General information about company Scrip code 538993 Name of the company PUROHIT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Class of Security Equity Shares Type of report Quarterly Quarter Ended 31‐12‐2015 Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date Shareholding pattern filed under Regulation 31 (1) (b) Sr. No. Particular Yes/No 1 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities 2 No ? 3 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ?No Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which 4 No depository receipts are issued? 5 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked‐in? No Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or 6 No otherwise encumbered? Whether company has equity shares with differential voting 7 No rights Table I ‐ Summary Statement holding of specified securities Note : Data will be automatically populated from shareholding pattern sheet ‐ Data Entry Restricted in this sheet No. Of Shareholdiof Vong Rightsheld in each class ofsecuri No. Of No. Of Shares Sharehold Number of Locked in Number of Shares Number No. of No. Of Total nos. Partly ng as a % No of Voting (XIV) Rights Shares Underlying ing , as a shares pledged or otherwise of equity fully paid shares shares Nos. Of paid‐up of total Underlyin No. Of Outstanding % As a % of As a % of shares Category Category of shareholder up equity underlying held Total as shareholders equity no. of Class g Warrants convertible assuming total total held in (I) (II) shares Depository (VII) = Class a % of No. No. (III) shares shares eg: Total Outstandi (Xi) securities full Shares Shares demateria held Receipts (IV)+(V)+ eg:y (A+B+C) (a) (a) held (calculate X ng and No. Of conversio held held lized form (IV) (VI) (VI) (V) d as per convertibl Warrants n of (b) (b) (XIV) (A) Promoter & Promoter Group 8 1454398 1454398 33.01 33.01 1454398 (B) Public 5707 2951202 2951202 66.99 66.99 1434002 (C) Non Promoter‐ Non Public (C1) Shares underlying DRs (C2) Shares held by Employee Trusts Total 5715 4405600 4405600 2888400 No. Of Shareholder of Vong Rights held in each class of securi No. Of No. Of Sharehold Number of Locked in Number of Shares Number No. of No. Of Total nos. Partly ing as a % No of Vong (XIV)Rights Shares Shares ing , as a shares pledged or otherwise of equity Category & Name Nos. Of fully paid shares shares Total as ppaidaid‐uupp of total UnderlyinUnderlyin No. Of UnderlyinUnderlyin % As a % of As a % of shares off ththe shareholdehhldup equityit underlyingdli hldheld a % off Sr. equity no. of Class g Warrants g assuming total total held in Shareholders rs shares Depository (VII) = Class Total No. No. shares shares eg: Total Outstandi (Xi) Outstandi full Shares Shares demateria (I) (III) held Receipts (IV)+(V)+ eg:y Voting (a) (a) held (calculate X ng ng conversio held held lized form (IV) (VI) (VI) rights (V) d as per convertibl convertibl n of (b) (b) (XIV) A Table II ‐ Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group (1) Indian (a) Individuals/Hindu undivided Family 7 1345698 1345698 30.55 30.55 1345698 (b) Central Government/ State Government(s) (c) Financial Institutions/ Banks (d) Any Other (specify) 1 108700 108700 2.47 2.47 108700 Sub‐Total (A)(1)()() 8 1454398 1454398 33.01 33.01 1454398 (2) Foreign (a) Individuals (NonResident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals) (b) Government (c) Institutions (d) Foreign Portfolio Investor (e) Any Other (specify) Sub‐Total (A)(2) Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 8 1454398 1454398 33.01 33.01 1454398 Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Promoter & Promoter Group B Table III ‐ Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder (1) Institutions (a) Mutual Funds (b) Venture Capital Funds (c) Alternate Investment Funds (d) Foreign Venture Capital Investors (e) Foreign Portfolio Investors (f) Financial Institutions/ Banks (g) Insurance Companies (h) Provident Funds/ Pension Funds (i) Any Other (specify) Sub‐Total (B)(1) ( 2 ) Central Government/ State Government(s)/ President of India SubSub‐TotalTotal (B)(2)(B)(2) ( 3 ) Non‐institutions (a(i)) Individuals ‐ i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 5680 1839634 1839634 41.76 41.76 351134 (a(ii)) Individuals ‐ ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs. 6 1062975 1062975 24.13 24.13 1062975 (b) NBFCs registered with RBI (c) Employee Trusts (d) Overseas Depositories (holding DRs) (balancing figure) (e) Any Other (specify) 21 48593 48593 1.10 1.10 19893 Sub‐Total (B)(3) 5707 2951202 2951202 66.99 66.99 1434002 Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3) 5707 2951202 2951202 66.99 66.99 1434002 Details of the shareholders acting as persons in Concert for