unIIIII----IIII1l IIII1_illll_,IIII1_iUll_ ; ORNL/TM-12350 b OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Nuclear Decay Data Files of the MA R'FIN MARIETTA Dosimetry Research Group K. F. Eckerman R. J. Westfall J. C. Ryman • M. Cristy MANAGEDBY MARTINMARIETTAENERGYSYSTEMS,INC. E;_STr_.,___.0_(._,_ __-;i_ZLJO,,:;.._-_._l W__,',:;_t_.__',_!i ;,: FORTHEUNITEDSTATES DEPARTMENTOFENERGY This report has been reproduced directlyfrom the best available copy. Availableto DOE and DOE contractorsfrom the Office of Scientificand Techni- cal Information,P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; prices available from (615) 576-8401, FTS 626-8401. Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce,5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield,VA 22161. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.Neither the United States Governmentnor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied,or assumes any legal liabilityor responsibilityfor the accuracy, com- pleteness, or usefulnessof any information,apparatus, product,or process dis- N closed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercialproduct, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer,or otherwise, does not necessarilyconsti- tute or imply its endorsement,recommendation,or favoringby the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed hereindo not necessarilystate or reflect those of the United States Governmentor any agency thereof. • ORNL/TM-12350 Dist. Category UC-407 q Health Sciences Research Division NUCLEAR DECAY DATA FILES OF THE DOSIMETRY RESEARCH GROUP K. F. Eckerman R. J. Westfall J. C. Ryman " M. Cristy December 1993 Research sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U. S. Department of Energy, Washington,DC 20545,and the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,WashingtonDC, 20460,under Interagenc_"Agreement 1824-C148-A1,EPA NO. DW89934657-3. Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 . managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. for the o U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 T..M3LE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................... iv LIST OF HGURES ......................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................... vi ABSTRACT .............................................................. vii I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1 II. NUCLEAR DECAY DATA FILES .......................................... 6 Index Files ICRP38.IDX and MIRD.IDX .................................... 7 Radiation Files ICRP38.RAD and MIRD.RAD .............................. 10 Beta Spectra Files ICRP38.BET and MIRD.BET ............................. 13 HI. OUTPUT FILES FROM UTILITY DEXRAX ................................ 17 IV. THE DEXRAX PROGRAM .............................................. 19 Introduction ......................................................... 19 . Directory Structure Required for DEXRAX ................................ 19 Description of the DEXRAX Utility ...................................... 21 Description of DEXRAX Routines ....................................... 23 V. HOW TO RUN DEXRAX ................................................ 26 Examples ........................................................... 26 Example 1: Extracting Radiations Data for a Chain ........................... 27 Example 2: Extracting Radiations Data and Beta Spectra for 2 Overlapping Chains .................................................. 31 Example 3: Choosing a List of Nuclides, Without Daughters, and Writing the List to an LST File ............................................... 35 Example 4: Using an LST File ........................................... 40 Example 5: Radiations Data from a Radionuclide with Spontaneous Fission ........ 40 VI. CONCLUSIONS ....................................................... 46 VII. REFERENCES ....................................................... 46 APPENDIX A. SUMMARY OF NUCLEAR DECAY DATA ...................... A-1 ,,,t 111 II LIST OF TABLES p Table 1. Nuclides in ICRP38 Collection from MIRD Monograph ............. 2 Table 2. Nuclides for which MIRD Collection has Later ENSDF Date than ICRP38 Collection ................................ 3 Table 3. Structure of Records in ICRP38.IDX and MIRD.IDX Files .......... 8 Table 4. First 36 and Last 13 Records of File ICRP38.IDX ................. 9 Table 5. Records for First 8 Radionuclides in File ICRP38.RAD ............ 11 Table 6. Description of ICODE ...... .. ............................. 12 Table 7. Excerpts from First 5 Records of File ICRP38.BET ............... 14 Table 8. Structure of Records in DEXRAX Radiations Data Output File ...... 15 Table 9. Example of a DEXRAX Radiations Data Output File ............. 16 - Table 10. Structure of Records in DEXRAX Beta Spectra Output File ........ 17 Table 11. Example of a DEXRAX Beta Spectra Output File ................ 18 Table 12. Isomers with Nonstandard Naming Convention .................. 39 Table 13. Expressions for Computation of Intensities and Average Energies of Radiations Accompanying Spontaneous Fission ...... 44 Table A-1. Summary Information on the Nuclear Transformation of the Radionuclides in ICRP38 Collection .......................... A-3 Table A-2. Summary Information on the Nuclear Transformation of the Radionuclides in MIRD Collection .......................... A- 19 iv r. LIST OF FIG_ Figure 1. Composite Beta Spectrum for S7Kr ............................. 5 Figure 2. DCAL: Radiation Dose and Risk Calculational System ............ 20 Figure 3A. DEXRAX Run, Example 1 ................................. 28 Figure 3B. Log File from DEXRAX Run, Example 1 ...................... 30 Figure 4A. DEXRAX Run, Example 2 ................................. 32 Figure 4B. Log File from DEXRAX Run, Example 2 ...................... 34 Figure 5A. DEXRAX Run, Example 3 ................................. 36 Figure 5B. Contents of File MISC.LST Created in DEXRAX • Run of Example 3 ........................................ 38 . Figure 6A. DEXRAX Run, Example 4 ................................. 41 Figure 6B. LOg File DEXRAX.LOG from Examples 3 and 4 ................. 43 Figure 7. Example 5: Input and Output RAD Files for a Nuclide with Spontaneous Fission ............................ 45 ACKNO_G]m_MEN'I_ This report represents a culmination of efforts by various members of the "Oak Ridge" . dosimetry group undertaken during the preparation of Publication 30 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The authors wish to acknowledge the earlier efforts of M. R. Ford and S. B. Watson in assembling these data on the ORNL mainframe computers. Particular appreciation is extended to Prof. L T. Dillman, Ohio Wesleyan University, whose technical expertise served the nuclear decay data needs of the "Oak Ridge" dosimetry group for many years. Preparation of this report was funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. The development of the underlying methodologies were supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U. S. Department of Energy. R.J. Westfall was supported by the Internship Program of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities. vi ABSTRACT This report documents the nuclear decay data files used by the Dosimetry Research Group " at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the utility DEXtLAX which provides access to the files. The files are accessed, by nuclide, to extract information on the intensities and energies of the radiations associated with spontaneous nuclear transformation of the radionuclides. In addition, beta spectral data are available for all beta-emitting nuclides. Two collections of nuclear decay data are discussed. The larger collection contains data for 838 radionuclides, which includes the 825 radionuclides assembled during the preparation of Publications 30 and 38 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and 13 additional nuclides evaluated in preparing a monograph for the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. The second collection is composed of data from the MIRD monograph and contains information for 242 radionuclides. Abridged tabulations of these data have been published by the ICRP in Publication 38 and by the Society of Nuclear Medicine in a monograph entitled "MIRD: Radionuclide Data and Decay Schemes." The beta spectral data reported here have not been published by either organization. Electronic copies of the files and the utility, along with this report, are available from the Radiation Shielding Information Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. vii L INTRODUCTION tt The Dosimetry Research Group (DRG) of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL) hasfor severalyearsmaintaineddatabases of nuclear decaydata for use in dosimetric calculations TM. Although other sources of radioactive decay information are availables'6,our data base, in machine-readable form, has been explicitly designed to address the needs in medical, environmental, and occupational radiation protection. These needs are generally served by information on the mean or unique energy of each radiation and its absolute intensity, including the subsequent atomic radiations. Calculations
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