Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: National Association of Uniformed Services (1 of 2) Box: 44 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ From the desk of: John P. Sheffey Executive Vice . Pres. ~ >??.n'/4t- f ~-~ ~ ~ -/4 ½1e.. 44a~4~ ~~ ~ ~:::;;;z ~Lt'<;..£ ~- . ~~~~ -4~ ~~~- ~- National Association Fo r U niformed Se rvices (NAUS) 5535 Hempstead Way P.O. Box 1406 Springfield, Va. 22 151 Tel: (703) 750-1342 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR UNIFORMED SERVICES 5535 HEMPSTEAD WAY P.O. BOX 1406 SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22151 TEL. (703) 7 50-1342 "The Serviceman's Voice in Government" "Established 1968" BOARD OF DIRECTORS Oren E. Hurlbut L TG USA, Chairman May 17, 1983 Roben M. Shannon QMCM USCG, President George Juskalian COL USA, 1st VP Joseph D. Sandifer CSM USA, 2nd VP Sallie A. Savage• MAJ USAF, 3rd VP U.S. House of Representatives Jon L. Boyes VADM USN Washington, D.C. 20515 Roben H. Clagett, Jr. COL USA James Collins CDR NOAA Dear Mr. Akaka: James M. Gibson BG USA Richard S. Green The National Association for Uniformed Services urges you to support RADM USPHS Kenneth F. Hanst the President's budgetary proposals for production and deployment of 100 MX MAJ USA missiles and for starting work on a small, single-warhead ICBM. Justus Kehne, Jr. SFC USA Marguerite L. Kieffer I am sure you are already familiar with the arguments for and against Widow, USAF James M. Kilpatrick these proposals. It is impossible to be absolutely sure what will prove best MSG USA in the years to come, but to need these weapons in the future and not have Monon S. Landy SGT MAJ USMC them would have been a tragic miscalculation. To have them and not need Roben B. Laurents them would be no more wasteful than having fire insurance and not have a COL USAF James F. Lawrence fire. BRIG GEN USMC Michael L. Loebs• YNCS USN Perhaps the most important value of these new weapons is the percep­ Roben E. Manineau• tion of strength and determination that their deployment will create in the CSM USA Joseph T. Moore minds of both our allies and our enemies. Only this perception will lead the TSGT USAF Russians to significant arms reduction agreements. Donald T. Poe RADM USN Ricardo A. Ratti The President has the responsibility for the conduct of our foreign RADM USCG Ray E. Ward policy. I hope you will help give him the resources he needs to do so CAPT USN Roben W. White, Jr.• effectively. FMIC US James C. Fry MG USA, Member Emeritus Joseph Smith Sincerely, LT GEN USAF, Member Emeritus EXECUTIVE STAFF John P. Sheffey COL USA, Executive Vice President Max J. Beilke MSG USA, Legislative Counsel ~~ George J. ardone Executive Vice President COL USA, Membership Director Charles A. Braley JPS/ees CAPT USMC, Secretary Dorothy J. Davis Treasurer Carl J. Feith COL USAF, Legal Counsel •Active Duty; other personnel are military retirees NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR UNIFORMED SERVICES MAR 8 REC'O 5535 HEMPSTEAD WAY P.O. BOX 1406 (1~ SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22151 TEL. (703) 750-1342 "The Serviceman's Voice in Government" "Established /968" March 5, 1982 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Oren E. Hurlbut L TG USA, Chairman Robert M. Shannon The Honorable James Watt, Secretary QMCM USCG, President Department of the Interior George Juskalian COL USA, /st VP Washington, DC 20240 Joseph D. Sandifer CSM USA, 2nd VP Sallie A. Savage• Dear Mr. Secretary: MAJ USAF, 3rd VP Jon L. Boyes VADMUSN The National Association for Uniformed Services supports Robert H. Clagett, Jr. the Vietnam Veteran's .Memorial with the proposed design changes COL USA James Collins (flag, statue, and inscription). We hope the changes are promptly CDRNOAA approved by all concerned, and that the memorial will be construc­ James M. Gibson BG USA ted without further delay. Richard S. Green RADMUSPHS Kenneth F. Hanst Sincerely, MAJ USA Justus Kehne, Jr. SFCUSA Marguerite L. Kieffer Widow, USAF James M. Kilpatrick MSG USA Executive Vice President Morton S. Landy SGT MAJ USMC Robert B. Laurents COL USAF James F. Lawrence BRIO GEN USMC Michael L. Loebs• JPS/k YNCS USN Robert E. Martineau• CMS USA cc: Mrs. Elizabeth Dole, White House Joseph T. Moore Mr •• Jan Scruggs, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund TSGTUSAF Donald T. Poe RADMUSN Ricardo A. Ratti RADMUSCG Ray E. Ward CAPT USN Robert W. White, Jr.