From San Francisco:- - Korca , 15 ARE a dozen ways open to ....Manh THERE For San Francisco: Honolulu housewife looking 8 Siberia March oi for a servant, but no way is as com-f- From Vancouver: table, certain, and cheap as the . , G Evening Moann March BULLETIN Want-Ad- . Way! Tor Vancouver: Bulletin Aoi.iugl March 311 3:30 EDITION A Good Store Will Thrive Under Bulletin Advertising A Poor One Can't VOL. M. NO. 4252. 1G PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRIIORYOF HAWAII; SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1900. 16 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. CITIZEN FISHING BILl PASSED IN SENATE KANE BOLTS REPUBLICAN SUPERVISORS KANE WOULD BACK WIRELESS COMPANY WOULD ELIMINATE Thousand IFISH BILL PASSES TAFT CALLS MAYOR'S APPOINTEE EXTENDS ITS PLANT LIQUOR BOARDS Wilson Is Likely To Be New Equipment Expected1 Very Radical Booze Bill ofH.C. & 8. Coelho s Radical Act Is EXTRA SESSION Confirmed In Here Late This Introduced By Overwhelmingly WASHINGTON. D. C. March 6. President Taft has lsucd a !'" - Office Month Furtado Endorsed lamation calling a special session of Congress March 15. This is the ses Today sion for tariff revision. Tho plans of ManiiKcr .1. A. Ilalrh The Senate adjourned today, having confirmed the members of the for tho Improvement mid oMcnfdon of except of GIVES LICENSING POWER m HOUSE COASTWISE RESOLYE Taft Cabinet, all of whom have been sworn in Secretary Treas COMPROMISE FORESTALLS tho sertlce of tlio Wireless 'IViegrnph ury Macveagh and Secretary of War Dickinson, who have not yet arriv- COURT'S DECISION Company nro IicIiir carried out. Old-li- s 10 SUPERVISORS Their were lltilj iIiiich in tliu klock IS KILLED BY SENATORS ed in the city. hnto already heen placed for i market this morning new sparlc gap of Krcally Increased Tlio good news or the iittnnco of power for Kalmkii Station .mil for a Mignr to 3,803 ccnls on tho corrected Member of Majority Says He Is Tired new rocclted for Pnako. Right of Appeal Also Granted The quotation of ychtcrdnj uus followed Lonfc Session of Upper House Is Full of Fighting Thinks Mayor These two puces of machinery will Change of One Word Upsets up on tho stock exchange hy tho sale of Incidents Hilo Will iTob-abl- y Deserves Some Con- - prohahty ho hero wllliln the next Tour the Entire Present or one thousand shares of Hawaiian Oct Court House. 13th Cavalry Coming sideration weeks, and will ho Installed at phio Law Commercial stock at SI0I per iharo. Bills Signed , Onco thev are In place, communica- Thin is qtiltii tlio largest dial lu Ha HOUSE. Unpen her Win A Kiuc, llopubll tion with the mainland will ho nil wallan Commercial that has Ik' en made SENATE can, Ih iut for .lulm ll. Wilson, Ileum dcred oasj and a general commercial lu lecent days and the price Is a good SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March G. Generals Brush, Carter, and with Fifteenth Day. crnt, r Uoad Supoi visor for tint din-trl- hiislncss the Pacific Coast sta one. Tlio piircnaser was J. P. CooKo Fifteenth Day Morninc Session Davis and the Thirteenth Cavalry sailed on the transport Locan today for of Honolulu. Kunu has niiiioiuiccil tlons will prohahlj he started , A liquor hill infinitely mure radical or tho firm of Alexander & lljblwln Hy a tote of ten ayes to five noes Manila. Tho now spaik gap for Knhukii Is of than that of Senator Moore, which has It was sold through tho Wit-e- i bill, providing that he Is llrcil of fighting iitnl tooi Henri Senator Coclho's that m i m not Intend to hoop wasting time. novel design, liclng rotary In netlon, nrouscil so much opposition on the part house. Trust Company, tho n me of none but citizens shall be allowed to "I nni willing to compromise with mid of grcaHj Increai-c- sending xiw of tho n'ntl liquor, forces, was Intro- tho seller not being given. A ti ansae-lio- n fish In the fisheries of tho Territory, tln Major, Kiting Wilson, Ida tip er Tims sparks cm he mmiI long duced lu tho House of Itcprcsentatlen .Involving1 Jlbf 000 In one of the passed Its second reading In the Sen politico, tlio position of ro.ui supcrUs tmder tho most iinfatorahlo this morning hy Kurtndo or llllo. laigest or recent ihjs. All tho stocks ate this morning. ntniospherlc conditions. wlpo entirely tho or,"' mild Knno tlilK morning "Cum-inlii- Kurtado would out nro active. , It was not without opposition that Damaging Avalanchbs Manager llalcli had tlio Impiovo and nan not appointed ,y tlio Major has Hoards of Ltcenso Commissioners tho hill wai. passed, and several time ments for some powers In sev- mid therefore hu lit out. Tor tho salto tinder consideration vest their present tho it looked as though thunderous ora- time, lint It Is understood that ho held or of coun- of