\ .· An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY January 23, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 27 Non-Profit Org. PHILAD ELPHIA U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 Bl 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Robbery ABC cracks suspect caught down on BY VERONICA FRAATZ A suspect wanted for the robbery of CoreStates Bank in North W ilmington Americana was arrested at Christi ana East Tower on Thursday, Jan. 15, by state police, the FBI and university police. state BY CHARLES DOUGIELLO Park restaurant and bar. said he finds police said. Cm A'nt !i Edaor this case strange. According to Cpl. David Thomas of A Cafe Americana bartender was Reed said he believed Cafe the state police, the suspect had made arrested last Thursday and an arrest Americana was not caught because calls fro m a room on the eighth floor of warrant will be issued for the owner they were not a ''high-profile" the East Towers to a residence where of the establishment after officials establishment. police were monitoring. discovered the restaurant was selling ··we arc constantly being looked 'W e were able to trace the calls back alcohol without a liquo r permit, at by ABC officials ... Reed said. "] to Christiana Towers, which allowed us Delaware Alcohol and Beverage guess it is because we arc a high­ to make our arrest." Thomas said. Control Commission officials said. activity establishment." . Due to a survei!l ance camera at the According to ABC officials. a Reed said he had no problem with Fa irfax Shopping Center bank. the warrant for the arrest of Gina Acker. ABC officials checking out his bar suspect had been identified as 20-year­ the owner of Cafe Americana. will and restaurant because he obeys the old Joseph casey ol the 2100 block of be signed by today. rules , but fel t Lancaster Avenue, W ilmington. After the warrant o t h e r According to the FBI, Casey was is signed by a judge. establishments charged with ftrst-degrce robbery upon "'There is no she wi II be arrested s hould not arrest, and is currentl y being held in and charged with Gander Hi ll prison. Hi bail has been doubt in our receive lesser selling alcohol set at $20,000. treatment. C asey has no previous criminal without a liquor minds that they McNair said record and is not suspect for any other permit. knew they didn't there are only crime. police said. There were no nine or 10 ABC Thomas said although the arrest was charges filed against have a license." enfo r cement made at the East Tower, Casey was not Richard Acker. the age n ts in li ving there and is not a student at the husband of Gina Delaware. which university. Police believe that he was Acker. who was at -limMcNair, makes it acquainted wi th a student livi ng in the first reported to be ABC enforcement agent d i ffi c u It t 0 apartment from where he made phone the owner of Cafe check out every calls. Po li ce would not release that Americana. establishment that is selling or student's name. A female bartender was arrested serving liquor. Thomas gave the following account at the restaurant on Jan. IS after she •· As long as we don ' t get any of the robbery: allegedly served alcohol to ABC complaints,'' he said. "it is easy to Casey allegedly entered CoreStates enforcement officers, said Jim overlook a restaurant in the middle bank, displayed a gun and passed the McNair. an ABC enforcement agent. of a big shopping cen ter that is te ller a note demanding a certain McNair said all the alcohol on the illegally selling alcohol.'' amount of cash. The te ller complied. premises was seizd. Me air said ABC enforcement 'The dye pack was not placed in the "There is no doubt in our minds officers are responsible to ensure bag with the money," Thomas said. that they knew that they didn' t have bars, restaurants and liquor stores "Usually, in this situation, tellers put a a license,'' McNair added. a r e c heck i ng ident ificati on. no t dye pack in the bag." He said ABC officia ls a lso have serving m ino rs a nd have a liquo r No one was hun during the robbery. reason to beli eve the restaurant was li cense. Thomas adde d that a good buying the liquor f rom a loca l After an establishme nt obtai ns a surveillance photo was instrumental in discount store, which is illegal. liquor permit it mus t pay a $500 making the identi flcation on Casey. According to McNair, any ini tial fee and a $500 annual fee for Jeff Troy, the supervisory special establishment that sells or serves the licensing. agent for the De laware Operations of THE REVIEW I John Chabalko alcohol must purchase it from a T he Ackers refused to comment the FBI, said there were no accomplices wholesaler. These establishments f u rther on the details of t heir in the robbery. Demonstrators rallied in Washington, D.C. Thursday for the 25th anniversary of the la ndmark Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court case that legalized a bortion in the can buy no more than a single case situation. C asey is presently awaiti ng his of beer from a retai I store. preliminary trial, which will take place United States. See related story on page A2. Leonard Reed, owner of the Deer next week. see C AFE page A8 UCLA survey finds Main St. hot dog cart upgraded freshmen are most BY VERO 'ICA FRAATZ wrote a letter to the City Counci I problem with it. 'Td really like to thank them CiTY Ne1c" Et!iro1 requesting that Smith get a new The nc'' cart see m s to have for helping me out and letting me Diana Smith. the hot dog cart. and letting them know that been helpful in more ways than have the new cart.'' she said. "It apathetic in 32 years vendor who has been a familiar he had no objections to it. one for Smith. She said that really means so much to me." face on Main Street for three •·That was just so nice," she business has .. really picked up" Smith looks fo r ward to BY JILL M. HEROLD whether abortion should he legal anti years now. started business this said . ''Hi s letter really touched since it matlc it; fir;t appearance continued uccess in the future , Stub Rt:porler if homosexual couples should he Monday with a new cart. me. on the sidewalk this week. despite the new competition from The results are in and this year"s able to marry. The cart, "hich was purchased Since Smith's new cart is Howe\ cr. Smith said she owes the neighboring TCBY. w hich is college freshme n do n 't seem to The questionnaire had students two weeks ago for $20.000. has "ithin the city's zoning laws, she a ll her newfound success to now selling hot dogs as wel l. make the grade. rate themselves on topics like their been under scrutiny by the City of Handloff and the City of Newark. The Uni versity of California Los said the City Council has had no drive to achieve. Jcatlcrship ability Newark since Smith first ~ng e l es' 32nd annual survey of the and self-confidence. proposed it eight months ago. natio n's coll ege freshmen released The percentage of students who ''There was a problem because results on Jan. 12. based on answers mis>ed classes during high school. I wanted a bigger [cart] .'' Smith J?rovided by 252,082 freshmen from occasionally or frequently. is at an said. ''The city had to deny it to ~ 64 institutions. all-time high of 3~.5 percent. as me because people were upset UCLA's survey, sponsored by th e compared to the record low in 1968 over the zoning ... American C o unci l o n Educati o n , of 18.8 percent. According to Newark zoning ~ h o w e d that 1997's freshman c lass The survey also s howed that 36 laws. the size of the cart cannot rs more apatheti c about academics. percent of freshmen said they were exceed four feet in width and six po li tics and social issues than any frequently bored in cla5> during their feet in length. other entering c lass in the survey's last year of high school. According to Smith. after 32-year history. However. today' s freshmen hope Newa r k Police Chief William The survey's purpose was to to recci vc higher academic degrees Hogan inspected the cart. the two reveal if higher educati on is having th an students in previous years. ;.oo reached a compromise. If Smith an impac t o n s tud ents . The according to the suncy. could get the size of the new cart researchers will follo w up o n some C lose to half of the fres h men I -50 to meet the ci ty codes. s he would tudents throug ho ut their college surveyed said they expect to earn a :;.oo be all owed to replace her o ld cart. career rando mly , said K ay B ave r age in college and 18.5 Smith said she had the new cart 2 -00 Cooperman, co mmunic ati o n s pe rcent expect to g raduate with c u s to m - buil t t o f it t he ci ty's director for the Graduate School o f honors, the po ll revealed.
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