*J s. t ' ) . Clinton County Su P<tfc 124 S^m^^ClinbiLQ)m,Si>y^1SS^ \ ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 119th year Vol. 49, 24 Pages-. April 4,1974 f Citizens short circuit pay hikes in DeWitt Twp By Linda Heyboer department would weigh heavily in a part- probably have to foot the whole bill if County N>w Writer t time man's favor. ( '- , Lansing refuses to participate. Angell joined severl other residents in* Land Purchase DEWITT TWP - DeWitt trustees ap- reiterating the need for a school crossing Two resolutions for land purchases - 20 ' parently saw what was coming. guard at Sheridan and TUrner, near the acres for fire department expansion and 36 Or rather, they saw what was not coming -' Sheridan Road School. He accused trustees acres for park facilities' -- were passed with - pay raises for them during 1974-75. Eileen Corrand, Jack Kzeski of "ramrod- 1 amendments proposed by Angell. He asked So they were studies in nonchalance ding through'' a previous crossing'guard the purchases not be made unless 2 outside Saturday after tight-fisted township proposal and stalling on the Sheridan issue. assessors appraise the land within 10 per­ • residents voted at the annual meeting to'can Corr and Kzeski said the board recognized cent of the price cited. ^ the raises while approving the rest of JJ" , the need for a gu,ard there, but wanted to proposed budget. ^ , J ' split costs with the city^of Lansing because Approve Budgets "What difference does it make?" w^ I . the school lies on the dividing line between it Aside from the salary debate, discussion typical official post-m,eeting remark. J and the township, of the $107,312 police budget and the $75,500 Supervisor'Dale Emerson, while agreeing They explained the board made inquiries road budget dominated the meeting. Budget the salary issue meant little to him per­ of Lansing police chief Thomas O'Toole proposals* for the planning commission sonally, commented, "I feel it's unfortunate (who in turn referred it to the city council). ($1,300), fire department ($30,225) and for whoe'ver's in this office." * Corr added that the township would cemetery ($12,500) breezed through easily. 200 Present s / T 'A standing room-only crowd* of over 200 • turned out for the event at the township fire hall.. t i Why was chief fired? As expected, the salary debate was the hottest point on the agenda. Por^the first Ume officials could rememberf the regular "hand vote hadto be followed up by "division DeWitt Twp Board says of the house" and ballot voting procedures, The proposed budget called for salary increases of $12,000 to $16,000 for the supervisor, $8,900'to $11,000 for the clerk, _ reason soon to come $7,900J9,$U,000 for the treasurer and $600 to $l,20tt*each for trustees. A move to adopt . , By Linda Heyboer The motion carried-with the former the increases as proposed failed narrowly, A r County News Writer police chief among its supporters. ' ' 1 motion to keep the salaries at their 1973-74 I On their attorney's advice, board mem­ The St Johns Fire Dept rushed, to Scott Rd Apartments last week to stop a fire before levels, which wa&made by Bruce Angell II, bers have refused comment on the firing it had a chance to got agood start. Although minor damage resulted from fire, smoke DEWITT TWP - The jackpot,question in eventually passed '89-80. these parts is: Why was Bruce Angell II despite demands from- Angell andl his entered surrounding-apartments. -4 » Angell in the Spotlight '. fired last September? supporters. x \ Angell was in ttie spotlight throughout the Soon, everyone will know the answer; The refusal was' one factor 'cited on meeting, speaking on nearly every topic That's what township board members recently submitted recall petitions against Milliken addresses GOPdinher Thursday from ^alaries,to,sewfii;sJo'.pchoDlJCKiasing- > proriiised^after^discQsslbh of the'former shpervisor'-DaleS Emersonr cler,kr Ddnhd guards^ * ' ~ ' Syverson and trustees Eileen Cdrf and Jack attendance of Gov William ^liHiken as t police chief's dismissal wastalocked in the ST JOHNS -.Upwards of 300 persons are Republican officials rare optimistic ov§r fie questioned police, chief*William Nash final moments of Saturday's annual Kzeski. ' , ., "expected to attend the Clinton County featured speaker. attendance prospects. They insisted following Saturday's i i The dinner, scheduled to be held in the St on' hiring ' procedures, asking whether meeting. Republican fund raising dinner Thursday Others slated to appear on the program current part-time policemen will get first Declare inquiry meeting that this time, they had come April 4 which will be highlighted by the Johns High School cafeteria, is