Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2014) xxx, xxx–xxx King Saud University Arabian Journal of Chemistry www.ksu.edu.sa www.sciencedirect.com ORIGINAL ARTICLE Mineral characterization of the Oum El Khacheb phosphorites (Gafsa-Metlaoui basin; S Tunisia) Haykel Galai a,*, Faouzi Sliman b a Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-chimiques, 2026 Technopole de Sidi Thabet, Tunisia b Centre de Recherche Metlaoui Compagnie des Phosphates de Gafsa, Tunisia Received 12 March 2013; accepted 8 October 2014 KEYWORDS Abstract The mineralogy of the Tunisian phosphatic series of the Jebel Oum El Khacheb deposit Phosphorite; which belongs to the Gafsa-Metlaoui basin, located in the South of Tunisia, was studied. Chemical Mineralogy; and mineralogical characterization of eight representative samples (2 mm–70 lm) were undertaken Quantitative XRD; by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis TG/DTA, Carbon and Sulfur analyzer and Atomic Absorp- TGA–DTA tion Spectroscopy. It was revealed that each phosphatic layer contains various silicates and carbon- ates. The X-ray diffraction results were supported by the Rietveld method to confirm the presence of certain minor phases (calcite, dolomite, bassanite and anorthoclase). The precision and accuracy of the quantitative-phase analysis, using the Rietveld method as a routine tool for process control, were highlighted. ª 2014 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). 1. Introduction that arise during ore extraction, phosphate processing or its chemical valorization. They constitute the main wastes deriv- Large quantities of phosphate are used in agricultural and ing from the processing of these ores. The processing tech- other industries (Notholt et al., 1989; Locardi et al., 1993). niques of phosphate ores depend on the type of phosphate In Tunisia, nearly 80% of commercially-produced phosphate minerals existing in the ores as well as the associated gangue is transformed through chemical-processing industries (pro- minerals (Abouzeid, 2008). duction of phosphoric acid and fertilizer minerals). It is well The sedimentary phosphorites contain apatite, as a main known that the gangue minerals are the cause of the problems mineral and a relatively important quantity of associated miner- als. These minerals sometimes occur as clear separated layers or mixed with phosphate ore. The structure of apatite, Ca10 (PO4)6 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +216 71 537 666; fax: +216 71 537 À À À 2À X2 (X‚F ,OH ,Cl ,CO3 ) is very tolerant to ionic substitu- 688. tions (To˜nsuaadu et al., 2012). Carbonates and sulfates are able E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Galai). to substitute for part of the phosphate (Veiderma et al., 2005). Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. Likewise, Ca may be replaced in part by U, lanthanide rare earths or certain other trace metals such as Cd, Zn, or non-met- als such as Mg, Sr or Ba. The estimation of the unit parameter of Production and hosting by Elsevier the cell-value constitutes a crystallographic expression of the http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2014.10.007 1878-5352 ª 2014 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Galai, H., Sliman, F. Mineral characterization of the Oum El Khacheb phosphorites (Gafsa-Metlaoui basin; S Tunisia). Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2014.10.007 2 H. Galai, F. Sliman apatite composition. Abouzeid (2008) and Mostafa et al. (2000) effects; (iii) phases can crystallize as several polymorphs (e.g. reported that the correlation between physico-chemical charac- silica); (iv) the number of irradiated crystallites may not be teristics of different apatites and their crystallographic struc- high enough to ensure a random orientation for all diffraction tures could be correlated with their natural chemical reactivity planes; and (v) the atomic impurities inside each phase are not as direct fertilizers. Moreover calcareous minerals reduce the known (vi), unknown amounts of amorphous phases with chemical reactivity of phosphate ores while a greater degree of unknown compositions and (vii) diffraction limit for minor carbonate substitution for phosphate in the apatite structure mineral detection. Other sources of errors are connected to tends to make the rock more reactive when directly applied to the preparation of powder, on the one hand, and the refine- the soil (El-Jalead et al., 1980; Pan and Darvell, 2010). ment strategy as the simulation involves a large number of Tunisian phosphate ore is composed mainly of carbonate- parameters, on the other hand. Also, the accuracy and degree apatite, silica or chert (microcrystalline quartz, macrocrystal- of uncertainty of such analysis are not easy to assess. line quartz, chalcedony, opal), carbonates (calcite, dolomite), The