Mobilization Focuses'",\, On' ""State'~ ~-- Affiliation uc \ Work on the campaign seeking to ratify UC state four of the University's nine director~. The,':fu~Yor; who sam stated, "We are highly .gratified that Mayor Bach: affiliation moved into high gear last week, with Mayor now appoints all nine, would continue· toname a majori- rach has, accepted this responsibility. His dedication to , ' '{ Walton Bachrach being named to head a city-wide drive, ty of frye, thus assuring' local con tro1. .,:", the welfare 'of Cincinnati-fsr-unquestionad, In addition, ~ .he has ior many years - "as-'--~lll"alumnus, as a council- and-Student. Council taking over co-ordination of all ef- Hinshaw added that'the proposal'must..be ratified by forts of the Cincinnati" students. the entire Student Counoilatthe October' 23 meeting, man, and as mayor -be'en: a consistent friend and strong supporter' of the University." "Members of the Executive Committee and Student between then and t he election, activity would be most Councilimembors-at-large are working on assisting. the I concentrated. In reviewing the amendment, Mayor Bachrach noted mobilization of students in passing the Charter admend- ,University President Walter Langsam, has indicated that when the UC directorswill be able to contract with ment," pointed out Student Council Vice-President 'Dave that he, is gratified at the: response, that' the student the Ohio Board of Regents' for increased state aid, DC Hinshaw, explaining that under direction of Harry Plot- leaders have shown in backing the campaign. Hinshaw will pick up an additional $5 million dollars during the first year, 1968. Additional support would be available nickvforrner SC Vice-President and himself, the Charter also indicated that there is "some talk in iadrninistra, Admendment Student Speakers Bureau hasbeen organi- 'tion. circles that if enoughstudent response' 'is generated for the', 1968-69 academic year and could be increased considerably thereafter. :,' zed to speak to civic groups throughout the city about and the charter 'admendment is ,passed, there could be affiliation. ~ an all-University free day." ". , While noting that the job of .informing the voting pub- , '. lic would be difficult, Dr; Langsam added that "'The In addition, 100,000 sample ballots have been printed to Langsam also pointed out that the Amendment would mayor's distinguished record of service to' this com- be passed around the city by University students in their be of service not only to the community in that it will munity, and his outstanding qualities of leadership, 'i- own neighborhoods. The ballots will, also be 'distributed relieve possible future tax burdens and the money now coupled with the enthusiastic .student support, , should in over-400 drug stores and businesses in the Cincinnati being paid to the state in the form' of education taxes go far toward assuring passage of this measure which area. will return to the city, but also' to-the student, in the - means. so much. to the citizens of Cincinnati and to the The proposed amendment, which will appear on the form of reduced tuition-and fees. continued g~owth and d~v~lqp!!1ent_of our .great Univer- November 7 ballot, would allow the governor to appoint ' In announcing the campaign. chairmanship, Hr. Lang- ' sity." UNIVERSITY Of CiNCINNATI eCT 19 186 "- ,University of Cinoinn~ti N,EW S"R'ECO~RD Published Tuesdays-and FridaYs during the Academic Year except as scheduled. "Vol. 55 Cincinnej] O,nro; Tuesday, October 17, ,196/ Hughes Trouble Reviewed; 'Sexuality' .·Lecture~Discussions 'Blacks Examine Problems . , , by Dwight'Calhoun There were reports through the Begin'T,h':lrsday ,O,.Carnpus --The-e,omJ!lun,ity.has heard only one white news media o'f'vicious, rov-- sid,e'of the ,story' on race problems. ing black gangs being responsible 'NR Analyst,' Dwight Calhoun 'attempts \. "Sexuality and theCornmunica- Mcl.aughlin; ~ho holds masters the Cincinnati Royals, and promi- to bring to light the untold story fro,m for the "rlot." Where-was the in- the btaek view point. tion of Self," a four-part-series of degrees in English and Phil- nent Cincinnati, physician Dr. formation abo u t the white lectures by the renowned Rev. osophy, was awarded the Licen- Charles Blase. BoJh are' mem- The incident which took , place "honkie" gangs .at.Hughes. Is any- at Hughes HighScllOOl' (Cp,ftoq John ,McUl.lrghlin, 1" I l~, ?,."Pe n tiate in Theology from the Jesuit bers .of the. Newman Foundation. one in the community aware 'of H~use- 'ot" Studies in ':,Westo~, _ Ave.) :on theafternoon.of Wednes- the' "Phantoms"; a gan:g" uiF-wbite Thursday evening, October 19, at Admission to the lectures is - day, the 11th, has been reported DC's .Wil~o~Auditotiu~. Massachusetts. He also holds his marauders that took part in this • .;~ - .o,,>'1,' ••••• _~ . < ',I free 'to al1UC;::.students.i.For ,110ti. as .a movement by .hlack revolu- - PH. D. Arts sni<ill 'ti6J?