those ioor wniktnon, It Is propi r eral Hoards Supervisors tho tory might be resorted to. off, pending tho annual meeting of the hill provides tor the British Warships VIENNA, 6. Great damace has been by ava that we, tlio Supervisors .itul (hu May- ties. His also Tho report or tho Judiciary Com Austria. March done f toi kholders of tho company. right of tho of lanches in or, should arrive at wmio eonipronilt-- appeal from decisions mittee, which was taken up In con Corintha. The nct'oti of tho Oceanic Bteamslilp regarding tho granting, re nut i m "Tlio Mayor has appointed a nntnhur the Hoard with the bill, characterized Comp in) In fitting tho Alameda with fusing, suspension or lotoklng of lic- Here This nection or Itepntillcans, whom wo conllrmeil, tho an infringement on treaty w licks equipment, encouraged tho enses. hill as anil I IjcIIcM! It is iroicr that ronii rights, v ,,. or his. appointees tdioiiM ho ronllrtncd. ciiinpanj to make ctcii3lnna, as It Is A tery slight change lu tho winding believed now will a Knudtcn moved that'thcreport or I nni only speaking for myclf " that It only ho of tho present law is all that Is needed Month or n when or tlio the committee be adopted, which Steel Men Cut Ills Honor, the Major, when neon mutter brief time nil to make these radical changes. wher-ove- would tablo the bill. afterwards, Ktated that lio was willing passenger-carryin- ships on tho Pacific hilt simply piovldes that r will ho all tlio to patch up tlio dlfllciittlei. equipped with wireless outllts. tho winds "l.tocnso Commission- Ililtlsh Consul lialph (1. P. Por- - Fish Bill Passes time mo-tl- - Senator Coelho umended the Iiotwccn tlio members and himself. Ho ers" occur In tho existing law tho sler stated today that tl o llrltlsh un by moving that tho bill puss sec READING, Pa , March 6. The Reading Iron Company has reduced expressed his sitrptlsu nt the action of secured elaborate dressing table, word "Supervisors" shall hu siilisll wmslilps Champion and Flora In ond rending. wages of workmen from to per the Iloatd in continuing tho Hoptthll quaint jot mtlsllc design, and fitted tilted. Willi tho exception of tho sen will arrive thin month. The Cham- - its seven and a half fifteen cent. with magnificent plato t "Those who aro opposing the rights can appointees mid I ejecting tho Dem- Kioiuh mirrors. tcncerelatlng to tho right of appeal, plon will arrive on the J t tit from Prom I Uln - disloyal to ocratic appointees. Ho hcllotcd It was comes a chiffonier of beau this Is tlio only change made. Hut Australia, anil tho Flora, coining f of American citizens are plain "politics." 1 Till design, and other articles haJ this simple change of one or two words from Yokohama, will arrive hero f American Ideals," said tho Senator In Ik en promised absolutely changes tho entire Intent of f on tho 17tlf. Tho wnrshlps will conclusion. Tho idea In to mako up mi exhibit tho present law. f leave here on tho 22nd Senator Ilakcr seconded Coclho's Loss Is Million KOA FURNITURE which will show malnlanders tho pos Hy this hill Section I of Act 119 of 4-- Tho coming at tho wnrhlihn Is motion, and, a toto being taken, the sllillltles of ko.i as a material for fur- tho Session Laws oC 1907 Is amended f gooil news to tho mtbjvrl of Ills bill passed second reading by tho fol- niture of tho highest class Koa tallies to read as follow s: Hrltlaulc Majesty In Hawaii, and f lowing vote: and chillis will lie used In sorting "Kncli Hoard of SupcrtlsorH within tho officers and men will bo xoj- - Ajes linker, Ilrown, Coelho, liar- BALTIMORE, Md., March 6. The loss from the storm city FOR pineapple in f in this EXPOSITION the Territorial Its own County shall have tho vole ally intcrtnlncd hero. tcy, Knlunui, Makcknti, McCarthy, will amount to a million dollars. " lliillillng. power, authyrlty and discretion to Moore, Hobinson, and Woods. (.rant, refuse, suspend, retoke, regulate Ult-- Noes Chllllngworth, l'alrchlld Announcement was made In New and rontiol licenses to sell Intoxicating Knudscn, Qulnn, and Smith. Handsome Collection is York that Hilt la (Ireon, only daugh- liquors in such county, snbjict only to ALAMEDA REPORTS Another clash came when Moora ter of Mrs, Hetty Green, Is to marry tlio limitations unit directions lu this offered an. amendment to House Con Matthew Ast.or Wilkes nf Now York. Act contain! d. Tho exerclsu of tho Made- - The following wireless, iljited current Resolution No. fi, asking Con Hawaii Department Being By 12 U Cameron, stato superintend- toncr, authority ami discretion hy this March Mb, war received by grcss to acquire the vested Ashing ent of hi hools of Oklahoma, has nt Act vested lu the Hoard of SuiKirvis Mtssrs Win O.
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