Gornoll UniTerslty Lilorary Ithaca New York, *»^^«y/e:t/ T ®0t;MI Uttirmitg Jibatg THE GIFT OF A^^^Jww *Sv^ VO^ A >y\*»^M \5^ /\..n..°\?v.a..:b.A \.!ri.\.u\.\.AS 7583 an^^^^ First church of Christ. Scientist, 3 1924 029 453 481 oiin AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED LITERATURE OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST IN BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS AUTHORIZED BOOKS Works of Mary Baker Eddy Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Miscellaneous Writings The First Church ot Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany Church Manual Unity of Good Christian Healing No and Yes Retrospection and Introspection Christian Science Versus Pantheism Rudimental Divine Science People's Idea of God Christ and Christmas Pulpit and Press Message to The Mother Church, June, 1900 Message to The Mother Church, June, 1901 Message to The Mother Church, June, 1902 Poems ConcoMance to Science and Health Concordance to Mrs. Eddy's Other Published Vv'ritlngs APPROVED BOOKS christian Science Hymnal The Mother Church, by Joseph Armstrong The Life of Mary Baker Eddy, by Sibyl Vv'ilbur Editorial Comments on the Life and Work of Mary Baker Eddy Mary Baker Eddy: A Life-Size Portrait, by Lyman P. Powell What Mrs. Eddy said to Arthur Brisbane Christian Science War Time Activities Authorized Periodicals Issued by The Christian Science Publishing Society The Christian Science Journal (monthly) Christian Science Sentinel (weekly) The Christian Science Monitor (international daily) Christian Science Quarterly (Bible Lessons) The Herald of Christian Science, German Edition (monthly) The Herald of Christian Science, French Edition (monthly) The Herald of Christian Science, Scandinavian Edition (quarterly) The Herald of Christian Science, Dutch Edition (quarterly) The Herald of Christian Science, BRAILLE EDITION (quarterly) Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029453481 THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST AND MISCELLANY THE FIRST CHUECH OF CHEIST SCIENTIST AND MISCELLANY BY MARY BAKER EDDY DISCOVBKEB AND FOUNDER OF CHEISTIAN SCIENCE AND AUTHOR OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCBIPTUBE8 BOSTON, U.S.A. Published by Allison V. Stewart Falmouth and St. Paul Streets 1915 /|,%°i°(c>M COPYRIGHT, 1913 BY THE TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF MARY BAKER G. EDDY All rights reserved, induding that oj translation into foreign languages, includirtg the Scandinavian THE- PLIUPTON* PRESS NORWOOD>MASS>U-S-A FOEEWOKD Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet; Lest we forget — lest we forget! — Kipling's Recessional IN these stirring times of church building, when the attention of the whole world is fixed on Christian Sci- ence, when the growth and prosperity of the Cause are matters of general wonderment and frequent comment, when the right hand of fellowship is being extended to this people by other Christian denominations, when pop- ularity threatens to supersede persecution, it is well for earnest and loyal Christian Scientists to fortify them- selves against the mesmerism of personal pride and self- adulation by recalling the following historical facts: — 1. That Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Sci- ence in 1866, and established the Cause on a sound basis by healing the sick and reforming the sinner quickly and completely, and doing this work "without money and without price." 2. That in 1875, after nine years of arduous prelimi- nary labor, she wrote and published the Christian Sci- ence textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;" that over four hundred thousand copies of this book have been sold — an unparalleled record for a work of this description; that it has healed multi- tudes of disease and has revealed God to well-nigh vi FOREWORD countless numbers — facts which prove, (1) that Science and Health does not need to be interpreted to those who are earnestly seeking Truth; (2) that it is not possible to state truth absolutely in a simpler or more pleasing form. 3. That no one on earth to-day, aside from Mrs. Eddy, knows anything about Christian Science except as he has learned it from her and from her writings; and Christian Scientists are honest only as they give her full credit for this extraordinary work. 4. That Mrs. Eddy organized The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., devised its church government, originated its form of public worship, wrote its Church Manual and Tenets, and always has been and is now its guide, guardian. Leader, and wise and unerring counsellor. 