X,H wm>M Register for • -' -'? '-XWKF'l^'-'-^'W^- - O&E tourneys WIITLAND A GANNETT COMPANV Registration continues for the annual Observer & Eccentric Hometown Media golf tournaments starting with women's event, which is scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 26, at Livonia's Whispering Willows. PRICE: $1 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2012 • hometownlife.com The 35-hole medal play = men's event follows Sun­ day, Sept. 2, at Livonia's Fox Creek and Monday, Sept. 3, at Whispering Willows golf courses. Entries for the men's tourney, limited to the Goci facing charge of first 120 golfers, close at . 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27. The entry fee is $95 (does ' not include cart). To par­ ticipate you must have a USGA index handicap lying to federal agents (maximum of 20). The men's event also includes A a 17-and-under boys By LeAnne Rogers federal court arraign­ for the school district and released later in the day. junior division. The entry Observer Staff Writer ment, Goci could face up our students," he said. The criminal complaint, fee is $49. to five years in prison, if Baracy declined to talk unsealed earlier today, 1 You can register in Wayne-Westland school convicted. about the specifics, say- . charges that Goci lied person at Whispering board member and recent Goci has served on the ing "we have no knowl­ to federal agents about Willows, located at congressional candidate Wayne-Westland school edge of John's personal a loan he obtained from 20500 Newburgh Road, John Goci was arrest­ board since 2009. School business." Tomo Duhanaj, accused just south of Eight Mile. ed earlier Wednesday on officials learned of his "We have no further of running a loan shark­ (Checks should be made a charge of lying to fed­ arrest Wednesday morn­ information as to the cir­ ing operation and being payable to TJ.W, Inc.) For eral agents investigating ing and alerted the other cumstances surrounding an illegal immigrant from more information, visit an alleged loan shark who board members, accord­ this situation; however, Albania. www.golflivonia.com or John Goci, a Wayne-West- owns Bray's Hamburgers. ing to Superintendent we do not believe there is Specifically, the indict­ call (248) 4764493. land school board trustee FBI agents took Goci GregBaracy. any relationship between ment charges Goci lied and a recent candidate for into custody at his home "It's very unfortunate to this event and the Wayne- to federal agents by tell­ Congress, was arrested in the 36000 block of Can­ have school board mem­ Westland Community ing them his loan from Wednesday morning by yon in Westland. ber arrested by the FBI School District," he said Waste dropoff the FBI. Released following his and it's very unfortunate in a prepared statement Please see GOCI, A2 Wayne County's Department of Public Services will hold a county-wide Household Hazardous Waste Collec­ W-W board accepts tion from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25, in the lot behind JC Penne/s at the Westland Shopping applications for Center, 35000 Warren Road. All waste must be from vacant position residential sources only. Items that will be ac­ cepted include household By Sue Mason "She brought a lot to paints, stains, dyes, floor Observer Staff Writer the school board," said care products, bathroom Middel. "She was willing cleaners, stain removers, ' The Wayne-Westland to put in the time to be solvents, pharmaceutical school board has begun on the board. It's unfor­ waste, lawn and garden the process of filling a' tunate, and I'm going to chemicals, pesticides, au- " vacancy in its ranks cre­ miss her." tomotive and dry cell bat­ ated by the resignation . The school board has teries, fluorescent bulbs of Andrea Clawson last 30 days from the time (all types), fire extinguish­ week. of Clawson's resigna­ ers, smoke detectors and The board is accepting tion to fill the vacancy. mercury thermometers. applications from resi­ The trustees will meet Televisions, computers, dents interested in the in special session at 6 printers, fax machines, appointment through 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, to copiers, VCRs, DVD play­ p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5. interview candidates and ers, microwaves, stereos, Clawson resigned from then select a new mem-. speakers, miscellaneous the board last week, "due ber. The person selected cables, computer parts, to a personal decision will serve until the next telephones, cell phones, ._ PHOTOS BY STEPHEN CANTRELL | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER that will affect my eligi­ school election in Novem­ game counsels and hand­ Lt. Gov. Brian Calley tells Wayne and Westland officials that the consolidation of the cit­ bility required to serve ber 2014 when voters will held electronics devices ies' two fire departments could be a model for other communities around the state. as a trustee." She had just select a candidate to fin­ also will be accepted. completed her first full , ish out the remainder of year on the board when the term. For more information, she submitted her letter Applicants must be at call (734) 326-3936. W-W fire merger earns of resignation. least 18 years old, a U.S. School board President citizen, resident of the Carol Middel said Claw- state of Michigan and the praise from state's Calley son's resignation was "a Win Lions loss for the school board." Please see BOARD, A2 tickets By LeAnne Rogers Enter our Facebook Observer Staff Writer contest for a chance to win two tickets to see the The cooperative efforts CouncilOKs five-year Detroit Lions take on the that resulted in the cre­ St Louis Rams Sunday, ation of the new con­ Sept 9, at Ford Field. If solidated Wayne-West­ you want a chance to land Fire Department clothing recycling pact be in the stands the first could be a model for oth­ game of the regular er communities across By LeAnne Rogers first seven months of season, go to hometown- the state, according to Lt. Observer Staff Writer. 2012, the actual revenue ltfe.com today. Share Gov. Brian Calley. was $9,300. the contest link with a "We started discus­ A new five-year agree­ "We have increased the Facebook friend and sion of consolidated ser­ ment will keep those number of locations (for get five extra chances to vices to keep costs down clothing recycling bins collection bins). They win if they also enter the and not only maintain in place around Westland were at city buildings contest The winner will but improve services," and providing revenue to originally and now we've be selected at random said Calley, speaking at State Rep. Richard LeBlanc (from left), D-Westland, 18th the city. ' added containers," said Sept 5. the grand opening of the District Judge Sandra Ference Cidrelli and Wayne County Council members Mayor William Wild. "We , combined Fire Adminis­ Executive Robert Ficano listen to Calle/s remarks. approved the agreement get the most amount of trative Of f ice in Wayne with City Recyclers of revenue from the longer Monday morning. "This success. "We never worried Dearborn effective Sept. agreement. There are no is exactly what we were 1. A one-year agree­ costs to the city, it's pure INDEX "You've done this in about stuff like which talking about." a way that is poised for name is first, we've ment with Wear It Again, revenue for the city." Business A11 the company's previ­ Crossword Puzzle ....B12 Effective July 1, the growth and will perhaps worked together for ' Another resident, Barb Entertainment B8 Westland and Wayne fire allow other communities years. Wayne-Westland ous name, expires Aug. Hatfield, had questioned Food B10 departments were com­ to join," said Calley. "It Schools just rolls off the 30. The city receives two whether it was a new Homes'. B12 bined and began operat­ provides for the future tongue," said Westland cents per pound for recy­ company or there had Jobs :;....B13 ing under Michael Red- vitality of the communi­ Mayor William Wild. cled clothing under the been a name change. Obituaries B7 dy, who retired as West- ty. It shows that the lead­ "The Wayne-Westland''" current contract. It will "I was concerned that Opinion A12 land fire chief to become ership has the best inter­ Fire Department just fol­ increase to five cents per it was a for profit com­ Services B12 pound under the new lon­ Sports B1 a shared chief for the ests of the communi­ lows." pany," said Hatfield, who Wheels ...B14 merged operation. Shar­ ty in mind. I appreciate ' With 15 firefighters ger agreement. also asked about how ing a chief alone is the union leadership and funded through feder- < "How much did the much revenue the city © The Observer & Eccentric reported to save West- affected employees who al money for two years, city make? Why is this had received from the \felume48 • Number 27 land $250,000. are here." Wild said the depart­ contract for five years? recycling company. Noting similar merg­ Commenting that Red- ments were going to be That's a stretch of time," The city knew that Home Delivery: er efforts had failed in dy was the perfect name in a tough spot the third said resident Nancy Fro- the firm was a for prof­ (866) 887-2737 other communities for for a fire chief, Cal­ year in the face of declin­ reich. it company when the . various reasons, Calley ley said he had won­ ing property tax reve­ When the initial con­ original agreement was Return Address: v 41304 Concept Dr. credited the cooperative dered how it was decided nues.
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