BROAD TOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th December at 6.30pm Online via zoom Present: Councillor J E Jordan – Chairman Councillor S G Hartley Councillor M A Holland Councillor B Joyce Councillor R Pearce Councillor C J Rendell Officers: Mrs E Diamant – Parish Clerk PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5 members of the public were present. Planning application 20/09825/PNCOU was discussed. The agent for the applicant thanked the Parish Council for allowing him to attend the meeting and made the following comments: - The application is proposed under a permitted development of agricultural conversion and falls within the government definition of a barn conversion dwelling. - As a conversion under class Q it is not required to be tied to any business and has no restrictions on who can occupy it. The conversion is intended for the sole use of the applicant and his family in order to live and work at the site. - The application is for a standard conversion under class Q and will be a sensitive conversion utilising existing access to the site. The applicant supported the above comments and stated his intention to live and work at the site to support the planned associated businesses. The applicant also reported that he has been working with the footpaths officer at Wiltshire Council for advice on improving footpath access at the site. 94/20 APOLOGIES There were no apologies. 95/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Joyce declared an interest in agenda item 4.1, planning application 20/08027/FUL and item 8.1. He remained in the meeting but did not participate in the discussion. 96/20 MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th November 2020, having been previously circulated were signed by the Chairman, Councillor Jordan as a correct record. 97/20 PLANNING 97/20.1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Application Applicant Location of Description of Number Development Development Cliff Whiteway The Banks Re-siting of 1000 litre oil 20/08027/FUL 78 Horns Lane tank for domestic Broad Town heating/hot water. Wiltshire SN4 7RH Comments from Parish Council invited until: 15th December 2020. 20/09825/PNCOU Mr Colin Young Merlins Gate Application to determine if Broad Town Road Prior Approval is required Broad Town for a proposed Change of SN4 7RB Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling (Class C3) and for Building Operations reasonably necessary for the Conversion. Comments from Parish Council invited until: 15th December 2020. 20/05636/FUL Ms A Phillips Littletown New studio on the Farmhouse footprint of the original Chapel Lane pigsties and alterations to Broad Town the existing building. SN4 7RJ Revised plans received. Comments invited until: 24th December 2020. 20/06359/LBC Ms A Phillips Littletown New studio on the Farmhouse footprint of the original Chapel Lane pigsties and alterations to Broad Town the existing building. SN4 7RJ Revised plans received. Comments invited until: 24th December 2020. 20/08815/FUL Mr G Bovingdon Lay Marsh Farm, Erect Rural Workers Cotmarsh Lane, Dwelling. Broad Town, Swindon, Wiltshire, Revised plans received. SN4 7RA Comments invited until: 22nd December 2020. Planning application 20/09825/PNCOU was discussed. It was noted that the conversion is a large scheme with some changes to the footprint of the building but with no increase in size. No objections in principle were noted by the Parish Council. Planning application 20/08027/FUL was discussed. The Parish Council noted an objection to this proposal based on a lack of clear justification for moving the tank to the proposed location. The proposed location positions the tank both visible from the front of the property and close to the shared drive. Objections were also noted regarding the proposed location of the tank within and next to the car parking area; this presents a safety issue with a risk of vehicles reaching the tank. Linked planning applications 20/05636/FUL and 20/06359/LBC were discussed. Revised plans have been submitted in response to advice from conservation specialists. The Parish Council will submit an additional statement noting no objections in principle providing that conservation specialists are satisfied with the revised plans. The amendments to 20/08815/FUL ware noted. The Parish Council objected to the initial application citing the need for the viability of the agricultural business to be clear prior to approval for a permanent dwelling. It was noted that that the amended information submitted includes an agricultural consultant assessment noting an existing domestic building at the site with drainage. The Parish Council will submit an additional statement noting continued objections based on the agricultural assessment submitted with the amended application. 97/20.2 PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED Application Location of Description of Decision Number development development Land at Thornhill Variation of Condition 5 Approve with conditions. 