fK roAY, DECEMBER 16.1900 S o w in g Average Daily Net Preee Run The n ii^ For the Week Ending ’ December ISSe Today I mesUy elendy, oesee Hght oaow, colder, blgkeet near Sfii eleorlog ood meek eelder So- 10,175 lUfkt. loweet near Sei fair oed sr ofUM AodH e M Bnsday. I o f ODoolstlaas MmchtnUr~^A City of ViUago Charm (UloaoUed Advorttokig MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS . VOL. LXX, NO. 65 am U) President Deelares National GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS Fine quality sheer cotton or linen hankies In colorful prints or oil white. In squssre You Will Enjoy \f/ ( o Movie Mac Rail Strikers er round styles. Bach 2 5 c $ L 0 0 West Berlin Face Protector G O P in Both Return to Job Partial Price Curbs, Doing Your MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS 25c and 50c ea. Editors Fight I Houses Urges __ , I' Death Law Acheson Exit In Some Cities Christmas Shopping Speeded War Output Settlement Is Report­ Denounce East Gemiaii Demand Hits Wall o f Si­ GIFT • 1 ed; Truman Tells Action as “ Attempt lence at White House at HALE'S Men Walkout Slows To Legalize Kidnap­ And State Department; Herald Tough Policy Industry, Perils L. S. SCARFS ing” ; Speed Airline Lucas Hits Action All sUk or wool scarfs Washington, Dec. 16—1,/Pi—The Chicago, Dec, 16 -(.T)- President Truman Tells Nation We in solid colors or prints In Berlin, Dec. 16—W —West Ber­ Svrvire Men Exempted formal demand of Republican Con­ ■: •' I. Tniman'a appeal to utrlking rail­ Allies Abandon long or square styles. lin editors fought back undismay­ From Tranuportation Tax Will Strive for Peaci^ Extri'Plump" gressmen that President Truman i' '1! V- road switchmen to end their "un­ ed today regardless of the death lawful” walkout met with some But Refuse Appeased fire Secretary of State Acheson Washington, I>cc. 16. (S’) - You’ll bo thonktd for yoon and yean threat levelled at them by the success to<lay and the end of the Hamlin 1 1 ^ As hit walls of silence today at the President Truman signed into crippling strike appeared in sight. nieut; Sets 3,500,(M)0 when ybu give Playtex Pillow t. rtie pillowi Sozlet Zone'.s new ‘ law for protec­ While House and State Depart­ law yesterday a bill granting $1.25 to $2 .9 8 Strikers returned to work in tion of peace.” ment. n:emhers of the armed services Mail Goal for Armed some cities and reportedly were Navy Jabs Foe that actually encourage sleep! Made of washable Maximilian Mueller - Jabuach, Senate Democratic Leader Lu­ exemption fr«im federal Irans- cas of Illinois told the Senate late prepared to go hack In some others. Forces; W a r n b o f who has continually attacked Mos­ A top ranking labor official In IHirtatlon taxes when traveling foamed latex, allergy-free and dust-free, KAPOK yesterday that the Republican on leave or furlough. cow policies In Der Abend, de­ Washington said the strike, which Warships Hurl Steel at Wage Controls, Higher nounced the zonal law as "an at­ Party stand for Immediate remov­ flome railroads, in addition, Playtex Pillows feoture the patented "staggered-core" FILLED al of the Secretary of State was had disrupted the nation’s trans­ Taxes, lAinger Hours tempt to legalize kidnaping." This Navy man wears protective portation system for the last three Reds; 10th Corps Now have pul into affect special "an invitation to Stalin to strike ftirlough rates for the Christ­ construction . cradles your head In the most Der Abend, In a headlined an­ face covering and goggles os de­ anywhere." I days, has been settled. Formed in Tight Ring mas holidays. nouncement, offered 500 west fense against Icy blasts os he Lucas referred to the resolution No Confirmation -V Bulletin! restful position all night long os no other pillow can f 3 WAY marks reward to anyone stands aboard the aircraft carrier, adopted earlier In the day by an There was no Immediate confir­ Around II ii n g n a in Washington, Dec. 16.— (fl*) supplying It with Information on U88 Princeton, now operating In mation of the reported settlement overwhelming voice vote taken In Looking ae much like Oeneral Your choice of two helghtsi abductions by the East German Korean waters. Planee from the from cither top union or rail offi­ — President Truman today PILLOWS a House Republican caucus. The Mac.Arthur ae the general him­ Communist Government. craft are engaged In blasting en­ cials. A statement on the "whole Tokyo, Dec. 16-(T ) — Allied proclaimed a State of Nation­ resolution was proposed by House self, Robert Barral, veteran ac­ "Regular" ond “Extro-Plump." 