(Eotmwttntt iatht dampttB Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXX. ISO. 2 STORWS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, SEPT^MBEn 21, 1966 Parking And Traffic Regulations Change Due To Increased Enrollment by Barbara Peters cars in assigned lots, unless traveling off-campus. Student parking and traffic re- students wanting to register cars South Campus, the Towers and gulations have recently been has created a shortage in park- Shtppee Hall parking areas and changed, due to Increased stu- ing space. Once the normally al- regulations remain unchanged, dent enrollment and an Increas- located parking areas are filled, while parking spaces for resi- ed number of upperclassmen now we will fit in the remainng cars dents of West Campus, the high- having cars on campus. As of as best we can, ay long as there rise dormitories and Brien Mc- this semester, student traffic will is space available." Mahon Hall will temporarily be not be permitted on camp us be- In an attempt to relieve traf- allocated in the South Campus lot, tween 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., fic congestion, which, according until the new, 300-space lot be- except on peripheral roads, such to Miller, became "alarming" hind the Football Stadium is com- as Route 195 and North Eagle- last spring "on roads surround- pleted, sometime In November. vllle Road. ing the academic core of the Uni- The University has leased the After yesterday's car regis- versity," Miller discussed forward section of "Farmer tration for seniors and juniors, changes in permitted parking Brown's" lot, located west of the Director of Parking Registration, areas and traffic regulations with R.O.T.C. Hangar, in North Cam- Dr. Robert E. Miller, Admin- student leaders and adminlslra- pus. This will later be used this istrative Assltant for the Office of tors, who agreed the new ar- fall to expand the "R" lot, used Men's Affairs, said "the drama- rangements were suitable. Stu- dents are expected to keep their by North Campus and the Fra- tic Increase in the number of ternity Quadrangle. With the exception of the gar- ages, which the University has not Drawing Of Naked Woman leased, all cars in "Farmer Brown's" will have tobeproper- lyN"egistered. The lot will be for comtnuters' use only. Starts School Controversy The "N" lot, extending from A drawing of a naked woman according to the Colorado Daily the School of Nursing to Hillside with a suggestive caption In a editor. Road will be closed for addition- University of Colorado under- At the same time, the Regents al building space; but, parking graduate literary magazine has directed to the University ad- will probably be permitted there embroiled the school in a con- ministration to reevaluate its until spring. troversey over its disciplinary disciplinary procedures because Parking registration will take system and has created a poss- of ambiguous committee juris- place in the Field House today ible issue in the November state dictions over student violations for sophomores over twenty-one elections. of school rules. and for others who previously Following the publication of Meanwhile, Hayden has left had not registered. The restric- last spring's issue of NISUS, for a year of study at the Univ- tion on cars for freshmen and Dr. Robert E. Miller charges of "obscenity" and ersity of Bordeaux in France on sophomores living In University residences will continue. Thurs- "censorship" prompted disci- a study-abroad program. His day and Friday, Sept. 22 and 23, plinary action against editor probation will have expired when respectively, car registration Brian Hayden as well as the res- he returns to the Boulder cam- pus. can be taken care of in Room 134 Lee Greif Welcomes Frosh ignation of a University Publica- of the administration building, for tions Board member. The allegedly obscene illus- anyone missing the general re- Hayden was brought before tration in the magazine raised gistering period. the Publications Board to face few shackles among Colorado At Field House Assembly undergraduates. Interviews by The annual registration fee is possible censure for authorizing $10, and an insurance policy is Members of the Class of 1970 and to recognize the truth and to the publication of NISUS, but the the Colorado Daily revealed that only a minority of students were required. Lots will be checked and fellow students: distinguish it from error." Board declined to take such act- for unregistered cars, beginning ion. offended by the magazine and On behalf of the Associated It is the purpose ofyour educa- Monday, September 26. Student Government I would like The Board's action was sub- that most students thought NISUS tion to develop these beliefs and sequently overruled by the Univ- uninteresting. to welcome you as the newest standards. members of our undergraduate ersity Disciplinary Committee Michigan Student student body. We must develop standards which considers cases arising from individual students' infrac- The privilege of attending this for the individual, for the society, and ultimately, for later univer- tions of rules. The Publications PrepareReferendum or any other college brings with Board has jurisdiction over It many obligations. From this sities. In other times and in other BEAT societies there were appointed or questionable actions by under- dayforward you have a vital stake graduate publications. Its act- On Class Rankings in the University of Connecticut. self-appointed spokesmen, who established what they decided ions are generally not subject Ann Arbor, Mich.(CPS)_Uni- It is not only, for most of you to review by the UDC. YALE versity of Michigan students may your state university, a place would be the International or na- tional truth, or morality. In our The UDC, however, placed soon vote on the release of their where you will someday educate Hayden on social probation, a class rankings by the University your children, and that you will world today, when we are closer to the egalitarian dreams of Jef- decision which prevents him from to the Selective Service System. call your Alma Mater, but it is participating in extra-curricular Student Government Council also a vital part of the intellect- ferson and Franklin, of the open, free and democratic society, It activities for one year. President Edward Robinson, in ual and academic community of The Committee's action led bringing the referendum proposal this state and nation. All stu- is crucial if we are to continue to move toward this egalitarian to the resignation of a sociology to the Council Sept, 8, said that dents of the University of Con- professor from the Publications the vote would give students a necticut and you as its newest, society, that we develop personal standards and abilities so that we Board amidst charges that the voice in deciding whether a local have the large responsibility to UDC had usurped the Board's board is justified in using class carry on into the future the tradi- can take the fullest advantage of power and that freedom of press tions, standards and continued our presents opportunities. rank as a criterion for drafting had been violated on the campus. them. The draft question deals advances that this University has It is with this obligation to Students also raised charges that solely with students and should made in the past. The University your university, your society, Hayden was subjected to ' 'double be decided by them alone, he of Connecticut has made tre- .and to yourself that I hope you jeopardy," as he was tried twice mendous progress in the past few stated. will approach your four years for the same offense. In his own opinion, Robinson years in the field of higher edu- at the University of Connecticut. Hayden appealed his case to cation and a great deal of this said, the draft "causes a dis- the University's Administrative tortion of the educational pro- development has been the result Council, but the Council upheld of student energies in coordina- cess by forcing students to be the probation levied by the UDC. more concerned with grades than tion with the determination of our The case was then taken before real educational achievement." faculty, and administrators under the Regents and there the politi- The local chapter of Students the direction ofDr. Babbidge. But cal implications of the contro- for a Democratic Society had there is much work and build- versy were raised. ing to be done in the future. collected 1100 signatures the The Regents, elected by pop- previous week demanding a re- Your stay at the University ular vote In the state to control ferendum. not only places upon you the all University policy except fi- Robinson would have the re- obligation to uphold and improve nances, split 3-3 on a motion to sults binding on the administra- the standards of this institution, sustain Hayden's probation. The tion, but Vice President for Stu- but it also places upon you the University President Joseph dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler personal and societal obligation Smiley was then called upon to indicated that the University to educate and develop yourself. break the tie. He upheld the would probably not agree to such As Walter Lippman recently said, earlier UDC action. conditions in advance. Three Democratic Regents SDS chairman Peter Stein- "We do what we do because the voted to reverse the action ag- berger stated, however, that If behavior of man depends ulti- ainst Hayden, and two Republi- the students stand behind a posi- mately on what he believes to be cans and one Democrat upheld tion to abolish ranking and are true, to be true about the nature the probation. willing to apply pressure the Uni- of man and the universe in which The Democrat who voted for versity will be forced to go along he lives, to be true about man's probation, former state party with their decision.
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