latio n to be remembered fo r etern ity . So the next time you're out on a clear evening and you see a guy fly in g across the sky wearing a fancy b e lt and carryin g a club and sh ie ld , s r j € e you know how he got there. Also, if you see him throwing a handful of aspirin down his tube at STAR least you’ll know where he got his headache. GAZER -------- A la n B e a le During the winter months in the southern sky the familiar constellation of Orion is visible. If you stand outside on a cold clear evening and face the south, three stars of the same brilliance stand distinctly in a line, setting them apart from all other sta rs. These three stars make up the b e lt of the mighty hunter, Orion. The nearby surround­ ing stars make up the rest of the constellation. Next to the Big Dipper, Orion is probably known by more people than any other constellation in the sky. As Greek mythology has i t , Orion was the son o f Poseidon and Euryale. Orion's parents were gods and their son a mortal, although, Orion was granted by h is father (king o f the seas) the unique power to walk on water. With th is power and his s k i l l , Orion became known as the greatest hunter in the world. An "OUTDOORS” For Once,while on his travels across the waters in search of hunting grounds, Orion came upon the island o f Chicos. Chicos was ruled by King Oenopion All Seasons who had a lo v e ly daughter, Merope. Orion a ft e r see­ The ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY has prepared a se rie s ing the b eau tifu l maiden, f e l l in love with her Running in the winter? Perhaps the of slide programs dealing with significant aspects and immediately asked Oenopion for her hand in mar­ in itial reaction of most people would be of the Adirondack Park planning process. An agen­ riage. The king denied permission for the marriage that running is a warm weather, dry road cy representative w ill be available to appear before to take place, causing Orion to become outraged. activity. Only candidates for mental interested civic, professional and social groups S t i l l destined to marry her, Orion began to liv e treatment run when the temperatures hover to present any one o f the programs and asnwer about in the forest not fa r from the land o f Chicos and around zero degrees Fahrenheit and the the Agency and the APA Act. started preparing a plan to take Merope by force. roads are snow-covered? Not sol While Orion was living in the forest, he would winter running is admittedly more de­ The programs, each lasting about 30 minutes, deal often come and feast with Oenopion and his men. One manding than summer running, but it has with the following topics: night while fea stin g , Oenopion, a ft e r hearing word o f its compensations and rewards. While the Orion's plans, slipped a drug into Orion's wine. runner must carry more clothing than in 1. Wetlands of the Adirondack Park: sig­ The hunter passed-out, Oenopion had his men take summer, he is far less susceptible to de­ nificance, idenification, planning and pro­ Orion to the sea and have his eyes blinded. In the hydration and related complications. Al­ te c tio n . morning, while lying on the shore, Orion awake with though one must be alert to icy roads, great pain and depression when he discoverd he was sliding cars and trucks, the heat of sum­ 2. Unique Natural and Cultural Resources: b lin d . mer poses equally dangerous situations. Key elements in the local planning process. Orion now t o t a lly bummed-out and not quite Afraid of falling in winter? A fall on knowing what to do next, heard the pounding o f snow and ice is far and away less pain­ 3. Wild, 3enic and Recreational Rivers Cyclop's hammer on the edge of the sea. The hunter ful than the abrasions suffered in a fall of the Adirondack Park: The East*s finest stood up and by the sound of Cyclop's hamner guid­ on pavement. And a leisurely run on a network of natural rivers and streams. ing him, began walking across the water to the east­ bright crisp day is a tonic for mind and ern edge of the world. When Orion arrived at Cyclop's body that few persons have ever experienc­ U. The Adirondack Park Agency Program: blacksmith den, he asked of the whereabouts of Apol- ed . An overview. lo-the god who drives the chariot containing the The winter runner must take only a sun across the sky each day. Finding Apollo was few precautions. First, dress for the Due to staffing limitations, the scheduling of important, for Orion knew if he could locate the weather conditions. When the temperature these programs iray have to be arranged well in a charioteer, he could have him restore his eyesight. is twenty degrees or above, an undershirt, advance. Interested groups are encouraged to After finding Apollo and regaining eyesight, a turtleneck jersey, a sweatshirt and a contact: Orion decided to lay off the idea of marrying Merope, nylon shell are sufficient. As the temper­ Gary A. Randorf and set out in pursuit of his real love; hunting. ature falls below fifteen, I find it more But then, like before, another woman came into his State o f New York comfortable to wear a string-type under­ l i f e . He had come to the island where the goddess Executive Department shirt beneath the regular undershirt. This Diana lived. Diana, to make a long story short, ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY is the basic change in clothing for cold­ was the great female archer who could h it, with an P. 0. BOX 99 er temperatures. In all cases you must arrow, a bull's-eye at five miles. Orion and Diana RAY BROOK, N.Y. 12977 wear headwear that covers the ears. Gloves in sharing common intrests soon became close friends. (518) 891-4050 or mittens are also essential. And two In fact, they became so close, Apollo the brother pairs of sweatpants are much warmer than of Diana, became outraged. Apollo claimed, that be­ (watch this paper for the dates and times these one. As for the feet, I find that they cause Orion was a mortal and Diana a goddess i t was programs w ill be presented at Paul Smith's College never get cold and I never wear socks in wrong fo r the two to become close in association . —eds. note.) my running shoes. Finally, a little sole- Diana ignored Apollo's requests and continued to saver on the soles w ill prevent almost all hunt with Orion. Apollo now totally infuriated, had slipping. I have fallen only once in three to stop this mingling of gods with mortals. winters of running. One day while Orion was out hunting the depths Once you are properly clothed, watch o f the ocean, Diana and Apollo were walking on the the weather. A slight wind at fifteen de­ beach. As they were talk in g, Apollo spotted an grees drops the wind chill index to below object far out at sea. With his super eye sight, he zero. The greatest danger lies in frost­ quickly recognized it to be O rion's head protruding bite to the face and ears. You w ill hear above the water while he walked the bottom of the stories of frost-bitten lungs, but I sus­ sea. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Apollo pect these are fabrications. I have never said to Diana, " I willnever doubt you to be the found any evidence that this has happened. most s k i ll f u l archer in the world i f you can hit Before running, be sure to take a few that object flo a tin g fa r out at se a ," Diana with minutes to warm up (easy stretching, knee- the eyes o f a mortal could not see i t was the head bends, etc.). Although these activities of her lover,Orion. She proudly pulled an arrow are essential at all times of the year, from her quiver and sent it fly in g out over the they are somewhat more important in the water hitting directly in the center of the object. winter. One tends to run less relaxed The next tide washed ashore the body o f Orion with on ice and snow than on dry ground, and the arrow in his tenr'.e. Diana d isc o v e rin g what she failure to prepare for the run by five had done, went into mourning. Having pity on his minutes of easy loosening up w ill only s is t e r , Apollo placed Orion in the sky as a c o n ste l- increase the tension. A word of caution. Winter running m m m requires greater energy expenditure than summer running, so it is wise to reduce one's weekly distance at first to compen­ sate for the change. SPORTS SCHEDULE Finally, dorft take too hot a shower following the run. Because of the cold BASKETBALL SKIING WRESTLING VETERANS- Need Help? outside,, it is natural to use warmer- than-usual water.
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