9 * 9 5 up emy In air strikes against com­ situation ' was promised later by beachhead forces abandoned Rail to Report The pillow with Cite* C. 8. Efforts Republican Leader Martin of Mos- tor. strikes a typical pose while al Emergency, summoning munication and supply lines. (U. sachusettfl. union officials in Washington. Hambung today to the Chinese dozens o f u s e s . GIFT HOSIERY Erik Reger, whose prosecution 8. Navy Photo from The Asoo- portraying the general In a Holly­ the nation to marshal its Wedge shaped for under the death law has already, **rrogla Mistake” wood movie. Borrat eUidlra oews- The back to work movement Reds pounding against them In first was reported early today in U. S. Cease-Fire strength against the (hreat real comfort. In been demanded by a Communist ] ______________ House Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex) reels of Mac.Arthiir to get realism masses of "sea wave" attacks. Battle Creek, Mich., and later in of “Communist world con­ green, gold, grey First quality full fashioned nylon hosiery in paper, called on Western Europe called it "a tragic mistake.” Into his pari. (NR.\ Telephoto). TTie defenders withdrew from and rose rayon to match the United States In de-| While Lucas was talking, Sen­ Washington and Alexandria, Va. Terms to Wii quest.” damask. Kapok fill­ semi er sheer weights. ate Republicans by a 23 to 5 vote The return of the strikers came the wrecked industrial city Into a ^ Playtex* fensive mcnsure». McCarthy CalW ahortly after President Truman’s ed. In a front page editorial for Der in a closed door conference adopt­ tight ring around Hungnam port Wasliington, De0. 16.— <49 appeal to them to end their walk­ on the flea of Japan, alx milea to «^eaoe^«e»t. .$1.25 pr. Tageespiegel, Reger asserted: ed the three-paragraph House H ouse Passes Aristo 51 Gauge Semi .. statement, but added to It a re­ out- He said It was slowing indus­ the southeaat. Will Seek Peiping’ s Om- — President Tnimfcn put pro­ "While America^ colle her eone Pearson Voice try and adding to "the country's duction-speedings inflfiUon'- Van Raalte Semi Sheer .. .$1.35 pr. to the flag of freedom in increasing served pledge of oooperatlon draft­ Demolition ehargea blasted the (litions at Parley This P i l l o ^ ed by Senator Taft of Ohio, the Emergency Bill danger.” His appeal was at least heart of Hamhung before the curbing machinery in motion ( 2 . 9 8 Alba 51 Gauge Sheer .. $ 1.5 0 p r . tempo, Europe frittere herself away partly responsible for the return I In minor actlvltlee with the flag Senate GOP Policy Chieftain. pullout. Week-eml; Wu Con­ today behind/a rearmament . $ 1.6 5 p r . O f Communism o f the first group of strikers. Alba 54 Gauge Extra Sheer • ••dee o f freedom twisted Into the flag The White House and the State Red Flog FIlea Department declined to conlment. Started In Cgilooga Terror-atrlcken North Korean fers With Trygve Lie program ai;ned at forcing Alba Dark Heal Sheer . $ 1.6 5 p r . of fear.” In J ig Time Although some of the strikers An Oennoas Liable But Mr. Truman said lost night, refugsss. awarmed by tens of Russia to ciioose peace iiH ....... - $l .6 5 p r . Columnist Says Hin ReC' reportedly were staying o ff the No-Mpnd Semi Sheer . ’The Boat German Law provides in his report to the nation on new thousands acroas frooan fields and New York, Dec. 16- (S’) India's stead of tyfir. As a first 8te|j mobilization goals, that Acheson Job there were indications the down roads toward the Allied Lisle H osiery.................... $ 1 .0 0 ai^d $ 1 .2 5 p r . for beheading or long Imprieon- ord a8 Foe o f Reds Marcantonio Casts On­ walkout was nearing an end in fllr Senegal N. Rau will report toward *^pid expansiba to "M ouur RAvm 'TXTiAAiUM r’ nAvnx ment of Oermona resisting Soviet will fly to Europe Sunday to Join beachhead. full mobllisatlan if that becomes \A^ool Anklets . 7 9 c and $ 1.0 0 p r . representatives of other nations Chicago and St. Louis—two of tte As the lost American soldier Gan. MacArthur's terma for a 3IMHOAM m iOW I. surevoAM nuow ti designs in Europe. A ll Germans Ifi Well Known; Will ly Negative Vote Gfill- cities hardest hit. necessary," Mr. Truman an­ in setting up armed defenses for left Hamhung St 12:30 p. m csoae-flre in Korea to Communist Ootton Anklets . .2 9 c and 3 9 c p r . ore made liable for trial by the A spokesman for the Fi(th nounced ho Is declaring a natlco- ' Sue the Senator Western Europe. ing It Act of “ War” (10:80 p. m. e.s.t. Friday), a Rsd China's Wu Hsiu-Chusn this week I s a is r e a m In edro-flne / Arm y in Chicago said there al em/wgency calling upon "•vary O f t o D f ln k (Omtlaned on Pago Poor) Acheson Won’t quit Korean fiag fiapped out over' one to put aside hla persona) S o s te rtw d S o n fo riM d f —Rules Are Suspended "a very definite trend of a return house.
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