Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging EXPRESSIVE 2015 Paul Rosin (Editor) Rendering Artistic Light Patterns L. Ji y1, A. Gooch3, L. Gammon2 and B. Wyvill1 1Department of Computer Science, 2Department of Visual Arts, University of Victoria 3Scientific Computing and Imaging, University of Utah Abstract Combining knowledge from computer graphics and visual arts, we built a light art projection installation based on a novel sketch-based shape pattern rendering method. Motivated by an artist’s drawing, our novel rendering method generates shape patterns resembling the input image, and creates animation with an organic appearance. We also demonstrate using the proposed method to render foliage shadow effects for virtual scenes. The major contribution of the proposed method is its ability to automatically render richly detailed, animated lighting pat- terns from an approximate lighting plan drawing. Professional artists and computer graphics researchers work together in our research team to develop our rendering method and the artistic rendering projects side by side. This interdisciplinary approach helps us to design and evolve our method for creating aesthetic work with computer graphics technologies. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.7]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Color, shading, shadowing, and texture; Computer Applications [J.5]: Arts and Humanities—Fine Arts. 1. Introduction animation. The general strategy of the proposed rendering method is to enhance an approximate sketch by filling in In northern latitudes on the west coast, winter brings long details from given shape examples. The application of our nights and much rain. The dark and humid environment cre- method is not limited to the installation project. We also ates stress in many people [Ros12]. To render this dreary show its effectiveness through a digital rendering project that environment into a bright and cheerful alternative space, we creates foliage shadow effects from an artist’s sketch. Using created a light art projection installation. One wintery night, a few paint strokes, an artist can easily design lighting for our installation project created bright and colorful light pat- a virtual scene assumed to be placed under densely foliaged terns in a public space, and attracted viewers to stop by trees without modeling the complicated tree structures. Our (Figure1). On our research team, professional artists and program generates plausible light and shadow patterns from computer graphics researchers worked together to develop a the input drawing. The program also applies a blur effect and novel rendering method that successfully supported this vi- produces animation to improve the visual appearance of the sual art project. From the computer graphics perspective, we rendered scene, creating an impression of tree foliage shad- seek to devise a method that could automatically follow an ows swaying in a gentle breeze. artist’s lighting design, and renders the depicted scene with detailed lighting conforming to the artist’s composition. We propose that rendering light following an artist’s draw- The rendering method we propose for this goal contains ing is an intuitive way of creating artistic lighting effects. two major components: a stochastic optimization algorithm Based on this idea, we propose a sketch-based rendering for creating shape patterns that resemble an input image, method, and examine this method in two different contexts and a simulation algorithm for generating organic-looking of artistic creation. The contributions of our research consist of: y [email protected] 1. A novel sketch-based shape pattern rendering method c The Eurographics Association 2015. Ji et al. / Rendering Artistic Light Patterns and identify how our sketch-based rendering method fa- cilitates the art project (Section3); 3. A method for creating the animated foliage shadow effect in digital rendering. We show that our proposed method enables a straightforward and intuitive workflow for cre- ating plausible, animated foliage shadow effects (Sec- tion5). In our interdisciplinary research between computer sci- ence and visual arts; the rendering method, the projection installation and the foliage shadow effect rendering project were developed side by side. In this paper, we present the in- stallation project as a case study first, then discuss the algo- (a) The surrounding environment of the site for our instal- rithmic design of the rendering method. Next, we show how lation. to use the proposed method in digital rendering for foliage shadow effect. We suggest future research and conclude our work in the last sections. 2. Related Work Computer graphics researchers have envisioned the poten- tial for freely composing lighting for a long time, with pio- neer work dating back to Schoeneman et al. [SDS∗93] and Poulin et al. [PRJ97]. Recently, researchers have tried to re- define surface lighting in a more user-friendly fashion, and have proposed systems to automatically compute parameters such as light source, material or surface mapping according ∗ (b) The installation show in a misty winter night. to user input [PBMF07,RTD 10]. Kerr and Pellacini [KP09] noted that users are only capable of drawing coarse approx- imation of desired lighting, instead of directly composing every lighting detail. Therefore, sketch-based interfaces are preferred in lighting design, as demonstrated in the ‘envy- Light’ [Pel10] and ‘Illumination Brush’ [OMSI07] systems. Following the same strategy, we only require an artist to in- put a sketchy lighting plan drawing; our program then au- tomatically produces plausible detailed lighting patterns and creates animation. In comparison to their systems that create physical based lighting effects from environment maps, our rendering method is motivated from a visual arts perspective and not limited to photorealistic lighting effects. (c) The installation show attracted many viewers to stop The development of powerful lights, projectors and com- by. puters have given artists the ability to manipulate light pat- terns in a large scale. In 2009, artist Michel de Broin and a Figure 1: Our video projection installation in a public space group engineers worked together to install a sphere of 1,000 with two data projectors and one photographic light (Fig- mirrors 50 meters above the ground of Paris, and used large ure 1(c)). light projectors to render an artificial starry night [dB09]. Artist Charles Sandison created his own computer pro- gram to render a flood of bright text patterns from multiple data projectors inside the Central Exhibition Hall ‘Manege’ in Moscow [San13]. Recently, an interactive installation that automatically generates shape patterns following an project was installed in Abu Dhabi by artist Rafael Lozano- input guide image, and in addition creates coherent ani- Hemmer, which used strong search light beams to visualize mation (Section4); the heartbeats of its viewers in the night sky [LH15]. In our 2. A case study of a light art video projection installation research, we also present a light art projection installation in in a public space supported by the proposed method. We public space, in which the animated light patterns are gener- examine our implementation of the installation in detail, ated from our rendering program. c The Eurographics Association 2015. Ji et al. / Rendering Artistic Light Patterns Computer graphics research of shape pattern arrangement usually distribute elemental shapes according to a given tex- ture [HLT∗09, MWT11]. Iterative and optimization algo- rithms are commonly used in adjusting shape patterns and making them resemble an example [AKA13, LBW∗14]. Al- though we do not consider texture as the primary goal in our research, we also approach the pattern arrangement problem with a stochastic optimization algorithm. Given a segmented input image, classification methods can be used to fit a col- lection of simple shapes onto the image, and render the input image into an abstract, paper cut-out style [SRHC08]. We (a) Initial planned installation site. set a similar goal in our research of using a set of elemental shapes to represent the input drawing. In addition, we create animation for the shape patterns instead of rendering static abstract images. To create a coherent, organic looking animation for the shape pattern, we apply harmonic motion simulation with random excitation. As suggested by Chuang et al. [CGZ∗05] and Habel et al. [HKW09], a human observer can only judge a highly complicated dynamics system by its overall move- ment frequency and amplitude. Based on this observation, we use random values to construct the trajectories of each shape in the animation. We choose the excitation (driven force) for the harmonic motion to be a random excitation (b) Initial implementation plan. 1 that conforms to the f b statistical model, discussed in Peit- gen et al. [PS88], Chapter 1.2.3. This statistical model is also Figure 2: Our initial planned site for the installation has commonly observed in our daily life, from traffic patterns to a largely different visual context from the site finally ap- ripples on lakes. proved. The implementation plan and the light pattern design must be revised. Satellite map from Google Maps [Goo15]. We also demonstrate rendering foliage shadow effects for virtual scenes using our method. In our approach, the fo- liage shadows are rendered as shape patterns, not cast from tree structures. This approach is different
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