20/05067/VAR Royal Wootton of 16/11126/FUL The decision was noted. Bassett Relating to Approved SN4 7QJ Plans 19 Thornhill Retrospective Approve with conditions. 20/02208/FUL Royal Wootton application for the The condition was Bassett erection of timber cabin noted. SN4 7RX for use as office. 97/20.3 PLANNING APPEALS Application Location of Description of Appeal Lodged Number development development 19/03874/OUT Land South of Residential 11th November 2020. Broad Town development of up Primary School to 10 entry-level Additional comments until Broad Town Road affordable dwellings, 16th December 2020. Broad Town with associated SN4 7RE access roads and car parking, a community car park, a publicly accessible village green, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure. 20/05588/FUL Hambrook Farm, Demolition of 2nd December 2020. Thornhill, Royal existing barn and Wootton Bassett, erection of a new Additional comments until SN4 7RZ dwelling with 6th January 2021. associated works. Planning appeal 19/03874/OUT was discussed. The Parish Council will send a statement to the Planning Inspectorate supporting the decision of Wiltshire Council and summarising the continued strong opposition of the Parish Council and Broad Town residents to the scale of development. Planning appeal 20/05588/FUL was discussed. It was noted that the Parish Council had no objections to the original application. The decision and analysis of the proposed development by Wilshire Planning was noted; the Parish Council will send a statement to the Planning Inspectorate supporting the decision of Wiltshire Council. All planning documents and decisions can be viewed at: https://planning.wiltshire.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Home.aspx 98/20 APPLEFORD ENFORCEMENT Correspondence from residents regarding the continued operation of the driving school at the site was noted. The Parish Council has received a reply from Sean Williams, head of Planning Enforcement regarding the location of the hard standing area which needs to be removed in accordance with conditions (d) and (e) of the planning enforcement notice. The Parish Council will contact Planning Enforcement to confirm whether the hard standing has been inspected and that the area has been excavated and levelled. 99/20 BANK BALANCES AND BANK RECONCILIATION at 30.11.20 Balances: Treasurers Account £6266.39 Capital Projects Account £3248.62 Community Fund £ 9389.51 Bank reconciliation: Treasurers Account £6266.39 Less unpresented cheques £Nil Cashbook Balance £6266.39 The cashbook and bank reconciliation were noted. 100/20 DRAFT BUDGET 2021/22 The projected balance at the end of the financial year capturing all outstanding expenditure was presented as £5123.97. This would be sufficient to retain the recommended reserve of six months operating costs. It was noted that the tax base for a band D property in the area has reduced to 267.78 for 2021/22. The draft budget was presented showing known income and expenditure items and a proposed precept calculation. Adjustments to the proposed costs were made in order to keep the precept request at the same level as that for 2020/21, allowing for the reduction in the tax base: A reduction from £300 to £200 per annum for additional Clerk hours based on the outturn for 2020/21. A reduction from £400 to £171.40 per annum for footpath group expenses based on the outturn for 2020/21. Additional funding for footpath projects will be accessed via the Good Energy Community Fund. A budget of £173.00 for virtual meeting platform costs. A budget of £2350.00 for grounds maintenance and hedge cutting. £1200.00 towards the capital projects fund of which £1000 will be used to support the cost of replacing the fencing at Redhills. Projected costs towards the Broad Town Newsletter and leaflet reserve were removed from the budget and may be accessed via applications to the Good Energy Community Fund. Councillor Joyce will amend and re circulate the draft budget in line with the comments above to be reviewed via e-mail correspondence prior to the January meeting. The final budget, precept calculation and request are to be debated and agreed at the January 2021 Parish Council meeting. The Chairman, Councillor Jordan thanked Councillor Joyce and the Clerk for their work on the preparation of the draft budget. 101/20 PAYMENTS FOR APPROVAL 101/20.1 REIMBURSEMENT TO CLLR JOYCE – ZOOM SUBSCRIPTION DECEMBER 2020 It was proposed by Councillor Jordan, seconded by Councillor Hartley and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve the reimbursement payment of £14.39 (Inc. VAT) to Councillor Joyce for the December Zoom subscription. 101/20.2 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER It was proposed by Councillor Joyce, seconded by Councillor Pearce and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve the contribution of £110.00 towards the Broad Town Village Newsletter for 2020. 101/20.3 COMMUNITY HEARTBEAT TRUST It was proposed by Councillor Hartley, seconded by Councillor Holland and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to approve the payment of £151.20 (Inc.
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