582 SOUTHAMPTON. HA:\1PSHIRE. ' ' Peartlon Joseph W. agricu.ltural implement agenl, 16 'Plckett John & Sm1s, boat buildeu,. Western lltl{lla-nader. Park street, Shirley ' • • · · . "itkforda Ltd. gener'al . catl'iClSj at High .treeiO' Pechell Augustu~ Wm. T. gas engnr. r5ct Ports:woM td Telephone B18 ' J Pedkhanr Edgar Charles, sign writer, 42 Middle street Picknell Clarissa .A. (Mrs.), draper,1o Park rd.Frei!inan\l\l Peckham Emil" (~r!!. ), tov dPaler, r2 On.~}nw rn11d Picot Alfred, beer retaile·r, 67 Bevois Valley road Peck.ham William Edwa.rd, baker, 136 St. ·Mary street Picot Elizabeth (Mrs.), 8hopheper, 37 Union road Feet Arthur Richd. police inspector, Stratton rd. ~h1rley Pictorial Printin~ & Publishing Co. Lim. Vincent's walk l Pegler Alfred, gold!!mith & jeweller, .r51 High !treat Pigmm George, beer retailer, 54 Canal walk· P~lhant William, dairyman, 53 Highcrown st. Highfield Pike .Arthur Edward, managBr to the Capital & Coull-i Pellerin Auguste, margarine manufr. Le Danslt fact~ry ties Bank. Limited, 20 & 21 High street Pellow Charles Jame~. dentist,146 A·bove Bar street Pike Basil, teacher of music, 29 Dorset street Fells John Seaman, deputy supt. registrar of births, Pike Ell en (Mrs.), dress maker, 19 Park street, Shirley deaths & m:l.rriages, ro Blechynden terrace Pike Hmrry Michael, prof. of mmic, 24 London road Fells Martha (!\ir~.),temperane11 hotel, ro Blechynd~n ter Pilmel' Percv, boot maker, 131 Milton· road·" Penfold Edward, pork butcher, go High street, Sh1rley Pinckney Am}' (Mn.), shopkeeper, 31 Three Field lam: Penfold Zana (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I 'Belgrave rd. Portswd Pink Waiter Herbt. & ·Son, bakers, 2' Brinton's TOad Penman & Hyslop, tailors, 12 Palmerston road Pi,nnick Andrew Geo. fiorist, 25 Upper Hill la. Sbiriey Penney Alfred. plumber, 50 Southcliff road Piper ~-\nn Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 132 Pound st.Shirly Penney Georgina {Mrs.),nurst~,26 .Stafford rd.Freemantle Piper Hari"y Willoughby, milliJJ.er, 3a, Bedford place Penney Herbert Alfred, boot maker, ra, Bnrton roarl Ptrourt E~t Annie (Mrs.), school, 42 Trinity road Pennsylvania Railroad Company (Alan H. Brad- Pitman T. H. & Co. upholsterers, 310 Shirley !oad. bury, pa~senger agent), 95 Above Bar street Freemantle · Penny Charles, new~ agent, r Bg Shirley rd. Freemantle Pitt & Sons, brass founders, 72 French street Penny Charles, tailor, <p Milton road Pitt .!.lice (Mrs.), tobacconist, 63 Canal walk Penny CharieR Frederick, Haymarket tavern, 12 & 13 Pitt Benjamin, painter, 4 Brinton's tcrraet~ Hanover buildings Pitt Emily (Mrs.), >~"ardrobe dealers, 24 Northam road Penny Francis James, consular agent for Italy, Maritime Pitt Fred T. hay & litrBw dealer, 18~ St. Mark's road chamber!!, Canute road Pitt J>tmes. paperhanger, 4 St. Mary's road Penny Waiter, boot repairer, 17 Adelaide rd. St. Deny's Pitt Wm. Jas. tobccnst.6o Above Bar st.& rob St.Mary sk Penny William, tailor, 30 Dorset street Plascott Henry, contractor, 1 Chapel road & Marine pllr Penwill Harry James, principal clerli: Customs & Excise Playfair & Toole, contractors, 203 Northam road office, 59 & 6o High street Playford Hy. scissurs & knife sharpener, 66 Avenue rd Percv Edwin Georg-e, dairv, q Bevois Vllllev road Plomer William Albert, shopkeeper, z6.King street Perkin & Adamson, colonial brokers, Maritime cham- Plowman Wm. Christopht>r, Clarence hotel, 130 High at ·bers, Canute road · Plummer Rorldis I... imited, general & fashi{)n dr11pers, 'Perki!lB Frederick & Sons, brewers, wine & spirit mer­ milliners, dress makers & costumiers, 165 ·to 175 chants, 54 London road; '!'he Southam-pton br-ewery, Above Bar strePt 40 Orchnrd lane; vaults, 8 & 9 Spa road; bonded Plummer Henry Alfred, Park inn, r88 Above Bar street. vanlts, Tin.,.le strP"t Pocock Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma.Io Shirlet Pk.rd.Shirly PerkiiM! (William), Hepherd & Win&tanley, solicitors, 6 & Pocock John Richard, customs & excise officer, 59 k 7 Albion terrace 6o High street Perki!!S Alfred Waiter, grocer, 170 Northam road Pocock Louisa (Miss), apartments, 8 Havelock terraoo PPrkins Waiter Frank F .S.I. surveyor, 17 Above Bar st Poels &; Brewster, meat importers, The Dock8 ' Pernoain G. A. & Co. linen warehouse 31, & general buu11e Pointer .Alfred, beer retailer, Coxford, Shirley furnishers & furniture removers 34, Above Bar street Pointer Thomas, builder, Ascupart street · Permain George, butcher, so Park road, Freemantle Pointer Thomas J. painter, 6 St. Peter's road Permain Wm. grocer, & post office,25 Park rd.Freemuntle Pointer William, beer retailer, 17 Northam ·street Pe:rren William Richard, builder, 31 Portland terrace Pollock, Brown & Co. iron merchants., BP.lvidere road Perrv Herbert, cab propr. 