• FMICUSN James C. Fry MG USA, Member Emeritus Joseph Smith LT GEN USAF, Member Emeritus EXECUTIVE STAFF John P. Sheffey COL USA, Executive Vice President Mu J. Beilke MSG USA, Legislative CounMI George J. Nardone COL USA, Membership Director Charles A. Braley CAPT USMC, Secretary Dorothy J. Davis Treasurer Carl J. Feith COL USAF, Legal Counsel •Active Duty; other personnel are military retirees MEl'vtORANDUM THE WIIITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 3, 1981 TO: Robert Nimmo FROM: . Morton Blackweil ~ RE: Meeting with John Sheffey of t he National Association for.Uniformed Services W~ have received a call from Col~ John .Sheffei, Executive .Vice~President •Of the National Association for Uniformed Services, concerning ".Catch 62." · .He has not as yet received any response from VA and is requesting a meeting with .you to discuss his concerns. His.. organization has been supportive of the President, especially during the recent AWACS deal . .I would ask you to please find time in your schedule t9 meet w'ith John Sheffey. His phone number is 750~1342. Thank you. \. National Association for Uniformed Services REPRESENTING ALL MEMBERS OF THE ... * ARMY * NAVY * AIR FORCE * MARINE CORPS * COAST GUARD * PHS * NOAA UNIFORMED SERVICES JOURNAL Active• Reserve• National Guard• Retired• Veterans Officers• Enlisted• Spouses• Widows(ers) Vol. 5 No. 5 Established 1968 September-October 1981 · LEGISLATIVE NAUS Perspective N E\NS Is Conscription the Answer? Reports of the coming demise of services chiefs have usually supported the All Volunteer Force (AVF) may their civilian superiors in their public SBP Open Enrollment be somewhat like the first reports of statements, hedging here and there OK'd By Congress Mark Twain's death-a bit prema­ with reminders that the AVF promise ture. Remember, President Reagan of pay comparability has not been The House Armed Services Com­ made what is generally regarded as a kept. Their public position can be mittee in their portion of HR 3982, campaign promise not to restore the summarized as: " The AVF concept is the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation draft, and he is establishing a unique a marginal success for the active Act of 1981, added a provision track record for keeping his cam­ forces and should work fairly well authorizing an open enrollment paign promises. with improved pay and education in­ period to the military Survivor The draft issue is one on which centives, but we don't know what to Benefit Plan (SBP) and it has been equally wise political leaders and ex­ do about the Reserves without a passed by the Congress and become perienced professional military men draft." When a Service Chief public­ law. disagree, and none of the arguments ly states that conscription is needed, NAUS members need not be for or against its restoration are fully as did the Chief of Naval Operations reminded that open enrollment has conclusive. It is a political issue, not a last year; or suggest that it should be been a long sought legislative objec­ defense issue. seriously considered for the future as tive of NAUS and other military In both the Carter and the Reagan did the Army Chief of Staff recently, associations. The many changes to Administration NAUS has noted a the Pentagon civilian leadership SBP since 1972 have called for the fairly uniform pattern of opinions either ignores him or issues soothing necessity of an open enrollment about the draft in the Defense statements to the effect that all period . establishment. At the Pentagon level, members of the JCS really do support For those military retirees who are the civilian secretaries all maintain the President's policy. not participating in SBP, this is a that the AVF is working satisfactorily The area in which there is general second chance opportunity to pro­ and needs only a bit of fine tuning to agreement that the AVF concept is vide an annuity for their surviving meet the needs of the active forces. not working is among the Reserve spouse. This opportunity will not be They back their positions with con­ Forces. While the Navy Reserve , the repeated as those who monitor or vincing statistics about the numbers Air National Guard, and the Air work with Congress will quickly and quality of volunteers and improv­ Force Reserve are in fairly good assure you. Without SBP, retired pay ing morale and discipline. They give shape, the Army National Guard and stops with the death of the retiree. dire predictions of the cost and the United States Army Reserve have With SBP, up to 55% of the retiree' s political dissent that restoration of serious shortfalls. The Individual (See News, Page 2) the draft would entail. The uniform (See Conscription, Page 10) ' NEWS gress enact "forgotten widows" SBP Sen. Paul Sarbanes' (Md.-D) has join- (Continued from Page 1) benefits speaks for its value . ed in cosponsoring S.46, bringing the retired pay can be received by the Not to be overlooked is that SBP total to 14 Senators including Sen .
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