Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU Volume 25 Lanthorn, 1968-2001 10-10-1990 Lanthorn, vol. 25, no. 07, October 10, 1990 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol25 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Lanthorn, vol. 25, no. 07, October 10, 1990" (1990). Volume 25. 7. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol25/7 This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 25 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 25 Issue 7 October 10,1990 Health Services reccommends immunization By Steve Ungrey News Writer As a protection against the influenza viruses this winter, the Health Services division is offering flu shots to any faculty, staff, or students who wish to be immunized this year. According to Dr. Donn (NMI) Ketcham, a physician for Campus Town Professionals, ideally everybody on campus should get immunized for the upcoming flu season. Ketcham adds that flu breakouts disrupted the campus last year more so than previous PHOTO BY BOB COOLEY years, and that he sees a slight downward trend for flu cases on A traffic control light wav installed at the M-45 and South Campus Drive intersection last Friday (10-5). The light will be fully functional in at campus this year. least a week from installation. The Department of Public Safety warns drivers approaching the light to use caution even when the light is green. “There usually is an epidemic of flu every two or three years, and getting immunized is the best way to protect yourself from US Attorney General to speak at GVSU the flu virus under crowded conditions here on campus,” However, because It' Jennifer I . Wigger burgh served as Governor of Ketcham said. space is limited, New \ Wnier Pennsylvania Irom 1979 to 1987. People at highest risk for 11 u I rom 1987 to lOhh he was the tickets arc required. this season should definitely Beginning Mon­ Ne\[ Thill's,].iy. October IS. Direetor of the Institute of Poli­ plan on being immunized for the day, October 15, lhe Attorney (iener.il o! the tics at Harvard University’s Ken winter months. Ketcham noted tickets to Mr, Thorn­ l inted St.ites. Rnh.itd I horn nedv School ol Government. that this category includes burgh's speech will tun eh. will visit (ir.ind Valley In IMr. Thornburgh was people undergoing be available at the State 1 niv visits s Allendale appointed as Attorney General ol chemotherapy for cancer and Kirkhol Center In­ . ainpus. the l lined Stales. those afflicted with AIDS. In formation Desk, as While here. Thornburgh will As our nation’s chief law en- other words, people whose deliver a speech to the campus lorcemeni ollicer, Mr. Thorn­ well as the Ebcrhard immune systems are at risk Center Information community bureh is responsible for admini­ should immunize themselves tins Thornburgh's address is stering the nation’s criminal jus- Desk, on a first- year. scheduled to hike place at S 10 tice programs. come, lirst served a.in in Cabins A 1) on the third Admission to Mr Thorn­ basis SeeKI.Up in level ol Kirkhol Center burgh's s|K'ech is tree to Grand Prior to his appointment as Valley siudenLs. 1 acuity, and Rieluird I hornburgh Attornev Ceneral. Mr Thom stall t S Allarnes Ceneral Peace Fund brings nuclear awareness to GVSU Deb Nibult/ militarism and the rein, tmn ol we all kind ol emerged in an Gland Valley may apply lor the arms, militarism and world New, Wi.ie, the nu, lear .unis i.ue inlorrn.il wav. said Prolessor s, holarship [vacc are eligible lor the Peace I he Pea, e I mid Ivg.in w hen Andersen Professor Andersen, a member Fund essay contest. in 1 'by ( i r .m ,1 \ .i 11 e v < hand Rapids hiisinessni.m Mr Because ol ,0111111011 interest ol the Peace Fund laeulty The essav contest otters a i miihIik cd .i Iun,I tine, led Paul I lei I in.hi donated to < hand the laeulty eommittee was , ommutcc comments, " I he S2s() award and. like the It A .111! Mild, 111 .shit |>,'NM.'sS \ a i le v ' s emit vv men I I u ml lormed .iiul now works to ensure s, holarship is based on scholarship, is open to anv deep s t'liv i, linn-, .ihout the Helliii.iii spa, itie,l. In we v, i Ilolliii.ui s requests are met hy involvement in activity G. V S U student a, lively I ievenlit 'ii ,>1 mi, le.it w,tr and that his eomiibiilmn he used to distributing the proceeds ol the Students must have a history ol pursuing a degree pit ’in. 