Vol. 10, No. 1 Internat. 1. A caroI. 27 SOME PHYTOSEIID MITES FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES ANO A DEFINITION OF THE AMBLYSEIUS LARGOENSIS SPECIES GROUP J. A. McMurtry and G. J. de Moraes' Division of Biologica/ Contra/, Department oj Entomology University oj California, Riverside, CA 92521 ABSTRACT-Species of Phytoseiidae collected in Fiji, Vanuatu (New Hebrides) and New Caledonia in 1979 and Cook Islands in 1981 are listed. Amblyseius fijiensis n. sp. andA. herbi­ coloides n. sp. belong to the largoensis species group, which, as defined, comprises 9 species, 7 of which are known only from the Southern Hemisphere. Amblyseius (lndoseiulus) hebridensis n. sp. is also described. INTRODUCTION SPECIMENS EXAMINED-Cook lslands: Rar­ Previous knowledge of the Phytoseiidae from otonga, 31-VII-81, 1 female, Ex: unknown tree; New South Pacific islands is based on records of Schicha Caledonia: Noumea, 12-III-79, 1 female, Ex: Manihot (1979, 1981a, 1981b) and Collyer (1980). The present sp. paper reports on studies of material collected by the REMARKS-In the Cook Islands, ali stages of P. senior author in Fiji, Vanuatu (New Hebrides) and macropilis were found in colonies of 0/igonychus New Caledonia in 1979 and the Cook Islands in 1981. species (Tetranychidae) on the upper leaf surfaces of a Among phytoseiids most frequently collected were tree. This species was previously reported from Cook species in the Amblyseius /argoensis group as defined Islands on Hibiscus ti/iaceus (Collyer 1980). herein. Examination of various series of specimens The distribution of P. macropi/is is widespread. confirmed that this group contains a complex of at Records include USA - California, Florida, The Carib­ least 9 species. bean area, Central America, Brazil, and Hawaii. Ali measurements are given in micra. The setal Crossing experiments were conducted between Cook nomenclature follows that of Rowell et ai. (1978). Islands and California cultures by the methods of Holotypes and some paratypes of new species are McMurtry (1980). Reciproca} crosses resulted in pro­ deposited in the U.S. National Museum of Natural duction of fertile progeny at a rate similar to that of History (NMNH), and other paratypes are deposited contrai crosses (McMurtry and Badii, unpublished in the Division of Biological Contrai, University of data). California, Riverside (UCR). Genus Paraphytoseius Swirski and Shechter · Genus Phytoseiulus Evans Paraphytoseius Swirski and Shechter, 1961: 114; Blommers, 1976:87; Matthysse and Denmark, Phytoseiulus Evans, 1952:397; Denmark & Schicha, 1983:27. 1981:342. Amblyseius (Paraphytoseius), Ehara, 1967:77. Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) Paraphytoseius multidentatus Swirski and Shechter Lae/aps macropilis Banks, 1905:139. Paraphytoseius multidentatus Swirski and Shechter, Hypoaspis macropi/is, Banks, 1915:85; Smith and 1961:114; Matthysse and Denmark, 1981:342; Summers, 1949:209. Blommers, 1976:87. Phytoseiu/us speyeri Evans, 1952:398. Amblyseius (Paraphytoseius) multidentatus, Ehara, Phytoseiulus macropilis, Cunliffe and Baker, 1953:23. 1967:77; Ehara and Lee, 1971:69; Ehara and Phytoseiulus chanti Ehara, 1966:135. Bhandhufalck, 1977:79. SPECIMENS EXAMINED-New Caledonia: nr. 'Permanent address: CPATSA/ EMBRAPA, Petrolina-PE-Brazil. Noumea, 9-111-79, 3 female, Ex: Hibiscus sp. 28 McMurtry & deMoraes 1984 3 \ \ r~ :t. o Q I ' J I 1 2 l Figs. 1-4. Amblyseius (lndoseiu/us) hebridensis n. sp. Female: 1. dorsal shield; 2. ventral surface; 3. chelicera; 4. spermatheca. REMARKS-Mean setallengths of 3 specimens: Euseius noumeae (Schicha) jl 35, j3 84, j4, 5, 6 5, 15 4, z2, z4 8, z5 6, Zl 7, Z4 63, Z5 99, s4 126, r3 47, Rl 29, Sgei 6, Sgell, Sgeiii 10, Amblyseius noumeae Schicha, 1979:42. SgeiV 17, StiiV 29, StiV 41. Additional blunt marcro­ SPECIMENS EXAMINED-Cook Islands: Rar­ seta present on distitarsus IV. Other 3 macrosetae on otonga, 1-III-81, 3 females, Ex: Persea americana; leg IV strongly spatulate with hyaline tips. Additional New Caledonia: Noumea, 10-III-79, 2 females, 1 male, smaller rod-shaped setae on genu and tíbia of legs Ex: Mangifera indica; 3 females, Ex: Manihot sp.; 12 I-III. Setae S4 are absent on these specimens, although females, Ex: Spathodea campanulata; 7 females, Ex: the sockets are visible. Setal measurements and other Hernandia ovigera; 5 females, Ex: Croton sp.; 7 features generally agree with the descriptions of females, Ex: Hibiscus sp. Swirski and Shechter (1961) and Blommers (1976) for REMARKS-The specimens collected in Cook this species. W e have specimens from Papua, New Islands are considered conspecific with E. noumeae, Guinea, on which S5 is present, StiV is not strongly regardless o f variation observed in the lengths of some spatulate, and none o f the smaller setae on the legs are setae. Measurements o f some setae on our specimens as rod-shaped. Matthysse and Denmark (1981) recognize compared to those given in the original description (in only one species of Paraphytoseius. parentheses) areias follows: s410-13 (8-9), S212 (5-7), S4 12-13 (7-8), S5 8-12 (7-8), Sgell 14-17 (19-21), Genus Euseius Wainstein Sgeiii 24 (27-28), Stiiii 19-22 (25), SgeiV 30-31 Amblyseius (Amblyseius) section Euseius Wainstein, (36-39), StiiV 28-30 (35-36); StiV 41-42 (50-51). In one 1962:15. o f the Cook Islands specimens, r3, on one side, was on Amb!yseius (Euseius), DeLeon, 1965:125. the dorsal shield. The measurements of our specimens Euseius, DeLeon, 1966:86; Muma, Denmark and from New Caledonia agree exactly with the original DeLeon, 1970:92; McMurtry 1983. description. Vol. 10, No. 1 Internat. 