Geology of the Connaigre Peninsula and Adjacent

Geology of the Connaigre Peninsula and Adjacent

10′ 55° 00′ LEGEND 32 MIDDLE PALEOZOIC LATE NEOPROTEROZOIC 42 42 DEVONIAN LONG HARBOUR GROUP (Units 16 to 24) 86 Mo BELLEORAM GRANITE Rencontre Formation (Units 19 to 24) 47° 50′ 32 47 Grey to pink, medium- and fine-grained equigranular granite containing many small, dark-grey and green (Units 19 and 20 occur only in the northern Fortune Bay 47a to black inclusions; 47a red felsite and fine-grained area; Unit 22 occurs only on Brunette Island) 47b granite, developed locally at pluton’s margin; 47b Red micaceous siltstone and interbedded, buff-weath- 10 pink-to brown quartz-feldspar porphyry (Red Head 24 31 Porphyry) ering, quartzitic arkose and pebble conglomerate 20′ Pink, buff-weathering, medium- to coarse-grained, Be88 OLD WOMAN STOCK 23 cross-bedded, quartzitic arkose and granule to pebble Pink, medium- and coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite 42 46 23a conglomerate; locally contains red siltstone; 23a red 32 granite; minor aplite 31 23b pebble conglomerate; 23b quartzitic arkose as in 23, MAP 98-02 GREAT BAY DE L’EAU FORMATION (Units 44 and 45) containing minor amounts of red siltstone 37 9 83 Pyr 45 Grey mafic sills and flows 22 Red and grey, thin-bedded siltstone, and fine-grained 37 GEOLOGY OF THE CONNAIGRE PENINSULA 19b sandstone and interbedded buff, coarse-grained, cross 10 25 19b Pyr 81 Red, purple and buff, pebble to boulder conglomerate; bedded quartzitic arkose; minor bright-red shale and 32 25 42 44 W,Sn 91 minor green conglomerate and red and blackshale; green-grey and black-grey and black siltstone AND ADJACENT AREAS, SOUTHERN NEWFOUNDLAND Pyr 82 44a 44a hornfels 31 9 Grey and black, thin-bedded siltstone; fine-grained grey 43 Dark-green, locally brown-weathering pyroxenite and 21 31 FAULT sandstone and black shale; rare grey limestone lenses; (Parts of NTS 1M/5, 6, 11, 12 & 14 and 11P/8 & 9) 42 43a gabbro; 43a diorite and quartz diorite contains minor red siltstone and sandstone on the north 33 9 coast of Fortune Bay Pyr 80 25 B a 32 19b ACKLEY GRANITE SCALE 1:100 000 31 y 20 Red to purple, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone BAY 10 Pink, massive, coarse-grained and locally medium- 10 42 84 grained, leucocratic, K-feldspar porphyritic granite 0246810 Mo 19 Purple conglomerate; minor sandstone and siltstone 30′ D 72 (forms the base of the Rencontre Formation in the 33 79 u Sia POOLS COVE FORMATION (Units 38 to 41) 19a Pyr 377 ± 3 northern Fortune Bay area, where it lies conformably 9 9 19b kilometres N Boulder conglomerate: buff to pale orange in the north- on the Mooring Cove Formation and disconformably on o 41 r d east and dark-weathering, deep red to grey in the the Belle Bay Formation); 19a unseparated, red and 31 10 10 568 ± 3 southwest part of the area purple, locally micaceous, sandstone, siltstone and HERMITAGE10 conglomerate; minor grey sandstone and siltstone; 19b Mo87 Buff to pink and pale-orange arkosic sandstone and R 19b 40 hornfels Compiled by from the following sources: i v pebble conglomerate er 32 9 9 Mooring Cove Formation 31 39 Red, pebble and locally boulder conglomerate Widmer, 1950; Smith and White, 1954; Williams, 1971; Greene, 1975, Digital cartography by J.S. Ash and T. Paltanavage. 