r 2364 THE NEW ZE.ALAND GAZETTE. [No. 86 MILITARY AREA No. 12 (INVERCARGILL)-contm.ued. , MILITARY AREA No. 12 (INVERCARGILL)-contmued. 549730 McAllister, Martin Morrison, dairy-farmer, Box 43~ 628359 McKendry, James Garfield, P. and T. employee, 52 Balclutha. William St. 593813 McAnelly, Michael Henry, farmer, Waimatua. 564462 McKenzie, David, miner, Post-office, Ohai, Southland. 631030 Macann, John Murray, . porter (N.Z.R.), 130 Elizabeth 549372 McKenzie, Donald .James, butcher, 23 Joseph St., Gore. St. 622013 Mackenzie, Donald Sinclair, accountant, Waipori Falls. 615197 McAm, Robert Esmbnd, teacher, 126 1\foulson St. 557689 Mackenzie, Duncan Murdoch, farm labourer, Dipton. 609652 McAuley, George, farm-manager, West Plains Rural 629574 McKenzie, Erie. Robert, P. and T. employee, Avon Rd., Delivery, Southland. Clifton. 584648 McAuliffe, .James, grocer's assistant, Waipahi. 512040 McKenzie Hugh, chairmaker, 85 Conyers St. 570857 McCallum, Charles, labourer, care of Waikiwi Post- 628361 McKenzie, Ian Francis, storeman, 43 Chelmsford St. office, North Rd. 588006 McKenzie, Kenneth George, farmer, Section 3, Otara 541486 McCarthy, .John Thomas, farmer, Lime Hills, Winton. Rural Delivery, Kapuka. · 620083 McCaughan, Cecil .Joseph, dentist, Frank St., Gore. 566993 McKenzie, Mervin Ira, storekeeper, Awarua Plains 563892 McCord, John, stock agent, 135 Venus St. Post-office. 593607 McCorkindale, John Clifford, blacksmith, 15 Anzac St., 553544 MacKenzie, Roderick .James, farmer, Section 2, Wrights Gore. Bush, Glad:field Rural Delivery. 515115 McCosh, James, farmer, Section 4, Glencoe Rural 584460 McKerchar, Donald Lindsay, farmer, South Hilleml Delivery. Rural Delivery. 463293 M~Culloch, Alexander Sutherland, lorry-driver, Waikiwi Post-office. ' 629300 McKinnel, John Walter .James, salesman, East Gore. 582475 McCullough, Philip, publican, Elbow Hotel,· Lumsden. 515309 McKnight, Kenneth .Jack, salesman, 3.7 Chapman St. ·. 550622 Macdonald, David, dairy-assistant, 153 Dalrymple St. 521622 McLaren, Edgar Edwin, labourer (N.Z.R.),, care of 509572 McDonald, David Mitchell, tractor-driver, Conical Hill N.Z.R., Glenomaru. Rural Delivery, Gore. 583328 McLaughlan, David Norman, master plumber, 9 Liffey 509575 McDonald, Douglas Alwyn, footwear merchant, 96 Grey St. St. 5489,10 McLaughlin, Bernard Frederick, :fireman (N.Z.R.), 583221 Macdonald, Duncan Campbell, stock agent, P.O. Box 36, . Roxburgh. I!eriot. 583325 McLay, .John Henry, labourer, Harrington Place, 583218 McDonald, Fredeiick Stanford, dairy-farmer, Edendale. Lawrence, Otago. 563125 MacDonald, Gordon Alexander, farmer, Lochiel. 521801 McLean, Ian Duncan Hugh, farmer, Dipton. 583665 McDonald, .James Alexander, farmer, care of the Post- 586981 McLean, .John Roderick, farmer, Flora Rd., Makarewa. office, Roxburgh. 575047 McLean, .John Ross, farmer, Glencoe Rural Delivery, 552356 McDonald, .John, stoker, Herbert St., Waverley. Section 8, Ryal Bush. 49017I McDonald, .John Wallace Duncan, labourer, 37 Leith St. 629970 MacLean, Lachlan .John, farm labourer, 80 Lewis St. 544244 MacDonald, Lindsay Ferguson, farmer, Manapoura 598116 MacLean, Peter Ian, company-manager, 103 Layard St. Station, Lumsden. 557778 McLees, Robert, farm hand, Section 7, Glencoe Rural 629487 MacDonald, Lloyd Milne, clerk, 24 Collingwood St. Delivery. 552351 McDonald, Peter .Johnston Hood, farm labourer, Dipton. 511752 McLees, Samuel, labourer, Otapiri Rural Delivery, 544212 McDonald, Roy Martin, tractor~driver, care of Linen- Winton. flax Factory, Tapanui. 586994 McLellan, William Archibald, farmer, Seaward Downs, 552317 McDonald, Thomas Victor, farmer, Brydone. Section 4, Otara Rural Delivery. 500980 McElrea, William Millar, farmer, North Branch, Milton. 614982 McLeod, Christopher Alexander, motor-driver, Orawia. 547378 McElrea, William Millar, farmer, I!eriot Rural 586997 McLeod, Douglas Stewart, company secretary, 7 Albany Delivery,, Otago. St., Gore. 494676 McEwan, Archibald Neil, grocer, 442 Tweed St. 460370 McLeod, George, labourer, Moa St., Waikiwi. 581968 McEwan, Colin Campbell, bushman, Tokanui. 