 1910 a1 \fonrana S1a1e Unu~f'S.lfJ Bo1eman. MT. as a contmuation of the Monthly fxporttnt tstJJblishttl Janu;uy I. 1895 Tbcop•momt.x~ hemnarenot niettS$M1/1 rllose olthe UmvetSll) 01sru«n1 body 4 Friday. April 28, 1989 EXPONENT ~£j~7~~lwl~+~!i~i~J~~~~~~~~~~ Ban on AKs ridiculous Salaries a travesty by Tom Jimison contnbuttng wnter What is that smell? Could it be the administration's hiney on fire or is it just a outlaw any semi-auto weapons he wants to.
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