31 16 16 10 37 90 R Mainly green and purple basalt flows, and minor mafic 1977; O’Driscoll, 1977; Colman-Sadd, Greene and O’Driscoll, 1979; Mo 16 U Red arkosic sandstone, containing thin beds of pebble 18 9 96 O 38 pyroclastic rocks, locally containing unseparated tuff- Mineral occurrences compiled from the above sources and from the 31 Mo B conglomerate; red conglomerate, extensively developed 18a Dickson, 1983, 1987; Smith and Hiscott, 1984; Smith and White, 1954; 10 R aceous sedimentary rocks; includes unseparated East 38 A in the lower half of the unit in the northwest part of the Mineral Occurrence Data System. 42 18b pillowed flows on the islands south of Brunette Island; Furey and Strong, 1986a,b; O’Brien and O’Driscoll, 1994. 1 38 H 16 area 32 31 Bay 18c 18a pink rhyolite flows and fine to coarse-grained 37 93 Recommended citation: 41 Pb pyroclastic rocks; 18b dark green to purple amygda- Incorporates unpublished data of S.J. O’Brien, C.F. O’Driscoll and 13 38 43 CINQ ISLES FORMATION O’Brien, S.J. (compiler), 1998: Geology of the Connaigre Peninsula 32 10 Bay du Nord 19a Mo 94 loidal basalt. 18c purple and red sandstone; grey slate B.A. Greene, and U-Pb geochronology of R.D. Tucker (Washington 5 Mo 92 Red micaceous sandstone, red and grey quartz-pebble 31 13b 38 19b 16 16a 37 and sandstone and adjacent areas, southern Newfoundland. Geological Survey, Dep- 31 15 North conglomerate, red shale, red and grey limestone University) and G.R. Dunning (Memorial University of Newfoundland). 40′ 15 Pyr 95 13 37 25 1 37 85 Mo 89 Andersons Cove Formation Geology, geochronology and stratigraphic nomenclature reviewed in artment of Mines and Energy, Open File Map NFLD/2660; 1:100 000 32 Bay Mo 17a INDIAN POINT GRANITE 13b 7 41 16c 16a scale. 31 9 16 17 Grey slate, siltstone and sandstone; 17a purple tuff- O’Brien et al., 1992 and 1995. 13 5 38 16 Red to orange, medium-grained, leucocratic biotite 17 54 5 16a 16a 36 aceous sandstone, pebble conglomerate and agglomer- 13 Pyr 16 16 granite 36 5 Turnip Cove 16 16a 17a Pb,98 ate at base; 17b rhyolite 13a 16a 16 17 Geological base digitized at 1:50 000 by J.S. Ash; further digital com- 13 16a Zn,Cu 17b 13b 1 37 16a 16a DEVONIAN ? 13 10 Poole’s Cove 16 97 13b 13a 15 16a Pb,Cu 16 16a pilation by J.S. Ash and S.J. O’Brien. 403 +5-4 1 1 16 16a 16 1 5 9 55 16 PASS ISLAND GRANITE Belle Bay Formation 31 1 Pyr 99 6 16 16 Pb 13 16a 16b 16a 16 37 40′ 26 59 41 16a 16a 16a Pink, medium- to coarse-grained, biotite-hornblende 13 Lst,Pyr 1 5 Pyr 16 16a 16 35 16 Pink-to purple, massive, banded and autobrecciated 1 15 16a 16a 16a granite Hardy’s 1 13 16b 16 Doctor’s Hr. 16a 16 rhyolite, and locally, unseparated grey to green mafic Cove 13 5 38 16a 16a 1 38 tuffs and agglomerate; 16a purple to green and black Mag,Cu, 9 16a 16 16a 16a SILURIAN AND/OR DEVONIAN 31 1 1 9 10 18a 16a 16 16a 16a 568 ± 2 6 13 Zn 9 16b 16a 17 16b basalt and andesite; 16b pebble conglomerate sand- 7 16 11 11 Lally Cove 16 19 Pyr,Zn, 18b 18b 16a PICCAIRE GRANITE 16c stone and argillite; 16c hornfels 1 32 15 18b 18 16 16 Cu24 Zn,Cu,Pb Pb 39 ± 18 16 16 16 1 621 3 32 14 16 18c 11 13 18b y 34 Pale-pink, medium-grained, equigranular biotite granite 5 4 a HARBOUR BRETON GRANITE 1 9 