objective of this work is to determine the mineral char- and also gypsum, organic matter, and clay matter (Sassi, acterization of the phosphate ore extracted from eight layers of 1974; Be´ji-Sassi, 1985, 1999; Chaabani, 1995; Galfati et al., Oum El Khacheb deposit. The combination of several 2010; Zaier, 1999). techniques and XRD, such as the thermal analysis TG/DTA, The enrichment of phosphate, in the Gafsa-Metlaoui basin, carbon and sulfur analysis, atomic absorption spectroscopy is based on the elimination of barren components (clays, car- to analyze these samples with slight compositional variation, bonates, silica, etc.) contained in the crude ore by performing would be mandatory to identify minor mineral and to a wet classification. This is conducted in order to eliminate the constrain the phase concentration. fraction >2 mm (high cut-off), perform sieving and obtain fine fraction <70 microns (low cut-off) by hydrocycloning. The 2. Sampling and experimental clayey matrix is removable by simple washing, while a siliceous or carbonated one displays the features of a cement kind which Phosphate samples were collected from the outcrops of the is not easy to eliminate. Oum El Khacheb locality (Fig. 1). The phosphate series is Hence the performance of the phosphate deposit and its divided into nine layers. Eight samples were collected and upgrading are governed not only by elemental composition denoted as PN-1, PN-2, ...PN-8 according to the position of but also by its mineralogy. Therefore, XRD is considered as workable phosphate layers from bottom to top. The phospho- a useful technique in the identification and quantification of rite is treated by crushing, washing, and desliming, for the minerals contained in phosphates. Moreover X-ray powder recovery of 70 lm–2 mm fraction. This process is applied in diffraction, combined with the Rietveld full pattern, is now the Tunisian phosphate industry. widely used in mining and cement industry as effective on The atomic absorption spectroscopy (Analytik jena, stream-analysis technique coupled with automation process. NOVAA 400) was used to determine the element of composi- However, the quantification of such complex mixtures tion (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, and Si) of samples. Carbon (Omotoso et al., 2006; Leo´n-Reina et al., 2009; Kampata and sulfur were measured by combustion and infrared detec- et al., 2000) remains complex for a number of reasons: (i) there tion (HORIBA, EMIA-220V). All chemical analyses were con- are many phases, with strong peak overlap; (ii) some phases ducted with experimental errors lower than 5%. X-ray crystallize in platy shapes which display preferred orientation diffraction analysis was carried out by a ‘‘Philips MPD1880- Figure 1 Location of the Oum El Khacheb. Please cite this article in press as: Galai, H., Sliman, F. Mineral characterization of the Oum El Khacheb phosphorites (Gafsa-Metlaoui basin; S Tunisia). Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2014.10.007 Mineral characterization of the Oum El Khacheb phosphorites 3 PW1710’’ diffractometer using kCuKa radiation, in the 2 °–80° (Table 1) that the P2O5 contents range from 25.88 to 29.5% interval with a step size of 0.02 ° and counting time of 20s/step. and reveal that samples contain high amounts of SiO2 that The quantification phase was performed on one sample by the may reach 8.66%. Small amounts of clay minerals are detected Rietveld method (R-QPA), using a PANalytical X’Pert High- since Al2O3 does not exceed 0.4%. Significant amounts of CO2 Score Plus program. The sample subjected to Rietveld refine- and SO3, are present, ranging from 2.05 to 3.45% and from ment was ground in an agate mortar. Thermal analyses (TG/ 6.84 to 9.53%, respectively. Concentrations of magnesium DTA) were performed in a simultaneous thermoanalysis appa- and sodium, which are related generally to dolomite and ratus ‘‘Setaram Setsys’’ with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in apatite (Galfati et al., 2010; Bigi et al., 1996) are almost invari- helium atmosphere. This analysis was conducted in order to able. The amount of organic carbon ranges from 0.35 to determine mineral transformations during the heating process 0.83%. up to 1450 °C. To characterize the type of apatite, FTIR anal- The diffractograms of phosphate ore samples (Fig. 2) show ysis was performed by BRUKER instrument (VERTEX 70) that the main mineral is located close to carbonate apatite using an ATR with monoreflexion. (JCPDS n 031-0267), while the quantities and nature of gangue minerals vary from one sample to another. Different silica minerals are detected. Sample PN-8 con- 3. Results and Discussion tains a high quantity of quartz. Opal-CT and tridymite exist in some samples (PN-4, PN-5 and PN-8).
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