Public Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Public C Table IV ‐ Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter‐ Non Public shareholder ( 1 ) Custodian/DR Holder ‐ Name of DR Holders (If Available) ( 2 ) Employee Benefit Trust (under SEBI (Share based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014) Total NonPromoter‐ Non Public Shareholding Total ( A+B+C2 ) 5715 4405600 4405600 100.00 100.00 2888400 Total (A+B+C ) 5715 4405600 4405600 2888400 Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern Add Notes No. Of No. Of Sharehold Number of Voting Rights held in each class No. Of No. Of Sharehold Number of Locked in Number of Shares Number Total nos. Partly shares ing as a % No of Voting (XIV) Rights Shares Shares ing , as a shares pledged or otherwise of equity Name No. of fully shares Total as paid‐up underlyin of total Underlyin No. Of Underlyin % As a % of As a % of shares Searial of the paid up equity held a % of equity g no. of g Warrants g assuming total total held in No. Shareholders shares held (VII) = Class Class Total No. No. shares Depositor shares Total Outstandi (Xi) Outstandi full Shares Shares demateria (I) (IV) (IV)+(V)+ eg:X eg:y Voting (a) (a) held y Receipts (calculate ng ng conversio held held lized form (VI) rights (V) (VI) d as per convertibl convertibl n of (b) (b) (XIV) A1(a) Individuals/Hindu undivided Family Add Delete 1 NARENDRA MAGANLAL PUROHIT 648700 648700 14.72 14.72 648700 2 SAUMIL N PUROHIT 245910 245910 5.58 5.58 245910 3 HEMLATA NARENDRA PUROHIT 209990 209990 4.77 4.77 209990 4 KUMUDCHANDRA ISHVARLAL SHERAVIA 85998 85998 1.95 1.95 85998 5 AMI NARENDRA PUROHIT 78000 78000 1.77 1.77 78000 6 URVI NARENDRA PUROHIT 58400 58400 1.33 1.33 58400 7 DEEPKIRAN SAUMIL PUROHIT 18700 18700 0.42 0.42 18700 1345698 1345698 30.55 30.55 1345698 Shareholdi Number of Voting Rights held in each class of No. Of No. Of Shareholdi Number of Locked in Number of Shares Number No. of No. Of No. Of Total nos. No. ng as a % No of Voting (XIV) Shares Shares ng , as a % shares pledged or otherwise of equity Name fully paid Partly paid‐ shares shares Total as of the ofof totaltotal UnderlyinUnderlyin No. Of UnderlyinUnderlyin assumingassuming AsAs a % ofof AsAs a % ofof sharesshares Searial of the up equity up equity underlying held a % of Category Sharehold no. of Class g Warrants g full total total held in No. Shareholders shares shares Depositor (VII) = Class Total No. No. ers shares eg: Total Outstandi (Xi) Outstandi conversio Shares Shares demateria (I) held held y Receipts (IV)+(V)+ eg:y Voting (a) (a) (I) (calculate X ng ng n of held held lized form (IV) (V) (VI) (VI) rights d as per convertibl convertibl convertibl (b) (b) (XIV) A1(d) Any Other (specify) Add Delete 1 Bodies Corporate STATUS FINSTOCKS PVT.LTD. 1 108700 108700 2.47 2.47 108700 1 108700 108700 2.47 2.47 108700 No. Of Shareholding as Number of Voting Rights held in each class No. Of Shareholdin Number of Locked in Number of No. Of Total nos. No. Of Shares No. of fully Partly a % of total no. No of Voting (XIV) Shares g , as a % shares equity Name shares shares Total as Underlying paid up paid‐up of shares No. Of Underlying assuming As a % of shares held Searial of the underlying held a % of Outstanding equity shares equity (calculated as Class Warrants Outstanding full total in No. Shareholders Depository (VII) = Class Total convertible No. held shares per SCRR, 1957) eg: Total (Xi) convertible conversion Shares demateriali (I) Receipts (IV)+(V)+ eg:y Voting securities (a) (IV) held (VIII) X securities of held zed form (VI) (VI) rights (X) (V) As a % of and No. Of convertible (b) (XIV) B3(a(i)) Individuals ‐ i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 1 NIHARIKA SUBHASHCHANDRA PARIKH 17000 17000 0.39 0.39 17000 2 MAHENDRA HARKISHANDAS SANGHANI . 8500 8500 0.19 0.19 8500 3 PATEL MAULIK DAHYABHAI 7969 7969 0.18 0.18 7969 4 ROHAN RAJENDRABHAI VASA 7824 7824 0.18 0.18 7824 5 PRAKASH KASTURBHAI SHAH 7305 7305 0.17 0.17 7305 6 ANAND VINODBHAI NAGARSHETH 5000 5000 0.11 0.11 5000 7 DARSHANA NOMIT VORA 5000 5000 0.11 0.11 5000 8 PATEL KIRAN CHANDULAL 5000 5000 0.11 0.11 5000 9 SANDHYA ULLAS SUTARIA 5000 5000 0.11 0.11 5000 10 SUNILKUMAR C MEHTA 4787 4787 0.11 0.11 4787 11 VANDANA VINODBHAI NAGERSHETH 4500 4500 0.10 0.10 4500 12 SAILESH KIRTANLAL SHAH 4000 4000 0.09 0.09 4000 13 ILA NITIN SHAH 4000 4000 0.09 0.09 4000 14 DIVYA PRAKASH SHAH 3900 3900 0.09 0.09 3900 15 RATANLAL GULABCHAND GUPTA 3500 3500 0.08 0.08 3500 16 RASHMIKABEN DILIPBHAI KAPATEL 3500 3500 0.08 0.08 3500 17 MEHTA KETKI MUKESH 3500 3500 0.08 0.08 3500 18 PATEL BHUPENDRA AMBALAL 3300 3300 0.07 0.07 3300 19 SUDHA DILIP KOTHARI 3300 3300 0.07 0.07 3300 20 HARESH H.
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