<Why:, were they- o,nof" The 'program: sponsored by>th'e :jh~C6Ih~tillicatloii students, ,the fee is 7Sc tor a' s-1n- tinnaries, black hate "peddlers ~arrd investigated as-were the "Aces;'? and Sciences'> 'from. Columbia UC Newm;n"Center; wilf'expldte gle lecture,' or .$2.00 .Ior a series black, 'roving gangs. What were Blacks ./ were' not .the' , only' ag- Uiiiversity .in New York .-' the "new morality" of the Amer- ticket. Tickets are available at the innocent, 'fragil~." unprejudic- gressors-and wIrltes' the only de- . Co-chairmen of the; program the UC Newman Center, Lance's ed whites doing while this distur- fendants. Blacksiwere assaulted ican college student. M<;r.;aughli~, are' Mr. Jack Twyman,. former Book Store, the Community' Ticket bence ~was taking place? 'Were the -same 'as -whites but nothing reputed to have never used the All-pro basketball': player with Office and the University Center. they sitting idly by letting them- is said of this .. It is evident the word "don't'" in his series, uti- selves be brutally beaten by public's only interest is- in the lizes talk-back sessions iri.his lee- r savage blacks? VVas there no shedding of their precious white tures, and emphasizes the posi- , reaction' to this black insurrec- : blood. ' 'tive approach 'sexuality. tion? If so then the news media to • • • , have covered this story,! with Them,ajority of the, people jn- Mcl.aughlin .,will be jetted in great accuracy. ' But in 'reality t terviewed by the news media from his New York residence this indeed was not the case. were the white victims, the white eachweek for the series, Which, There were several cars filled students, white parents, a few has also been given at such 'uQ,i- with white outsiders who con- teachers . and a few administra-. versities as Yale, Connecticut, verged upon .' "innocent blacks. tors. Why were the black students Bowdoin, Trinity, and-Xavier. not interviewed and asked' their His Xavier appearance was There', were 'white 'students, en " masse, from Hughes who ravishly opinions, viewpoints, and if they a par t ' of 'the ' , X a vie r beat lone blacks. There were, also felt that this incident was justified Forum" series. He" spoke' there reports of white DC students who or if they were sympathetic with last J anuary and February to retaliated against. .the revolt. white press in deeming it un- four successive packedaudiences .. justified? The four-lecture s e r i e s is On..Friday, the 13th, I conversed hroken down into the following with a few black- brothers from There is another case which weekly topics': The Contemporary Hug-hes who either participated, must be brought to .the fore- Sexual 'Crisis (October 19) ; Sex- watched or heard of various- in- ground. There happens . to. be a ual Control (October 26) ; Pre" cidents which took .place. There white Senior Health teacher who marital ~ve (November 2) ; and was a case in which a large white' is prejudiced and admits it to Marital Love (November 9). girl accosted a small black girl the class. He claims that no with a: knife, The small black black student will-pass his course Playboy" Kinsey Discussed girl .got stabbed. When news of in Senior" Health. He!;.'states that t this reached the administration, he is prejudiced-sbut there is In his. first talk, Mcl.aughlin the small, irinof3nt black girl was nothing he can do about it. Since .. will discuss the recreational view suspended from....school. Senior Health is one requirement of sex, the Playboy Philosophy. r ,Q;.; which must be. passed "before you The following week" speaking' on Q v receive your diploma, this will, "SexuaIControl,",~e considers cause many bl a c k students the psychological and sociologi- 11\ to graduate late, thereby. de- cal concerns whichfavor regula- laying their future-plans (college, tion- in premarital love. i:'This will work, etc.). B 1 a c k : students include an 'extended dJ'scussion of threaten to retaliate and burn the Kinsey Report. _ <, - 4l down the schoofff tthis-teachers In, "Premarital Love;" he will < ~ 't4, <"-.l threats come to pass. Is this what take a personal approach to the ...n ~ it will take to awake the white integration of sexuaiitywith pre- o~ • ., community of these atrocities of marital love, developed from ",-,,~. ~ injustice? If this' is 'true there analytic considerations of man's' ,... are some who would commend mammalian behavior, rationality, (if ~ the students who burned it down. emotionality, and social con- . 0:: "How .much violence does it sciousness, cO take for the white community to Coniug·al Love .:..I, see that the blacks are on the 'II - ;~ u• .....'4 :>• (,) move now: VYe will. not procrasti- He will close November 9 with ~ ~ nate 9r deliberate any' Jonger," a look at the nature of conjugal u.J,~ -.
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