Administration Pledges To Enforce Voting G uarantees t By BETTY PRYOR •A- (United Press International) THE 1960 BRONZE QUEEN AND HER COURT - Lucious Sandra WASHINGTON (UPI)—The House wrapped up the 1960 Civil Carleen Pegues, (left) a Booker T. Washington High School senior, Rights Bill Thursday and sent it to President Eisenhower for hts' won out over 21 'other local beauties to capture the coveted assured signature. The administration promptly pledged vigor­ title of "Bronze Queen". during the annual contest held at Le­ ous enforcement of its Negro voting guarantees. Moyne College's Arthur Bruce Hall last week. Miss Pegues, pic­ The bill, already passed by the al action was almost anti-cllmatlo tured here with her princesses, was sponsored by Central Pres­ Senate, sailed through the House as the legislators ended a civil cription Shop, The princesses are (left to right) Miss Minerva on a lopsided 288-95 vote. The fin- rights struggle that had dominated Boyce, sponsored by Hamilton High School where she is a stu­ By JAMES I. KILGALLEN the election year Congress. dent, "Miss Clean-Up"; Miss Sheila Rice, Booker T. Washington (United Press International) The key section of the six-part bill provides new voting guaran­ student, sponsored by the Knights of the Round Table Club, tees for southern Negroes. Federal NEW YORK (UPI)- A federal court jury, split six-to-six on » "Miss Paint-Up"; and Miss Maggie Hankins, sponsored by Ma­ judges could appoint referees to de­ every ballot, announced Friday it was hopelessly deadlocked in nassas High School where she is a senior, "Miss Fix-Up". 4 £.. termine the qualifications of Ne­ \< p t’î (Staff Photo by Robert Morris) Rep. Adam Clayton .Powell's income tax fraud trial and the groes who had been denied voting judge dismissed the panel. privileges by local registrars. K »V ■ V' “It is plain that future deliber­ the Jurors for their service and CRACKDOWN ON BOMBINGS ation would be useless," said Judge added: MW The bill also would crackdown on Cotton Makers Jubilee Royalty anyone engaging in hate bombings Frederick Vanpelt Bryun in declar­ "You did a job to the best of A-' ing a hung jury. s your ability. Failure to reach a ver­ b. or trying to obstruct court-ordered ; 4 Í • The eight women and four men, dict was not the fault of any of i school integration. To Be Crowned, Wednesday May,11 all white except one Negro woman, you. It is something that just, hap­ 440 Without waiting for the Presi­ had been unable to agreo on a ver­ pened." »! dent to sign the bill into law, At­ torney General William P. Rogers The stiver anniversary of the 7:30 PjM. — Coronation Cere­ dict from the very start of their The charge on which Powell was I ■ announced he would “proceed vig­ Memphis CdStoh Makers’ Jubilee monies, Junior Kin gand Queen, deliberations. The foreman disclos­ tried could have brought a maxi­ ;• J.N>4:.\ orously" against those violating It. will ¡be celebrated during the week Chuidh Park Amusement’ Center. ed the vote was six to six on the mum sentence of five yeans in jail fes But lie emphasized that Negroes long wtMta which have been first ballot Thursday and never TUESDAY,, MAY 10 and a $10,000 fine. must first exercise their rights and scheduled to Start May 8 wli’fh a changed. 9 PM. — ZoZo Ball, Church Park O ; 4' try to vote. SHOWS NO EMOTION "Soiree" where King William Vas­ Amusement. Center. I'M sar and Queen Malttie Cash Smith Thursday night and again .Fri­ S' i 1- Voting referees could be appoint­ WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 will make their first public appear­ day they came Into the courtroom Powell showed no emotion over ed only in arcus where the Justice 5:30 PM — Coronation Parade; to tell the judge -they were dead­ the outcome of the trial. He told Department had won a federal ance after being elected the 1960 locked. But at his request they went Royal Couple for I960. They were forming at the foot ,of Beale and newsmen he would return to his court order requiring registration of Riverside Drive and moving off at congressional office In Washington elected to reign April 18. back both times to try to recon­ one or more Negroes who had pro­ 6:30 pm. The royal pair will be crowned cile their differences. Monday in ’time to attend a com­ tested to the department that their 7:30 PM. — Coronation Cere­ mittee meeting. voting rights had been violated. officially during the coronation at DELIBERATE OVER 24 HOURS Booker T. Washington High School monies, Jubilee King and Queen, His immediate plans, he said, If the Judge then determined Blair T. Hunt Gymnasium. gymnasium, Wednesday, MJay 11. ) Finally, at 3:20 p. m. e.s.t., a were to go to the Absslnlan Bap­ that a "pattern or practice" of dis­ 10:30 