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Westminster Communities of Florida www.WestminsterRetirement.com Comefor the Lifestyle.Stay for a Lifetime.T M 80 West Lucerne Circle • Orlando, FL 32801 • 800.948.1881 The objective of THELIVI N G CHURCH magazine is to build up the body of Christ, by describing how God is moving in his Church ; by reporting news of the Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. THIS WEEK Features 16 2005 in Review: The Church Begins to Take New Shape 20 Resilient People Coas1:alChurches in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina BYHEATHER F NEWfON 22 Prepare for the Unexpected Parish sUIVivalcan hinge on proper planning BYHOWARD IDNTERTHUER Opinion 24 Editor's Column Variety and Vitality 25 Editorials The Holy Name 26 Reader's Viewpoint Honor the Body BYJONATHAN B . COFFEY 28 Letters There Are Plenty News 19 Judge Sides with L.A. Parishes OtherDepartments 4 Sunday's Readings 5 Books 41 People & Places Onthe Cover Christ Church, Pensacola, Fla., after Hunicane Ivan struck in 2004. II Church Pension Group photo JANUARY I. 2006 · THE LIVI NG CHURCH 3 8~tid Oa-k SUNDAY'S READINGS CHOIR CHAIR Calledby Name the name given by the angel . (Luke 2:21) Feastof the HolyName, Jan. 1, 2006 BCP:Exodus 34:1-8, Psalm8, Rom. 1: 1-7, Luke 2:15-21 RCL:Num . 6:22-27, Psalm8 , Gal.4:4-7 or Phil.2:5-11, Luke 2:15-21 "Sometimes you want to go where not say the name. However , the everybody knows your name, and unspeakab le is not distant but shines they're always glad you came." So go upon us (Num. 6:25). the lyrics of the theme song from the The most holy nan1e in Christianity television show "Cheers." There is is Jesus. However , instead of with FIBRE RUSH SEAT power in naming. We may hear on the refraining from ever mentioning it, we Since 18 77 news that two Ame1ican soldiers and call on this nan1e. Luke tells us that R.Geissler-l Inc. 17 Iraqis were killed in Baghdad this eight days after the birth of Jesus, his morning. Eventually the names of the parents took him to the temple for P.O. Box 432 Americans will be honorably circumcision and naming. They Old Greenwich, CT 06870 enshrined . However, the Iraqis remain named him Jesus, the name given by Phone: (203) 637-5115 nameless. We also hear of people the angel. Jesus in Aramaic is Yeshua dying from AIDS, hunger, malaria, and means "God saves." And Paul in earthquakes and hurricanes . What are Romans calls Jesus "Son of God." Paul DEDICATEDTOSTAINED their names ? Are they not holy names? does not hesitate to pronounce the The most holy name for God is name "Jesus" wherein he finds God - GLASSEXCELLENCE YHWH or Yahweh (translated as so intimately that we now call God LORD.) One explanation of the name "Abba" (Gal. 4:6). FORMORE TiiAN A is that it means "the one who causes Besides the names Yahweh and CENTIJRYROHLFS things to happen." Psalm 8 says this Jesus , there are countless other holy & THEPAYNE name is exalted in all the world. In names such as Emmanuel, God with Exodus, when God stands with Moses us. Calling on the holy names puts us STUDIOHAVE in power and might, the first thing God in the family that enables us to nan1e BEENCREATING does to express his merciful power is each other, holy people with holy to proclaim his own name , "the LORD names. "Sometimes you want to go & CONSERVING the LORD." How awesome! Awesome where everybody knows your name, STAINEDGLASS enough that the Hebrew people dared and they're always glad you came." WINDOWS WORLDWIDE. LookIt Up Do we know the names of our neighbors? Let's look them up by walking across FORMORE INFORMATION & UTERATURE the street , and call them by name. PLEASEWRITE , FAX,PHONE OR E- MAILTO : RohlfsStudio Inc. ThinkAbout It 783 South.3rd . Ave. If the New Testament calls the people "saints" (i.e. holy ones), do we not then MountVernon , NY10550 have saints' nan1es, holy nan1es? PAX- 914-699-7091 800-969-4106 ,o S 0/t' { ~ ~; VISITo:::. ::I~~ Next Sunday ~ ffl ~ www.RohHstudio.comThe FirstSunday after the Epiphany,Jan. 8, 2006 .~;:~:~:::.~:,, e-mail:[email protected] BCP:Isaiah 42:1-9 , Psalm89 :1-29 or 89:20-29,Acts 10:34-38, Mark 1:7-11 Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations RCL:Gen . 