an annual with the governor are committee chairman prepared to discuss the issue. event and serves as'a source of revenue for grabs at 2 full time positions to be opened up Out of Order Brandon D. White, Jr and finance chairman this year, \ A resident's inquiry about the firing was They insisted following Saturday's the local Republican committee. William Gnodtke. i Nash responded that part time men would declared out of order because another meeting that this time, they had come Traditionally i party leaders of state and Milliken has been governor of the state prepared to discuss the issue. national'prominence have lead the program be encouraged to apply. He said they would motion was on the floor. But righf dfter that since January41969 when he assumed the None of the board members would including Sen Robert Griffin, Congressman go through the same selection procedure as vote, a quick motion to adjourn was made by post held by George Romney who resigned other prospective'employes, to avoid later fjre chief Ed Fancher at the urging of elaborate on the prepared statement, •parry Brown and, last year's guest speaker, to become secretary of Housing and Urban however. (SEEPAGE12A) .Vice President Gerald Ford. charges of favoritism. township treasurer Oliver Angell, Bruce! Development h^Washington. Eleven months Angell's uncle / l ' Gov Milliken's last visit to St Johns was m later Milliken was electecV to his present Emerson added that past service in the 1970 when he addressed area GOP, members four-year term and is currently in the initial during a Lincoln Day Dinner at the location period of a campaign to retain his office. of this year's event. His return has had a Tickets for the dinner will be available at favorable ipact on ticket sales and county the door. \ Last call for youth Talent exhibit entries ST JOHNS - Last call for'participation in Participation in the annual event is'open the annual Clinton County Youth Talent to any Clinton Coiinty student nine years of Exhibit occurs this w.eek"with the entry age but not yet 20 years by April 24,1974. A deadline set for this Friday, April'5, total of 24 categories are open to entrants j Gov William Milliken ranging from ceramics, photography and According to Richard Wells, committee handicrafts ,to decoupage, needlecraft and . chairman for St Johns /Rotary Club, spon­ kit assembly. Prizes will be awarded in each soring organization, -entries have come in of four age categories plus $50 savings steadily and already provisions are being certificate each to the best of show entry , Sunday is made to accomodate the many 'displays' submitted by a boy and a girl. Top prize' for during the public showing dates of April 24 each of th& four age groups is $25:00 savings through 27. As in the past there will be no certificate. <- \ "Baby Animal" charge for the public showing which will be Entry blanks are still available in all held during the four day period in the' school offices as well as from leaders of 4-H groups. l four day Municipal Building in St Johns. » Attention.Derby.car builders ST JOHNS -- Sunday is "Baby Animal Day" in Clinton County and 4 area farmers ST JOHNS - The 2d clinic for the 1974 urged to attend the\ meeting at which are offering families and their children the Clinton County Soapbox Derby will be steering and bTake' assembly and car opportunity to see young farm animals "up Saturday in the community room of Bee's covering will be discussed, ' I close." Chevrolet-Oldsmobile at 10 pm, ' The Derby, sponsored,by the St Johns Jaycees, will be held on Clinton Ave in St Johns May 19.' Opening their'farms to the public Sunday Participants and 1 or both parents are from 2-4 pm are Larry Phinney; 3275 E. Price" Rd; William Ashley, 4707 E. Price;- Elmer Smith, Round Lake Rd, and Green Meadow Farm, just south of Elsie on Betty Louise Ruedger Hollister Rd. L The Phiriney Farm, featuring beef calves, - is Nurse of Year is 3 miles east of US-27. „ . „ , 1 missionary nurse in Sierra Leone, Africa •. Baby lambs will be on display at the ST JOHNS -- Miss Betty Louise Ruedger - 'from 1964 to 1971. * Ashley Farm. 4 miles east of US-27. , was chosen Nurse of the, Year last week at Upon her return'home, she worked at the Clinton Memorial Hospital by a vote of Sheridan Community Hospital and in Oct; Baby colts of Belgium draft hbrses will "be fellow employees. * * 1972 joined Clinton Memorial Hospital. She shown at the Smith Farm. To reach the Miss Ruedger was k hired By Clintori Works as head nurse on the 2nd floor on .the Smith Farm, go east on Price Rd to t Memorial in 1952 as a nurses aide, 3-Upm shift, r ShepardsvUle.
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