PM. — CoronalHon Ball, little more than 24 houre after re­ The Junior king and queen will tist Church, which he claims is the crimination existed in the area , he be crowned at Church Park Audi­ Church Park Amusement Center. PLANNING FOR GENERAL BOARD MEETING TO Standings Rev. J. M. Hill, presiding elder of ceiving the case of the B^-year-oki largest Protestant church in the could appoint referees to handle torium on May 9. THURSDAY, MAY 12 Harlem Democrat and Baptist min­ country, for a mass prayer of THE CME CHURCH TO BE HELD MAY 2-7 - the Jackson - Oakland district; Rev. Henry C. complaints from other Negroes de« Other activities scheduled are the 9 AM. — Royal Tour of City, ister, the 'Jurors said it was useless thanksgiving with his followers. Seated, left to rights Mrs. James H!llp)RbV. D. ■bunion, Rev. D. S. Cunningham, Rev. P. G. Hen- nled tlie-rigiirTtf^iti ' ‘‘ Coronation Parade and Ball, the beginning at Church Park Amuse­ to go on. th Warner Browning, Bishop B, Julian Smith-Wthe ilrell, Rev. R. E. Honeysucher, Rev. William EFFECTIVE'MEANS , Royal Tour and Tea and the Grand (Continued On Page Six) ment Center.. Powell had been indicted orig­ First Episcopal District of the CME Church; Rev. Smith, district director of Christian Education; Jubilee Ball. :.,6 P.M. — Royal Tea, 551 Men­ inally on three .tax, evasion qhqig:, , Rbgers qald' in a statement ' that Timothy Davis, Rev. DeWittT. Alcorn, presidingifley.bl, Charles Thomas, and Rev. I. A. Story. Theme Of W'4950 Jubilee.,is. denhall Road. es but the. judge /dlsmi^ed ; two “‘King cotton tenterfalns.” 4— tills pro^lmt'j^tabliBito’en’Jctln v counts early In the-’seven-weCk '>4 4-4.- bld&r of the Brownsville district. machinery for enforcing the voting ’ Following Is the Cobtdn Makers’ FRIDAY, MAY 13 lr(ah The only count upon which rights of Negroes," provided they Jubilee schedule: 9 AM..— Children Parade, form­ he was tried Charged that he wil­ Speak In Meniphis “attempt to exercise those rights.” SUNDAY, MAY 8 ing on Butler, east of. Main to Third fully filed a fraudulent income tax He said the entire bill, while not i 5-7 PM. — Soiree, The Curries’ and on St. Martin and Mulberry ¡Ray Wilkins, executive secretary return in 1951 for his wife, Negro all the administration sought, Home, 1750 So. Parkway E. Street, north and South of Butler, of the NAACP of New York City, is pianist Hazel Scott. "holds forth great promise for sub-' , MONDAY, MAY 9 moving off promptly at 8 pm. from scheduled to come to Memphis May «Miss Scctt whs,not a defendant stantlal and steady progress." • 12 Noon — Official Opening of Main and Butler. 17 to deliver the keynote address .Midway, Beale Street Park Wallace 9:30 PM. — Grand Jubilee Ball, and remained at her home in at a mass meeting in commemora­ AFL-CIO President Geo. Meany, France throughout the trial. Four Sludenls Bros. Show. Church Park Amusement Center. tion of die Sixth Anniversary of like' some nothern congressmen, ,<Ud Immediately after the jurors the Supreme Count’s May 17, 1954 not seo it that way. He said it fail­ : ■ were dismissed, Powell's attorney, decision which ruled segregation in 00273671 An estimated 1,000 persons are expected to come to Mem­ ed to fulfill the AFL-CIO’s hopes Edward Bennett WiUiatn$,,received — and immediately pledged a’drive public school unconstitutional, an­ phis when the General Board of the Christian Methodist Epis­ action on his motion for a judg­ nounces Rev. D. S. Cunningham, to enact a “much stronger meas­ copal Church (CME) holds a conference here May 2-6, ment of acquittal that would avoid president Of. the local NAACP . Owen College President, The Rev. ure’’next year. ■ . ’ a second costly frial. Charles L. Dinkins, was accom­ Branch. ( The church's College of Bishops Tupelo, Miss., Is secretary. In the final House shutdown, panied by four students, Martha The meeting is scheduled to be will hold an executive session Mon­ The organization is a voluntary 165 Democrate, and 123 Republicans JUDGE SETS DATE Knox, Deborah King, Bobble Rean Sentence On Forgery Charge held at Mason Temple on Mason study and discussion group which voted to accept without change W Phillips and Henry Mases, to the day and Tuesday, May 2-3 at 10 Bryan said that oh Thursday, carries unusual Interest because It amendments which the Senate Street. 15th Annual National Baptist Stu­ o'clock in the morning at the .First Harry Truly, former immediate president of the LeMoyne May 12, he would hear legal, ar­ During the meeting, awards will often initiates legislation for the wrote into the more far-reaching dent Union spring Retreat, held at Episcopal District Headquarters, 664 guments on the defense motion.
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