1: 1-5, Psalm29, Acts 19:1-7, Mark 1:4-11 4 THE LIVING CHU RCH · JANUARY I. 2006 BOOKS A Readeron Preaching practical suggestions about how this Inspiredto Serve MakingConnections can happen. Today'sFaith Activists Edited by David Day, Jeff Astley, and Leslie Both novice preachers and veter­ By Mark H. Masse. Indiana University Press. J. Francis. Ashgate. Pp. 291. $34.95 paper. ans will value this reader for the Pp. 230. ISBN 0-253-21714-8 . ISBN 0-7546-5009-X . insights , encouragement, and chal ­ When one thinks of faith activists , Many preachers who deliver ser­ lenge that it offers through a choir of voices . there is a certain automatic return to mons regularly rarely hear other the 1960s and the civil rights, anti-war, voices from the pulpit . For them to (The Very Rev.) Charles Hoffacker (Continued on next page) stay fresh , they must Port Huron , Mich. participate in study groups, read published sermons , attend con­ ferences, or explore books like this one . Here three British scholars have assem­ bled articles on dis­ parate aspects of preaching from various scho larly and professiona l periodicals, most of them American . Their 29 selections illustrate the revolution in homiletics of the past 30 years. Contributors include such authorities as Walter Brueggemann , David Buttrick , Fred Craddock, John Killinger , Richard Lischer , Thomas Long, Henry Mitchell and Thomas Traeger. A Reader on Preaching consists of eight parts. The introduction to each part features a handy synopsis of each article included there . An index of subjects and an index of names are also provided. Reference to only a few articles will suggest the breadth of the col­ lection. In "Preac hing the Epistles ," David Day warns against an exclusive con­ centration on content that under­ rates rhetorical strategies and other epistolary features . Leslie J. Francis presents the SIIT method of preach­ ing, which approaches scripture pas­ sages from the perspective of the psychological functions of sensing, intuition , feeling and thinking. According to Thomas Long, the important question to ask about a sermon introduction is not whether it is brief , interesting , or raises the issue , but when has the contract been set between preacher and con­ gregation about how the message Call for a free ColumbariumDesigner Guide . will be handled. John Killinger invites preachers to dwell in and be 1.800.767.7866 nourished by silence, and offers www.nichewalls.com JANUAR.Y I. 2006 · T H E LIV ING C HU RCH 5 BOOKS (Continued from previous page) so that human disenfranchisement Howto Reada Church and anti-nuclear marches and heated disappears or at the least diminishes. A Guideto the Symbolsand Images encounters . Yet, truthfully, many faith Here are the stories and records of lay in Churchesand Cathedrals activists throughout persons, clergy, prof ess ionals, ama­ By Richard Taylor. HiddenSpr ing (Paulist history have been teurs , and people from all walks of life Press). Pp. 256. $18. ISBN 1-58768- 030-0. quiet , often unsung who place on the line that Western Lovers of bits of information ( which heroes who go about over-valued "reputat ion " and move some call "trivia") and of church build­ their doing justi ce, lov­ vividly forward in the change in soci­ ings will thank British ing mercy, and walking ety demand ed by the God of creat ion lawyer Richard Taylor How rn READ A humbly with God busi­ when all things and persons were for this mini-encyclope- CHURCH ness without fanfare or declared "very good." The work done dia of the visual. -~··••· parade . We often do by those whose stories are included is "Chur ches and cat he­ not hear of those who vast. drals are packed with have comm itt ed themse lves to the Added to the recounting of the lives meaning," he writes in good of humanity , simp ly because and works of these who do their faith, introdu ction. Beginning their stories are not often told . Mark Masse adds a bri ef epilogue - with spires and gar­ Masse has done something about this . "Lessons Learned." The frank conclu­ goyles (from the Latin He challenges his readers to value the sion is the capsto ne of a fine collec­ gurgulio, throat), the architectura l good that they can do to fellow tion of biographi cal mater ial that will plan of the building, the images in humans and to humani ty as a whole keep you intrigu ed, prayerful , and glass and paint and cloth, he says, "In by recording the remarkable stories of convicte d until you, too, take up a a numb er of senses, and to different the lives and works of 12 people .
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