College and Faculty news Meetings of Council Council visited Belfast for this occasion, which was At a Quarterly Meeting of the Council held on ioth well supported by Fellows in Northern Ireland, and April I980 with the President, Sir Reginald Murley a very successful Buffet Supper was held with the KBE TD, in the Chair the Jacksonian Prize for I979 President presiding. was awarded to Mr R W Pigott FRCS, of the Certificates of Accreditation of completion of Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, for his dissertation en- higher training were awarded to the following titled 'A study of the impact on surgical manage- Fellows of the College: ment of recent developments in the investigations In General Surgery: Nicholas John Griffiths (St of velopharyngeal incompetence with special refer- Bartholomew's Hospital), Alexander Malcolm ence to aspects of endoscopy and radiology'. The McDonald (University College Hospital), Geoffrey Clement Price Thomas Award for I980 was made Roland Sagor (Royal Free Hospital), Roger to Dr Norman E Shumway MD, of Stanford Uni- Barrit Jones (Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield), versity, Los Angeles, for his pioneering work in ex- Robin Barker Smith and Howard William Steer perimental cardiac transplantation and the develop- (Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford), Robert Hugh ment of its clinical application. The Sir Arthur Stanley Lane (Southampton Training Scheme), Keith Medal was awarded to Mr Oliver Graham- and Martin Cooper Wilson (Edinburgh Training Jones FRCVS, for his contributions to medical re- Scheme). search and to the development of co-operation In Orthopaedics: Terence Rodney Allen and between the medical and veterinary professions. Edward Hugh Compton (Harlow Wood Ortho- The following Members and other medical prac- paedic Hospital), Michael Hilary Osbome titioners of 20 years' standing were elected to the Dawson (Oswestry Training Scheme), Jerzy Fellowship without examination: Marian Sikorski (Bristol Training Scheme), John Ewen Hugh Murchison OBE RN (ret'd) MB chB, Eric Cleary (Liverpool Training Scheme), and of Gibraltar. David Sherwood Nairn (King's College Hospital). Esmond Douglas Vere Nicoll MRCS FACS, of In Otolaryngology: David Andrew Moffat (The Charlottesville, Virginia. London Hospital), Paul Kitchen (St Bartholo- John Edmund Riding MD FFARCS, Past Dean of mew's Hospital), John Riddington Young (Man- the Faculty of Anaesthetists, of Liverpool. chester Training Programme), and Robert James Robert W Robertson OBE MD, of Hartford, Con- Sergeant (Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear necticut. Hospital/Sussex Throat and Ear Hospital). Jaroslav Stark MuDr(Prague) LAH FACS, of the In Paediatric Surgery: Jack Hanus Plaschkes (Hos- Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street. pital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street). Hallett Prizes were awarded to Hugh Denison In Plastic Surgery: Michael David Brough (Man- Maurice MB Bs and Peter Vincent Davis MRCS, both chester Training Programme), and Charles Wil- of St Bartholomew's Hospital. liam Chapman (Royal Naval Hospitals/Wexham The following were appointed Royal College of Park Hospital). Surgeons Surgical Tutors for three years in the first In Urology: John Terence Flynn (The London instance: Hospital), and David Eric Osbom (Manchester North Western Region (Oldham): Mr W V Training Scheme). Humphreys FRCSEd in succession to Mr N Hira FRCS. At an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 8th (Bolton): Mr R J Salem FRCS in succession to Mr May ig80 with the President, Sir Reginald Murley J Wilkes FRCS. KBE TD, in the Chair the deaths of Professor Amold SW Thames Region (NW Surrey): Mr K W Sorsby, Emeritus Research Professor of Ophthal- WVilkinson FRCS in succession to Mr T J Daven- mology and Sir Arthur Keith Medallist, and of Mr port FRCS. H Daintree Johnson (past Member of the Court The grant of the Lister Award in Ophthalmology of Examiners) were reported with regret. to Mr Trevor Buchanan FRcSEd, of the Royal The appointment was noted of Dr Anthony Victoria Hospital, Belfast, was noted. Duggan DTM FMA as a Trustee of the Hunterian The Macloghlin Scholarship was awarded to Collection. Professor Harold Ellis FRCS was ap- Martin Ritter Whittle, of St Thomas's Hospital pointed Stanford Cade Memorial Lecturer for i980. Medical School. The Combined Royal Colleges Bronze Medal for It was reported that Hunterian Lectures had been 1979 was awarded to Dr Ralph Marshall PhD FIIP delivered at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, FRPS AIMBI for his outstanding original work in the by Professor Norman Hughes on 'Plastic surgery field of photometry of pigmented lesions of the skin. since 1945' and by Professor George Johnston on The following were appointed Royal College of 'Bleeding oesophageal varices - management of Surgeons Surgical Tutors for three years in the shunt rejects' on Friday 2Ist March. Members of first instance: 314 College and Faculty news SE Thames Region (Medway): Mr R L Hay FRCsEd Deani respectively for the year from June ig80. The in succession