102 Shirley rd. Freemantle Polygon Home Limited, residential hotel (E. M. Bnr- Perrjr Tom, beer retailer, 8 Church street, Shirley nPtt, sec.; Miss J. E. Dowland, manageress), The Perry William Henry, fruiterer, 38 Bevois Valley road Polygon Peruvian Consulate (Carlos G. E~teiias), Prudential Pomeroy Joseph, shopkeeper, 22 Princess street ' chamber!!, Above Bar street Pomeroy Philip Thomas, Bevois Castle P .H. 3 Ber-oi~ st Pescodd Florence (Miss), costumier, 15 Cranbury place Ponsford Thos. Jn. & Son, pork butcher~, 84 St. Mary Mtl Peters Dick, builder, Lyon street Ponsford George, solicitor, 5 Portland street ' Peters Fred B. f!eneral draper, 22 Bernard ~treet 1 Pnnsford Waiter, pork butcher, 138 Northam road Petschi Emma (Mrs.), a parts. 2 .A voo.ue pl. London rd Ponsnnby Margt.J.meli'a (Mi~~ ), drflss m a. 101 St. Deny's rd Pettigrew John, marine engiheer. 17 Cliff rd. FrermantlP Pontin George, artist, 55 Millbrook road, Freemantle Petty Fredericl>, decorator, 44 English road, Millbrook Poole & Son, architects, Jo Portland street Petty RobPrtl hair dresser, to Carlton place Poole E. Cooper .A.M.I.C.E. surveyor, Southampton }Iar­ Petty Sop hie (MrR. ), apartments, Eversfield house, Holy­ bnur board. Town quay rood avenue, Portswood Poole John O'Heron, iobbing gardener, 57 Adelaide rtL Petty Waiter Thomas, Blacksmiths' .Arms hotel, 197 St. Denv's- Romsey road, Shirley Poor Glares C{)nvent. 17 Hill lane Philharmonic Hall Picture Palace (The Walturdaw Co. Poore Thomas, grocer, 13 Cossack street Ltd. lessees; Fred BoustPad, manager; J ames Gordon, Pope F. & Son, furniture dealers, t Orchal'd lane t 5(} t: hall keeper), 75 .Above Bar street 51 St. Mary's road Phillips George & Co. stationers, 12 High street & iron- Pope ~lbert Edward, tailor, 132 High street ·· • mongers, 120. 121 & 12::1 East street PopP. George Henry, collector of rates for St. Mary'~ Phillips & Rendle (Misses), -school, 32 London road district No. I, 64 St. Mary's road · · Phillips Albert James, coal dealer, 208 Northam roarl Pope Harry, refreshml'nt rooms, 55 Park rd. Freemantle Phillips Charles, hair dresser, 6o Bevois Valley road Pope Horace Kelway (firrrt, Coxwell & Pope), 8{)1icitor, Phillips Charle>', jeweller, 8o Comroercial road notary & commissioner for oaths & !ICknowle~gment~ Phillips Charles. temperance hotel, Four Posts hill & for New York, & coroner for the borough af South­ Phillips Harry. dentist, Q London roRri ampton,· 7 Gloucester ,11quare Phillips J0hn Wm. builder, 127 Millbrool; rd. Freemntle Pope Sydney Kelway, architect & surveyM;2'J Port.iand 'U Phillips Miriam (Mrs.), shopl•eeper, 15 Bedford place Porda.ge & Co. tobacconists, 52 South frortt Phillips W. T_ engineer & ship surveyor & p:xaminer of PordaQ'e Edward. tob~cconist, 15 East strPet engoir.t>er~ to Board of Trade, Canute road Port GPorge, a~sistant insurance superintendent, 1 Wrn- Phillips William Robert, carpenterf 52 Argyle road berg terrace. Henry road, Freemantle > Philliskirk Eliza brth (Mrs.), dress maker, 142 Mill brook Porter Georg-e F. bPer retailer, 7 Pound Tree road Toad, Freemantle PortPr John Henry. tinplate worker, 67 Bridge road ~""~ Philpott Gflo. "tationer, & post office. r6g Northam road Porter William GeorgP, school attendance officer, *' Philpott Wm. Hv. slater, 2 Oxf-ord ter. Millbank street Cypress villas, Bond road, Bitterne parlt 1 Phippard & Co. wall paper merchants; warehouses & Porter William Henry, corn dlr. 7r Church st. Shirley !thow t'ooms, 38, 40, 42 & 44 French street.. T .A nortsmouth Pier Co. Limited (F. J. Bnrne'tt, sec.)~ reg " Phipparri. Southampton;'' T N 17•~ office, 2 High strePt Phoenix Assurance Company Limited (Gerald Portswood Rate Collector's Office· (Cha'rle8 Watermlllt, Mullenv, resident inspector), 17 Above Ear strert · collector), 108 .Adelaide road, St. 'Deny's •' ~ Ph('enix Wharf &. Coal·· Co·,... Limited, coal merchants, Portswood & St. Deny's mr6th Starr'-B6~k'tltt ]lnildint g5 .Abnve Bar street & Phrenix wharf, Mal'ine parlldl!" Scl<~iet~ (Wm. Geo. Goater, .~ec.),' .:t &·o Portswood rtl , J. ( • U... nl 1 (\ ..,. P~cl•en Charles Francis, beer retailer, n8 Northaru road .
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