HAH S Guide Iranian Opposition to the Shah Advisor: Wolfgang H. Behn Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin RANIAN OPPOSITION TO THE I AIDC PUBLISHERP U R L 1 5H E R S S BRILLB RI LL WolfgangWolfgang H.H. Behn,Behn, StaatsbibliothekStaatsbibliothek Preussischer Preussischer Kulturbesitz,Kulturbesitz, BerlinBerlin GuideGuide to the microform collection collection IDC numbersnumbers NE-1550NE-1550 - NE-1578 NE-1578 MU IDCIDC PUBLISHERSPUBLISHERS 1988 The Iranian opposition to the Shah The overthrow of the Shah came as a great surprise, even to many Iranists, in spite of the fact that the revolution had been in the air in Tehran long before this was realized in the West. More enigmatic than the Islamic revolution itself were the aims of its supporters, although most of the opposition groups had explicitly stated their objectives in their publications long before the revolution. But the tightening censorship in Iran had forced the whole spectrum of the opposition to publish abroad. The evasive nature of dissident literature makes bibliographical control, and acquisition in general, extremely difficult. In the case of the Iranian revolution we are fortunate that "W.H. Behn has taken on the formidable task of listing (in his bibliographies) every publication of an anti-Pahlavi nature in Persian, or in other languages about Iran, published outside Iran between 1962 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. The measure of his success is that he has amassed a total of some 800 books and pamphlets... [The ] work... will be an indispensable tool for anyone studying the recent history of Iran and the sources of the opposition to the Shah that led to the revolution of 1979" (Prof. Elwell.- Sutton, University of Edinburgh, in British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin, vol. 7, no. I (1980), pp. 60-62). The selection offered in this edition originates largely from the University of Tiibingen Library, whose staff' displayed imagination, initiative, and scholarship when they acquired this unique material at a time when others were hardly aware of the importance of these publications. This microfiche edition com- prises all of the important primary sources (transactions of congresses, defence pleas, party programs) as well as literature on economics, guerrilla movements, human rights, Islamic government and revolution, minorities, political trials, prisons, religion, sociology, and the Tudeh Party. The material is a rich source for the intellectual history of contemporary Islam. It also throws light on the international dimension of revolutionary movements in general. References: Wolfgang Behn, The Iranian Opposition in Exile. 1979 Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Revolution or Revolutionary Islam in Iran. 1980 West Berlin Power and Reaction in Iran. 1981 West Berlin Contents Number of Subject group selected titles IDC number Page 1.Arab World 10 NE-1550 1 2.Biography 22 NE-1551 2 3.Collected works 12 NE-1552 5 4.Documents 8 NE-1553 6 5.Economics 14 NE-1554 7 6.Europe No selections 9 7.Foreign Interests and Relations 9 NE-1556 9 8.Foreign Relations 4 NE-1557 10 9.Guerrilla Organizations 85 NE-1558 11 10.Islamic Government 18 NE-1559 21 11.Labour 27 NE-1560 23 12.Literature No selections 27 13..Messages on various occasions 8 NE-1562 27 14.Minorities 56 NE-1563 28 15.Miscellaneous 3 NE-1564 36 16.Oil 6 NE-1565 36 17.Periodicals 5 NE-1566 37 18.Philosophy 4 NE-1567 37 19.Political Parties 53 NE-1568 38 20.Political situation 166 NE-1.569 45 21.Political trials 27 NE-1570 61 22.Prisons 20 NE-1571 70 23.Religion 34 NE-1572 72 24.Savak 8 NE-1573 77 25.Sociology 8 NE-1574 78 26.Student affairs 46 NE-1575 79 27. Tudeh Party 33 NE-1576 85 28. White Revolution 2 NE-1577 90 29. Women 13 NE-1578 90 Latin Index 93 Persian Index 110 1 The Iranian opposition to the Shah 1. Arab World Orderno.. NE-1550/1 Dikhalat-i nizami-i Iran dar 'Uman. 1 r or'v1rI X91'` .- LmL,,. vl.1 .C : n. p. L, l.a,..z) ) IJ, I L tb..._ J l> j .15 cm;,P IA 1 19741 Iran's military involvement in Oman. Publ. no. 1 Mf. no. 1 Documents sur la solidarite militante du peuple iranien avec le peupled'Oman. [n.p. ] (Editions Abu- Dhar), 1975. 