588853 McLeod, Gordon', carpenter, Oakland St., Mataura. · 567185 McEwan, Robert John Alexander, storeman, 160 Venus 620215 MacLeod, John Alexander, stock-buyer, 10 Crombie St. St., Gore. 578498 McFadgen, Reginald Lindo, bus-driver, care of sawmill, 519470 McLeod, .John Phillip, farmer, Box 83, Balfour. Waitane, Te Tipua Rural Delivery, Gore. 557769 McLeod, Kenneth, cycle mechanic, 140 Princes St. 509619 McF'arlane, Alexander, clerk, P.W.D., Cromer St., Bal­ 455795 McManus, Desmond Aloysius, cadet (N.Z.R.), care of clutha. II. Green, Ajax St., Milton. 509555 McFarlane, Andrew Duncan, carpenter, care of 594867 McMillan, George, farmer, Section 3, Otara Rural . McLellan Ltd., Ferry Bridge, Wyndham. Delivery. 630476 McFarlane, Douglas, farm hand, care of Post-office, 507629 McMillan, Norman Samuel, lorry-driver, East Rd. Fairfax. 630550 McNab, John Ronald, farm hand, Tahatika-Owaka 576887 McGill, John Neil, motor-driver, care of Linen-flax Rural Delivery. Mill, Clydevale St., Otago. 556048 MacNamara, Patrick Dennis, trimmer, Wrights Bush, 631277 McGowan, Arthur Gordon, farm hand, Crawford's Rd., Southland. Mataura. 590879 McNatty,. .John Henry, grader-driver, Makarewa. 479455 McGrail, Patrick, police constable, 248 Elles Rd. 54 7793 McNaughton, James Alexander, motor mechanic 604!4:52 McGrath, Thomas Patrick, 120 Ythan St. Havelock St., Riverton. ' 603873 McGregor, Maxwell Taylor, barman, Mary St., Winton. 612855 McNaughton, Neil Douglas, farmer, Orawia, Southland. 583118 McGregor, Ronald, P.W.D. surfaceman, Shingle Creek, 581061 McNaughton, Stanley William, carrier, Wrights Bush. Roxburgh. 592594 McNeill, Lauchlin Peter, farmer, Wrights Bush, Glad- 631125 MacI!attie, George Alexandra, shop-assistant, 266 field Rural Delivery, Section 1, Thornbury~ Yarrow St. 631279 McNeill, Walter, farm hand,: Milburn~ 566975 McIntosh, Herbert Alexander, farmer, Otekura. 628672 McNoe, Ivan Andrew, farm hand, P.O. Box 25, Ohai, 570482 McIntosh, Robert, taxi-driver, 46 Leith St. Southland. 605241 McIntosh, Thomas David, fibrous plaster foreman, 240 547753 McPherson, Archibald .Jack Bain, labourer, Roxburgh. Connon St. ~50523 McPherson, .John Watt, motor-driver, Glenorchy. 575055 McIntosh, Wallace McKay, labourer, Tuatapere. n54168 MacPherson, Robert McLennan, cheesemaker, River­ 512517 McIntosh, William Archibald, freezi:ri.g-works employee, ton:. 139 Barr:ow Street, Bluff. 613630 McPherson, Thomas .James, farm hand Section 1 517436 McIntyre, Angus, farmer, Section 8 Glencoe Rural Invercargill-Otara Rural Delivery, Southland. ' Delivery. 484211 McPherson, Walter Albert Mundy- hotelkeeper Sham- 604895 McIntyre, Eric .John, slaughterman, care oj The Post- rock Hotel, Fairfax, Southland.. ' ' office, Greenhills. 501572 McQuade, Robert George, porter and postmaster 517438 McIntyre, James, carpenter, 29 Robertson St. Warepa, South Otago. ' 294785 McIntyre, .John, labourer, Greenhills, Southland. 554174 McQuillan, Tom Preston, carpenter, Brown St. Gore. 564406 McIntyre, Stanley, farmer, Section 1, Otara Rural 565223 McSkimming, Peter Felling, company-manag~r, "Bal- Delivery. :rnoral," Benhar. 498349 · Melvor, Eric Donald, general merchant, Makarewa. 602237 Mcsweeney,, Fergus Alexander, lorry-driver Lorneville 555895 McKay, Andrew Gordon, sawmill-worker, 347 Ythan St. 588300 Maginness, Eric Thomas, clerk, 110 Miller St. · 500449 MacKay, George, farm-manager, North Branch, Box 576729 Maher, William Samuel, labourer, Makarewa Township 38, Milton. Makarewa. ' 494655 McKay, George Gilbert, linesman, Vincent St., Bal­ 613860 Mahony, Alfred Bernard, master plumber, 122 Crinan St. clutha. 586721 Mair, Gilbert Lang, farmer, Waikaka Rural Delivery, 559505 MacKay, Ian, clerk, 17 Lynne St., Gore. Gore. 566987 McKay, Stanley, farmer, The Braes, Ferndale Rural 629099 Mair, Mervyn Russell, shop-assistant, 15 Devon St., Gore. Delivery, Gore. 487536 Mair, Thomas Hamilton, Lumsden. 549639 McKechnie, Graham Alexander, surfaceman (N.Z.R.), 556859 Malcolm, George Wallace, farmer, Winton. Waikaia. 556857 Malcolm, .James Ernest, farmer I!eddon Bush Rural 576498 McKee, William Francis, farmer, Box 2, Balfour, Delivery, Winton. ' Southland. 548616. Malcolm, .James Steele, miner, Annon St., Nightcaps. .
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