'le tli, . Ilt'it., .in.! ideas ol Peace lurid in u.ivs that are King involved with the peace Professor Anderson e' plains | v.k e keeping with the pinpose ol the movement and there arc lots ol the ililference between the l'it ! i a I himel Andersen lurid wavs that that ,an be done scholarship and the ess.iv I he Prolessm I).iv e Hu oman, Dr Nome use’s hii the pio,eeds I Ik s, holarship requires a scholarship e s.iv ictjunes i aiI HaKii.i. .lit,] In Kind..I in, hide the annual s, holarship poison.il oss.iv that indicates and demonstrated iiivt'lveinenl and Biiekeik make up a laiuliv and ,'ssav , oiliest, the purchase ev uleiK ,'s the students activitv where as the ess.iv C ampus l ife ...................p. G .on.n, iltee A hull ov el sees the i l lihi.uv materials and sup|x>rt , onv ie lions, , omnium,-ills and vonii'si eniiv inv, Ives a little C'l.issiiie,l .A,Is ........p. 1C I V.i, e I tint] \ll loui ol tomscs ih.it deal with the i n v ol v erne lit in a, ti v it u's in more thought and research iiistiu,tois U'.nn it-.i, It the i ssiit's t U w t>rId |v.k e keeping with the emphasis ol the Additional inlormauon on die 1: ntertainment.............p. 1 1 .outse. War in a Nuclear Age A Ns(X) award is available to Peace Fund Peace Fund is available in the ( Ipiniim .........................p. 4 ■ i lit ';s . students ea, h vear through the Students who tn.iv not ho ■\, ademi, Kesoiir, e i eliter S p orts..............................p. 1 ) Mi H,>11 irisin was .ov.ue that G V S U Pea,e bund involved m any jv.iic etloit but located on the ground ilooi ol there was t.nulty here that were s, holarship Any student who do [kissess an awareness the Commons interested m the (vace issue so actively pursuing a degree at and sensitivity about nuclear t. (Wfcf.'firtwwv Page 2 The Lanthorn October 10,1990 Polish exhibit on display Yellow ribbons worn in support of in L.V. Eberhard Center our soliders in the Middle East By Brian By Phil Seykora feature a piano recital by Marek Richards N ews Writer Kulikowiec, who will perform a News Writer piece of music never heard in An cultural exhibit from Po­ the W est A former professor of In an effort to land will be on display in the Music in Krakow, Kulikowiec support the U.S. Eberhard Center from October was involved in the underground soldiers in the 11-18. movement of 1968. Middle East, The exhibit, “Independent LaDon Gustafson, Conference yellow ribbons Culture in Poland: An Exhibi­ Director at the Eberhard Center, are available at tion,” is a says, "We are the Student Life collection trying to at­ Office or Infor­ mation desk for of literature, tract more GVSU students. films, sheet and more ex­ M embers theater, and hibits to the from the Student building thus p o l i t i c a l “We are trying to Senate and Stu­ c a r t o o n s attracting dent Life Office which docu­ attract more and people from have been m ents the more exhibits to the the Grand pleased with the struggle of Rapids com- idea. the Polish building, thus m u n i t y . “Its a pretty people dur­ attracting people Through this good idea for the ing the im­ effort, we people repre­ senting peace in position of from the Grand hope the ex­ the world. More martial law. hibits will be Rapids community. people should be informative The ex­ —LaDon Gustafson wearing them,” hibit began to our stu­ said Octavio its tour of dents as Aguilar, a mem­ the United well.” ber of the Stu- States at the She adds, 'dent Senate, who John F. “We encour­ encourages GV Kennedy Library in Boston, and age students to stop on the sec­ students to give has also been on display in the ond floor and see the exhibits.” moral support Rotunda of the United States Reservations for the opening Another Stu­ dent Senator, Capitol Building. In Grand Rap­ reception can be made by calling Bethany LeButt ids, the exhibit will be hosted by the Acton Institute at (616) 454- said, “I really Grand Valley and is sponsored 3080. The cost of $20 per per­ like the fact that buy the Polish Heritage Society son or $35 per couple will bene­ our students and the Acton Institute for the fit the Institute and help defray know what’s i• i* ■ Study of Religion and Liberty.
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