34 p. 21 cm. Publ. no. 2 Mf. no. 1 Les grandsulemas de l'islam reclament l'appui des musulmans aux combattants du mouvement de "FATH". (2e ed.). [n.p. ]. Edition Abu Dhar, (1976). 32 p. 19 cm. Translation of Kibar 'ulama' al.-Islam yutalibun; includes statement by Khomein. Publ. no. 3 Mf. no. 2 Guftar"ha-yi'i az barnamah-i Farsi. IJ I LZ u [--- ) C : London I L) L.S. 1_t.0 sy. 4J L ao l; L S 22 cm; .,p T T[. 1978]/ 1 r oY -'-I-''. The Iranian involvement in Oman. Publ.no. 4 Mf. no. 2 Guftar'ha-yi radiyu'i. [ : n . p . ] 1 o f to , , lac,'ALI 1 .x.o (5 J6 a. L J..:tf g'J ULJ .. 2 0cm; )A 1 g Y l may, ... l a+ Nine radio broadcasts about the revolution in Oman. Publ. no. 5 Mf. no. 3 Khumayni,Ruh AllahMusavi.L'Imam Khomieni[! ]face al'imperialisme,au sionisme et a la reaction. [n.p. ] (EditionsAbu Dhar), 1397/1977. 27 p. French translation of fatwas and public statements. Publ. no. 6 Mf. no. 3 Khumayni,Ruh AllahMusavi.[Min watha'iq al-imamal-Khumayni]. 4-U 14.. I/ a_?J 1 y d ;, F. aJ _J LJ..o i 9J I_' o ;, a>J I 9J 9 , t. ?11 = L9r 17 cm; .f' 1 . [ . 19 7 7 ]/ 1 r 4 Y ') -' s ll ' I: n . P.:7. s:.o>J I a1J 1 A condemnation ofimperialism,Zionism and reactionaryforces;text in Arabic. Publ.no.7 Mf. no. 3-4 2 Ishagzadah,`AliAkbar.[Asnadi az jang] A' J ISJ9 tS JLam. I IJ,J I L ,1J.b la j at JJ0I w JJ a S `. J /(Paris:Jt'-)'J -'Union des etudiants iraniens en 15 cm; ill. ;,.P A C.1976:)/) r 0 0France Added covertitle: Some documents of the aggressive war of the Shah's regime in Oman. Memoirs of an Iranian army officer in Dhofar Publ. no. 8 Mf. no. 4-5 Kibar`ulama'al-Islam yutalibun al-muslimin. ,1J i J C : n . p . i 4SJ-S ...La L.,.o e .-L;1... 41 I u.9-J L .... 1 F"JLS .. 20 cm;- ,p r T .1976 =1 1 9 1'J J French translationentitled:Les grands ulemas de l'islam reclament l'appui des musulmans aux combattantsdu mouve- mentde "FATH";includes Khomeini's fatwaon thePalestine issue. Publ.no.9 Mf. no. 6 Sipihri, Iraj.[Azjabhah-i nabard-i Filastin], U'-L- ~" ." rSJ lS -,J. L. J, . Ir t J 20 cm; g lC. 1974/ ( 1 1 01 I , sLtSJ-' LL-) I:n.p. Memoirs of the Palestinian resistance by an Iranian. Publ.no. 10 Mf. no. 6-7 2. Biography Order no.NE-1551/1 Ahmadi Usku'i,Marziya. [Mukhtasari]. 1 I ;9$S.. LS L 1:n.p.: ca. 1979. Autobiographyof aguerrila. .24cm; ._,o1 j y Publ.no.1 Mf. no. 1-3 Avanisiyan, Ardashir. [Yad'dasht'ha-yi zindan].. uL.,.L.:131 JJ /(.) 9 F Y -1 9 Y AL$ 4r-1 L-) 1 d;) Lt.::! J J (Stockholm:Tudeh Publishing Centre,1 r oA )/11979.3 Added title in German andEnglish:Memoirs of theprison, by Ardashir Avanesian. .2 1cm; p 9 Pubi.no.2 Mf. no. 3-4 ..104 JL a Bah(Strasbourg: yad-i Samad. Z. E. I. F., 1100)/[:1976.) 42 p.; 15 cm. A commemoration volume for the revolutionary teacher Samad Bihrangi.. Publ. no. 3 Mf. no. 4 Bist-u-yak Urdibihisht. - .` f'`' `1J1 ( s a J9J9J ..L' J L w J5J: 9 . `c')) Y 15 cm }11" C. 19761/1r0oc:n.p.'I L)cIL Llq'Lrl i Biographical notes of guerrillas on the occasion of the anniversary of Khusrav Ruzbih's death. Publ. no. 4 Mf. no. 4-5 La disparition mysterieuse d'un authentique penseur et militantmusulman, Ali Chariati, 1933-1977. [n.p. ], 1977. 4 p.; 24 cm. (Bulletin des etudiantsmusulmansen Europe; 2). Obituary of Ali Shari'ati; appendixeda listof seventy-five of his works in the French version. Publ.no.5 Mf. no. 5 3 Jahan-iPahlavan-i Takhti. L J I, J 1t,- I ..:-.9) C Frankfurt a . M. ? ] . 2 1cm' -P r [ca. 1977](' s'4k 9 J1)J._..9 Biography of the Iranian wrestler Ghulam Riza Takhti who died under mysterious circumstances in 1968., Publ. no.6 Mf. no. 5 Garami bad yad-imu'allim-ishahid-i rafiq-i Hurmuz Gurji Bayani. 0I.L9 1.19791 1T"ol)ur..I LY LS D'' uLe)1.,,, C:n.p. ] Biographical note.. .21 cm; Publ. no. 7 Mf. no. 5 Hamasah-i yakpaydari-i buzurg. °aA L L,-t-, La.° ' I u `'°9 9 .S' L -L) Ira,1,L+ J . N _ , ..Ll..o C. 1979.1 /r oA u t I c9-i'. r J !aL-uL°) L. 1:11. P. ] Biographical note on Fatimah Amini. .22 cm;;p j 1 Publ. no. 8 Mf. no. 5-6 Hurmuz ham javidanah shud. 1) L- 19-z _jI L915 C:n.p.] 4v-, 0 I.19801/(1roA ) .21 cm; ._pro Biographical note on Hurmuz Gurji Bayani.. Publ. no. 9 Mf. no. 6 Khusrav Ruzbih. (Arlington, Va.: Asia Books & Periodicals,) [ 1977.] 12 p.; 22 cm.. °-')9> The life and work of Khusrav Ruzbih.
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