THE SUPREME COURT OF PUERTO RICO SPECIAL JUDICIAL COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE COURTS OF PUERTO RICO Reporton Gender Discrimination in theCourts of PuertoRico SJI AUGUST 1995 THE SUPREME COURT OF PUERTO RICO SPECIAL JUDICIAL COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE COURTS OF PUERTO RICO REPORT ON GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE COURTS OF PUERTO RICO AUGUST 1995 State Justice Institute This report was developed with the co-sponsorship of the State Justice Institute. Ihe points of view expressed he,e are the sole responsibility of members of the Special Judicial Commission to Inves­ tigate Gender Discrimination in the Courts of Puerto Rico and do not necessarily represent the of­ ficial opinion of the State Justice institue .. State Justice Institute MEMBERS OF THE SPECIAL JUDICIAL COMMISSION FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE COURTS OF PUERTO RICO Hon .. Jose A Andreu Garcia Hon. Mitiam Naveira de Rodon Ex-Officio Presidents Members Hon ..Jeannette Ramos Buonomo President Rafael J. Torres Torres, Esq .. Executive Dit·ector Hon ..Liana Fiol Matta Hon. Rafael Ortiz Canion Hon ..Georgina Canela! Segurola Hon ..Victor Rivera Gonzalez Hon Eddie A Rios Benitez Hon ..Isabel Llomprut Zeno Dr. Y amila Azize V rugas Dr. Edwin B. Fernandez Bauzo Dr. Mruya Mufioz Vazquez Dr ..Efren Rivera Ramos Prof Migdalia Fraticelli Torres Prof Ivette Ramos Buonomo Judith Berkan, Esq Angelita Rieckehoff, Esq. Ms Yolanda Zayas, M T .S.. Work Group Ana L Davila Lao, Esq. Myrta Morales Cruz, Esq Ms. Crumen M ..Dfaz Esteve Ms Elsie M. Ramirez Montalvo Ms. Tamrua Calderon Solis Ms ..Ada Colon Ramos August 22, 1995 Hon .. Jose A Andreu Garcfa ChiefJustice The Supreme CoUit San Juan, Pue1to Rico ea,,isalnJucicial Especial para lnvesligarel llisorim"'1por G6nero en106 Tribunale5 de PuertoRico Dear ML Chief Justice: HonJoooA.Andr6uGan:la "'-"" .. offlcio --- The Special Judicial Commission to Investigate Gende1 Disc1imination in the CoUits of Pue,to Rico, in conclud­ -_....,,_Ramasl!uanamo ing its investigation, submits its Repmt, conclusions and recommendations to you and the full Supreme CoUit. Ledo.Rafael J. Torres llirecl«Ejecull'lo- Our inte1pretation of infmmation in this Repmt regarding Hen.Liana Flol Ma!la the legal, doctrinal, and sociological aspects related to - RafaalOi1iz Carrl6n different manifestations and dimensions of gender dis­ - Gec,ginaCandal Sag .. ola Hon VlctorRlve<8Gonzalez c1imination, and the standpoints we have adopted repre­ Hon EddieA. RfasBenitez sent the consensus of both male and female Commission­ Hon.Isabel Uompart Zeno llra. Yamila- Vargas ers ..Although most of us coincide with the overall Repmt, Dra.Marya Munoz we have included individual exceptions to some of the de­ Dr.EdWlnFemandeZ LcdaMigdaia Fiattcerrn,n .. veloped ideas and conclusions .. LcdaJudl1h - Lcdalwl1B Ramos Buonomo The Commission is grateful to you for the oppmtunity to Leda.Angelita -hoff La!o.Etlln RIYOra explore a matte, of such social impmtance for our coun­ S... YolandaZaya, try.. The investigation became a true leatning process fo1 us; ce1tainly, it broadened OUI perspectives .. We were es; TrilxlnalSupremo de PuenoRlco pecially proud to have collaborated with the Judicial Apartado2392 SanJuan PR 0C902·-2392 System on this matter because we believe that to under­ 8097236033 take this kind of self~evaluation takes moral coUiage and fax 809 725 4910 shows genuine commitment to the values and p1inciples that the Judicial System represents ..We a,·e confident that this pioneering attempt in Pue1to Rico will lead othe1 public institutions to undertake similat self'scmtiny. Many persons, institutions and organizations collabmated with the Commission in the pe1fo1mance of its work and we ate deeply grateful to them. We ai·e especially grateful to you and the Hon. Miriam Naveita de Rod6n who, as Ex-Officio Presidents of the Commission, knew DISCRIMENPOR GENERO EN LOS TRIBUNALES DE PUERTO RICO The Hon .. Jose Andreu Garcia August 22, 1995 Page2 how to give us the necessary support and stimulus to accomplish our mandate .. We ar·e aware that our commitment to the Judicial Branch does not conclude with the delivery of this Report to the Supreme Co111t.Presenting this Repmt to the Judicial Conference of Puerto Rico and the development of a plan of action to eradicate every manifestation of gender discrimination in the co111tsof the country are also impmtant parts of 0111mandate .. We are moving in that dirnction with determination and p111pose We are aware of the fact that sensitivity to the problem is a pre­ requisite to overcoming it. We hope that this Report serves as a foundation for that eventual vic­ tory Respectfully submitted, fl:.,:Q.1/1, /4 41_________ _ Je nMtte Ramos Buonomo Presi~ , ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1he Commission to Investigate