5. That Mrs. Eddy founded The Christian Science Journal in 1883, was its first editor and for years the principal contributor to its columns; that she organized The Christian Science Publishing Society, which in 1898, with its assets valued at forty-five thousand dollars, she made over to trustees under agreement to pay all future profits to her church; that at the same time she presented to her church the property at 95 and 97 Falmouth Street, then occupied by the Publishing So- ciety and valued at twenty-five thousand dollars, reserv- ing for herself only a place for the pubhshing of her works; that she established the Christian Science Sentinel and authorized Der Herold der Christian Science, both of FOREWORD vii which, together with The Christian Science Journal, are the property of the PubHshing Society. Strive it ever so hard, The Church of Christ, Scientist, can never do for its Leader what its Leader has done for this church; but its members can so protect their own thoughts that they are not unwittingly made to de- prive their Leader of her rightful place as the revelator to this age of the immortal truths testified to by Jesus and the prophets. Deeds, not words, are the sound test of love; and the helpfulness of consistent and constant right think- ing — intelligent thinking untainted by the emotionalism which is largely self-glorification — is a reasonable service which all Christian Scientists can render their Leader. — Christian Science Sentinel, April 28, 1906. CONTENTS PART I THE FIRST CHUECH OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST PAGE Foreword v CHAPTER I "Choose Ye" — Dedicatory Message, Jtjhb 10, 1906. 3 CHAPTER II The Extension op Thh Mother Church of Christ, Scien- tist: Its Inception, Construction, and Dedication Mrs. Eddy's Message to The Mother Church, June 15, 1902 7 The Annual Meeting op The Mother Church, June 18, 1902 — Two Million Dollars Pledged 7 Greeting prom the Church to Mrs. Eddy 8 ~ Our Leader's Thanks . 9 Christian Science Sentinel, May 16, 1903 10 Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, May 16, 1903 . 11 Now and Then 12 Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, January 2, 1904 . 14 Amendment to By-law 15 Communion, 1904 15 Extract prom the Treasurer's Report, Jtostb 14, 1904 . 16 The Corner-stone Laid 16 Unselpish Loyalty 19 Holiday Gifts 20 X CONTENTS PAGE The Annual Meeting, Jtjne 13, 1905: Extract phom the Clerk's Report 22 Extract from the Treasurer's Report 23 Greeting to Mrs. Eddy from the Annual Meeting 23 Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, November 25, 1905 . 24 Gifts from the Children . '. 25 Card ... 25 Announcement of the Dedication 26 To THE Board of Directors . 26 Notice 27 Notice to Contributors to the Building Fund ... 27 Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, June 9, 1906 . 27 Communion Service and Dedication . 29 The Annual Meeting, June 12, 1906 . .... 38 Telegram to Mrs. Eddy 44 Report of the Clerk . 47 Letters and Editorial 58 Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, June, 1906 . 63 APPENDIX TO PART I AS CHRONICLED BY THE NEWSPAPERS An Astonishing Motion 65 Progressive Steps 65 The Finishing Touches 66 Description of the Extension 67 An Idea of the Size 69 The Chimes . 70 Magnificence of the Organ . 70 Its Architecture ... ... .71 Unique Interior . ... .71 Gates of Boston Open . 72 Christian Scientists Have All the Monet Needed . 72 The Great Gathering. ... 73 Special Trains Coming 73 Interesting and Agreeable Visitors 74 Readily Accommodated 75 CONTENTS xi PAGE Big Chtjbch is Paid For 75 Giant Temple fob Scientists 76 Dedication Day 77 Children's Service ... 78 On a Fab Higher Pedestal 79 The Wednesday Evening Meetings 79 Exodus Begins '. 82 What the Boston Editors Said: Boston Daily Advertiser 83 Boston Herald ... 84 Boston Evening Record ... 84 Boston Post . 84 Boston Herald . ... 85 Boston Globe 86 Boston Post 86 Boston Herald 87 General Editorial Opinion: Montreal (Can.) Gazette ... 88 Concord (N. H.) Monitor 88 Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eagle 88 Denver (Col.) News 89 Terre Haute (Ind.) Star 90 Lafayette (Ind.) Journal 91 Springfield (Mass.) Republican 92 Rochester^ (N. Y.) Post Express . 92 Topeka (Kan.) Daily Capital 93 Albany (N. Y.) Knickerbocker . 94 Mexican Herald, City of Mexico, Mex . 95 Sandusky (Ohio) Star-Journal . 95 Peoria (111.) Journal . 96 Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb 97 Athol (Mass.) Transcript . 97 Portland (Ore.) Telegram 98 Portland (Me.) Advertiser 98 Denver (Col.) Republican 99 Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard 99 xii CONTENTS PART II MISCELLANY CHAPTER I PAGE To THE Chkistian Woeld 103 CHAPTER II The Christian Science Textbook 109 CHAPTER III Pbesonalitt Personal Contagion 116 Letter to a Clergyman 118 CHAPTER IV Messages to The Mother Church Communion, January 2, 1898 121 Communion, June 4, 1899 124 Address at Annual Meeting, June 6, 1899 131 A Question Answered 133 Letter op the Pastor Emeritus, June, 1903 . ... 133 A Letter from Mrs. Eddy 134 Letter to The Mother Church 135 Card 136 Mrs. Eddy's Affidavit 137 NoTA Bene 139 A Word to the Wise 139 Abolishing the Communion 140 Communion Season is Abolished 141 Mrs. Eddy's Reply 142 The Christian Science Board of Directors 142 Mrs. Eddy's Statements 143 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER V Christian Science Hall, Concord, N.
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