to Mr P L Girolami FRCS. Deani and Vice-Dean, together with Professor (Lewisham): Mr D Negus FRCS in succession to Gordon Robson, were re-elected as representatives Mr H I Le Brun FRCS. of the Faculty on the Council of the College. Professor A C Forrester, of Glasgow, and Dr Meeting of Board of Faculty of Dental Leslie W Hall, of Cambridge, were awarded the Surgery Faculty Medal in recognition of their distinguished contributions to anaesthesia. At the meeting of the Board of Faculty of Dental Dr W H Hamilton, of San Francisco, Dr B R Surgery on IIth April 1980 Mr Hamish Thomson Fink, of Seattle, Dr E Cohen, of Palo Alto, and FDSRCSEd was admitted to the Fellowship in Dental Professor Z Vieira, of Brasilia, were elected to Surgery ad eundem. Fellowship in the Faculty. The Evelyn Sprawson Prize was awarded to Miss Dr R S Simons FFARACS, of the Royal Free Alexandra Mary Edgington LDSRCS. Hospital, London, was elected to the Fellowship The following were appointed as new Examiners ad cundem, the first recipient of this honour under for dental examinations: powers granted in the I977 Charter. Final LDS Examination, Part II (Dental Pros- Dr S Morrell Lyons and Dr D J Bowen were thetics and Properties of Dental Materials) appointed Regional Education Advisers for North- Wright, Susan (Royal Dental Hospital). ern Ireland and the Wessex Region respectively Final LDS Examination, Part III (Dental Section) in succession to Professor J W Dundee and Dr D Sullivan, Patrick Graham (The London Hospital). J Pearce, to whom the Board recorded their grati- Final FDS Examination (Medicine and Surgery) tude for their past services. Wyllie, John Hamilton (University College Hos- The following Faculty Tuttors were appointed: pital), Davis, Peter Kerrich (St Thomas's Hospital), Dr Thompson, Richard Paul Hepworth (St Thomas's Northern RHA Dr T Dowell (Sunderland) and Hospital). P Lawler (Middlesbrough). Final FDS Examination, Group I (Oral Surgery Yorkshire RHA Dr T D Biswas (Pontefract), Dr and Oral Pathology Examiners) Henderson, Derek F Bostock (Leeds East), Dr F A Brear (Bradford), (St Thomas's Hospital), Sowray, John (King's Dr P G Cutler (Harrogate), Dr D P Winder College Hospital). (Hull), Dr R G Wheatley (York), Dr J M Raper Final FDS Examination, Group II (General Dental Airedale-Keighley), Dr M Drion (Scunthorpe), and Specialist Examiners) Winter, Gerald Bernard Dr R F Longdin (Halifax), Dr J Sugden (Leeds (Institute of Dental Surgery), Rowe, Adrian West), Dr M A Turner (Scarborough), Dr N W Harold Redfern (Guy's Hospital), Shovelton, David Mathur (Wakefield), Dr J M France (North- Scott (Birmingham Dental School). allerton), Dr C S Ward (Huddersfield), Dr J M Membership in General Dental Surgery Bennett, Hipkin (Grimsby), Dr A D Crew (Killingbeck), Marcus Rattenbury (Royal Dental Hospital), and Dr J D Holdsworth (Dewsbury). Roberts, Kenneth (Bristol Dental Hospital). N Thames RHA Dr R Molloy (Whittington Hos- Mr J F Reeves LDSRCS MGDSRCS was elected as pital) and Dr J Bushman (St Andrew's Hospital, a Member of the Board representing the Licentiates Bow). in Dental Surgery for the ensuing four years. W Midlands RHA Dr J Murray (Kidderminster), Professors W J Tulley, A S Prophet, and I R H Dr R Hopkinson (East Birmingham), Dr J Kramer, Mr G C Dickson, and Mr M Malleson all Burton (Nuneaton), Dr J Davies (S Birmingham), retired from the Board in rotation and the grateful Dr J Dallimore (Hereford), Dr D Anderson thanks of the Board for the support and advice (Burton, Staffs), Dr B D Mukerji (Bromsgrove), each had given to the Board's deliberations were Dr D Eyre-Walker (Mid-Staffordshire), Dr D to them by the Dean. Larard (Warwick), Dr T McNeil (Sandwell), and extended Dr R Howell (Coventry). The gift of a silver salver engraved with the A College Grace was gratefully received from Pro- The Fellowship Prize was awarded to Dr S fessor W J Tulley and the gift of two silver goblets Masey. which he had made was accepted from Mr M The death of Mr F Folkard, benefactor of the Malleson with sincere gratitude. These goblets Faculty, was reported with deep regret. matched goblets previously made and presented by Diplomas of Fellowship were granted in accord- Mr Malleson which are used by the Dean and ance with the pass list (p. 321) and to Dr W F S Vice-Dean at Dinners, and the latest goblets will Sellers and Dr J H Bucknall. be used by the ladies of the Dean and Vice-Dean Certificates of Accreditation of higher training at future Dinners. were granted to the following Fellows in the Faculty: Meeting of Board of Faculty of Anaes- Northern RHA Dr Ronald Frank Carter, Dr Ian Duncan Conacher, and Dr Richard Will. thetists Yorkshire RHA Dr Gordon Richard Lyons. At a meeting of the Board of Faculty of Anaes- Trent RHA Dr Jillian Mary Archer, Dr Christopher thetists held on igth March I980 Dr J F Nunn and John Bowley, Dr Michael Oliver O'Shea, Dr Dr D D C Howat were re-elected Dean and Vice- David Gordon Raitt, Dr George Smith, Dr College and Faculty news 315 Robert Kevin Stacey, andcl Dr Malcolm John aid North-\Wcstern Surgical anid Anaesthetics Fora.
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