1. Acarol. 29 Genus Amblyseius Berlese Legs-Macrosetae blunt, except for Still, which is setaceous. Sgell 17 (16-17), Still 17 (16-17), Sgeiii 21 Amb/yseius Berlese, 1914:143. (20-22), Stiiii 18 (17-19), SgeiV 28 (26-29), StiiV 30 Amblyseius cannaensis (Muma) (28-32), StiV 18 (18-19). Chaetotaxy of Gell 2 2-2 -1; Geiii 1-b.-_l_-1 . O Amb/yseiu/us cannaensis Muma, 1962:4. 1 o Proprioseiopsis cannaensis, Muma, Denmark and MALE-Unknown. DeLeon, 1970:38; Denmark and Andrews, 1981: LOCALITY AND TYPE MATERIAL-Holo­ 148. type female (NMNH) and 3 female paratypes (UCR) SPECIMEN EXAMINED - New Ca/edonia: from Hibiscus sp., Port Vila, Vanuatu (New Mont Dore, 7-111-79, 1 female, Citrus paradisi. Hebrides), 9-VIII-79 (1. A. McMurtry). REMARKS-This specimen was compared with REMARKS-We here follow Ehara's (1982) defi­ the holotype and it appeared identical except for slight nition of the subgenus Indoseiulus as this encampasses differences in lengths of some setae. The only other a well defined assemblage of species. The subgenus records for this species are USA (Florida), El Salvador includes irregularis (Evans, 1953), ricini (Ghai and and Brazil (Moraes and McMurtry 1983). Menon, 1969), christinae (Schicha, 1981 b), liturivorus (Ehara, 1981) and the new species described here. With Amblyseius (lndoseiulus) hebridensis the exception of liturivorus, the chelicerae of these McMurtry and Moraes, n. sp. species closely resemble those of species in the genus (Figs. 1-4) Euseius in that the digits are short (ca. 25.u), the inner DIAGNOSIS-This species is very similar to A. surfaces of both digits are concave, there are a few irregularis (Evans), but differs from this species by its small teeth, ali near the distai end of the fixed digit, smaller size and shorter leg macrosetae. It is also simi­ and usually there is one smali tooth on the movable lar to A. christinae (Schicha) but differs by its longer digit. The chelicerae of A. liturivorous resemble those peritreme and by having a tooth on the movable digit of Amblyseius s.s., i.e., multidentate fixed digit and of the chelicera. A. hebridensis differs from both 3-4 teeth on movable digit. Other characteristics that species by having r3 on the dorsal shield and by the species in the subgenus Indoseiulus have in common shape of the spermathe<!a. with Euseius species include a wide genital shield in FEMALE-(Figs. 1·4) (4 specimens measured). relation to the ventrianal shield and the three pairs of preanal setae in a nearly transverse row. The subgenus Dorsum-Dorsal shield smooth, except for some Indoseiulus is unique in having the following combina­ striae on the sides of the proscutum, with 20 pairs of tion of characters: peritremal shields not fused pores, 293 (278-314) long and 197 (190-206) wide at anterioraliy to the dorsal shield; setae S4 aLsent; and widest levei of proscutum. Setae j1 20 (19-22), j3 14 ventrianal shield weakly sclerotized with ill-defined (13-14), j4 8 (7-10), j5 8 (7-8), j6 9 (8-10), 12 13 (12-14), margins. 15 7 (6-7), z213 (12-14), z412 (11-13), z5 10 (8-11), Z1 14 (13-16), Z4 15 (13-16), Z5 17 (16-18), s418 (17-20), Amb/yseius largoensis Group S2 16 (14-16), S5 13 (12-14), r3 11 (11-12) and R1 13 DIAGNOSIS-Species in the genus Amb/yseius (12-14). Ali setae smooth. Setae r3 on dorsal shield. (as defined in the diagnosis of Muma et ai., 1970) with Peritreme-Extending forward nearly to levei of the following combination of characters in the female: j3. Dorsum-Dorsal shield lightly sclerotized, Venter-All shields very lightly sclerotized. smooth. Ali setae on shield minute except j1, j3, s4, Sternal shield with 3 pairs of setae and with ill defined Z4, Z5, which are usualiy o f progressively increasing posterior margin. Distances between sternal setae ST1- lengths (s4 sometimes longer than Z4); Z5 whiplike, ST3 53 (53-54), ST2-ST2 53 (53-54) and genital setae 200-400 + .u. G-G 72 (71-72). Ventrianal shield with the 3 pairs of Venter-Posterior margin of ster:nal shield in most preanal setae more or less in line, length of shield 74 species straight or slightly undulating, protruding (72-78), width 60 at widest levei o f anterior half and 47 medially in one species; and with truncate median pro­ (46-48) at anus levei.
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