15 18 1 1 1 11 18 19 18b 18 18 B 6 7 9 15 18a 18b 18 18b 16 16a 16 28 5 18b 16a NORTHWEST BROOK COMPLEX AND ASSOCIATED Taylor Brook Stock of Harbour Breton Granite: pink, ′ 30 3a Pyr,Cu 9 567 ± 3 37 18a 18c 18 15 50 10 10 Lally 18b 16 Olive 18a 18 18 43a 16 medium- to coarse-grained, mainly equigranular, biotite 30 5 9 Head 552 ± 3 18b INTRUSIONS (Units 32 and 33) 15 Cove 18 20 19 15a 31 30 32 14 4 15 42 l 17a 43 granite; 15a K-feldspar porphyritic hornblende granite; 29 Pyr,Zn, 19 19 a 17 Cu,Pb 7 9 21 Rencontre 16 17 Unseparated, equigranular and K-feldspar porphyritic 15b 30 3a 21 43 M 33 15b fine-grained, plagiophyric monzogranite Zn,Pyr Mo,Cu 78 22 East 16a biotite and muscovite-biotite granite 29 29 18 y 19 18 16a G 30 Zn, 7 a 24 21 20 B N Little 10 1 s 22 O 19 Harbour Breton type area, Jerseymans Harbour and 31 Pyr,Zn 11 Pyr 7 e Foliated, medium-grained, equigranular, biotite- and 14 31 9 sl 18b L 32 56° 00′ Y Pyr 20 5 I 17a Northeast Arm bodies: pink, medium- to coarse-grained, 29 30 A 9 q 24 muscovite-biotite granite; includes unseparated, foliated, 14a B 8a 14 41 37 in 5 17b mainly equigranular, biotite granite; 14a pink to red, 30 8 15a C 18a pink muscovite granite of the Northwest Cove Granite 31 4 18a 30 8 23 medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic hornblende - 29 Passage Pyr 8 7 19 11 4 10 25 F F102 SILURIAN 9 24 F109 16 biotite granite csil 14 10 10 44 29 31 6 18a 112 114 31 43 F F 115 5 19 Anderson’s 110 F GAULTOIS GRANITE HARDY’S COVE GRANITE 3 24 18a Cove F 16 3 ± 101 111 118 1 681 3 10 37 F F,Ba F 119 34 2 2 25 Ba Pink-to orange, medium-grained, equigranular granite; Furby’s 7 17a F108 16 31 Foliated, biotite-rich, pink-K-feldspar megacrystic granite 13 34 672 ± 3 1 Big 16a 7 41 106 116 r. 13a buff to grey granodiorite and minor unseparated Cove 5 25 20 F F H 25 103 Conne e 13a 3 8 F m Gaultois 3 6 23 10 63 17a 16 m felsite; 13b grey to green, medium-grained diorite GE 3 Pyr 41 Pyr 23 F 105 e SILURIAN AND EARLIER A 1 F 104 117 F T 2 22 43 16 F 13b Piccaire I 2 Pyr 19 21 18b M 61 25 107 16 Harbour R 3 6 19 14 100 F LITTLE PASSAGE GNEISS (Units 29 and 30) 2 Pyr F 18c 19 F 16 2 24 113 HE 7 9 15 15 62 Corbin FBay BELLE BAY F GROLE INTRUSIVE SUITE (Unit 12) Cu,Mo 24 1 66 Corbin 19 18a 3 7 Mo Friar Head 30 Light-grey, medium-grained, tonalitic orthogneiss 2 7 43 Stone’s Cove Unseparated, black and dark-green to grey, medium- 8 17 29 18c 19 12 2a 6 Pyr Mo 47 16 14 7 Stn 65 Unseparated grey, green or pale-pink, fine- to coarse- to coarse-grained gabbro and grey, medium-grained, 6 Mo 24 24 46 19 29 2 4 2 7 7 10 34 grained paragneiss and dark-green, fine- to medium- locally banded, quartz diorite and diorite; minor grano- Pyr Mo 16 25 16 2a 2 2 8 1 18b diorite and pink granite, the latter mainly as net-veins 3 42 46 grained amphibolitic gneiss Pyr 9 15b Fe Pyr2 77 2 25a 18a Pb,Zn 3 7 14 y 19 CAMBRIAN Dark-grey, green, black and black-and-white, medium- 2 a 25a 11 64 10′ 2a 1 B Mo 25a to coarse-grained and pegmatitic gabbro 2 7 7 10 24 YOUNGS COVE GROUP (Units 25-28) 3 3 8 16c 551 ± 6 Hermitage 3 Cu11 15b 37 2 SIMMONS BROOK INTRUSIVE SUITE (Units 9 and 10) 3 12 47a LATE CAMBRIAN 9 25a 18a 3 6 14 67 25 Grey, medium-grained, equigranular,

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