Gender Disctimination in the Cowls of Puerto Rico is grateful for the collaboration of different organizations and persons who appeared at the Hearings, Focus Group Interviews and the Participatory Investigative Sessions which were held as part of our investigation and to those who collaborated in developing it. The Commission especially ac­ knowledges the support and contributions of the following persons, organizations and institutions: Hon ..Mercedes M ..Banermeister Hon.Hiiam Sanchez Martinez Mr. Edwin R Rivera Sanchez Hon ..Ctisanta Gonzalez Seda Hon. Carmen Rita Velez Borras Dr.. Alice Colon Olga E. Resumil, Esq. Matilde Acevedo, Esq. Mr Erbin Pagan Polanco The State Justice Institute of the United States Notary Bond Fund of the Puetto Rico Bar Association The Puerto Rico Office of Comts Administration University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, Women's Studies Project University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, Rector's Office, Law School and Psychology Department InterArnerican University of Puerto Rico, Law Faculty Center for Conflict Mediation, Judicial Center of San Juan The Commission also wishes to convey its deepest appreciation to the work team com­ prised of: Ana I. Davila Lao, Esq .., Ms. Elsie M. Ramirez Montalvo, Ms. Carmen M. Diaz Esteve, Myrta Morales Cruz, Esq., and secretaries Ms Tamara Calderon Solis and Ms. Ada Colon Ra­ mos. We ar·e also indebted to Debbie Bermudez Sanabria, Esq and to secretary Ms Amea 1oues Ortiz, members of the personal staff of the Hon .. Jeannette Ramos Buonomo TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction I Chapter I General Theoretical Framework ... 19 Introduction ... 19 Definitions of Concepts Used . 19 Sexual Orientation Discrimination ... 27 Gender Discrimination and Social Condition . 29 Aspects of the Problem to be Studied ..... 29 Discrimination, Patriarchy and Power . 30 The Social Production of Stereotypes 33 The Importance of Language ... 36 Ihe Force of the Law ... 37 The Consequences of Discrimination .. 38 Chapter2 .... 39 Methodology .... 39 Introduction 39 Organization of Work and Methodological Design .. 45 Differences Between Social Investigation and Determination of Facts in the Judicial Process .. 46 Description of the Methods Used .. 47 A Hearings .. 47 B Focus Group Interview, .. 52 C Court Watching ... 55 D. Participatory Investigative Se!lionsfor Male and Female Judges of the Judicial System . 58 E. Analysis of Legislation 60 F. Analysis ofJurisprudence 61 G. Analysis of Data from the Courts Administration Office . 62 On the Method of Reporting the Results of the Investigation. 62 Chapter3 Constitutional Framework . 65 GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE COURTS OF PUERTO RICO Chapte, 4 Judicial Administration,., 73 Introduction ., , 73 Analysis of the Findings on Judicial Administration, 79 Recommendations , 116 Chapte, 5 Interaction in the Courts , 119 Introduction , , 119 Juridical Fmmework Applicable to Court Interaction , 128 A. Canons of Judicial Ethics 129 B Code of Professional Ethics, 133 C The Judicial Branch as Employer; the Policy of the Office of Courts Administration on Sexual Harassment in the Work Place,, 135 D, The Bill of Rights of Victim, and Witnesses of Crime., 138 Analysis ofFindings ... 139 Recommendations 169 Chapter6 Personal Rights and Family Law,, 171 Introduction, 171 Analysis of Legislation and Jurisprudence,, 179 A. On the Language of Law , 183 B lhe Capacity of Per,ons to Act According to their Gender,,, 185 C The Value of Women's Work in the Family and in Pue,to Rican Society.,., 186 D Relations Between the Couple.· Marriage, Concubinage and the Homosexual Relationship , 197 E Concubinage , 206 F Filial Relationships 212 G. The Obligation to Support. 246 H lhe Exercise and Enjoyment of Patrimonial Rights in Mmriage 267 Analysis of Findings on Family Law,, 278 Recommendations 334 Chapter 7. 337 Domestic Violence., 337 Introduction , 337 Custody and Domestic Violence,, 348 Analysis ofLegislation andJwisp1udence ,, 352 lhe Domestic Violence Act of Puerto Rico, 352 lhe Federal Violence Against Women Act,,,, 363 TABLE OF CONTENTS Jurisprudence of lhe Supreme Court of Puerto Rico Related to the Problem of Domestic Violence ... 374 Court ofAppeals Decisions on Domestic Violence 386 Analysis of Findings 392 Recommendations 423 Chapter8 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems .. 425 A Criminal Justice System .. 425 Introduction .. 425 Analysis of Legislation and Jurisprudence . 428 Analysis of Findings 446 Recommendations. 453 B. Juvenile Justice System .. 454 Introduction . 454 Recommendations .. 475 Chapter 9 Labor Law. 477 Introduction ... 477 Legal Framework and Jurisprudence .. 482 A. Constitutional Protections ... 482 B. Applicable Legislation ................... 483 C Jurisprudence
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